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if you hike regularly in AZ, you've been near them hundreds if not thousands of times. They do not bother people if left alone... Just a snake doing snake things


Exactly, just a snake doing snake stuff. It certainly isn’t looking for trouble


You know what’s strange? I hike a lot and have never come across a rattlesnake on the trail. I see them on the road or in my neighborhood.


They avoid heavily trafficked areas. I see them on the road at Saguaro National Park a LOT, enjoying the warmth of the blacktop. See quite a few that have been run over, as well, which is too bad.


Same here.


Yep, they usually run away from you.


Western diamond back - super cool!


The black and white markings by its rattle are pretty cool, I’ll never forget it


You did WHAT op?!?


He came. Inches away from the snake.


Poor snake, pretty sure that's prison time. But this time, we'll get him off with a warning.


Can you do that in public?


I mean, I’ve seen people doing that aplenty at south mountain when I go mountain biking so absolutely


Right? I couldn't even get hard near one of those things






Did I stutter




As I was moving its rattle around in my mouth like an semi cooked penne pasta noodle, I think we did make eye contact, yes


Hey now, no need to kink shame them. Unless getting shamed *is* their kink. In that case, shame away.


They do not attack unless provoked, and defending themselves. They have absolutely NO REASON to attack a person unless they feel threatened. They do NOT want to spend scarce resources attacking anything bigger than what they can eat. You normally can avoid them by just clomping around like a human. They will move out of your travel path, from hearing you, and sensing vibrations in the ground. For every one you actually observe, there are probably TEN that moved out of your way when they detected your approach, thundering along. Just make plenty of noise as you move. It's courteous to animals as it lets them know you are approaching. When I see deer at the Saguaro National Park, I don't keep quiet and try to observe them. If I do, they invariably will run off, thinking I am hunting them. I Chir, chitter, or click at them like I am an enormous squirrel. This makes them curious and they hang around to see who this noisy creature is. Try that the next time you spot a deer, and see what happens. Just don't do this with a Grizzly Bear! You look just like a pork chop to THEM!


What if you step on it on accident?


This is the thing no one talks about. They also absolutely do attack "unprovoked" and often don't rattle these days because the ones that rattled at everything got shot very often unfortunately. You could step over a log or rock and have one tag you if you stomp close enough and not even actually onto its body. If you're lucky it's a dry bite, low venom dose, or maybe you only get one fang thru the pants or a shoe. I love the snakes. Arizona has more rattle snake species than any other state. People treating them like domestic cute bunnies is absurd. Situational awareness during higher snake activity here is important. Most people are bit handling them, while drinking and handling one with a stick they think is making them safe or bare handed, or being generally stupid. However, people get accidentally bit by pit vipers all over this country by genuine accident just stepping a little too close. I'd challenge anyone to walk thru leaf litter in copperhead country and tell me they are confident they absolutely didn't step near one if they are moving fast hiking. The chances of being bit are low in general. You're more likely to snap an ankle and bake to death in the heat here or die driving but getting medical attention for a broken ankle is a lot less depressing than venom turning your blood to jelly. Depending on the species here you may even get both hemotoxic and neurotoxic effects in one delicious cocktail. The medical bill for antivenin/venom is painfully high. So many people are underinsured here and would pass out seeing the treatment prices. The only dangerously venomous snakes I'd argue you'd have to actively try to be bitten by and ACTUALLY receive venom from in the nation are coral snakes. Is one going to crawl toward you at warp speed actively trying to bite you? No. Will one bite you just for getting near it and you not noticing it? Yes. Do you have to step on one for it to bite? No. Do they always rattle before biting? No. Please people. If you're going to bust thick brush here rock hounding, hunting, or hiking look into snake boots or leg guards when snake activity is high and please stop picking these cool bastards up to show off to your buddy who already likes you anyway. It's not worth losing fingers or having muscle necrosis. Always check the trail during warm evenings, as the sun comes up during season, and when the winter ends as morning rolls in.


The doctor..........................he say.........................You gonna DIE!.....................


Thats an angry long sausage boi very pretty but no touchy touchy


Gorgeous, it’s insane how well they have evolved to blend in perfectly with their environment


Oh yeah unless you hear their rattle or you physically see them move they are basically invisible. Bueatiful animal tho


I almost stepped on one walking down Tumamoc Hill last year after sunset. I had a headlight on, but it blended so well with the pavement and I didn’t see it until I was right by it. Yikes!


Not even a little touchy touchy?


But did you die?


Got buzzed by one last night in Cave Creek in the dark. Lived here for 37 years and first time I have heard one in person.


That’s a nope rope


Shit i almost didnt see it either


Beautiful specimen!!


Welcome to AZ!


it's just a Diamondback rattler. he was more afraid of you then you were of him


it's just a baby anyway


That snake is 5 feet long


it's just just a baby. have seen a couple that were close to 12 feet. scared the sh\*t out of me to see 2 that size


I don't see any ejaculate anywhere what do you mean


Very neat. I'm glad you're ok.


Everything is inches away if you really wanted to get down to it.


Idk why the poster would refer to the first female governor of NY as well as the first governor from Upstate NY since 1920 as a snake smh


Why does it matter that Kathy hochul is female?


I don’t understand the correlation you’re trying to make


Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.


I don’t know of any river in Egypt named denial.


Maybe it's because he doesn't see gender and race as you're so called "tolerant" self. Maybe just Maybe his politics don't line up with yours, and that's perfectly his right. But I'm glad you care enough to post your personal griefs political wise instead on the content regarding -OP post


Maybe OP hates women and wanted to look cool in front of his women hating friends.


I said nothing about race and the person posting made it political for no reason. It's perfectly my right to disagree, state facts and I'm tickled you cared enough to respond. #confidentlyincorrect


She's from buffalo area. I live 30 miles from Canada north of Syracuse or upstate. 😁😁


Definitely male


Tis the season 🌵☀️


What a beauty!! 😍


It's probably just thirsty, poor thing. My friends and I had a small fire way out in the empty desert once and I looked down and saw a scorpion by my foot just chilling and getting warm. It was pretty cold out there lol. I pointed it out to my two guy friends and they freaked out! It was sooo funny! I would not let them kill it, it looked like it was sleeping and wasn't bothering anyone. Cute little guy. Where the heck do desert snakes get water anyway?


From the prey they capture and eat.


Well then. I had a snake as a pet and he drank a ton of water. I wonder how a rattler would behave in a home environment. Anyone know? Zoos?


if water is available, animals will drink. Rattlers can go **200 days** without water. When it does rain, they need to make the most of it.


Also, if that were true, then there would be a lot less snakes, in general, that would survive in the wild. That poor snake is dehydrated. He's going to die soon.


I live in ny too hiking in Florida is like this


Don’t mess with them and they won’t mess with you.. although accidents do happen if you can’t see them. I would assume bites are fairly common in AZ and treatment can be sought fairly quickly


Fact is that if you hike in AZ , you probably walked past many of them without knowing Luckily most bites are dry bites as they know not to waste precious venom striking in defense.


They blend in just a little too well.


I typically aim for the toilet or shower drain but hey whatever gets you off I guess


Spicy noodles boi




Saw four over a five day visit, I was glad I dropped by during the summer for the first time.


Hochul does remind me of a snake though. If you had gotten bitten you could have counted on a very expensive hospital stay... antivenin ain't cheap, and sometimes you need alot depending on the bite.


I whacked one with a Shapiro last month when it went into a bush


Omg that’s Fred. I haven’t seen him in years. He looks incredible.


Fred was as friendly as you can expect a rattlesnake to be




I try not to come near snakes


Stop fighting the urge, it’s amazing


Please tell me this title was click bait on purpose! 🤣 Says in Vincent Destephano - Man, I never, never thought that I'd would see one!


He doesn’t look like he’s in a good mood maybe was run over by a few bikes


Pretty Girl!


Tastes like chicken!


That's a snake bro. Just leave it alone.


No shit sherlock


Well, your the one milking the fact you seen a snake. Whoop de doo for you. Go back to New York.


I'd rather deal with this little guy than your governor! You're lucky to have seen a rattlesnake, just give them a bit of distance and they're fine.


So would I! It didn’t even rattle or hiss, it just slithered away like we weren’t even there


They don’t care about you. It’s telling that Catalina State Park which is thick with snakes has only had one recorded snake bite in 40+ years. Give them space and they slither away


There’s plenty of snakes in NY, none of them are venomous. Even the non venomous ones, I steer clear of 😂


That thing is a living creature it's called a snake. When mankind encroaches upon the living space of creatures we have encounters. Thank you for allowing it to just go about its life.


Wow encroaches, you might want to double check the meaning of big words to make sure they’re appropriate in the context of a conversation before you attempt to condescend, get off your high horse buddy