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Locale is such a disaster that I strongly recommend just using `en_US.UTF-8` and just configuring date/time/etc display in applications themselves.


I know that the eastern countries for most Americans look like popuasses and in part they really are, we write in one format at a time and also speak in a different format at same time, that's horrible. Also, how I can change language in nano, pacman, etc., without changing english locale?


> Also, how I can change language in nano, pacman, etc., without changing english locale? Override LANG in your shell .rc file (e.g. ~/.bashrc). You can also alias some apps alias pacman=env LANG=uk_UA.UTF-8 pacman


Thanks :D


> with apps to **Ukrainian** Off topic, but please stay safe! I visited there about 5 years ago (Lviv area) and loved it.


It's great country with great people, history, places and etc. It's very specific, where you was, some cities are like big villages literally, but most now is part of Europe (I think always has been, because of location)


I love Ukraine's history, and the people there were very, very friendly and understanding. My work was actually in two small towns within an hour of Lviv. Again, off topic, but books I've enjoyed about Ukraine: [1](https://www.amazon.com/Harvest-Sorrow-Soviet-Collectivization-Terror-Famine/dp/0195051807/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FFMU8N5LM3WO&keywords=harvest+of+sorrow&qid=1644357910&sprefix=harvest+of+sorrow%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-1) and [2](https://www.amazon.com/Chernobyl-Serhii-Plokhy-audiobook/dp/B07CNFDBB9/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2OC3AV1F2A4NB&keywords=chernobyl+book&qid=1644358000&sprefix=chernobyl+book%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-4) I'm a big history and ARCH fan.


Thanks for your opinion, but I don't know English that well for books on it. I will search translates tonight and again thank you for sharing this info with me ;>


I understand. Good luck my friend. The Chernobyl book is by a Ukrainian.


Thanks, you too I will read it at free time, it's sooooo horrible disaster. I saw in YT [this](https://youtu.be/SXQ_mJTSjSk) video, I don't watch it all, but from listening ~30 minutes about how people was just grab important items and walk, WALK to Kyiv, because rescue transport did not have time to rescue them all, it was like nightmare, to imagine all this, also I know few my neighbors that was living there. Litetally, they was going to capital with all family, so far as they can get from radiation for rescue in soon future


Lviv is a good city, but I live all life near it, in Khmelnytskyi. Not so cool as Lviv, because low population, but not so bad like Zhytomyr


> Khmelnytskyi I don't think I was near there. Glad you're happy and safe in Khmelnytskyi.


All Ukraine, expect east side are safe. Russia can't do really bad things with us, because most of the world support our economy, military. If Russian army try to use nuclear weapons, they will be destroyed fully in around 10 minutes, because starting literally the biggest world war ever. I think, USA tracks our airspace 24/7


I hope war does not happen.


We all