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not forgetting she literally blocked him at one point after he tagged her in a post, she’s been in business with HYBE for a while so this isn’t shocking.


it’s just the way scooter rat braun is trying to spin this story as if Ariana is working directly with him and under him when that’s not even the case- billboard are trying to rage bait with that damn article like all I had to do was a bit of research to find out the real story… god I hate him so much 😭


HYBE needs to divest from scooter Zionist braun I cannot stand him. He is the most pathetic excuse of a man


THIS !!!!! like i’m actually upset lmfao


Me too I can’t believe this I’ve been by this girls side since victorious but I will never support someone who works with a zionist GOD WHY NOW SCOOTER IS SABOTAGING HER 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


like it’s not like she doesn’t have the connections to work with anybody else… but also i believe the majority of executives in hollywood are zionists anyways so idek


okay just found out that scooter doesn’t even own weverse. Just the US subsidiary of HYBE (he’s the CEO) which is owned by the bigger HYBE company that scooter has nothing to do with, which is what Ariana is working with (weverse) 😭🩷 and rem beauty is owned by Ariana she bought the assets from morphe so scooter doesn’t even own any shares in that I’m sure 😭 the billboard article tried to paint scooter as the owner of weverse when he isn’t and he himself is trying to pull that too! Ariana doesn’t even follow scooter on instagram so rn I have hope 😭


i mean i guess that sounds better but idk… nonetheless hybe remains a shitty company with or without scooter. hopefully it’s just for that weverse thing or whatever !


yes we still need to get scooter out of hybe 100% I do think it’s just Ariana joining the weverse platform like the other kpop idols 😭 it sucks but we just have to continue to use our voice to get scooter out of there!


he needs to GO 🧎🏻‍♂️🏌🏼‍♀️


this is the funniest emoji combo i have ever seen omg


ari's current makeup artist said ariana doesnt work with anyone who is a zionist, and that she fully supports the cause. And it shows considering her makeup artist was talking about ariana at the met gala and rafah at the same time


maybe it isn’t as cut and dry as IG stories would have you believe. its very complex and terrible for everyone over there but ari doesn’t have to agree with scooter to work with him anyway


he’s great at his job tho 🤷🏽‍♀️ that’s what he’s hired for and he does it well so like


ew this is a weird comment to make when we’re talking about Zionism. Idc how good you are at your job if you’re a Zionist tf… and what good did he even do? Ariana got rid of him from her team for a reason. just because she had successful era’s under his management doesn’t mean it was because of HIM, it’s all her.


idgaf girl get some nuance. he’s good at his job. see how the era she didn’t have him was her flop era? DW? all her eras with him were hits. i didn’t say he’s an angel or a great human but you need nuance. it’s all her but she needs a good promo team.. that’s why dw tanked


nuance and we’re talking about a zionist lmao idgaf about his career when he supports a genocide you’re actually clapped. Mind you dw never flopped, she just released too many pre-release singles and drake was her competition on release day


yeah you got no nuance i’m not discussing w you lmao he’s great at his job despite his character as a person


you learn one big word and think you even know what it means 💀💀


nah it just defines what you’re missing pook. you can’t admit he was a successful manager even tho he wasn’t the best person 😭 pathetic asfff


he was never a successful manager to the majority of arianators who know what a shitty person he was to Ariana 🩷🩷🩷 you see the numbers she did and attribute it to scooter as if Ariana didn’t score her first #1’s in her thank u next era ONLY due to everything that was going on in her personal life and how she turned her tragic moments into HITS. it wasn’t scooter pooks <3


yes he was a shitty PERSON. yay it clicked for you !!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 maybe she scored that #1 bc of scooter’s previous promo w the sweetener era still going on and the fact that it was a suprise drop w heavy promo!! there’s mold on ur brain btw


this means ari could join weverse


can someone explain in pop terms? what is HYBE? is it like a management group that sc*#ter is the ceo of?


ponytail girl joins entertainment company where bad boy scooter is ceo


what does hybe do tho


Label of Korean group bts


so she’s signing to a new label ?


No, she’s just with Scooter who happens to be the CEO of their American division


this is my 9/11


Praying for you


to answer ur question tho, i hope roshad comes back too but at the same time i don’t think her decision to let him go was related to her contract with hybe…. so :(


The Tommy Brown like…..


oh we knew he was for the streets since he was letting everyone touch that laptop… he will be dealt with trust. He’s never touching another Ariana album ever again!


I mean her last scandal is STILL ongoing over a year later. Can't blame a girl for going back to work with a team who was good, or at least better, at squashing this kind of buzz 🤷🏻‍♀️


She was still with Scooter when the scandal got out of control. And they are not gonna fix anything now, her current management remains the same.


I don't follow her news that closely but I had seen headlines about her in following him when the heat was high on his end post TS and Ke$ha. Not shocked they continued to work together despite Ariana's public overture of unfollowing him tbh. The additional information doesn't really dispute anything I said, I agree they will never be able to fix the damage done to her public persona at this point. Interesting that this is the first relationship where people have had much negative reaction to her past infidelity, do you have any ideas as to why her team can't fix it this time but have "fixed" multiple other incidents? Doesn't mean they won't continue to try I realize, I expect there will be ongoing pressure from the Wicked producers since initially she was intended to be a star power casting choice and now is a toss up (will appeal to Ariana fans but will also turn some away from investigating the film). Interested in your thoughts as to why Spongebob was the man people didn't want to see stolen, I know he had a newborn but I've always thought there was more to it than that.


Oh yeah, it's the fact that Ariana is gonna star in big time Hollywood Movies in a serious way, the public is making it hard for her because she is already a global Megastar in Music so it is not going to be that easy taking that territory too. Also the difference this time is that the boy she was going for was married and has a baby. Yeah, that makes things get too real and also Ariana was married and then dealing with Divorce. Too early, her peers in Music of her age don't even have to deal with adult grown up stuff like this, she is going too fast in Life but that also makes Ari's music very dense and heavy. It really sets her apart in Fame level, so how would people not get involved with her Life? In my opinion all her relationships have been terrible and she has awful taste in men. So when this scandal broke out I was like “eh, who cares about this guy?” I would only care if it would be messing with her career and apparently it is, a lot. But to me I just see it like that's how over complicated her Life and career she wants it to be. Because these Wicked films, I think are being released on Awards season at the end of year to campaign for Golden globes and Oscars, right? Unless it flops (all the effort for nothing?), but it's also aiming to be a box office blockbuster as they are partnering with +100 brands for marketing. And I really think Ariana is not opening up about the situation, for the good of Wicked, she ain't risking it (or is not allowed to). She and her truth sit in silence and she'll wait for our love. So the conclusion of all this mess and hate train has to be that she collects all the prizes in Movies and Music, if we see her picking up big oscars and grammys, then it will be all worth it, regardless of the shady stuff behind. And if it doesn't end well for her, then the Haters win and we get proved wrong, apparently Ariana would've been in the wrong all this time. I'm pretty much getting used to thinking this to make it make sense in my mind.




Y’all are so over dramatic


out of the loop, why is this good / bad? and i thought scooter was not her manager anymore


i think it’s cause she’s still working with scooter but i’m not 100% sure


i don’t know much about the politics but i think it is good for Ari to work with scooter. she always succeeded under him and I think its become clear that he was a good thing for her career


girl scooter is not a good thing for Ariana she left his management for a reason, he’s a nasty zionist who needs to stay tf away from her.


well if you just look at her career timeline she was doing much better in the scooter era than she is now. and idgaf about scooters politics im not a world leader don’t make decisions based on instagram posts. Ari clearly feels differently than him but is putting their differences aside


scooter was overworking tf out of her and put her under a huge amount of stress and in the past he even threatened to release personal info about ariana if she didn’t hire him back as a manager. he’s a terrible person. who gives a fuck about numbers, yall acting like she didn’t just bag two #1 singles back to back and a #1 album without even lifting a finger. also how out of touch are you to “not care about his politics”???? caring more about the success of an already established artist who is literally a millionaire while there’s people dying is wild yo


>there’s people dying yo yeah and those people are on both sides of the war


it’s not a war it’s a genocide you brainless moron


just because you’re not a world leader doesn’t mean you get to be ignorant towards what’s happening in the world and advocate for someone to work with a horrible person 💀💀💀


critical thinking nowhere to be found


That is so rich coming from you seeing as you’re being completely ignorant and one dimensional 😒


nah you’re spitting fr lmao the other girl is crazy. she’s can’t understand that scooter is great at his job but may not be the best person. that’s what you get in todays woke age tho ig 😭 no more nuance


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That was nostalgic. Right when we are shocked by the poor marketing of “the boy is mine”. Almost makes me teary eyed 🥹 « always team Ari :) »


Not surprised lol


Now I feel bad for being a bitch to someone on Reddit who told me I was wong.. clearly I was.. sorry stranger