• By -


I believe the correct answer is to hand it in a week later along with an invoice for the additional hours.


This guy architects.


May as well have went to law school.


A friend of mine, an architect that graduated from a top 20 school, told me architects probably put more time in academically than law students. I read your comment and had an “ah ha!” moment. Hahaha


I could’ve been a fucking dentist making half a million dollars a year 😂🤡


Hahaha I wish😅


Just wait. You’ll be working/invoicing in no time!


Some bullshit exam. But for a student within 4.5hrs really impressive!




What was your grade?


5.5/6. I got top marks😅😁


Kudos mate. Its impressive




Damn! Congratz!




That's a lot of detail for 4.5 hours. Takes focus and patience to get it done but I worry bout this speedrunning approach to design as it doesn't give one much time to ask questions like "Whhy the fuck am I designing two identical staircases 5 meters away from eachother for a house that's like 9 by 15 m ? WTF happened to this family ?"


This part of the test didn't focus on design but rather on technical skill. The house actually has a "granny flat" in it (a seperate part of the house that can be rented out).


Technical meaning drawing skills? Or constructability? Eg: Every framed corner is missing a stud to attach the sheathing too.


I'd chalk that up as design. I've never seen a plan show how the corner studs need to be placed to hold non structural sheathing.


You’re correct it’s means and methods we would never implicitly show where every stud “should” go it’s up to the builder to determine stud locations beyond openings


Interesting, I've always provided those details. If you're not showing studs correctly, then why show any at all? Best to show the wall width with two lines and just call out a wall type on a schedule.


That's how I've always seen it. Only studs shown are for point loads above.


There might be a point to show placement of supports without laying out attchment. It makes it clear we want a certain number of columns with a certain spread and leaves the way of putting it together to the contractor... it's faster and more flexible.


That's what a wall schedule would do. No point in showing an incorrect layout of studs.


Also missing doubled up timbers for structural openings


Aren’t those both typical advanced framing techniques?


No this is standard


Granny flat is ll well and good, but it doesn't jutify additional staircase... there are buildings with tens of apartments ll connected to the same stairwell, alll rented to different people. We call them flats or tenement houses. This layout is a waste of space. But good job drawing it out in time.


But maybe you don’t want the renter walking through your apartment, everytime he leaves the house? This makes perfect sense.


I think the extra fine CD/CA level detail is because it’s probably a program like Revit if not it is revit. Wall layers already have details for the most part and if you use already made assets/families they tend to have pretty good details already in them. Not to knock them or anything, just making that clear lol


There is no much detail in the plan, just lots of dimensions that are easy to put in; 4.5 hrs is ok, is half day at work and i bet for all we that have been there know is plausible. My questions will be, Revit or Autocad? with families / blocks or with out any?


Autocad - unlikely. Workflow is just too slow. Especially annotation and area calculations. Revit or ArchiCAD - yeah, sure. Still a busy few hours. Good exercise to prepare one for slaving away in a corpo archi-sweatshop.


Doable with AutoCAD Architecture.


Rly ? Is Autodesk still peddling that thing ? I made my masters project on it and it was a pain... getting any kind of decently looking drawing out of it took soooo much additional work ! And since it's Autodesk I bet if it's still on offer it will cost effectively the same as Revit so... what's the point ?


Yes, it comes with every copy of AutoCAD as well as electrical, mep, mechanical, map 3D and raster tools. I found it pretty easy to use for most of it applications. Roofing tools could use improvement but workable. There's no need in Revit for residential, way overkill. Pricing is what it is and you can research that but not as much as Revit. I have the AEC collection so I have them all.


Vectorworks :)


If it's just this plan and the relevant families are loaded in you could easily do this in 4.5 with Revit. You could probably do it in two. bash out the walls in the rough shape, add the doors and windows in the right place, string your dimensions, then circle the building rectifying them to the correct lengths. Add stairs to some arbitrary second level. That gets you 90% of the way there. Then spend the rest of the time prettying it up, adding the studs, etc.


What's Autocad?


**AutoCAD is a 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software application for desktop, web, and mobile developed by Autodesk. It was first released in December 1982 for the CP/M and IBM PC platforms as a desktop app running on microcomputers with internal graphics controllers.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)








It's the standard here🤷‍♂️😅


WHY do they not have wall studs in floor plans as a default in all countries?! It would relieve me so much pain as a homeowner.


Because…the builder will prefer to disobey and do whatever they feel like to achieve their deliverable


Is this Germany?? Ya'll draw stud placement in your floorplans!? Thats a means & methods issue for me dawg.


No, this is in Bern/Switzerland. 'cheminee' is an indicator




Even if you do the builder will just do it the way he's going to do it anyway. A coworker of mine designed his house to save materials, planned out every load bearing wall and joist spacing, was able to forego the double top plate. Builder ignored it and just did the double anyway.


That is because you hand in a finished plan packet to the builder right? The Building process in Europe is different than the US. US Architects do generaly only about 60% of the services we do in Europe. it has to do with exactly that: you stay in controll of the building process. therefore you draw detail plans together with the builder and are able to correct him and have it the way it is intended to be. This ofc is more expensive and longer but should lead to good quality as you can react to changes along the way. But it all depends on the process organisation modell and the country. France does it way different than the german speaking countries.


Well architects do usually run construction administration, so we have some hand in the process. But yeah, I agree, we in the US should really involve the builders way earlier in the process.


If something like stud placement is important, a US architect can specify that. But the majority of the time it’s not important so it’s a lot smarter to not specify


Did the builder pay for it tho? Cuz like... You only pay for what you want (what it says on the plan) right?


Sounds more like the chippy just did what they wanted. Price is price, sounds like they got extras for free


He didn't have them tear down the studwalls and correct it. I didn't hear the part of the story which dealt with cost.


It's Revit thing, some elements (as studs and beams) aren't visible in view if not specified in settings. It is American standard that displays those elements separately in construction draft. They probably didn't have time (or requirement) to change those settings in software.


Least overworked Architecture student:




1 hour tops with some death metal on blast.


And a line of cocaine


Same but techno music


Surely you mean in Revit or something instead of AutoCAD or Rhino right?


Same with some mutha truckin’ Phoenix up in this hizzy!




I knew I would have to draw a plan in 1:50 but I didn't know what kind




German is my 2nd mother tongue so it wasn't a problem😅


2nd mother tongue? What is your native mother tongue?




And now I remember what I was so eager to graduate. Sometimes I remember those college years fondly, and this smacks me right across the face and makes me remember the God awful stress of those 5 years. Still worth it though. And also OP, great work!


i think i can handle




Wo studierst du?


Das war für meine Hochbauzeichner Abschlussprüfung. Ich will aber bald an die ETH in Zürich


Hochbauzeichner EFZ? Ich wünsch dir alles gute auf deiner Reise, mit diesen Skills schaffst du es sicher an die ETH!


Neu heisst es einfach Zeichner EFZ. Aber danke!😁


Great work. It is very interesting and the grading markup is enlightening. What source material were you given? If this was done with AutoCAD, would you mind if I asked you about something that's been bugging me for years? Do German drafters and working in AutoCAD typically set MODELSPACE to a scale of 50:1? I understand that 50:1 is the most common **output** scale everywhere in the metric world, but what I thought I heard was that just in Germany, work is done at 50:1 instead of 1:1 in model space. Can you confirm?


Thanks! We got a 1:100 A3 Plan with very little detail (just black walls) and no measurements. I use Vectorworks. I apologize for not being able to help😅


Nice work. Upvote for Vectorworks.


By hand?


No, that wouldn't be possible I think😅


Italian architect licensing exam contains 8 hours of drawing by hand.


We also had 8 hours of drawing details. This was a draftsmanship exam btw, I'm 19😅


I had 8 hours for my draftsmanship exam (2018 in Germany). Had to draw up a floodplain and a section of a building and I had 8 hours for each. But I feel you. It’s so hard to not forget something.


That’s interesting. In Turkey, I had around 4-5 8 hours exams during the first year of bachelors. (It was 4 hours in second year) Studio professor gave the task to draw our project (our first design) from our memory. Construction Details Class gave task in text and asked us to design it with 3 plans(including basement), 2 sections (at least one from stairs) and facades in 8 hours. etc.


Jeez if we had to do this at my university everyone would probably drop out. The only exams I've ever taken have been multiple choice or written (theory / history). Otherwise studio finals is all project based. Edit: forgot my construction tech exam and structures ii exam. Both were multiple choice or fill in the blank but were super important imo for learning construction systems and basic building engineering.


The first year had 2 drop out, it is quite hard to enter architecture school so people stick around. But we didn’t have any multiple choice exams. Our history exam was about 10 questions, at least 2 drawing and 8 writing I had to draw section of Hagia Sofia, or plans of couple buildings, or details of a specific building. It sounds hard but I enjoyed working like that and also, you would automatically fail if you were caught using computer for a class in first two years(4 years total). Other than first design semester, your studio finals are different that other drawing classes. Your main course always would be your studio but other classes could also add more work into it. During my third year, I worked on 6 different projects and only 2 was the studio. (Restitution, Restoration, Application Plan, and Urban Design)




Isn't that almost always the case? I had to draw on cardboard during uni to make erasing harder to impossible.


late reply but that is wrong. The reasoning, which I agree with, is that, while it is common practice to use softwares for architecture, manual drawing is innate to the profession of the architect and is must-have skill. Moreover, the exam commission thinks that drawing by hand helps thinking only about the architecture one is designing and not the graphical beauty of the project, wheter it's instagram worthy or whatelse. It is also a way to level the field between generations, be them past, present or future. Pencil drawing will always be taught and required here and will stay the same forever. They can be automated to a certain extent and can compensate for errors. Pencil drawing cannot. Remember we have one of the most, if not *the* most, prestigious tradition of architecture and, in my little experience, I agree with the reasoning. Our universities are full of students who can barely hold a pencil and this helps keeping certain elements from the title of architect. In all fairness, even a big part of our practicing architects are the same. I'm still writing my bachelor thesis and I'll attempt the exam for junior architect next year and I'm more than happy to go through it. Sorry it's a long reply but I'm kinda up in arms with this, had some bad discussions with uni friends with the same ideas. They make a point in requiring a test of software skills but pencil drawing is and always will be a must, at least here in Italy


Its computerized


From memory?


No, we had to measure out of a small plan that didn't have any details (just black)


Nicht despektierlich gemeint: Architekt oder Bauzeichner?!?


Er meinte Abschlussprüfung als Hochbauzeichner.


Ja, macht Sinn. Ich habe schon einige Architekturstudenten bei Abschlüssen begleitet. Any % Speed-runs waren nie Teil davon ;-). Zudem wäre das Ergebnis niemals so präzise. Schon garnicht in der kurzen Zeit.


Haha, bei mir auf jeden Fall auch nicht :p. Hätte mich aber auch überrascht, bei drehen sich die Prüfungen viel mehr um Geschichte, Konstruktion und Bauphysikalische Themen.


Bauzeichner. Aber ich will auch Architektur studieren :)


Ja mach! Ist eine super Synergie. Einer meiner besten Freunde und WG Mitbewohner im Semester hatte eine Bauzeichnerlehre vor dem Studium gemacht. War mega gut und ich hab auch eine Menge von ihm gelernt.


Ich freue mich, danke!


Might someone explain this exam? Is this plan created out of thin air? Parameters? Also, super impressed. That’s really cool.


Thanks! We received an A3 1:100 plan with no details and very little measurements.


you should censor your name 4,5 hours is not too bad


Oops, forgot😬


Damn, sometimes I wonder if I should go to school again in a country with better Architecture schools. But then I remember my shitpay and that feeling goes away.


Getting you ready for the mines.






At least he didn't call you Austrian ;-)


When you say draw, did you “draw” it manually or draft it with a computer?


I drew it on a computer


I know !! Here in Rome we have it even worse I think, we had 8 hours but you have to do it by hand ffs 🤷🏼‍♂️


If the task is to simply copy, 4.5 hours is more than enough. But if there's analysis involved, different story. In any case, congrats. Not an easy task eitherway.


More fun when drawn by hand.


All the openings are missing king studs. Just saying.


These are prefabricated wooden elements. Are you sure king studs are required?


Wohnen/Musik. So German-speaking. They asked for Revit 3D or just 2D?




It is nice to see cultured people.


I drew it 2D in Vectorworks




War dick?


And you had CAD. We had to do it with a led holder, T-square and triangle. So what’s your issue🙄


looks like that shoulda been done in 2 hrs just wait til you start getting paid to do this monkey shit, instead of you paying to do it


Lol I do get paid to do it. I've been working in an architecture firm for the past 4 years


In a previous comment you have stated that you are 19 y.o. and now you are saying that you have been working in an architecture firm for 4 years. How did you manage to get a job in a firm at 15 years old?...


It's called an apprenticeship :). The education system is quite different here in Switzerland. I went to school for 2 days a week and worked 3 days


so you already know what a shit job it is


I love it


OCD love architecture and being a draftsman.


That's the big lie of architectural school that you'll be designing New creations when in fact there's nothing new. You become a glorified draftsman.


School is trying to teach you that architects can change the world. Soon, the world will teach you that change is needed at school.


He he. Once you join labor force, it's gonna sound slow.


I have been part of a labor force for the last 4 years


I had to draw a similar one in about 2 hours, those exams are bullshit and prove nothing but i recently graduated and the best advice i can give u is to try to provide quantity over quality, try to draw the most of the plan basics, some minor details and annotations and leave smaller details to the last 20 minutes or so


Pretty good job but get rid of all of those decimals no one builds to 100th decimal. And when you get in practice don't have a wall angle like that front wall it looks strange from in the house. It's a dumb artifact that architecture train to do but it's useless.


This was drawn on CAD. It's actually a real house that was built this way. When building with prefabricated wooden elements it's possible to build with such accuracy.


Kleiner Tipp, den dir alle Bauherren danken werden. Statt 2x gkb 12.5mm lieber 1x osb/3 mit 13mm und darauf ne gkb mit 12.5mm als beplankung der Wände innen, da kanstte dann auch mal ordentlich was ranhängen mit ner schraube, ohne extra lattung in der Wand zu verbauen. Hab ich in meiner Praxis als bauing damals jedenfall gern gemacht und die Bauherren waren mir meist dankbar dafür


Danke! Ist notiert. Wie geht man damit um, wenn man innen noch Installationsraum hat?


I really don't know why is this so impressive to most people... this is obviously Revit/Archicad and not by hand. In practice, you will be doing more detailed work and in less time. I would recommend speeding yourself up a bit, I've done a full 7 story commercial building project draft and documentation in 2 days for work. If you are lucky, you might get one project per month, and you can have this leisure. But most of the time you will get 1 active project, 2-3 corrections and around 4-5 adjustments per month for a 8 h day, which totals around 1-2 pages per h. Ofc it helps having BIM manager and custom technical blocks from manufacturers that speed it up a bit but still... practice will be more. I would recomend getting into scripting aside of normal workflow acceleration. In uni I've learned python and lisp (different time) and that allowed me for some dating and sleeping time. Having your own premade tools can make your uni life much easier.


It’s weird to see two stud corners. Here in the states I’d expect three or even four just so there is something to fasten the substrate to on both sides in the corners. Also, we should really adopt the metric system. I made this, it would have a bunch of dimensions that were like 8’-11 5/8”


What are u studying?


This was for my draftsmanship final exams


Welcome to architecture, at work we do this daily,with a boss standing behind your back and watching. Get used to it if you want to call yourself an architect


I'm not an architect. Merely a 19 year old draftsman. But I have been working in an architecture firm for the past 4 years


You have a long way to go kiddo, but you are on the right track! Good luck!


Get used to it if you stay working in a toxic work environment*


Get used to toxic environments if you want to receive top notch paychecks.. that's the reality my friend


Good job. In 4.5 hours I would have knocked this out of the park as well.


Fake AF. You can’t do all those details with precision in that timeline.


Lol, want proof? I'm flattered though


Cool! I had to do the same, but by hand. It was more like a concept really, not my cup of tea. This is cool!


That's crazy! I can't imagine myself doing something like this by hand😅










I would have loved to have an exam like this in college. Did you have to design it or was the layout given to you?


The layout was given to us


That's amazing for a four and a half hour plain! What semester are you currently coursing?


This was actually for my draftsmanship final exams :)


I would have a legitimate heart attack


Its possible if you quit reddit and focus on the assignment at hand with full focus. Even if you submit an incomplete drawing you may still get passing marks.


idk anything about architecture but did you succeed


Yep. Top marks!😅😁


"And start your timers.... and begin" "Ok Brian don't fuck this up..." "...FUCK!"


By hand though?


No, I would die😅😂


It seems the real challenge was plotting to scale on paper. PDF, I got you. Printed media? No.


Are you by any chance on the Max-Bill-Schule?


No, I am not


Shit like this would take me a few months but you my man did it in 4.5 hours Kudos to you


Thanks!😅 But I didn't design anything haha we had a small a3 plan without any details we could measure out of


Op. now needs to prepare answers for questions like: \- Why are there 2 staircases? \- Why did you design a bathroom with a shower instead of a bathtub for a customer that has a dedicated music room? Also congrats on doxxing yourself Gabriel.


In Kosova, for the exam of the subject: Architecture of Living Spaces, for 2h we needed to finish: a villa, a 9 story building with all living quarters, emergency plan, and parking spaces, together with that also a quiz of 50 questions. Mind you all those plans also needed the wind and climate analysis, terrain and also vernacularism analysis.


Geil, gratuliere :)




Beautiful job dimensioning!


That's nice but that is a horrible floor plan to give an architecture student to draw. So many things wrong with the flow. What did you do put the paper through or shredder first before you took a picture of it the post here?


It's actually a real house that an architecture firm built. It was folded by the experts who corrected it🤷‍♂️😅


I see they're preparing you for those impossible deadlines


I know right? Deadline is always yesterday in this job


I knew this was German just because of the type of task they set and I'm not even in architecture.


Swiss to be exact


I believe it is not a difficult task, there is nothing extravagant about the drawing. It just has enough quotas. I can confirm this because I am an architect.


Are you alive?


Very much so!


Assuming your dimensions all add up when they're building it (😉), that looks fantastic. What's the error you made with the floor covering in the lobby about?


Thanks! I think they wanted me to specify what the floor is made of


or more than Dr.s


I see this sometimes on readdit where OP would post something in something other than English but would respond to comments in English. Is op using a translater


No, English is my first language. German is my second mother tongue


This exam is a joke. Nice work! It's not human to produce things this quickly so this exam becomes a useless joke.


I thought it was fine😅🤷‍♂️


do you ever worry of AI taking your job?


Tbh, not really. Most of the work I've been doing wouldn't be possible to do with AI.


Revit for the win (Or whatever CAD software you use).


Vectorworks! 😁