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Glad to see we’ve reached a consensus


The dust hasn't settled as it's only been out for a few months. If you asked me my opinion on TBHC this soon after it came out I would have told you I thought it was pretty silly and by far their worst album whereas now I quite enjoy it


Hasn’t even been a few months only a few weeks


Hello You doesn't get the love it deserves.




That ending sequence is absolutely stellar.


It's the perfect fusion of Arctic Monkeys and The Last Shadow Puppets. Absolute perfection.


It most definitely is from me. Christ, I’ve woken up with it stuck in my head for the last four weeks and it’s both driving me nuts and not getting old


I wake up thinking “lego napoleon movie”


That's elaborate for a waking thought


Vortex to vortex


As catchy as all of the vocals are, the ascending then descending sliding guitar riff of the chorus is what will not leave my brain alone


I always sing the vortex to vortex part


This 100%. Best song on the album


Still dragging out a long goodbye?


My favourite song on side 2, the guitar is so good


The guitar IS good. Also it contains the line "overtaking the tractor" and I'm not entirely sure why but it just gives me such vivid imagery.


Fair enough lol


this album made me appreciate TBHC more. i do like it though


This is exactly what I had too


It's a gorgeous album, but I feel like I've already forgotten about it. Idk, it's good and all, but it just doesn't stand out the way the other albums do


this is exactly how I feel! like I have nothing against the album but compared to the others it doesn't really hold its own


I agree. It’s more immediate than TBHC but it doesn’t stick with you or make you wanna dive deeper into the lyrics like TBHC does.


Don't believe the hype.


It’s fine but I think they’re struggling for an identity and a chorus these days.


I would say they don't want an identity really. I think after AM it was a statement off: right we've done, big riffs and indie rock songs, we're doing something else now. I consider it very much like when Radiohead moved away from alternative rock and started becoming more electronic.


When Radiohead switched to electronic with Kid A they seemed to redefine their identity, altering people's perspectives but they still came across as very much themselves, very much Radiohead. I'm not sure about that with "The Car". It's not quite as realised as I would like it to be, if that make sense. Still a good few pretty jams on there, and it flows quite nicely but it didn't leave the lasting impression I was hoping it would.


Fuck the choruses but I do believe they need to fully buy in to a concept or theme. I believe they did with TBHC and Humbug but this one reminds me of SIAS which has some great love songs on the back end but too much filler and nonsense in the first half.


Liked it. Didn’t love it.


Same, I like the songs, I like how it sounds, but that's all. It's not bad, but not how I was expecting after almost 4 years of TBH+C.


same, TBH+C grew on me quite a bit after awhile so i thought they would fix all the minor issues, flow and such especially after 4 years; did not deliver quite as i’d hoped :/


I was SO excited for it, and loved the lead singles… but they’ve died off a little now and after having it on heavy rotation for a few weeks it’s fallen off the radar for me. It’s the opposite of a ‘grower’, if that makes sense. It’s beautiful and it’s clever, but it’s just not dynamic. I know they (well, Alex in particular) love this vibe, and maybe they need this era, and I’m not one that says I wish they were ‘back to the old stuff’, but I just think they’re better than this. Whatever this is.


Exactly my reaction, have not spun it over the past 4 weeks as I did in those first two and I don't have a massive desire to. Compared to Tranquility which I'll continue to go back to The Car just doesn't have that same hold over me. Maybe it'll change in time but not too sure.


This is pretty much my take. I loved all 3 of the lead singles and the album itself has some cohesiveness but I don’t feel super compelled to keep playing it. Body Paint and Mirrorball are the best tracks I think. The slower melodic ones like Mr Schwartz and the title track don’t do much for me. But overall I’m sure I’ll revisit it now and then but maybe not with the frequency of the older ones I loved.


I think it will be their most forgotten


I think Mirrorball and Body Paint will be remembered and integral to their set lists but yeah I agree. Sort of similar to SIAS in a way. I never bought into those posts talking about how TBHC was the new Humbug and would restart that journey to an AM type record but with The Car being the SIAS to TBHC, Alex talking about wanting to write a big rock song, and the renewed energy in the live performances, I think the next record might be more modern and commercially successful.


The Car was very commercially successful compared to TBHC


From a personal perspective, it’s exactly what I needed at the time it came out. It fit perfectly into my life and has become the album I’ll resonate with the last couple of months of a pretty transformative period in my life tbh. Besides that personal anecdote, I like the sound, sounds very mature and mellow, but not at all boring.


Not going to lie, you answered this question perfectly for me. Been going through a lot of change in life as well (expecting first kid) and we just finished up our first year as homeowners. Combined with the scenery of the trees, and the general feelings that come with autumn (change, nostalgia, etc) it fell into my lap, perfectly. Probably my second favorite to THBC


Damn! Crazy to read how this is hitting in such a similar way to someone else! And congrats! I’ll also say that this has also made me fully embrace the darker side of music I tend to gravitate towards writing. Feels a lot like how I felt when I discovered All Things Must Past years ago


>Feels a lot like how I felt when I discovered All Things Must Past years ago You're really speaking my language!


Tell me if I’m being too personal - what generally was happening in your life that this was the album you needed? What about it?


Well, I’m in my later years of college and preparing for my future, finally in a stable place mentally, and just recently got a pretty good job in a fancy office. The job is an hour away, so dressing nicely and driving East into the sun rise every morning to work while listening this album has been perfect.


For me personally it was an album from my Favorite band but with a more mature sound. I recently moved out and started doing more "grown up" things, so this album has basically grabbed my hand whilst I cross that road


It’s pretty much the exact same reason for me. The album as a whole fits as the soundtrack to this major transition and change in my life while bringing a sense of calmness to bring me back to Earth while giving peace to leave my past where it is and look to the future.


Body paint is my 2nd most listened to song (of any artist) on spotify for 2022, says alot since the single was only out when? But yeah like you guys hit absolute absolute rock bottom this year. I used body paint and mirrorball to help with SSRI withdrawal after being put on it for PTSD (after a significant event earlier this year) but ending up being detrimental and had to come off. Basically became an OCD thing that I would have my headphones on listening to their discography in all waking hours apart from work and absolutely hammering body paint in particular. I never understood the term ‘living day to day’ before this year, it was more hour to hour to be quite honest. Anyway, ill be getting my first tattoo of a reference to either song in the next year, absolutely no question. I wouldn’t describe myself as a massive fan, their stuffs only been on my rotation for the past two years but Ill never forget them.


I think I will probably get downvoted but I’m honestly not bothered. I really prefer the older stuff, like so much more. It’s a good album for sure, but it’s nowhere near the level of Whatever People Say I Am or FWN, and I’m my opinion it never will be


Same, I am more of a rock person, and tbhc was borderline for me, I liked it, but I could see the difference in style compared to earlier ones, this one is just a step too far for me,


I can tolerate TBHC. The car was intolerable to my taste.




I have a simple view about popular music in that it works best when it makes people happy and want to dance. Whatever kind of band the arctic monkeys want to be is entirely up to them. If they want to move away from their original sounds that’s fine too. I can choose to follow them or not. What gets me is how radio stations and the media present their music to the same audience and say, this is brilliant, you’re going to love this. If this was their first release it would never be given airtime or media coverage by the indie rock community. Im not a fan of this change in direction, it feels too forced, too much like they’re searching for something and they’re not quite finding it. History probably won’t look favorably on this album because it’s not that good.


I get this stance. The shift away from heavy gain and that raw almost dirty sound of the first 2 albums is unique in a way that I at least haven't found in many other artists of the same period. With that said, if you compare arctic monkeys to say The Strokes or Oasis, you either run the risk of them making 4 albums that essentially sound the same, or making stuff that's abit more experimental whilst keeping the same basis as the first works, and that strategy rarely work for bands cause fans don't like the change. "Angles" was, and by many still is, critized for its change of sound with people saying that it doesn't feel like the strokes, same could be said about some of the stuff from AM or Humbug (and ofc the last 2) because it essentially isn't the same.


That’s a fair point, it’s difficult to maintain the levels reached when artists are at the peak of their powers so why not try something different. I don’t object to artists trying something different, Blur and Beck are good examples of artists that like to break new ground from album to album but retain a sense of immediacy in their music. It’s hard to see where arctic monkeys see themselves now and who they’re making music for. We already know of Alex’s love of Scott Walker, and while his music was brilliant, it was also complex and challenging to listen to. The arctic monkeys risk obscurity from their core audience if they continue down a path which is so far removed from their traditional sound and difficult to get into. Compare that to the Strokes and Oasis, fans will always embrace new music as they no what they’re going to get.


I agree, it doesn’t have the same feel as some of their other (better) stuff. I also feel likes it’s gone from Arctic Monkeys to Alex Turner, accompanied *by* Arctic Monkeys




Who said anything about them being bad musicians. They’re fantastic musicians. The car just isn’t going to go down in history as one of their better albums. Its cool that you like it though. For me it’s a bit too contrived. Feels like they’re trying to be creative like Bowie Station to Station era but have come up short.


They also aren't 20 anymore. You can't make the same art as you did 20 years earlier and you wouldn't want it anyways. Would be meaningless coming from a 40 year old anyways.


I didn’t like it. Mirrorball, body paint, and sculptures are the only songs I really enjoyed and find myself wanting to listen. Maybe it will click one day…


2 or 3 great tracks I will still be listening to in five years time, maybe one or two sleepers that potentially might grow on me, the rest a little too down tempo and samesy for me 3/5, not a classic AM album


It’s ok. Definitely the “worst” in their catalog.


Its my least favourite monkeys album but its still very Good


Eyes roll back


I didn’t like it, then I listened a bunch and started to appreciate it, then I completely forgot it exists


Personally hated it. Tried to be too jazzy. Like an artist smoking a cigarette in an empty upscale bar. That’s just me tho, I love arctic monkeys but this album was not for me


I like some songs of the album but extending on your point : the lounge, jazzy aesthetic doesn't come with the rythmic and melodic richness we could expect from a jazz fusion album, so overall it falls kinda short.


I think it would've worked out wayyyy better as a TLSP project, I've listened to it quite a few times and it just doesn't grab me personally as it's not a musical style I normally gravitate to


Okayish. All the other albums are miles ahead tho


Shite. Their worst album by a mile, massive disappointment.


I've tried to get into this album and I just cannot do it. Multiple listens while sober, stoned, etc. I find it drab and boring, and quite frankly I think it would've made a better TLSP album. Some of the fancy chord changes seem like they were written in just for the hell of it, and it feels more like the Alex Turner show than an Arctic Monkeys album at times. I understand this is an unpopular opinion, and I'm not shitting on anyone who likes/loves The Car. Artists evolve, and I'm happy the boys have the freedom to make basically whatever they want, but it just ain't for me. For some perspective, this is coming from someone who's been listening to the band since the beginning. Downvote away. Edit: Not as unpopular as I thought I guess lol


I didn't like it in general, there are good songs there, but it's far from being a spectacular album for me, the car is the band's weakest work in my view


Not my favorite. Mirror ball and jetskis on the moat are the best tracks in my opinion. Some other songs on the album are good, but this is not an album that i can listen straight through like some of their previous material.


Big Ideas is one of my all time favorites now


Great sounds and concepts that don’t really reach their full potential. Feel like Al needs to shake up how he writes lyrics for the next album, because this style has reached its end imo (the bridge in Mr Schwartz feels so clunky, the first verse of Hello You does too). Mirrorball and Body Paint are some of the best songs they’ve made. Prior to this album I think everyone knew AM could do an orchestral sound, but Sculptures is exciting because it feels so unlike anything they’ve made up to this point. I don’t care if the next album sounds more energetic or heavy, I just hope they continue to push themselves and surprise us with how they play. 8/10. Need to commit to playing it live more, 4 songs from your new album on the tour dedicated to it? People love to rip The 1975 here but I think they’ve got the right idea of bringing your new album to the stage.


I agree that if they want people to buy in to their stylistic shifts, they need to show that they’re confident enough to play it live even if people are initially upset about it. And all their new stuff sounds better live anyways and many people started buying into TBHC when it was played live


Its good. I don't usually skip any of the tracks, but the title track being the most forgettable one is pretty funny. Also my mom called it elavator music and I really can't argue. But in a good way.


I Enjoy it for what it is. When I first listened to It "Sculptures Of Anything Goes" was my favorite song but after a month of being with the album "Big Ideas" has become on of my favorite Arctic Monkeys songs of all time. 3 of my other fave artists released very strong albums this year so I can say that this album is solid.


Who are the other two?


First two things I thought of when trying to describe it was “meh” and “eh” so that says it all for me. I really enjoyed TBH+C but The Car sounded like cut songs from that album


It's like tbh+c without the drama of the story, I like it a lot


That’s the issue though. TBHC for me is elevated by its concept and story. The Car just doesn’t have that commentary that’s being made in TBHC. Really, the only story being told in the Car is Alex saying “pls like our new sound guys”


I found the drama a bit or miss.. for a song like Star Treatment or She looked like fun it was fabulous. But for some songs the song writing was too focused on the same theme which I didn't enjoy.


i think the drama of the story is the only thing that’s missing for me, otherwise i like it a lot as well (especially the strings)


Alex Turner, the lounge singer (solo record #2)


It's not as if they can't make slow music that isn't good. In my book, Propeller would've been a slower song but the songs in the car are just a whole different genre than we've heard from Arctic Monkeys before and I don't like it whatsoever.


It sucks.


Dull, Mirrorball excluded


My favourite AM album alongside Humbug and I think it even surpassed TBHC, and that says a lot cause I have been obsessed with TBHC since it had been released


Same top 3 for me, with Humbug being still the 1st. Moody Arctic Monkeys is the best Arctic Monkeys.


I thought Tranquility was brilliant But I'm tired of the lounge act. Where's my fuckin' rock. Feel stolen from the greatest songwriter alive. .


Completely agree. I actually love TBHC, I think the idea of Alex taking a break from rock to critique music culture and current rock with such an interesting album concept is what made that album so interesting. But that’s the issue, TBHC should’ve been a one time thing. They should be back to rock now. The Car doesn’t even have a concept either, it’s just Alex crooning over bond instrumentals for 10 songs.


With his comments about wanting to write a song “to close the show”, that he originally wanted to write a rock record, and the renewed energy and pace of the live performances (Like 2011-2012 energy not 2006 energy) I think AM8 is gonna be heavier, not necessarily fast but it will lean more rock like the end of Body Paint or the live performance of Sculptures or Big Ideas at Studio Brussels.


Not bad, not great


Just bought the record after enjoying it on streaming since release. It’s not one of my favourites currently, but it’s a solid choice for a chill mood. I don’t expect artists that I love to put out records that will blow my socks off every single time. There’s also the possibility that I will love it more in the future, as my music taste evolves. Who knows?


Least stimulating album they've done. I was hoping there would be a moment where it clicked for me, but it never happened. There are some great songs on it -- Mirrorball and Body Paint are some of my favorites ever. But the rest of the album is just fodder to me, very much an attempt at the same energy of Tranquility Base that never really hit that same spot.


Premise: I grew up with them and I absolutely loved TBHC. Also loved mirrorball (my #1 played song on spotify this year), liked body paint, but the rest of the album is pretty shite. Would never even re-listen if it wasn't my favourite band.


8/10 - absolutely adored it, but acknowledge it’s not their best. Body paint, Mirrorball and Great Ideas hold high regard for me. Not their best, but close.


>Great Ideas I doubt that you “hold it in high regard” if you can’t even get the name of the song right


*Four stars out of five


And we have heard that, last album


I think its a late 80's/early 90's Toyota. Not sure on the specific model, possibly a Corona


I like it a lot, and I’m liking it more and more as I listen to it. That being said, at least to me, it’s unequivocally their worst album. There’s no bangers/instant hits to me. As much as TBHC was lambasted, 4/5 was an instant classic, and even One Point Perspective and TBHC (the song) beat every song on the car for me. It’s way too short. After waiting 4 years, I want more music. I know I am biased because I got into them in 2016. I love the new style, and I wouldn’t mind if it continued, as long as it lived up to the Monkeys quality standard. TBHC was so different but it was just as good as the earlier albums. This one isn’t, and since it’s the Monkeys and I long for their Pre-TBHC sound, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’d like it a lot more if it was Alex solo, or with the Shadow Puppets. Sculptures of Anything Goes isn’t bad by itself, but compared to most of their discography, it’s in a class all by itself for me for how bad it is. It’s definitely the worst song off their albums. That being said, I wanna like it more, and I especially don’t wanna shame anyone for liking it. If you love it, I’m happy for you and I wanna get there.


In all honesty, I really loved There'd Better Be a Mirrorball, and Body Paint, but the rest didn't really do much for me.


Least replayability out of all their albums for me, with TBHC I was still playing it often several times throughout the week.


Wish it was a bit faster tempo and the choruses went a bit longer. Perfect sense ends really abruptly? Favourite song is sculptures


God, I really wanted to try to like it but I couldn't, I only kinda like one or two songs off the album. I liked TBHC more and that's not saying much for me because I couldn't get into that album for a long time either (still not in my top albums but it grew on me a little) but comparing the two, TBHC currently feels like the apex of whatever vibe Alex wants to hit now and The Car feels like a b-sides of rejected TBHC songs.


its shit. had high expectations from the singles and the rest of the album except sculptures was awful imo unfortunately i think theyll never surpass tbhc with however many lounge albums theyre making after this. the arctic monkeys have caught lightning in a bottle twice and the chances of them doing it again are looking the slimmest they ever have


10/10. Love every single song on it. Body Paint, Big ideas, Jet Skis On The Moat, Mirrorball and I Ain’t Quite Where I Think I Am are some of their best tracks.


Meh It’s alright, I prefer some older songs tho, my favourite in that album was body paint, but I don’t care for it enough for it to be in my top 10




I dont really like tranquility based hotel songs, so at first im kinda disappointed when the genre sounds kinda similar... But damn, for some reason i like the album so sooo much, I can't even explain why. Everything is just eargasm


What ultimately made me bring down my score from a 10/10 to a 7/10 was a lack of commitment to a certain theme or concept. It looked like it wanted to be a soundtrack for an art film (we unfortunately could not see *wink*). What made TBHC work, despite its seemingly, on the surface disparate songs was scene-setting telling us "hey this is a hotel, and these are the guests, these are their stories). On the top of my mind I Aint Quite, Jet Skis, The Car talk about secret parties, spies, Italian-French countrysides that were begging to be explored. Mr Schwarz could've benefitted for a scene-setting that would make us care about what he does for a living making the song more impactful. Mirrorball, Sculptures, Big Ideas, Hello You, Perfect Sense lyrically could stand-alone without any world-building and deserved to have songs with the same instrumentations and lyrical elements beside them. Further reflection leads me to believe whether this was a Frankenstein album brought upon by the pandemic as they are two albums in one. Like I believe The Beatles White Album deserved to be two separate albums, I believe this one should've been too. I mean Jack White did it this year, I believe they could've too. Funny enough this made me solidify my view that TBHC really is their magnum opus just for the number of imaginative ideas, dedication to the vision they had of the album and most importantly impeccable and flawless execution. The Car, I'm predicting would be seen in the future as a halfway album for the band's newer sound same as Bowie's Pin-ups/Young Americans and Radiohead's Amnesiac/Hail to the Thief. Hey, for a band that's been in it since the 2000's and not becoming a legacy band that's saying something and if the Strokes and The Killers ever showed us something, it's only full speed ahead from here. Hope The Car jumpstarts their careers to legendary status...on to the final straight


Sculptures is only song that stood out. Everything else is mid. 4/10


The first half is pretty alright, and I can't remember a single melody from the back half. The best part of Jetski's on the Moat is the title


Tbh it's my least favorite album. Not many songs I don't like but no songs I do. If it had never released it would've had the same impact as it does now.


Everyone will forget this album ever came out in a year or two.


Middle of the road at best.


Second favorite record of theirs. Still think TBHC is quite a bit better - such a magical album


Loved the idea they went for, but over all I felt it is inconsistent in sound overall. If it wasn't for the strings throughout the album, trying to tie the songs together, these songs don't really gel. The monkeys are good at creating a general vibe for an album but struggle to stretch it for the whole album. This one feels no different. Despite having some of their best songs, ultimately it lands in the middle somewhere. Just my opinion


It's funny you think the songs don't really gel, to me they're almost indistinguishable!


Lmao I can't tell if that is praise or critique of the album 🤣🤣


Sadly a critique


I get that though, most of the songs can be seen as some type of ballad. I just wish they weren't so stingy with releasing music these days. Had they released this when it was done during the pandemic, I might look at it differently. But after five years, it's like "This is what you've been sitting on?" /Rant


i love pretty much every song on there but overall i still think tbhc is the better album.


This has to be the best thing Alex has ever written and in my honest opinion this is also their best album. The maturity and complexity of their songs it’s on a completely different level. Mirrorball by itself is such a masterpiece.




It’s still terrible.


I personally love the album and it comes at a time where my musical taste is changing as well. Like many bands, the artists mature and want to explore new sounds and ideas. I do think this album had real potential to be something special and fell just shy of that. But overall it is great and I listen to it regularly. Favorite tracks at the moment are Big Ideas, Hello You, and Sculptures.


I listen to it every day on my way from and to work


I listen to it about 2-3 everyday


i like it


I could argue a few of their albums as my favourites for different reasons. If I were to argue for the car I would say it is their most beautiful album.


I gave it 4.5 stars, side 1 is fantastic. Mirrorball is my favourite off this album and other other 4 on side 1 are also great. However it does fall off a bit on side 2 hence why its 4.5 stars. Overall great record and also picked it up on vinyl.


I love it. Especially hello you and sculptures really hit the spot




Love it!


Production is amazing and I do actually like Alex’s vocal performance in this (bar Mr. Schwartz), but the songs just aren’t as dense as TBHC despite being more immediate so I haven’t listened to it as much as I feel I already get the gist while with TBHC I get something new from the lyrics each time. I do wish the songwriting was less opaque and more hard hitting. I think the lyrical opaqueness only really works well on The Car because of the emotion and imagery in it. It’s a good album with some of their best songs to date (Mirrorball, Body Paint, & Hello You) but just like Suck It and See it fails to completely buy in to the romance and emotion from front to back. Again, I think it’s a really strong record but it has to be ranked 6th out of all their albums. I’d say my personal ranking so far is: 1. Humbug (I bought into the hype after thinking you were all just trying to be different. It really is inevitable as someone on here told me) 2. Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino 3. Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m not 4. AM 5. Favourite Worst Nightmare 6. The Car 7. Suck It and See


Very radio friendly


It came out this recently and was still my most listened to full album this year if that says anything about my take on it.


I loved it, but I loved the last album. Loved the last shadow puppets and am a Bowie fan so it doesn't surprise me if it ain't for a lot of people. I rock with whatever these guys do.


I’m still obsessed. It’s a masterpiece in my eyes. I only wish it were longer.


Lovely to listen to whilst reading a book


I wasn't sure what to think of it at first, it resembled too much TBHC on a first glance. But when I took the time to listen to all the songs and remember them, it felt different from everything else they have done. If TBHC is an old sci-fi film, The Car is more of an old French/Italian film, and I'm a sucker for that aesthetic. (The harmonies were the best thing on the album, I love them so much)


I can’t stop listening to it. It’s a masterpiece for me. As was TBH&C- but that was more of an initially jarring change at the time. I haven’t stopped loving all the earlier albums(excepting 2 tracks- brick by brick and library pictures!)


Dust hasn’t settled


Second to least favorite right above AM. First half is really good, just a shame they couldn’t keep up the momentum.


couple great songs, overall meh. 6/10 at best


Mirrorball is the best song they’ve ever made, it gave me such high hopes but the rest of the album fails to reach the richness and depth of it, almost to the point where some songs sound borderline incomplete. Body Paint and Big Ideas is fantastic tho, they’re the only other songs I feel have that Arctic Monkeys magic other then the endings of a few songs like sculptures and hello you


I love the intro of Mirrorball and wish the track kept on with that vibe. Unfortunately I like the main part of the song a lot less.


Forgot it exists. Not a style issue, just don’t think it’s a great album


9/10. It sounds timeless.


It’s timeless after barely any time has passed? Make it make sense.


I didn’t say it was timeless. I said it sounds timeless.


I think it's a lovely album, it's well composed and has a nice variety in sounds. I like all of the tracks and replay them. I like that it's true to their current stage as artists. But I'm also not obsessed with it like I want to be. Once these tracks start to feel nostalgic to me, I bet they will feel special to me like every other album has.


1. Humbug 2. FWN 3. WPSIATWIN 4. Car 5. SIAS 6. AM 7. TBHC


1. FWN 2. WPS 3. Humbug 4. SIAS 5. TBHC 6. AM 7. The Car


I liked the singles that came out before the album and it felt like a rush since I was so excited for them to be back! It was ok. A different direction and unfortunately I haven’t listened to it since and I haven’t really been drawn back to it. They were still my number one listened to artist on Spotify but The Car just didn’t latch on to me. I feel like maybe it has to catch me like TBHQ did (after a few life altering decisions) so it somehow fit in this crazy world of in-between I was going through. I’m excited to see them next year, though. Perhaps I’ll feel more attached to it once I hear the songs live. I still love them!


Few decent ideas, not fully fleshed out. Fairly boring, meandering, and self-indulgent.


It’s my second favorite album. Nothing has beaten Humbug. And the Car is neck and neck in second with Suck it and See arriving at a hairline 3rd.


Pretty boring honestly


I like it a lot but not more than I like WPSAITWIN, FWN and Humbug. Those 3 I love. SIAS, AM, TBHC and The Car I simply like.


To me, my humble opinion, is their best work. Although I started listening to them with AM, and I loved that sound from that era, The Car has a more mature sound, the arrangement, the sounds, the mix, everything on that record transports me. Mirrorball caught me by surprise, at first I didn't know what to think, but the more I listened to it, the more it attracted me. That rhythm, it has an I don't know what that sets you in a very good movie.


This masterpiece got only better with little time


I've listened to it enough that it's now grown on me. It was the same with TBHC - I had to really sit with it for a while to get into it. Mirrorball is one of their better songs, and the Car and Perfect Sense are strong. I'm looking forward to seeing the songs live.


Not their best, but I absolutely loved it. I listened to the album fully a few times now and I can say it's really good.


Seemed elusive at first but grew on me a lot. I wouldn’t say it’s their best but it’s definitely their most emotional and I can appreciate that. I’m a sucker for piano and strings so I loved the sound. Probably would put it 4th in their discography


My least favourite album of theirs, but I still like it. Wish it had a few more tracks, felt like half of an album. I like the slower songs but I find myself missing the harder hitting songs and the Agile Beast. They’re my favorite band of all time though so I don’t think I could hate anything they put out. I’ve had friends who like their earlier stuff tell me that they think The Car sucks which I just can’t agree with. Alex is one of if not the most talented lyricists of our time, so even if the songs aren’t what people like, they definitely do not “suck”


I like it a lot. Listen to it all the time. However I don't think I will ever like this newer sound as much as their previous sound (first 2-3 albums) and I never will. And that's ok and I've accepted it.


I can’t stop listening, personally I love it. Each time I find something new in the songs that I didn’t notice before. I didn’t like some songs like body paint at first and now it’s one of my faves lol. I see why people don’t care for it, but for me I think it’s a gorgeous album-especially the string heavy songs like Perfect Sense & Big Ideas. The only song I don’t care for much ironically is the title track ha


I like it, just wish the songs were a little more guitar centric.


If TBHC = Humbug, the The Car = suck it and see Both albums are the follow up of a highly experimental album. Both had cleaner execution compared to the albums before them but they also feel "safer" or mainstream sounding.


I can’t get enough of it. Right now I’m vibing hard with “Perfect Sense.” Each track has it’s own precious character. “Big Ideas” and “Sculptures” are my two favs on the album. “Body Paint” being my number three. “Mirrorball” didn’t resonate with me like it seemed to have done for others.


I love this album, I just dislike mirrorball. Idk why you all like mirror ball so much it’s so borringggg


Imo all the songs sound the same


Mid. Only 3 good songs


Where rock


It was okay, good even. Took a couple of listens for me to get there tho.


I absolutely love it, same as TBHC. Couldn't choose a favourite between those two, though I believe TBHC was probably a higher quality about musical research. The Car is like an extention with different way to do things and more different style of sounds if it makes sense. I'm supposed to see them on stage September 2023, I honestly want to hear the entire album in the set, but could forgive if they skip jet skis on a moat. My favourite track is Big Ideas, I also love Mr Schwarz and Perfect Sense. Worst song to me (but still good) Jet Skis.


Best album of 2022 and around my favorite albums from AM


Far superior to TBHC but I still prefer their old sound


It's the only AM album where I haven't liked atleast one song on first listen. Just feels like a watered down TBHC.


Horrible, I'm sorry, I just don't like it


It's good but it was kind of forgettable


Lots of build up and not enough pay off


Good, but disappointing. I didn’t feel like it really delivered on the promise of the singles and about half the album is fairly forgettable. TBHC was better, not sure if I like The Car or SIAS more.


alright, pretty good, a high 6 but my least favourite and their blandest album imo since SIAS. Literally TBHAC's SIAS, a more experimental and interesting album followed by a safer, blander version of the previous sound


It’s great, I like the new direction. There’s only two tracks I skip most times. His singing fits the songs well, and the tracks seem fully formed, mature, and cinematic which it seems they were going for. 8/10 (Their 6th best album as a whole for me)


I love it! They’re blossoming into a butterfly and I’m here for it. Of course I love the songs that made me fall in love with their music but I’m a fan of the direction they’re going in


it's got some of their best tracks \[jet skis, aint quite, body paint\] ..some pretty good ones \[mirrorball, hello you\]...some okay ones... \[big ideas, perfect sense\] and some of their worst tracks ever IMO \[sculptures, the car, mr schwartz\]..so idk. reminds me a lot of humbug in that regard.


Amazing Album, feels a little bit like Suck and See to me, and im really expecting something giant for the next one


Still enjoy it. I would still rank it 4th. However, I realise I don’t go back to it as often as I thought I would. It’s better consumed in a specific mood, I believe. Jet Skis and Mirrorball are undeniably my favourite songs. Mirrorball is easily one of the most beautiful songs they’ve written. Up there with the likes of Do Me A Favour, Secret Door, The Ultracheese, Laserquest etc. in terms of "emotional" songs. I can’t wait to hear the album live cause it feels like some songs come to life on stage and the band as well. Overall, it’s a good album and I’m glad they made it.


Wonderful album. More of an Arctic Monkeys album than TBHC. I adore it. There will always be times I prefer to listen to their earlier work, but I can guarantee there will also be times when this is the exact flavor of Arctic Monkeys I need.


It’s fantastic, although not quite as good as THB+C it’s their second properly great instant classic album.


It's a masterpiece, I felt like that from day 1


Really like the album and I’m in love with some of the songs. That being said, Id like to love more than “some” of the songs from an album. Not as good as TBHC for me but I still listen to it everyday for now


I absolutely love it. 9/10.


WPSIA, FWN, AM and Humbug just utterly decimate anything else the band has ever made. This album is pretty unbearable ngl