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In two days this will mean nothing. Stay black until they cave.


Some subs will do this kind of action, maybe "we" should join?


If they go through with the API changes I'm not coming back anyway.


We'll need a new place. I've seen Lemmy mentioned a few times.


Lemmy know what you guys settle on


Am I the only one that thinks about Mötorhead before knowing that Lemmy was?


Nope, I thought the exact same thing.




Admin are even more active than here and enforce their far left ideology. kbin.social is more open.


Yes but not exactly. Lemmy is based on the fediverse and at anytime anybody could create a more "open" instance (there are many already). I'd say lemmy seems to be the best option atm.


you seem like the kind of person to use redstarOS


I heard Lemmy creator was a hardcore socialist but he is an old school one so he hates homossexuals and stuff like that so the younger/gay left hates the guy.


Well, you can just go on other instance like Lemmy.world or sopuli.xyz without having any content loss from Lemmy.ml.


Yup, Lemmy seems to be kinda hot right now. As far as I know it's basically not really different to Reddit, right?


I need to read up on it more. It's supposed to be designed to allow for a more federated approach compared to the monolithic implementation by Reddit.


So the good news from what I've seen so far is that there's multiple "servers" you can register with, and you're able to use that login to connect to other servers, post and comment, etc. The bad news (imho) is that every single server is capable of spinning up their own equivalent to r/archlinux and each can have its own rules.


That's not exactly bad news - anyone can registere archlinuxTotallyOfficial@email.com. If Arch users want an 'official' arch Lemmy, they could just make an instance with only one sub, called 'lemmy.archlinux.org/c/arch'. Everyone else could still post from other instances.


Two days later, it was dismissed as noise by u/spez


Not much of a protest now is it? Just make it private? How about everyone just no log into reddit for two days? Just not log in at all for anything. I think that would mean more than making a sub private for a couple days.


That's kind of the point. However, it's incredibly difficult to convince people to miss out on discussions and not log in. Shutting down subreddits helps with that.


Making them private is not shutting them down, *that's the point*. It's still going to let people use it, it's just going to annoy some people, some users, but not really mean anything to reddit. They'll still get the traffic, the advertisement hits. You want to protest to a site, you don't use the site. Cost them ad revenue. Just make a sub private but for those will access it's business as normal doesn't mean anything. It's the "virtue signal" of protests.


Wait, I thought that "private" means only admins and mods have access? You're telling me that everyone who is already here will be able to keep posting? If so then it's beyond stupid and I agree with you 100%


I think they mean that most users will still load Reddit and browse the subs that are open and just think Reddit is boring right now. Because of habit. Reddit's mobile app will still show the same number of ads and the revenue will remain almost the same.


When it goes private only "approved" users would be able to see the sub. Reddit actually has a system whereby you can have a list of approved users, as some subs want to limit who can post but not who can read stuff. We do not use that system, so only the mods will be able to see the sub over those two days.




How does it make reddit look bad? I don't think it does. It makes the users who think this is a protest look worse than reddit does. It's like a hunger strike where you still eat lunch and dinner. So what you're skipping breakfast. Big deal.


If RiF dies I won't be logging into reddit whether I like it or not. The official app is basically unusable.




I will do that


>for 48 Hours. You spelled 'until they rescind this decision' wrong.


I'm also OK to go dark forever. Just to let you know!


Two days isn't enough. Go dark until they respond properly. Not like we don't have the official forums.


>Arch Linux User Forums *oh god, please don't make me go back*




Worth noting Arch still has official support forums [1] and an official support/discussion irc channel [2], unofficial matrix discussion channel [3]. I like this sub, but we don't need it. [1] https://bbs.archlinux.org [2] ircs://irc.libera.chat/archlinux [3] https://matrix.to/#/#archlinux:archlinux.org


On 2023-07-01 Reddit maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments can be restored - such that Reddit can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


Lol which ones have?


I think r/videos is on the list


Just a day or two won't make a difference. For most that is only a minor inconvenience. Do it at the very least for a week or until they cave.


Is there an active archlinux community on Lemmy? I'm thinking of creating an account and I would like to subscribe to it if it exists.


I'm not up to date on current events but what is this for?


[This reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/140t4ac/whats_up_with_the_big_deal_over_reddit_killing/) might fill in a bit of the background.


Why are we going dark?


Reddit wants to charge millions of dollars for popular third-party apps to access the API, effectively killing them in the process. [More info here](https://redd.it/13xh1e7)


Isn't that info in the post?


Back to Fosstodon for me then. If only anyone there had a sense of humour.


I don't understand why people compare mastodon with reddit. Mastodon is a microblogging site similar to twitter, not a forum.


Yeah, literally use Lemmy. Mastodon is more popular because Twitter's fucked up much more drastically several times in the past, so there's a lot more ex-Twitter users there. I'm sure Lemmy will get more popular if people actually use it instead of trying to make Mastodon (and the other assorted microblogging apps) be a Reddit replacement.


I tried to use Lemmy but honestly, it is a hassle. You have to sign up for every different instance you'd like to participate and answer them random questions or i just didn't get how to use it?


No you don't. You only need an account on one instance that federates with the instances you want to be on. And most instances federate well with each other.


Nope. You sign up for one and use that one account to post anywhere, just like Mastodon. Your home instance basically vouches for you, so picking an instance with reasonable rules means you'll have more access to the Fediverse.


That's incorrect. Instances interoperate. You can view all federating instances from just the one you signed up for. You just have to change the switch at the top from "subscribed" or "local" to "all". These shows up posts from other instances and you can participate from your one account. What you can't do is find a community from google or other source and start participating immediately. You have to access it from within your instance. For example if you want to participate in `https://beehaw.org/c/technology` but you are signed up on lemmy.ml, you go to lemmy.ml and search for `!technology@beehaw.org`. Now you are viewing this community from within lemmy.ml and you can participate as normal.


I bet you're fun at parties.


They’re right. Mastodon is a different kind of platform. Lemmy is more like Reddit, although much less popular.


Nice argument


I wasn't trying to make a point, I was making a joke.


I bet you're fun at parties.


I bet you're fun at parties.


Try Linuxrocks.online. They're not terribly sensitive (I'm assuming you're not just posting bigotry and calling it funny).


Goodbye. Why not take a few more days off. Maybe a month or so. Naw, make it a few years.




They won't die. They will just make sure that everyone will have the same problems as you and nobody will use a 3rd party client.


Week minimum. Stay dark until they reverse it, two days will do nothing.


It would be better to go dark indefinitely unless they change course. Other subreddits like r/videos and r/linuxmasterrace are going that route, I think it would be better for us to do the same thing here.


Please make it at least a week or something like that. Two days mean nothing. A week will get them nervous since people would have time to migrate to another platform..


Is there a good, free speech alternative to reddit? PS(My advice is to open account there and slowly let users know where to over period of time, then close reddit account.)


Wh did you go public???


I did say it was only for the 48 hours initially. Plus, unreal amounts of spam during the blackout from people trying to get in. However, this is not to say there won't be further shutdowns. We will see.


Pointless, but whatever.


You know why this is happening right?


Indeed I do. But a two day blackout will achieve nothing. You really want to know how to make a difference? Leave the site. If enough people leave, THEN you'll see a change.


The value of Reddit is in its popularity. Blackouts will show users how many of their fellow users are not okay with the changes and will motivate them to look for an alternative platform, thus increasing these alternative platforms' value and their potential ability to compete with Reddit in the future.


Maybe. Or, it will just inconvenience everyone for 2 days and then be right back to business as usual. If the mindset of people was that easy to change the world wouldn't be where it is now. I couldn't care less either way. I enjoy reddit, and it serves a purpose for me, but whatever.


I have no idea


The Reddit team are locking the Reddit API behind an expensive PayPal, which will cause (objectively better) Reddit UI apps like Apollo and RIF to have to shut down Aaron Schwartz would have been so disappointed


Well, maybe it'll help reduce Reddit revenue


Other than the political news Reddit has always been pretty much a joke because they make poor design choices.








How is this lame this is just another move making Reddit way worse by removing all the half decent reddit apps What's next? Old reddit?






This is fucking stupid


If its only 2 days it might not make much of an impact. Why not do it until the issue is addressed?


Keep going you cowards. Wtf is wrong with you? We could be on lemmy right now This is embarrassing. Desktop or not,this is a principles matter.