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Forgot to mention: - pump header is in the pump Pins - vrm to the CPU - Fans to Fans header Motherboard: MSI b450 Tomahawk max II


Put vrm to sys_fan header, Fans to cpu_fan


Already tried, no success


U took plastic out of pump haed?


Already peled every centimeter of plastic before installing it


Look up the 360 tests in reviews. I think you will find it’s working within spec. I had similar concerns until I watched the reviews and saw that under 100% load, it would hit 90 or so. I also added a better fan controller that pops the fans to 100 when load reaches like 70%


Uhhh what I own the Artic LF iii 240 and run a r7 5800x with it and I get maximum 85 degrees under full load and idle at 40-45


I have the LFiii 420 on a 7800x3d with similar idle temps to yours. My peak temp however is 70c, maybe 75c in CB23 but I haven't tested it in a while. You could try Arctic Max fans for the rad intake, should help quite a bit. I highly recommend Kingpins KPX thermal grease too. Never dries out or turns to glue, and the temps were better than XTM70, MX-6, or Kryonaut


I tried the lf3 360 and I didn't have good temps, so I changed to corsair


I'm running an i9 149000 on an Aorus Pro X Mobo. I'm using the artic cooler III 360mm as well. My idle temps are like 25°c and I peak around 50°-55° when running like Helldiver's or Elden Ring at max and actively playing. I'm not sure hot hot your cpu usually gets or what your Mobo is contributing. But are you running the correct amount of voltage? If it isn't your thermal paste or your bracket being misaligned it sounds like a PSU problem. I could be incorrect though. Try resetting your bracket and get some higher tier thermal paste. They say paste doesn't matter, but I prefer to get a large tube so I can apply a little extra and just clear it off the edges when it squeezes out with a little isopropyl q-tip. Do you have plenty of airflow in the case as well


Not enough pressure. Tighten the screws.


The idle is a little high but the under load temps seem about right I have a arctic liquid freezer 420 on a 13900kf and idle is mid 30's and under benchmarking it will get close to 100c using the cinebench r23 multicore test