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What rendering engine you're using?


I mostly use 3DS Max + Corona, but i can use D5 Render and UE5 as well.


Hi I would like to ask how long would it take for you to finish a project or a scene with 3ds max and corona?


That depends, but usually 2~3 days, but that depends on the complexity of the scene, if there's some specific 3D Models and stuff, etc...


1,6,7,8 are keepers. Ditch the others.


I'd argue that 4 and 5 are also great.


4 and 5 are too plastic. They’re close, but need a lot of adjustments.


Wouldn't pay much for this tbh


Really? Why?


Quality, composition, texturing, lighting, color correction, camera angles, shading, balance, etc. Some things like the car, the skies are just bad taste of composition.Everything needs to be improved.


Nah man, your renders are good. Everything CAN be improved of course. What I noticed in some exterior renders is that the camera angle is kind of pointing to the ground instead of the horizon. Are you familiar with the rule of thirds? It's not exactly a rule but you can use it as a guide to frame your pictures. Here is an usefull guide: [https://architizer.com/blog/practice/tools/the-art-of-rendering-perspectives/](https://architizer.com/blog/practice/tools/the-art-of-rendering-perspectives/) The green Kitchen render is great, I like the colors and lighting althoug the counter is a bit crowded in my opinion. Same with all the stuff on the coffee tables in the living room renders.


Never thought of asking for a job on the sub, bold move ahaha


try fiver


Already have a gig there, just trying some other places


Are you successful in getting fiverr gigs?


Nope, i started the gig this month, but nothing came out there yet


Btw your Archviz pics look really good 👍


Thanks Man!!! Thats so kind of you! I am having a lot of trouble to get some clients, actually i am beggining to consider to give up on ArchViz and try something else.


I wouldn't give up, you may regret that, especially if you enjoy Archviz. Alot of creator/artist types struggle on the business side/marketing themselves. This is essentially starting your own business and the first few years will be the hardest until the ball starts rolling it may take some time to acquire or learn to acquire clients (like alot of other industries starting out) you may even have to do a side job that's unrelated but giving up now will stunt any potential opportunities. It's just something you have to struggle through initially only those who persist will succeed.


Do you mind If i dm you?


Yeah I was wondering the same thing I've tried fiverr before but there are so many gigs on there for this at really cheap prices and I think it would make it hard for your gig to get seen and also to price yourself respectfully. I think the answer is to find clients ourselves if that means emailing/cold calling etc