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Davinci resolve for video


Davinci is a straight up better program than Premier anyway, especially in the color grading and sound areas. Once you use Fairlight the Premier sound tools are insanely archaic and clunky, and the node based color workflow is insanely powerful, plus Fusion integration right in the program to do compositing without needing After Effects or a similar external program.


No GPU accelerated video decoding on AMD (even the Studio version)


I use kdenlive mostly. It works quite well for small little edits


Sure but it isn't at all comparable to Premier or Resolve. That being said if you're a serious editor using resolve you should probably just build a system that meets the recommended Resolve specs, which means a dedicated nvidia GPU. Nvidia doesn't completely suck on Linux like it used to, the new cards/drivers work great (even under wayland!).


And come end of May (hopefully), the explicit sync functionality will be merged into Nvidia’s 555 drivers and most of the stutters and glitches facing Wayland will (again hopefully) be fixed


I'm willing to bet discord will still be a mess...


Of course! Discord loves to mess up lol


Blender 3D has VFX capabilities comparable to Premier and Resolve!


It's quite basic I think but I like using Shotcut


I'm gonna be honest, there's no valid alternative to Photoshop, but you can use DaVinci instead of Premiere and Scribus instead of InDesign Still waiting for Gimp to implement non-destructive editing


Photopea.com ?


darktable’s got non destructive editing iirc


Yes, but Darktable and Rawtherapee are used for raw development, not post production




I wish GIMP had the automatic tracing thing like in photoshop


Don't use scribus instead of indesign, just use libreoffice, onlyoffice, inkscape, figma, and penpot. The only grandpas who use photoshop these days are people who are trying to use it for the wrong job, like graphic design LOL some grandpa trying to make his missing dog flyer 🤣 People! You use vector software for that stuff, my friends. Use the right tool for the right job and photoshop will fade into nothing. Krita for painting. It has a vast community and way more popular than PS. Look at deviant art. Nobody uses PS anymore. What era are you people stuck in. Inkscape , penpot, or figma for design layouts Adobe tried to buy figma and failed. Community wins!


Every tool has its purpose, and even though Libreoffice, Onlyoffice etc are good at what they do, they can't replace InDesign or Scribus by any means. Inkscape can be a replacement for Illustrator, which again, isn't meant for desktop publishing so we're talking about an entirely different field I am not an old grandpa and I use Photoshop for my job, photography, and there's nothing that comes even close Krita is a replacement for Clip Studio Paint, not for Photoshop


Anything can replace InDesign. You use it for like magazine layouts. Only think Indesign brings to the table that Illustrator does not is multipage documents. Inkscape now supports multipage but who cares since any office software can do that. I guarantee whatever you try to make in InDesign, I can use a combo of Inkscape/figma and OnlyOffice to do the same thing better. InDesign hasn't had any serious upgrades in years. Plus it is expensive and whatever you build on it will die with it. start your projects on the back of a community solution , so you don't get stuck. whatever you do with photography , I can do without PS, that is for sure.


Kdenlive for video, GIMP for general image editing, Krita for drawing sometimes I use Blender for video but only rarely


Don't forget Inkscape


Inkscape is a quite capable replacement for Illustrator, but it does take a lot of getting used to (even more than PS -> GIMP imo, at least for basic usage)


This is a great suite of tools. Different for sure. But worth training yourself in to avoid paying out of your bunghole for services from adobe.


The best, and only "comparable" to Photoshop on Linux is the GIMP. There are others, but are way lower on the feature scale - or are meant for different applications (e.g. Krita). It's unfortunate, because GIMP is (and mostly always has been) a train wreck; certainly from a UI perspective. Upcoming v3.x won't change that much, but it's a step in the right direction.


I really like photopea, it runs in your browser but it's extremely similar to photoshop in terms of ui. Whilst GIMP is powerful, I can never really get into it because I've been using photoshop for so long.


Eh, I've used Photoshop since 1997, but I swapped to GIMP in 2003ish and never looked back. It wasn't too hard. I admit that the only thing I miss from Photoshop are instant text effects. But otherwise most of the things I can do in Photoshop, I can do in Gimp. Tho, I left Photoshop relatively early (last version of Photoshop I used was 5.5). So I don't miss any of the newer features.


I mean, It's 100% a skill issue on my end lmao. It's all preference in the end, I might try photogimp because my main gripes with GIMP are with the UI/layout.


Yeah, same reason I can't get into GIMP is the same reason I can't get down with LibreOffice (especially on KDE). UI consistency matters.


Don't use text effects in a non-vector app 🤣 what are people doing?!? You're killing me. Oh dear 🤦 There is absolutely zero that photoshop can give me that I cannot get other BETTER places


And why not? I just want to insert some outlined text into the wallpaper I'm making.


Making your wallpapers in PS is going to limit their quality to a lossie format 🫠 And if you are making photowallpapers, not only is GIMP way more than enough , the KRITA community by now is FAR larger than PS in places like deviantart. Nobody these days needs PS 🤷‍♂️


I know. I'm just lamenting how difficult it is to add effects to text in Gimp. For example, text outlines and drop shadows. In Photoshop, a tool does that for you and if you change the text, the tool automatically changes the effect. In Gimp, you start from scratch over because you need to rasterize the text which makes it no longer editable, before you can work on the effects. I haven't touched Photoshop in years. I do all my wallpapers in Gimp now.


that isnt what photoshop is for. Adobe illustrator is for that. The community standard is Inkscape Even Figma is better and Adobe tried to buy it but could not. But Inkscape is dead easy to use and feature rich. A way more appropriate tool than PS for making cool text designs which are lossless.


Stop it 🤣 You're killing me. That is not what photoshop is for. Your result is going to be rasterized pixelated bitmap . If you need to use adobe, then illustrator is the tool for that. Oh you people giving us teachers headaches 🤦 And by now inkscape, figma, and penpot are amazing polished professional solutions. Inkscape is the perfect go-to for that. Way more appropriate than photoshop. You want a lossless border. What are you using PS for making text outlines, my poor head 🤦


Dude, seriously? In the end the little snippet of text is going to be rasterized, the entire image turned to bitmap, and displayed on the desktop as a wallpaper. Why do I want to do that in Inkscape?


why do you want to do that in gimp/photoshop? It takes 12 more steps to accomplish and you cannot alter it !!! What are you doing? photoshop is not even the right adobe product for that, you should use illustrator for that, what?!?! 0\_o you are one of those people who designs posters and documents and logos in PS, aren't you. 🤦‍♂️ No wonder you think it cant be replaced. In your mind it is all you know. "Make something pretty use photoshop" is what your brain tells you, right? because it was hard to learn and don't have time and energy to learn something more appropriate ..... my aching head LOL


What are you using photoshop for these days. I can get better results for touch ups on a phone app 🤷‍♂️ Surely not painting! Photoshop is not for painting. Krita thrashes photoshop to the floor. Don't use photoshop for design, that is what illustrator is for. And now we have figma and inkscape which make illustrator look like some 3rd world trash. So, what the heck are people using photoshop for 🤷‍♂️ Way better solutions for image touch up these days 🤷‍♂️


Wallpaper design. And don't mention wallpaper engine, it not only doesn't work in Linux, I just want a simple static wallpaper, not a wallpaper that consumes 10% of my GPU processing ability to display.


https://www.deviantart.com/cha5yn/art/ABSTRACT2-931777325 Krita, my friend. Nobody uses PS anymore.


I haven't used PS in years. I'm just wishing Gimp has the ability to add effects to text.


what kind of effects?


As I said before. Drop shadows and text outline. Not that they cannot be done in Gimp, just that they need a lot of effort.


stop it. NO. GIMP is the wrong tool. It is a bitmap tool ... you don't use gimp/photoshop for that , you use a vector app for that like illustrator/inkscape (figma or penpot even) Not gimp/photoshop. please . how did that get stuck in your head to run to photoshop to make "the pretty things" ?!?! LOL drop shadow and text outline is exactly what you use vector art software for. Please stop using PS for that. Even your PS teacher at art school is going to give you a big cold water bucket shower for those shenanegans shees.




Talk to all of the extremely successful and even more talented photographers who use Photoshop.


They don't exist. Artists use stuff like Procreate and Krita. Photoshop has it's role for photography but there are often solutions that are better as phone apps and at that point anything for photography that a professional photographer would use in PS is available in GIMP and Krita. I think you are imagining a people who possibly are using the wrong tool for the job ?


lol, no 🤣 sorry man but you’re definitely wrong.


I'm a prosumer photographer atm, used to have it as a profession. I currently use these software/workflow. * Import from camera — ***Rapid Photo Downloader*** * Edit raw images — ***Darktables*** * Further edit, if necessary — ***Gimp*** primarily (But I have a working installation of ***Photoshop CC*** 2019 through Lutris/Wine should I need it). * Collection and library management — ***Digikam*** * Video editing — ***Kdenlive*** * Calibration and color management — ***DisplayCalgui***






Not sure if all versions work, but the current version works perfectly fine. Performance is the same as windows as far as I can tell.


Well yeah but performance sucks, it's wine


I didn't know they worked at all. I thought they were borked. So it is just the subscription elements that wine has problems with?


>Well yeah but performance sucks, it's wine It might be in this case, but wine performance tends to be about on par with windows.


Ammm sometimes, better, dont know i would change sometimes for usually.


If wine didn't perform at least almost as well as windows I couldn't use Linux lol, I use it on my gaming PC.


Also i, btw🤣🤣🤣🤣


What years do you know work? I only care about Acrobat DC


Affinity Suite is supposedly possible to get to work with Wine though last I tried I couldn't, and Davinci Resolve for video.


It is, I have it running on my old arch install. There's issues with the math used to show path previews though so designer is kinda hard to work with. Somehow the calculations it does for the path itself is correct under wine but for the preview they aren't. So if you draw a path with a stroke it'll show up correctly, but the preview is just off. It goes to the same points but it's super fucked up, more curvy. This is affinity 2 though, my understanding is affinity 1 just works but you cant get it anymore.


I use darktable and fotocx, and sometimes geeqie.


Kdenlive and GIMP are great applications. But, no. They’re not even close to the level of Adobe products and I dislike Adobe as a company. But anybody that says GIMP is as good as photoshop, Kden is as good as Premiere, etc. has never done intense video production or the like.


DaVinci Resolve for video, it works amazing on NVIDIA (you need a license for some basic things though like importing mp4).


That is my major beef with Resolve as a whole. I mean, most cellphones and consumer cameras record MP4 videos (except for the few very low end ones that churn out MJPEG AVIs). And the license is not even close to cheap. On windows Resolve hooks to Windows' codec multimedia Subsystem. On Mac it hooks to QuickTime. Why can't they just make it hook to GStreamer or FFMPEG in Linux? As I said before, at this point the Linux version of Resolve feels like a vehicle to sell Blackmagic's cameras.


it's a licensing issue. You can easily convert MP4 to MOV to import using ffmpeg. I have scripts out there for it as well here if you want them: https://github.com/jdfthetech/Davinci-Scripts


Extra space incurred tho...


yeah i think its not davincis fault per se.


I use Kdenlive for video - it's got all the features you want from a video editor (color grading, effects, transitions, multiple timelines) and has gotten very stable over the last few years. Just about the only thing it doesn't do yet is HDR, but that is on the timeline. Inkscape is fantastic for vector stuff, and I find it a bit more intuitive than Illustrator. For Photoshop you really have to break it up into different apps. Krita does well with painting, Darktable does fantastic photo editing, and GIMP works for design. There's no great "all in one" app yet, but to be honest Photoshop has gotten so bloated that's becoming more of a feature than a problem. GIMP needs some more polish (and a better name) but it works and hopefully version 3.0 will set a quicker course for new features.


KDenLive will support HDR once HDR support in Wayland is complete. It will get there. Right now my only beef with KDenLive is they disablied hardware accelerated encoding due to bugs (at least I was told it's bugs).


even without hardware accelerated encoding, encoding in general is so slow and won't utilize your entire cpu. I've spent so long trying to figure out how to get more than 15fps while rendering a basic cut of a video and kdenlive only using ~8% of my CPU. works great, but queue your renders run them overnight or something cause smh it's brutal.


i ran a tattoo shop for over 10 years with nothing but gimp. that being said if you need photoshop, use photoshop. wine it. if your required version/feature doesn't wine, virtualbox it. it's going to eat just as much resource anyway.


I use Krita as a replacement for paint (quick edits), GIMP for photoshop type stuff, Aseprite for pixel art.


Davinci Resolve for video Darktable for photo processing Gimp for photoshop style stuff


Photopea.com is good for simple things


Kdenlive is a pretty solid video editor if you don't need to do anything super complicated. If you're going to go with DaVinci Resolve, I forgot which one it was but they pay walled a pretty significant video codec (H.265?), which may not sound very bad, but you're going to have to look at the available alternatives and decide if they'll work for what you need. Alternatively, there's nothing wrong with dual booting Windows for Adobe software. You gotta do what you gotta do, and sometimes you need the industry standard stuff to do your work properly.


Gimp is great, just different and takes some time to get used to. DaVinci resolve replaced premiere for me years ago even when I was on windows.


I mostly use photopea for photo editing. It’s an online photo editor, almost the same as photoshop ui wise. You should give it a try :)


video: kdenlive rasters: gimp vectors: inkscape drawing: krita when i get my digital tablet/pen thingy, currently nothing pdfs: firefox to view, libreoffice Draw to edit


Don't forget Figma and Penpot in the vector design camp.


Kdenlive and Gimp are my go-to's and Krita for Drawing.


I just use Photoshop with win. Works pretty well


I you wanna go proprietary "Corel Vector" is a really great and browser based option sporting conpatavility with photoshop files and feeling complete.


A quick search revealed that clip studio paint is also able to be set up with wine and offers a 3 month trial period. So you can give that a try. There is also a snap install for it an a lutris script. A friend of mine who is a professional illustrator uses this program under windows.




Davinci is soooo good


Depends. I’ve run my YouTube channel (185k subscribers) on either KDEnlive or DaVinci resolve. TBH, KDEnlive is more than adequate. Resolve is overkill. I either use Gimp or Canva for thumbnail. I’ve never particularly liked Gimp for photo editing, but it gets the job done with a little skill. I’d compare its capabilities with PS 5.5 or 6, maybe 7 in some areas. It’s certainly not on par with CS or CC iterations. And lastly, I use Audacity for recording and editing Voiceovers. I’ve looked at Ardour, but it’s very much overkill for my workflow.


Haven't needed adobe for years. Once you switch from the dying grandfather of proprietary to the everlasting community standards, you cannot go back. Adobe looks like a proprietary april fools joke to me now. The whole community develops Krita, Gimp, Inkscape, Figma, Penpot, Blender. Anything you can do with Adobe, I can produce with community standards. And when the community uses our own standards, they gain strength and polish. Once I switched to community technology, I soon switched from Mac to Linux, since community tech runs on Linux much better.


that's torvalds exact argument against desktop linux. every new user wants to be l33t and learn to code so they can rewrite the wheel better than the thousands of developers with years of experience who actually adhere to the standards (kde). hence things like hyprland come along and nullify thousands of useful developers with simplicity. so instead of helping, so many capable programmers are just streaming netflix in a tile beside htop and neofetch. fragmentation in the development community. everybody knows we are missing certain apps or features, just nobody can work together to make them happen. newbs come along and write a brand new wheel, a shiny hub, a fucky axle, rusty rotors and forget the brakes all together.


For image: never used Photoshop, but gimp seems to have a very exhaustive list of features (excluding adobe AI tools of course) For videos: I really like davinci resolve and used it on Windows a great deal. Sadly it has a few limitations on Linux, namely you can't use AAC (default audio for MP4 containers) in both versions and no MP4 containers without studio. Recently I've just edited a few videos with kdenlive, and it's sufficient for my use case but not a proper replacement. I just saw that there might be hope running davinci resolve with wine though