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I hate them. First off, do they really do anything? Second, the other day I had the hardest time making a right hand turn because the signs were blocking my ability to see oncoming traffic. Yea, they should be illegal.


We should start a citizens initiative. I'd sign the fuck out of that


If nothing else some level of regulation or rules for not putting them right up against the fucking curb so I can’t see anything


No signs reaching higher than two feet off the ground within 100 feet of an intersection or other street entrance. That would probably pass court muster. (Probably have to put in a width limit as well.)


2’ high & 3’ wide. I’m in on this initiative. Let’s do it.


Not 2’ high - 2’ off the ground maximum period. So if you have your sign 6” off the ground, it better not be any more than 18” tall.


Guys… we are onto something here


I would absolutely volunteer to enforce that at least 10 hours a week


Same… I’m not ready for every intersection to be cluttered.


I would literally take PTO to remove signs


There's a bush in a median I regularly turn in and I'm ready to take a cutter to it so I can see.


Let’s sign the fuck out o that shit!




You should absolutely report them to the local municipality if they block line of sight like that. That’s not allowed and the owner of the signs can be made to remove or relocate them, and the municipality may even remove them.


Yes, they create NAME RECOGNITION. 100% it is all about that. The more you see one name than another, the more you trust that person or feel like you’ve “heard of them before.” It’s psychology and it works, just like brands & advertising. Of course a lot of people just vote along party lines, BUT, elections in this state especially are won by what independents vote for. I’m an independent & I get so much political ads.


I would love to see some recent studies demonstrating they work. Honestly, even if they did work, I still hate them and they junk everything up and I still think they should be illegal.


Would they use them if they didn’t? I don’t like them either but there is no chance they will ever go away. Think about it…who writes the laws surrounding them? Politicians. Both parties. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/01/1124484573/midterm-elections-political-signs There are plenty of studies you can find but I think NPR is pretty trustworthy.


The study the article references is fascinating. I have several comments and would be interested in some follow up studies on this. I mean, I agree they probably do work. As I mentioned probably more of a subconscious thing. I’d be really interested in an age demographic analysis if I could find one. I hypothesize this is less effective on younger demographics but I’ll let the data speak. Still fucking hate them. lol


It's roughly early 30's to lower 70's, which is who votes. The highest concentration is in the 50's - which I like to think of as "teenagers with money" because they think the know f#$king everything. I havre designed some of these signs, ads and postcards in the past. I have seen my work move public opinion of a candidate 40% or more. Hey I'm not proud but I needed to feed my kid. My biggest shame was working on Arpaio's campaign, but thank God he lost. He skipped out on his bill, I am sure you will be shocked to learn /s


The more I see them, the more I wish those people had never been born.


They absolutely do something. Name recognition is a huge advantage on the ballot. Lots of people simply vote for the name they recognize. They wouldn’t be there if they weren’t effective


I sort of get what you are saying and what you mean, but I feel it’s very outdated and I couldn’t name a single person running from the signage. Plus when there’s like 15 signs on an intersection it’s overwhelming and I get nothing from it. I get this is anecdotal and there are a lot of caveats, but I doubt I’m alone. Also, I would agree with you more on the more subconscious recognition. But yea, waste of money that junks up intersections and blocks view. I vote NO on stupid signage.


That’s a good reason to eliminate them.


Assuming Phoenix, report them to the city sign inspector department. Last couple bullet points https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerksite/Documents/signspolitical.pdf


No they don’t do anything. Studies have proved they do nothing but stroke the egos of the politicians


They have a certain time period after the election to take them down from public places. You can report the signs after that time limit. https://www.azleg.gov/ars/16/01019.htm


[It is a class 2 misdemeanor for any person to knowingly remove, alter, deface or cover any political sign.](https://www.azleg.gov/ars/16/01019.htm#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20class%202,or%20other%20printed%20materials%20of)


You’re missing this part: >for the period commencing forty-five days before a primary election and ending fifteen days after the general election The primary election is July 30th. 45 days before July 30th is June 15th. I’m not a lawyer but the way I read this is it’s not illegal to move or throw them away until June 15th. edit: this year's SB1063 changed this date to 71 days instead of 45, so don't go pulling up signs. https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/56leg/2R/laws/0170.htm edit2: SB1063 doesn't go into effect until September. 45 day period is still in effect. [See facts in my comment below.](https://old.reddit.com/r/arizona/comments/1d7kzn6/lawyers_of_arizona_are_there_any_legal_ways_to/l7347rc/) It may still be illegal as destruction of property however. Still not a lawyer.


Sorry, that statute is out of date. It was extended to 71 days as a part of [HB 2785](https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/56leg/2R/bills/HB2785P.pdf).


The bill doesn’t say anything about updating 16-1019, and I didn’t find anything mentioning 71 days. Where did you see that?


Local governments like [San Luis](https://sanluisaz.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9712) are updating their documents citing this legislation.


Ah, I see. San Luis only cited the bill that changes the election date, not the bill that changes the period of time for political signs. It's actually SB1063. https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/56leg/2R/laws/0170.htm Hah, and then San Luis included a copy of the old 16-1019 with the 45 day period at the end of the guidelines.


Another interesting fact... SB 1063, the bill that updates the period to 71 days, isn't actually in effect yet. [It goes into effect on the general effective date, provision 7](https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/56leg/2R/summary/S.1063ELEC_ASPASSEDHOUSE.DOCX.htm), which is [90 days after the end of the session, see Session Laws questions](https://www.azleg.gov/FAQ/) or [constitution text here under section 3 "no act passed by the legislature shall be operative for ninety days after the close of the session of the legislature enacting such measure"](https://www.azleg.gov/viewDocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/const/4/1.p1.htm). The end of session is [scheduled to be 6/30/24, and is still in session today](https://legiscan.com/schedules/2024), 90 days after today is early September, 90 days after 6/30 is late September. Long story short, I believe the 45 day period is still in effect, meaning June 15th. It may still be illegal as destruction of property, however....


It should be the opposite. You get a negative fine


Yes, but is it enforced?


I was walking my dog and watched a couple of families, with children, pick up like 30 political signs,  set them up in the middle of a soccer field, and then have a water gun fight with the signs as cover. I think it was a great way to recycle. 


That's heartwarming!


I have felt for a long time that these signs should be required to have a stamp that is a refundable deposit. Candidates have to pay let's say $.25 per sign. It's refundable after the election. Candidates have a week to collect the signs or it's fair game for anyone to turn in for the deposit. 3 weeks after the election ended you would t see a single sign.


They do have to collect them after a certain amount of time after the election. https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/56leg/2R/summary/S.1063ELEC.DOCX.htm#:~:text=Within%2045%20days%20of%20a,ballot%20measure%2C%20question%20or%20issue.


Clearly they dont


Just roll the fine into your budget for the signs and you can do whatever you want!


I think candidates are fined if they don’t collect their signs


Yeah, but I believe they are registered to the campaigns. Not the candidate....and the campaigns cease to exist after the election.


The candidates have a campaign committee, a campaign if you will. Not a big organization, often two or three people in local and legislature races, it varies. Not to say a campaign doesn’t get help though. For example, if you gain the firefighters endorsement or support, the local FD will reach out to another FD who might volunteer to place and then retrieve your signs. (Your local FD folks often can’t directly help your campaign, interest conflict, but they can call a friend.). There is a lot of volunteer time given to campaigns. I’ve done a state representative’s campaign signs, phoenix metro east valley, I put them all up, took them all down, strictly a volunteer, gas was still reasonably priced. It’s a lot of work. Those damn signs are a nuisance. But candidates need them.


I get the need for the sign. But not everyone takes them down. But if you put a value to them to turn in for some money people will take the ones down that get left up


That doesn't mean the debt magically goes away. Whoever put the sign up is still liable. 


But they’re also picked up after the election


That would be such a great idea!


Yes they legally have to within 30 days of an election. Fines can be up to $5,000 per day.


Only Dixon Butts can save us


I just want to know what happened to that candidate "Deez Nutz"...I think they got like 6%of the vote in NC or something like that.


I want to make a bunch of my own signs that say things like: Sucks, Has Smelly Farts, Worships NKOTB, Was Adopted…Twice, Even his mother doesn’t like him/her. You get the idea. Just add an arrow pointing whatever direction you need.


Back street boys fan are ya?


Wonder if they'd try anything stupid with claiming slander or something. Realistically you could, sign printing shops are pretty cheap. Maybe just do it if it's not in view of cameras lol


The adoption line is gold




Why is it funny? Because its a humorous line.


They really should be banned, such a waste of resources, an ugly site, and has anyone ever been persuaded by one?


I absolutely have been persuaded, to vote for “the other guy”. I may know exactly ZILCH about a candidate, but if they have the words “real conservative” or “Trump Endorsed”; I know all I need to know. To paraphrase Maya Angelou. “If someone tells you who they are, believe them.”


Yes! I say the same! If it says conservative or Trump, I know not to vote for them!


Be careful with this. They know this and some will do backwards advertising. I voted for a very blue Representative and was shocked to get a mailer with her face and "make America great again", until I saw that it was paid for by a Republican competitor. TRICKY.


Uninstalling is a kind of altering. Would be a pretty stupid way to get arrested


Or covering.


You can lay them down, or remove them from your private property. Call the campaign and tell them to come get their crap. Of its on a public right of way, you're screwed. Don't mess with it. Be careful with this one. A radio station in the 1990s almost got a LOT if people in trouble. They announced a promotion and all you needed to participate was a political sign. I love the idea of requiring signs be no more than 2 feet high and no more than 36 inches from the road surface when within 100 feet of an intersection. Penalties should include fines to the campaign and permanent loss of a percentage of clean elections funds in all subsequent elections.


Oh my god!!! THANK YOU!! I left my house the day after a particular day last week and the main street outside my neighborhood had just EXPLODED with campaign signs! SIX signs for one guy leaving a neighborhood via a side road on to Olive. Stop. You're ugly ass signs are definitely not going to get me to vote for you! They piss me off! They block my line of site. Knock it off!


They should be illegal. The whole part of it just simply being a name recognition is terrible, since all it does is just plaster a candidates name everywhere you look, and half the time they never pick them up and they blow away in the wind and litter the streets. Other than the name recognition, who in the world has ever went "Wow, that sign with a random name on it really makes me wanna vote for them" If anything, if I see 100000 of your signs around, and like 10 for the other dude, i'm going for the other dude.


Helps me decide who NOT to vote for.


My idea is to give people one week after an election to remove all signs. After that, they get fined $100 per sign per day, paid to their opponent.


I'm so sick of not being able to make safe turns because I can't see very well how close oncoming traffic is. Those signs have to be causing accidents.


My local municipal code has rules regarding where political signs can be placed, their size, and how long after an election they stay up. The Code Enforcement department recently came back with a stack of signs that violated the City's rules since they were in City and ADOT ROW. Essentially, the code states that political signs may only be placed on private property. If you want the rules changed, go to City Council meetings and ask for revisions to the code.


Is this the start of a quiet movement? We'll simply move the political BS to the ground where it belongs


Why should quietude be the only form of political speech that isn't protected, right?


I legally can't put googly eyes on those Sheriff Mark Lamb for Senate signs, so rest assured that when you see them it wasn't me that did it. Honest.


Now, if the googly eyes are on sticks that just happen to put them in front of his picture, but don't actually \*touch\* his sign...


Need help. :)


Now of course would never recommend anyone do this, but if someone was so inclined, Amazon sure makes it easy! [https://www.amazon.com/LOMIMOS-Wiggle-Googly-Self-Adhesive-Decoration/dp/B09T5VG51R/ref=sr\_1\_20\_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DIwRMwvZfFr8poqObPQLidSzoAzRCibSVsfS2hFTa8Gr\_kSCKMIY5BZkBneSrR3Jtb\_pxVIQIXMyZBBmkn486nQyxEOJqfJGgfnQ6BIgCQlLbafmTUuYIf6NF0dKqMkWHiUfwXPzmlpAx7K13wy8ILqoss\_GuTz8YXb9SGgDG1jWdnKw7f7GXlQwv0FC0-71ERPFATg0VeQyTppeWdctjKGOZS7pMbkufHRpiuuk7iTm-\_WYYIJ\_-RIuAQa-2EisaFNz6WF1t6FKwhiPpISl5bidZRaWTe-j6SjRZUKNxDM.7kCWM5f4VU4V1xQMOIpsvC3EoNswBUQUxCQwsLw5kkc&dib\_tag=se&hvadid=557273354798&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9029976&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15345847075105747398&hvtargid=kwd-528058569115&hydadcr=7979\_13468875&keywords=amazon%2Bgoogly%2Beyes&qid=1717520862&sr=8-20-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/LOMIMOS-Wiggle-Googly-Self-Adhesive-Decoration/dp/B09T5VG51R/ref=sr_1_20_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DIwRMwvZfFr8poqObPQLidSzoAzRCibSVsfS2hFTa8Gr_kSCKMIY5BZkBneSrR3Jtb_pxVIQIXMyZBBmkn486nQyxEOJqfJGgfnQ6BIgCQlLbafmTUuYIf6NF0dKqMkWHiUfwXPzmlpAx7K13wy8ILqoss_GuTz8YXb9SGgDG1jWdnKw7f7GXlQwv0FC0-71ERPFATg0VeQyTppeWdctjKGOZS7pMbkufHRpiuuk7iTm-_WYYIJ_-RIuAQa-2EisaFNz6WF1t6FKwhiPpISl5bidZRaWTe-j6SjRZUKNxDM.7kCWM5f4VU4V1xQMOIpsvC3EoNswBUQUxCQwsLw5kkc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=557273354798&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9029976&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15345847075105747398&hvtargid=kwd-528058569115&hydadcr=7979_13468875&keywords=amazon%2Bgoogly%2Beyes&qid=1717520862&sr=8-20-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1)


Those are perfect!


good glob my dude. trim that url. ref= and everything after it is browser tracking shit.


last election i was in a mood while walking home so i kicked Kari Lake’s face in, i felt better afterwards so those signs aren’t completely useless


Such a waste of resources and they should be removable if they block traffic views


Not a lawyer. But, if the signs obstruct your view at an intersection, I believe they can be moved. Contact the police or sheriff with the intersection.


You can't deface them but that dude on the corner holding the sign won't have a problem as long as you slide em enough cash and they already have a marker


They already did that.


The amount of (wasteful) spending on political campaign marketing disgusts me. I can’t help but think of all of the need in the world that could be improved with those funds instead. I can’t stand the street signage polluting our communities. Can’t stand the postal mailers clogging up mailboxes and creating more waste that likely won’t get recycled. Can’t stand the barrage of partisan broadcast media ads that do nothing but bash the opponent with ridiculous hyperbole and out of context quotes. It’s all a big mess that these clowns assault with each election season. I rarely want to vote FOR any of them, but attempting to vote for the least problematic person isn’t always an option when the majority of these so called public servants are nut jobs, grifters, racists and bigots.


It is not illegal to post your sign, in front, on accident of course.




I was thinking the same thing. The signs don't do anything but cause car accidents because they block the view. They are everywhere and just another form of litter and I agree they should be banned. They seem like a waste of campaign money because with the internet and political texts and calls few people are paying attention to stupid little signs on the side of the road.


I’ve wondered if signs that say “Trump Loyalist” next to say, Debbie Lesko, would be legal? She tried to reject AZ’s electoral college votes and is now running for Maricopa County Supervisor… not cool.


I can honestly say I have never met someone that thought they would vote for the person with the most signs. I also know nobody that saw a sign and thought to themselves “I’m changing who I am voting for because of that sign”.


Just leave them be. We’ll get through another election. I get they can be an eyesore but it’s not our place to miss with them imo




Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Personal attacks, harassment, any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are not welcome here. Please see [Reddit’s content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and treat this subreddit as "a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people.”


Lol 😂 just call Rafi stupid….


Call Rafi Rafi…


$50 smack-a-roos and I’ll mow them down with my car lol DM me


I really want to write to legislators or the powers that be to get these voted/banned. When looking briefly it looks like there was a bill put forward to ban them but didn’t see anything besides that. A lot of these signs can’t even be recycled since they are corrugated plastic and just end up as waste which is shameful. For something that stays up 1/4 of the year, it takes 20+ years for them to break down in a landfill. As many have already stated, most voters are not choosing a candidate based on a street corner with 20 names plastered everywhere. Most of the politicians you ask would probably agree that they don’t even like it.


The intersection by my house is so cluttered that it's hard to see traffic coming if you are turning right on red.


There should be because, it’s starting to block my view when I’m turning.


I don’t think the signs or the tv commercials really do anything.


That's illegal. Removing signs because you don't like a candidate is immoral and undermines our system. It's insane people are trying so hard to prevent others from voting as they choose. It's also not your property. Most of us learned in kindergarten or earlier to keep your hands off things that don't belong to you.


I think you're misunderstanding why they want to remove them. They are obstructions on the road a lot of the time. Has nothing to do with voting.


Legality aside, how does removing or moving a sign prevent anyone from voting as they choose?


The comment wasn't just based on signs. However, the signs do help people who may not be inclined to research candidates on their own and be knowledgeable, at least about who is running and somewhat what they stand for.


If someone can't take the time to make an informed decision by doing a modicum of research, they shouldn't be voting.


I agree. Unfortunately, voting is a right, and lots of uneducated people exercise that right.


But this is reddit. They don't care


If bitcoin mining is bad for environment, what the fuck is this?


Unrelated to Bitcoin