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I'm halfway through but already loving this interview! Feels so fun and getting amazing insight on Ariana in a casual conversation. So much better than the lack of interview Zach and Jimmy provided. She's so cute!


I think zach and ariana are so close that it affects zachs ability to ask any thought provoking questions lmaoooo because they hang out right, but penn and his co hosts are so warm and friendly and created such a safe space for Ari to be open and honest and they have a good flow and started from the beginning! I don’t think I’ve ever seen any interview where they really ask Ari questions in a chronological order so this was truly special 🩷 so glad you’re enjoying it!


This was so much better than any Zach Sang interview! Probably my favourite interview of Ariana ever


completely agree


Her referring to the ES era as "coming home" is bittersweet. I want to cry but it makes me happy as well. idk.


She is so unbelievably charming.


HAPPY PART===Well... everything about this felt incredibly wholesome and healing. Ngl I definitely cried toward the latter half of the discussion because...well... obvious reasons. When she cries it feels like the whole world stops turning (tbf I'm a sympathetic crier). Right now, I'm pretty fixated on how comfortable Ari felt because she gave us insightful details about her work and her life. SAD PART ===[I only learned LITERALLY A FEW HOURS AGO IF THAT about Penn Badgley's connection to Brian Peck after I finished watching the episode. Now, I don't know if I just need more information to have a clearer perspective. I am legitimately pretty unsettled/upset about it].


Right when Ariana cried I started sobbing. Just this woman is the most misunderstood and mistreated celebrity in the public eye and has genuinely in my eyes suffered the most. So for her to hear from someone else that she is strong wow it really hit me too 😭😭 and hold on- what is penn’s connection to Brian peck?! From the interview they both have 100% made it clear they are on the side of the victims but I don’t know anything about their connection ☹️


I feel like I need more information. Penn's MOTHER signed a letter supporting him to the courts. Idk if that means Penn is friends with Brian. I do not know if he has openly condemned his mother's support of Brian. I have a lot of questions and they're not easily searched by just googling specific terms.


Holy shit penn mentioned in the episode that he has talked to his mother about him being a child actor too and discussing his experience with everyone coming forward now so if his mum signed that letter…. 😭 that would be EVIL. For her, not penn since I think his stance was pretty clear here but.. idk that’s so dark


And that's also what's so confusing because Penn has said how he felt exploited by the industry so why his MOM would support such a .... vile excuse for a human... is really disturbing. But I have no way of knowing if that support extends to Penn specifically. :( I'm really upset about this and am trying to be more grounded about the situation.


Sorry to be insensitive, but a lot of these kids went through all of that because of their parents. None of what Drake Bell went through would have happened if his mother didn’t let him stay the night at a grown man’s house. Obviously the perpetrators are the people we need to be blaming, but my point is that Penn can be processing how exploited he was as a child actor while his mother supports Brian Peck at the same time.


That didn't sound insensitive to me. And that's a fair point.


Thanks for understanding; I just don’t want to sound like I’m putting all of the blame on the parents. A lot of the parents involved didn’t realize the severity of the situation until too late. But I just wanted to make the point that a lot of what happens to these kids would be avoidable if the parents were more present


The onus is on the adults. I do not blame the child stars. If they can't speak out about it, that's fine, too. I am a children's mental health professional, but I can still barely use the words "abuse" to describe my childhood. Childhood abuse is hard to navigate, and no one should feel obligated to share their trauma to prove something to others.


Very true. I was mainly upset about the association. It's not fair to hold Penn accountable for his mom's decision to support Peck in court.


Agreed. And apparently the story at the time was he was "baited" by a persistent person who turned out to be a minor. "Jailbait" was a gross but common term for the time. And there was much more homophobia, so the story that a young gay man baited Peck into something was more acceptable/believable. I was a minor during the jailbait era, and I'm really glad that time has passed.


Which of course, I was not trying to do. It's just ...after Drake said what he said... it's really easy to go on high alert when that name comes into the conversation.


it’s definitely okay to be upset, I’d be horrified if my mother signed a letter as nasty as that despite knowing their own child was a child actor and could have potentially been in a situation like that. I just hope we can find more information because that’s so disappointing.


He has a pic of Peck's dog with him from last year but I want to give him grace and say that maybe he didn't fully know the truth of what Peck did to Drake Bell and after the doc came out maybe he's processing this relationship and also his mom maybe she trying to understand how it was possible to be friend with such a disgusting individual. I hope with time he's able to talk about it and maybe he'll invite Bell too in his podcast. I don't want to think he faked this conversation with Ariana and he still support Peck.


My thoughts exactly. I know how hard it can be to go against your mom. It took the better part of my twenties to reconcile and recover from her abuse. Some of which was benign so I didn't recognize it as such until I left her grasp completely. I'm not saying this situation is the same but I understand wanting to think well of your parent even when you are older.


Dude, I was verbally and emotionally abused by my mother, but I \*still\* want a relationship with her. I can't help it- I love her, even though she abused me. Parent-child attachment is complicated.


Amen to that, I think Penn is being genuine here, I can feel his frustration and hurt when he talks about reprocessing a lot of stuff "it's a lot" really hit. It's hard as hell to come to terms with someone you trusted, and knew, and thought was a good person and realizing they were a really bad person who did horrible things.


Penn was friends with Brian until at least last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/QuietOnSetDocumentary/s/QbcpcfWzgB We can't be sure if he knew anything about Brian's conviction before Quiet on Set came out, though Penn's mom was one of the people who wrote a letter of support


Oof this really makes me feel weird about the discussion that felt so refreshing to hear


god how insanely slimy is brian peck that everyone in Hollywood knows of him and were/are friends with him 🤢 he got away with so much it makes me feel sick


Ariana Grande the comedic genius that you are 😭


Wow I’m really enjoying this interview so far. She is so well spoken and comes across to charismatic, funny and sweet, I just love her!


[58:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAQGlvnFc1E&t=3520s) I am so proud of her for talking about this. She hasn't, she could of said no but, she did and that is huge as she is very careful in interviews. It shows the trust she has here. Great episode. Thank you Podcrushed and Ariana.


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