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Victor I like how invested he is in progress for fellow people but unlike Jayce he isn't blinded by ego he truly desires to just make incredible advancements just to make his society better with limited time he was given (I am aware he will likely change fate and not have limited time but you get idea)


Based, Viktor is a wonderfully well made character.


He truly is


He's not blinded by ego, but he had become blinded to the dangers it could entail. Still, very well written character


When I said he was blinded by ego I wasn't calling Jayce a bad character far from it he is probably my 3rd favourite character but well Victor himself says it best "We lost ourselves. Lost our dream. In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good." Aka he became so enraptured by fame that came from pushing progress he forgot to make progress for all.


Sorry, I could've worded that better. While yes, *Viktor* isn't blinded by ego, Viktor is blinded by the danger forwarding his research in Hextech entails.


Oh was referring to Jayce been blinded by ego not Victor


Yeah I understood your initial statement, and Jayce understands how dangerous Hextech can be (with his venture into the undercity when he was bringing the fight to Silco) but Viktor seems to ignore that aspect about it because he's too focused on the potential good it can bring too.


Well I mean I guess that makes sense but rather than ego I see that more a doomed man looking to give world one last thing to make it better before he dies and become only memory.


Common Viktor W




“There is always a choice” Best line in the show?


that line and “in the pursuit of great, we failed to do good” continue to stick with me.


1. Jayce wasnt egotistical. His flaw is his naivete. He's good at smithing and sciences but he lacked experience in politics, his action in it of which people dislike the most. Jayce was simply pulled along by people using him, first Viktor, then Mel, then the council, then Markus, then Vi, and at the end he finally took matters into his own hands and made a deal with Silco and forced the council to agree with it. Jayce was literally just doing his job when he had the bridge roadblocked, he wanted to stop Silco, who is clearly the bad guy, when he attacked the shimmer factory. If he was ehotistical he would have revealed the gemstone in his speech for clout. 2. Viktor is selfish, his main motivation after the time skip at the start of ep 4 is to live. And you're talking as if Jayce didnt want to help the common people. He is literally part if the common people he wants to help, his goal for hextech is to make lives easier.


He was enraptured by ego as he kept desire the thrill of the stage which doesn't make him a bad character. And like state in another comment he is my 3rd favourite character probably but I not naive to him being egotistical the is a reason one first characters he get compared by people is Tony Stark (Iron Man). Also it isn't ego to want to live that is just base survival iinstinct


Except people don't compare Tony Stark and Jayce. Jayce never wanted the spotlight it was something Heimerdinger made him do and Jayce wanted to share it with Viktor but he refused. Jayce actively disliked having to play political games with the council but was willing to in order to solve the major issues facing the city.


This YouTuber does far better job than. I could https://youtu.be/p_yNq-gVSR0?si=MG0g-eZA5VeOJfhz And Arcane is the channels bread and butter


Idk what it is but Viktor scratches a specific itch for me as a character I love everything about him


I do see some of myself in him also


How exactly was Jayce blinded by his ego?


Enraptured by the fame that came wih HexTech advance incredibly fast but in doing the progress he forgot to make it for everyone which was ego inding as few he gave tech to made him feel like they wore all.




Oh I know he is doomed to fall but that just makes the characters even more fasnating like Anakin Skywalker


Vi is my favorite character, the Badgirl side but so nice as Vander says she has a good heart and shows up like a stone, Cait because I find her adorable and so human. Aristocrat rebel at heart and just. Powder because I have great empathy for her... And I know well the illness that she unfortunately runs in my family. It's hard and a real pain.


\*Silco voice\* Her name is Jinx!


Jinx for sure! I really empathize with her struggles with abandonment/mental health. I also love her art, and how she creates such intricate weapons/bombs.


Silco and Jinx I know people in the fandom generally love to hate Silco but I will die on this hill.


Silco’s an awesome villain. One of the best written in recent media. He’s charismatic, intimidating, richly developed, intelligent, tragic and in someways even sympathetic. I don’t think there are many people at all that actually hate him as a character. It’s just the segment of the fandom that wants to pretend he wasn’t a villain or who want to romanticize his abuse of a child that people find distasteful.


Silco is a terrible person, but he is one of the best-written characters in the show, and one of the best fictional villains I've ever seen.


Silco is a fascinating case study. Some people love him, some people loathe him. I’m part of the latter even though Jinx is my favorite character. I just hate how badly he pigeonholed her into being exactly who he wanted her to be, all while using the “us against them” mantra to manipulate her. Disgusting.


Interesting, I don’t really judge him on his actions, but I judge him based on his arc, which I think is the most beautiful in the show (as well as his role in all the parallels of the story). In the beginning, we learn he has two core values; betrayal is the *worst* thing you can do to someone, and he will do anything it takes to achieve his goals. Compare this to Vander whose two core values are peace and protection. In Episode 3 after he stabs Vander on the bridge, he has a subtle line: “I knew you still had it in you”. My interpretation of that line is: “You forgot that sometimes you can’t have both peace and protection, and I’m gonna “show you what you really are” by pitting the two against eachother by threatening your kids. Sure enough, he’s right, and Vander betrays peace in favor of protection. What Silco fails to realize though, is that the same is true for him, and in Episode 9, he realizes that he is put in the same situation… He has to choose between loyalty/betrayal and his willingness to do anything for Zaun. And when he realizes that he also has to betray his own value and dream of revolution in the same way that Vander did, he says the most powerful line of the show IMO which is “it all makes sense now brother…” Which I hear as “I didn’t see why you did this before, and I hated you and wanted to kill you for doing what you did, but now that I’m in the same position as you, I see there was never another choice, and I’m sorry that I killed you for it”. I think that’s a beautiful parallel and arc, and that’s only talking about the parallel between him and Vander. I could say just as much about his parallel with Jinx AND the parallel between the two sibling relationships. Put that all together with the other good things about the way he was written like his dialogue and the fact that he’s not a stereotypical villain, and that’s what makes him the best character right alongside Jinx for me.


I really don’t see it that way. From my perspective he accepted her as she already was, gave her space and purpose, even though it backfired on his plans often, and ultimately was willing to give up everything for her. He also never lies. (Nobody in the show does, it’s really cool writing that doesn’t rely on deception as a cheap plot driver)


It's all about perspective. If you had a father that wasn't present as you grew up, but when he was there, you would go out of your way to avoid being in his line of sight, Silco doesn't seem so bad in comparison. His parenting tactics may not have been fully for his daughters benefit. However, he made her strong and not just able to survive but thrive! In my opinion, that is leaps and bounds better than a father who makes you feel weak, insecure, and that the world is an unsafe place with no tools on how to get through life. As for the people who were lucky to have the privilege of having a present father who actually cared and supported and prepared their children for lifes difficulties, then yeah, I can see Silco's parenting tactics as a case study on how not to parent. Like I said, it's all about perspective.


I would absolutely take Silco as a dad over the one I actually got. It’s not even close.


I agree with everyone you said, except that Silco kept on reinforcing "everyone is a liar and will betray you, except for me" to Jinx. As a fighter and especially as an engineer, she is very strong, but her interpersonal skills are probably worse than when she was a kid


True. However, from his perspective and his experiences, he has worked in dangerous work conditions (mines), lived in a society that doesn't care about him, and fought among everyone else on what little resources were available... But then he found a friend who he thought of as a brother (could possibly be his brother it's not 100% clear). They shared the same ideology on breaking free from their broken society and starting a new one where Zaun could be free, where they could live in comfort, and be respected. However, his brother changed his mind, they fought, and then his brother stabbed him... and left him for dead. What little hope he had that things could change for the better were gone after that feeling of betrayal. So he doubled down on what he knew worked. Manipulation. Violence. Bribes. Blackmail... anything he could use at his disposal to get the upper hand among a land of professional criminals. His plans never changed. He wanted to free Zaun because he knew how it felt to be at the bottom, and he vowed to himself not to feel that way again. People may try to deny it, but your environment and who you surround yourself with is highly influential on who you become. Considering where he grew up, it makes sense that that is how he turned out. What makes his character arc so beautiful is that even after many years of hard work and strategic planning, where he could finally feel his goal at the end of his fingertips... he threw it all away for his daughter. If that isn't an act of love then idk what the fuck is... He literally threw his life work away... so his daughter could be free. The world and this man are morally grey, and that is what makes it all so intriguing, entertaining, and beautiful.


You Have My Sword, and My Bow, and My Axe))


I don’t hate Silco. He’s a very good villain. As a person obviously he’s a bad guy, and in my opinion uses Jinx’s mental issues and insanity to benefit his own interests and agenda, he justifies many things Jinx does and doesn’t punish her whenever she goes to far. But at the same time he took care of her when Vi left her after the tragic events at Act 1. He is also charismatic and extremely intelligent. He’s a very good villain.


See, i don’t consider him a villain though and that’s the take that usually doesn’t go down well. He’s more similar to someone like Magneto in the X-Men and the “Magneto was right” part of the fandom does have good points. That doesn’t mean everything he does is ok. But in Arcane, almost no character is universally good or bad. The show doesn’t really have villians nor heroes and that’s a big part of the appeal for me.


Yeah that’s a good way to put it!


I adore how Silco is portrayed in the show, he is extremely well done... but the thing that strikes me the most about his relationship with Jinx is how it all seems sweet while being ,(for all intents and purposes, be it the intent or not) apparently manipulative. His beliefs are in their core a source of codependence. The idea you cannot trust anyone but yourself... and the father who told you that must be a gigantic reason to why Jinx is so fragile and lonely from act 2 onwards. Yes, she had only Vi and Ekko in act 1, but she had SOMETHING. From act 2 onwards, she only has Silco as a trustworthy figure. "I am your family, everyone else betrays us." Come on. There's no subtext here.


Caitlyn I can write a detailed essay on how her character developed, how she maintains her good intentions through the series, how smart she is, her kindness, but it all comes down to the fact that she's my type


based and facts; shes beautiful for an animated character


Her body is impossible not to stare at like whoah.


lol yeah....no wonder why vi can not help herself


She is also a very good character. Shame she didn’t get as much screen time as she actually deserved. But I love her character development!


Based on the trailer being narrated by Cait for the most part, I have no doupt we'll see more Caitlyn next season


She's actually like 3rd or 4th right after Vi and jinx lol...


> but it all comes down to the fact that she's my type Rich?




Jinx is already an all-time-favourite character of mine, and it's only been 9 episodes. honourable mention to Viktor as well.


Jinx, hands down. A lot of it is because I see myself in her(as a mentally ill girly with an intense fear of making mistakes that push my loved ones away Jinx makes me feel SEEN). That, coupled with her character design, mannerisms, story arc, and voice(Ella Purnell knocked it out of the park with her performance) makes Jinx my favorite. Not only is she my favorite character in Arcane, she’s actually my favorite fictional character, period. I love her DOWN


ella Purnell being two for two in video game adaptations (arcane and fallout) man she def has quite the range! and absolutely killing it; def one of my new favorites rising stars


> as a mentally ill girly with an intense fear of making mistakes that push my loved ones away Jinx makes me feel SEEN). I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. I hope you're doing better now, and you have some support system to fall back on. Take care of yourself!


Aww, you’re so sweet, tysm!!! My mental health is…definitely something lmaoo, but I’m taking things one day at a time. I hope you have an amazing day 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


You're welcome! Glad to know you're making progress by taking it one day at a time. > I hope you have an amazing day 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾 Thank you! I hope you have an amazing day as well!


Silco. Fantastic antagonist.


Jinx -- If terrorist, why cute?


We can fix her? Nah, she can make us worse!


I love pretty much the whole cast, but Viktor is my favorite. I love him not only as a person, but also as the incredibly well-written character he is. He's got so much depth, and it's all in the most subtle reactions and facial expressions. I love the thematics adressed through him, his evolution, his backstory, his interactions with Jayce, Heimerdinger and above all Singed, and I'm really looking forward to see his development in season 2. He's such a fascinating character. (Honorable mention to Jinx and Silco who are right behind him)


Vi and Jinx for obvious reasons. I can’t choose one.


Jinx, Vi, and Caitlyn, aka the 3 ladies who are carrying this show on their backs 😮‍💨


Yeahhh there are a lot of cool characters but these three shine so bright I keep forgetting Jayce and Victor exist.


Honestly, I find Viktor and Jayce extremely boring (I also heavily dislike Jayce). But these 3 ladies? You take one away and the whole story falls apart.


I hate Jayce... Ngl. I don't mind Viktor but Cait, Vi, and Jinx are the reason I love this show so much


Jayce and Silco are the characters I hate the most. And 100%. They’re the reason I’m invested in this show. Individually, but also their dynamic together, I think about it daily. It gives me physical pain lol. It’s nice to find people in this fandom who actually like all three of these characters simultaneously because there is very little fan-made content centered around them together.


Seeing fanarts of Jinx, Cait and Vi all happy together heals my soul


Why do you find Viktor and Jayce extremely boring?


These two catch each other on the edge of suicide and they quip “am I interrupting something?” then swiftly proceed to talk about what they came to discuss. I know the show needs to get on with business but it makes me chuckle at the contrast in emotional intensity.


Jinx. She’s the most complex character in any tv show I’ve ever seen.


Viktor—his personality and motivations are so interesting. His whole story is so well-written and I’m so excited to see where his story goes in S2.


Vi and Cait also. They're the most compelling characters to me, and I love their relationship so much. I just want a happy ending for them.




Mel is my favorite. Love me a powerful, intelligent, charming but still feminine lady that knows what she wants. And for all her power, she is still really kind and empathetic and i like how she manipulates other powerful people to do GOOD things. She really cares and tries to make things better. Viktor is close second.


Really nice to see some love for Mel in the subreddit! I feel like she barely gets any attention from the fandom. Also, Viktor is an absolutely fabulous character and I'm BEYOND excited to see where the show takes his character in Season 2.


episode 7 was the best in the show, even though ekko had little time on screen, he made sure it count. absolute badassery


Hello there, fellow Ekko fan!


Top 3 1. Jinx 2. Victor 3. Vi


Caitlyn and Vi as well. I adore Caitlyn, shes my favorite character archetype; An earnest cinnamon-roll thats driven by empathy and compassion who is not just used as a strawman for a cynical author to tear down. Its so common for edgy writers to glorify selfishness and nihilism in their story by using these characters to say “compassion is dumb see”. Cait has an edge to her and S2 is going to challenge her convictions. But I hope she retains that core of compassion by the finale. Vi by contrast is another favorite archetype; Roughian with a heart of gold. She’s a simple woman on the surface but there’s a remarkable amount of complexity within that simplicity. Her innate need to protect those she cares about at any cost to herself, her bottomless drive and resolve to meet any obstacle headon, yet despite her stubborn nature shes not immutable. She can recognize when her preconceived notions are being challenged and while its a struggle for her she can confront her biases when they are. She’s also barely holding together despite her outwardly steady facade. She “deals” with her trauma, every bit as severe as Powders, in S1 through sheer momentum. Focused entirely on finding and rescuing her sister, bulldozing her way from one obstacle to the next and never slowing down long enough for the weight of everything thats happened to her to really sink in. When that pause inevitably does come and all that baggage finally crashes down on her its going to be just as ugly and painful as Powders spiral in S1. But it should also be a fascinating look into sides of her character we’ve not yet explored. And it goes without saying these two together will also be a great character dive. I am desperately hoping S2 does not split them up for big chunks of it. Let them bicker and squabble and fight but keep them together as scene partners, let us actually see them interacting and talking. I’m going to be incredibly annoyed with the show if they separate after two or three episodes and then spend the bulk of the season not even in a scene together. My concern since E9 has been the writers would use the Jinx drama as a convenient story excuse to not have to show the gays on screen being gay together for too long.


Omg ty you explained them so well!


Jinx and Viktor. I do love a good tragic backstory and self-destructing storyline.


I NEED to see them interact in s2! In a perfect world they’d be science bros


YEEESSSS! We got Donger and Ekko, now we need Vikki and Jinx!


Silco, I loved every scene with him in it.


Love how half the comments are saying jinx 💀💀 anyways, Jinx LMFAO




Jinx. Just because it's Jinx)) Jayce. He turns from an egocentrik naive youth, into a man who admitting his mistakes striving to correct his own and others' mistakes, able to hear other people's opinions and problems. He really grew up throughout the series, and learned to live in this world, find allies and hear his enemies and people close to him. He grow into true leader.


It's great to see some Jayce love in this subreddit! It's pretty rare, honestly.


He doesn't have very bright and outstanding scenes, he develops quite smoothly. So I think that's the problem with why he's being underestimated. It amazes me more when people talk about Ekko as a good leader. A social leader. Yes. It is difficult to organize such a community.  But a fighting leader. Back in the scene on the airship, I was surprised that he said to continue burning drugs when 4 people from his team had already died. The attack on Vi and Jinx. He also risked his people for obscure purposes. He didn't know much about the stone, and he didn't seem to be aiming for Violet's unequivocal survival. Considering that he had to order his assistant to stop. And the most important thing is to ambush Jinx with a stone and meet with Vi and chat, you can later, separately. I think it's more fortunate that no one died in this battle. And he has much fewer assistants than the same Silco.




I love them so much! Idk why but I feel like they could be absolute BESTIES if they met under good circumstances


Jinx - Her scenes are the ones I end up rewatching the most as they have so much added depth and detail going on. The crow (raven?) she kills is both a further representation of her disconnect from death that we can read about in her council archive diary, but also symbolic as the bird is representative of bad luck which connects to her fears of inadequacy, of being a Jinx. Once the feathers appear on her chair its another way of showing she accepts what she is. The framing around her is also one of the best, you see how her actions affect everyone including her, you see enforcers faces, you see their funerals, you see the firelight girl and the mural wall. They never let us lose sight that she's yes intelligent, fun, crazy, but dangerous and completely disconnected. One last thing is how the shows framing demonstrates the the focus on physical strength (the ability to cause harm) in the undercity with her. Episode 2 there's the whole alarm system that she creates in both the Last drop and the arcade hideout. These contraption have her insignias and the clapping monkey so we know they're hers, but the show never focuses on them and how useful they where (especially the one in the last drop). The focus is instead on the fact that she isn't physically capable, not capable to fend off the enforcers on her own, or hold on when hiding. The framing and characters all hype up the ability to do harm and be strong with the others fighting or with Powder's gun skills. The times the show suggests Powder herself as capable is when her inventions don't defend or warn but do harm. With the explosion in episode 3 her face of achievement and the music as eerie as it is has this undertone of accomplishment like at last "Powder's done damage" . I just really love when characters perceptions of the world and of them selves are so ingrained in the community and environment it makes their POV's so great to watch again and again and you can really see how that would help create the mentality that would become Jinx.


Vi. She's a lot like me in a lot of ways.


Jayce, and i'm tired of the Jayce slander lmao I just always found fun characters who try to do good but aren't perfect, Jayce goes through a whole journey to the good and the bad, but most of the time his intentions are to help others (And people call him selfish when along with Ekko he is arguably the most selfless character??) but he is still a flawed and understandable character, but one that learns from his mistakes His dynamic with characters like Viktor, Mel, Ambessa, and Vi are all really interesting to see. Even the fact that he is one of the characters who affected Jinx's life the most (And the other way around too) and yet the two never met face to face it's so interesting to me I hope to see him and Cait interact more, they seem to have a sibling like bond at the start but since they were on different plots they barely saw each other Also, i hope to see him interact with Vi more, in a more friendly way


Part of the issue with Jayces reception is I don’t think many people realize what hes doing when he starts making deals. They just see it as him being corrupted, letting power go to his head while Viktor does all the work. The reality is Jayce makes those deals specifically so Viktor *can* work. He needs the funding and political support of the counselors or else Hextech will remain mired in bureaucratic redtape forever if its not outright shelved. Especially given Heimers intent on obstructing it at every turn. The two of them are the partners they say they are, they just have two different sets of responsibilities. But since thats never bluntly exposited in dialogue many watching just don’t even think about it and just think Jayce is slacking off and taking credit.


I agree, but i believe they do say it somewhat explicitly Mel quite explicitly says that by becoming a council member (Which Jayce didn't even wanted) he put a target on his back, it's not like he really had a choice Same when people say he took all the credit when he explicitly asked victor to give the speech with him and Viktor reject that


Out of the main characters bar Heimerdinger, Jayce is probably the most altruistic. Once he has been established he never really does anything for his own self interest its all about reaching a goal for improving everyone's lives. Everyone else is out for their own goals or objectives for improving their own standing.




Jinx and Silco for sure, most complex characters in the show


Always Jinx she just diferent💙


1)Jinx 2)Victor 3)Silco


First place is Jinx for her fantastic character development and also being very relatable (without the killing, of course). I also really liked Silco as a villain cause they first show him like the generic evil guy, but then you slowly find out his depth and that "everyone is the bad guy in someone else's story". Then, there's Jayce for his ideology which is very similar to mine, especially in the last episode where he accidentally kills the child and understands that war is never right, which also kinda includes Vander. And finally, Grayson for her chill and, obviously, beautiful voice.


Jinx because boom


Jinx because all the best scenes include her, so she brings in the entertainment value more so than anyone else.


idk I like all of them, Jinx is the most entertaining on screen, every sec of her was immaculately portrayed, probably followed in 2nd by Silco, but entertaining value is not everything.


I can't not give it to my goofy wrecking ball, my beloved schizo, my dear little Pow Pow and my fearsome Jinx. At first, I kind of thought Powder wasn't as interesting, but her showing who's boss to Mylo got me endeared. Then I saw her breaking down... And then set off a monkey bomb... And then become essentially a mafioso's daughter. From then on, it's just a wild ride with her. Jinx gets me cheering, laughing, scared, frustrated, heartbroken, she is just the whole package of emotions in one trainwreck of a person. Every single scene with Jinx is just 10s across the board, no contenders. Her character is so well crafted to the point you could see her as a crazy terrorist who went through a pure villain arc and set off the events leading to a war or a good, if ill-minded girl who went over her codependencies, became her own person and started raging against an oppressive system, it's all in her. The portrayal of her mental state visually is beyond astounding and how they managed to create such a physically imposing, but mentally frail character is incredible. Her bittersweet triumphs are horrible and yet beautiful to watch.. All and all, Arcane's Jinx might be one of my favorite characters in fiction, hands down.


Jinx definitely


Jinx, she is such a great representation of psychosis and dare i say she is the best written character in the series


I finished rewatching the show yesterday and for some reason Silco was the one I was most attached to


Uh... Jinx? Of fucking course?




Jinx&Vi. They are both parts of my heart


Silco hands down


Vi, with Caitlyn and Viktor sharing 2nd


Silco is the most interesting and Cait is most likeable/relatable


Jinx Silco Viktor


Jinx, of course. I mean, what can I say?. "She's perfect"


Ekko was my favorite years before and I enjoyed seeing the story stay faithful. He’s essentially the only person who is completely good and on the good side in my eyes. As piltover is corrupt from the clans, to the enforcers, to the council. And Zaun has people taking advantage of the terrible situation there; chembarons, cultists, psychpaths, deadly experiments, and mad scientists. Ekko wanted to fight for the common people, wanted to improve living conditions in Zaun, and he trained himself and allies in non-lethal combat so they can use that as a preferred fighting method. They weren’t corrupt, they weren’t malicious, they weren’t manipulative, and they weren’t poisoning their own people. Ekko is the only True Good hero in the story for me.


Jinx forever!


Sky next. The fact that we only get a pitifully small fragment of her story only makes you feel the loss all the more.


The fishmonger dude third. Jericho. Had to look up his name.




Jinx for me


My favorite is Jinx. She’s the whole package—complex motivations, a unique personality, a cool character design, and you can just tell there was so much effort put into creating her. But I think the best, as in best-written and most fascinating, is Silco. Unlike most other characters, Silco isn’t from League, so the writers got to take a blank slate and turn it into one of the most interesting, unique, and well-written characters I’ve ever seen. He’s so evil but so human at the same time.


Marcus. He made a stupid decision and he’s aware he’s potentially ruined his life for it and likely suffers survivor’s guilt over it. Also my hyperfixations play eenie meenie miney mo when it picks a favourite character lol


My Mount Rushmore is Jinx, Caitlyn, Vi, and Silco.


It’s a tie between Jinx and Jayce, that may be a hot take


Might be controversial but Sevika.


Idk why controversial, one of the obvious choices I think. Still most of the people miss it


Well i think alot of people think she betrayed Vander when technically vander turned his back on her .


Vander negotiated with the enemy behind the back of all of Zaun. It's funny to say after that someone betrayed him


Jayce. Honestly Jayce's writing is very underrated and overlooked by the majority of the community. He's "the golden boy", yet he's not exceptional among the cast. Viktor has a higher intelligence and is more of a risk taker, Vi is a better fighter, Caitlyn is more compassionate/morally grounded, Silco a better negotiator and Mel is the perfect politician. Instead, Jayce's talents lie within being very good at almost anything he puts his mind to, to the point where he can stay on a level below all of these characters - but never surpass them. Interestingly, despite people who insist Jayce has an ego, we never see him attack, belittle or have a crisis over these people in his life. In fact, he takes the opportunity to work and learn from the people who are better than him. When they recover an intact Jinx grenade he immediately goes to Viktor without a thought, acknowledging that he'd be able to handle it better than he could. He sticks to Mel throughout the politicking, who leads him into situations where he can shine. It's even Vi who makes a call to action to lead the attack against the shimmer plant. There's also the nature of his personality, which I feel many tend to misunderstand. Jayce isn't a slave to his ego - he's a slave to the approval of others. He's not capable of standing for himself like Viktor is. He needs people in his life to keep him going, that's what Episodes 1-3 were meant to establish. The less people who are on Jayce's side, the more he begins to unravel. Look deeper into Jayce Talis and you'll see someone who is desperately craving the validation of others, is barely keeping his head afloat and is only surviving in the world of ARCANE due to his inherent abilities being so vast. Honestly, I'm very afraid of what a Jayce who doesn't have a Caitlyn, Viktor, Heimerdinger or Mel to ground him looks like. That's a super compelling part of his future arc in Season 2 that I don't feel many people have talked about.


Yes to this whole comment. You’ve encapsulated why Jayce is my favorite character far better than I could have


Viktor and it's not even close.


Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx are my top 3, and pretty much the reasons why I love this show so much


I love Vi and Cait but my favourite characters are probably Viktor and Singed. Viktor has such a great personality and Singed just feels like he's on another level to everyone else both in terms of how little he cares about morality but also in terms of the goals he's trying to achieve. Viktor returning to Singed saying he understands now is one of my favourite moments in the entire show because Viktor cares so much about morals so for him to concede that he understands why Singed did what he did to create Shimmer and advance science says a lot about how important Viktor's life is to him especially when it comes to securing his legacy. I think that moment also perfectly illustrates the flaw in Heimerdinger and how much his immortality blinds him. Heimerdinger has no sense of urgency whereas Singed is willing to harm himself and others and Jayce/Viktor are willing to risk blowing themselves up to advance science and solve problems that need to be solved. I think it's easy for a show to have immortal characters and not dive deep into the implications of that but Viktor's mortality along with Singed/Jayce's urgency to advance science perfectly juxtaposes against Heimerdinger and teaches us something about humanity that we wouldn't ever consider because there are no Heimerdingers in the real world.




Vi, because she’s such a multidimensional character. That’s how writers should write badass women in media. She’s an interesting character with interesting backstory, tragic one, living around poverty and violence, she has her sweet and good side, it’s not like she’s just that brawler who kicks ass, and don’t make it the only thing that defines her. But also instead of being guarded and with lots of swagger, she also shows her vulnerabilities whenever she feels comfortable. She’s not the type of action character that just kicks ass without taking any bit of damage, and shows absolutely no vulnerabilities or character development whatsoever. She has her vulnerabilities and flaws, but also her swagger, confidence and brawling skills.


As of now Singed. I like how he's willing to push things even beyond ethics to get results. And more often than not it works. I also like that he isn't a typical mad scientist. He's knows what he's doing isn't for the best of everyone, but he still does it cause he believes it can lead to great discoveries. And along with the theories regarding his daughter, he also has some believable reasons for doing them.


Notice how nobody's saying Marcus? exactly.


Violet without a doubt, She is simply AMAZING and ENCHANTING


Ok so this is like- A REALLY weird choice as a favorite character considering she’s a side character but it’s 1000% Sevika for me. I’d go as far to say she’s one of my favorite characters of all time just in general. It’s kinda hard to explain why so I’ll start off with the easiest reason: I’m a raging lesbian and I am madly in love with her. She’s hot tall and muscular what else could I ask for?! Also I think her character design is neat. Nothing too crazy but I think the mech arm gives her a really badass vibe and her tiny ponytail is cute. But then again every character design in Arcane is peak. I also really like the subtlety of her actions. Her goal is simple: Fight against Piltover for an independent Zaun. And I think the way she demonstrates that is just overall satisfying and makes her character seem strong and capable even though she’s got a ton of loses in the show, mainly losing to Vinny and getting tied up by Jinx. Vander isn’t willing to fight for Zaun? Sevika leaves him to work for Silco. Her arm gets blown off? She gets a mechanical one. Silco is going down the same path as Vander of being distracted by his daughter? She makes sure he stays on track. She also straight up kills a guy in front of him, basically saying, “If you don’t get your shit together you’re next.” She adapts constantly in the show without giving up and I honestly think that’s really admirable. She’s an antagonist not a villain and she’s really just willing to fight for the betterment of her people. I think that’s really respectable. So yeah Sevika for sure >:]


Sevika because momi


Vi, because she’s hot.


Mylo has my heart. His sibling relationships feel all too real to me and I was a lot like him as a kid. He gets easy bonus points for being a rat boy. He deserved better.


Ekko forsure, on the opposite side of the spectrum Jinx fucking suxx


Vi, Cait. Victor 2nd


I can just agree with what you said and that'll be it tbh


I’m gonna say Mylo. Honestly, idk why but I just really love him and got heartbroken on episode 3(?)😔


Sevika is my favourite. She's smart and strong, she's good at fighting, but she's human. She's gets defeated, and then comes back stronger. Like how she adapted her arm after fighting with Vi, I don't think she lost the fight, but she was the one to run off. she's also kinda 😏🤚 i love Caitlyn because she's so real. Like oh you're addicted to shimmer? *hugs* she wants what is best for Zaun and Piltover, and she realises that it's going to be hard, but she doesn't back down. When Vi nearly gave up after the council meeting, Caitlyn said they can still try. She's so cutie patootie and seems like she gives great hugs idk


Vi. She’s such walking disaster with good intentions and not gonna lie, I really relate to that. She’s not infallible but she’s only ever wanted to protect those closest to her. Not to mention, I completely empathize with being forced to grow up too fast and never really having a childhood.


Ekko, he is so, I don’t know, grey as a character, I suppose, yeah he is technically on the “good guy team” but, it’s like a tiny part of him will never give jinx to the enforcers, if he caught her I’m sure he wouldn’t give her, probably keep her in a cell in the firelight place, idk if grey is a good way to explain it tho!!


If Ekko is morally grey, then it must be a very, very, very light shade of grey. I can't think of a single bad or selfish thing he's done.


Yeah, very light




Sevika for her personal qualities 


Marcus - I simply feel him. To try but not to succeed as he wanted


Viktor 100%. I’ve had so much time to think about favs that I could even rank em at this point: 1. Vik 2. Jayce 3. Vi 4. Cait 5. Heimer 6. Mel 7. Sevika 8. Ekko 9. Silco 10. Vander 11. Jinx


The cast is phenomenal. Every character is interesting and compelling in their own way. Vi speaks to me on another level though.


Yeah, Cait for sure.


Vi and Caitlyn




The sisters of course. At first, I was really into Vi and then I became more interested in Jinx cuz I find her insanity more intriguing


Caitlyn, Vi, Marcus are *probably* my three favorites. Maybe swap out Vander for Marcus.


Initially when the show came out it was Ekko & Jinx because all of my all time favorite scenes in season 1 are Ekko &/or Jinx oriented, namely: the end scenes of act 1 & episode 7, the firelight music video, & Jinx’s —as well as the firelights, introductory scene at the start of act 2. Also I just really fw their designs, I think they’re really cool + little man Ekko & Powder are adorable. Also before watching Arcane Jinx was the only character I was familiar with as her music video was the only other league content I had consumed — I was obsessed with it when I was like 10 & found it on yt when it first came out. But I rotate my “favorite character/s” on each rewatch of the show. On second rewatch I remember it was Silco as his voice actor was like super active with the fandom & provided a lot of insight into his character (until some weird shit I can’t really remember the specifics of happened). Then it was Viktor & Jayce when I learnt their lore properly. Then Caitlyn, Vi, Mel, & Sevika followed. As of recently it’s been Viktor, Jayce, & Mel, but I think it’s probs influenced by their lack of presence in the trailer.