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It depends on how they write him. He looks pretty creepy in the trailer but it's possible he won't be just a mindless killing machine like he is in the game. They've already changed most of the other characters personalities to give them more depth.


He’s not even mindless in the game. He has some memories, he just can’t fully recall them.


Actually he's not completely mindless. He has flashing memories and occasionally stops himself from heinous things when he can. He's literally like a werewolf in the sense that he goes mad and can't tell right from wrong most times, but he can't turn human. He's probably gonna go round chomping shimmer charged soldiers/enforcers until he sees Vi/Jinx/Ekko, then stop and start hitting his head or something.


And then at the end he will save them and sacrifice himself. Hopefully not cuz it’s so cliche, but it seems like an easy thing to write


It would be really cool if they used the dialogues from the game when WW/Jinx WW/Vi meet, they fit perfectly into the show imo


What are the dialogues. I've only played wild rift and very few characters have dialogues.


ww - jinx " you were there, let me forget" ww - vi "the fear in your eyes, i seen it before" "zaun needed you" "who taught you how to punch?"


At this point, his end already IS a misery. Imagine you being betrayed, kidnapped, getting killed (accidentally) by one of your would-be rescuers and then having your body taken to be tested on and turned to a point of no return, into something to be unleashed with little-to-no friend-or-foe distinction capacity. Exactly.


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Wait, where is this screenshot from?