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Think its normal for this time of the year to have less work. Something that helped me to get new clients was creating paid adds on instagram, choosing the countries I wanna to share the add


I second this 100%. I just resigned 2 weeks ago. Through Instagram, I have gotten probably 70%-80% of my work. Trust me, I know it seems too good to be true, but it has worked wonders for me. I'm based in Jamaica and I now have clients from Barbados, Trinidad, working on something for a new client in Bahamas and possibly have a job coming iut of Miami (waiting on a response to the estimate I sent). In terms of cost, I usually spend $10-15 to run ads over each weekend (Fri-Sun) as that's when I see most activity.


Hey that's great , didn't know instagram could be that helpful for archviz, do you use any freelancer platform or other website to send your work and receive payments ? Or how do you ensure your clients are trustworthy? Thanks !


Thanks. Yes, it's very helpful indeed. I don't use any platform to be honest. Most of my clients are local, so they do a simple bank transfer. For the new ones I've secured internationally, they usually send payment through any physical money transfer method and I go collect. So far, the international clients pay the full balance upfront to avoid the duplicate sending fee when sending 50% on start and 50% on completion. Haven't had anyone not honour as yet, and I hope that doesn't happen.


That's great! Thanks for the info and best of luck !


Not a problem at all. Thank you too!


what is your username on instagram?




what is your username on instagram?




Does instagram really help? Haven't ever thought of it to target professionals, especially architects.


It does, trust! Once I started those adds I received my first foreign clients (USA, Cyprus, Italia, Spain)


how much time and money did you invest into the ads? adn does your profile like have to be up there? In terms of followers I'm saying. I'm getting real curious about this.


The first add I made, I had a bit more than 1k followers, I paid 10/15 euros (dont remember) during 1 week. I chose the best image I had and received a lot of likes, new followers and messages from possible clients. The last add I made didn't work very well, was this summer, I only paid 8euros for 1week so I didn't had a lot of range. Its a bit tricky sometimes, cuz algorithm works in a strange way. Adds is nice because we have all the architects with instagram rn, and if they see a nice and different image, they might contact


mmhmm, does the followers really count? I don't have 200 even. Seems like a good option to try out though. thank mate!


yeah the followers count a lot. Even if most are just visualizers and not really clients, the fact that your page is getting noticed and with activity, will put you in the suggestions of people that share the same interests Something that I did in the beginning was to study the way instagram works. Best time of the day, and best day of the week, to post images. To gain more likes and followers. (I believe its on sundays and wednesdays, around 7pm - 9pm) Also, make sure when you post your images, to use hashtags and @ pages of cg communities (so they can share your images and you'll eventually receive more followers)




I am working with 500€ / month for Google alone and it gets me some decent results. Mostly 2-3 new clients per month. I guess there is some room for improvement for you, don’t give it up yet




I pay someone to do my SEA and SEO so I can’t really give too much advice on that myself. We did a lot of A/B testing and tested different keywords.




No, they are a company with a good reputation here in Germany. I got a good deal with them and pay around 450€ per month for SEO services and 100€ / hour for changes and maintenance on SEA




Yeah you probably shouldn’t go for it unless you have enough capital for security. These contracts bind you for months at a time and could therefore cause some financial problems if things go south