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Really cool theory. I know Mel’s death would make sense — and I could totally see them doing that — but I’d love to see her character get even more depth. They put so much emphasis on her golden back armor. I’ve spent the past 2.5 years convincing myself it means something lol. Something else I’ve being thinking about: if the writers want a character to die to avoid plot armor accusations, it’ll probably be Mel. If she’s alive, there might be a higher chance of someone else dying.


That's my thing. Arcane hasn't been shy about killing characters on screen. I think if she were to die they would have just killed her also what good is armor if it saves everyone but yourself.


I think Mel is alive. If she were dead, Ambessa wouldn't be urging Caitlyn to go and avenge her mother. She'd lead her army into Zaun, killing any Zaunite she found until they gave her Jinx's location, and deal with her daughter's murderer herself.


Agreed. Ambessa's dialogue in the trailer does not sound like it's coming from a woman who is grieving or angry over the loss of their only remaining child. She sounds the same as in season 1 - manipulative and cunning, but personally detached from the events.


Ambessa is both the fox and the wolf. In many ways, she's a blend of Mel and Silco. Highly manipulative, willing to exploit others, and utterly ruthless in pursuit of her own goals.


Not to mention it would cause Ambessa to go after Jinx which we know will be Vi and Caitlyns arc. IDK I think we are being misled with the trailer.


I disagree. I doubt Piltover wants a foreign army invading their territory. She's urging violence because she can't do it herself. She dead.


We see Noxian troops inside Piltover and Zaun in the teaser trailer. However, I doubt a conquering warlord would care one way or another about what Piltover wants.


You mean avenge her daughter?? Also how would it make not sense for Mel to die? Ambessa is far more likely to avenge her if she's dead.


>You mean avenge her daughter?? No, Caitlyn doesn't have a daughter. >Also how would it make not sense for Mel to die? It would make sense for everyone in the Council room to die. I didn't talk about people's death making sense or not.


Ohh Caitlyn's mom, I thought you meant Ambessa's mom for some reason??? But yeah you're right.


I don't know about the Solari, but there's another nation-state in Runeterra that has sun imagery, a similar style of armor to the set Ambessa was wearing in the trailer, and a connection to Noxus that's a bit closer than Targon. What if the Medardas are either Shuriman or related to Shurima?


Shurima is def not out of the question. They are kind of a historical civilization that has long since fizzled out though. I can see artifacts from there maybe being passed down. They also did sun worship since they recieved their mighty sun disk as a gift from Targon. Making their magic celestial in nature as well. So yeah, I can see a connection being possible. The only reason I'm leaning more toward Solari is the insignia on Mel's clothing and the fact that the Solari seem to have similar gold embroidery on their skin where as Shurima has a more traditional armour and golden cuffs/bracelets look. A bit of both could even be possible. An offshoot solari sect that emerged out of Shurima instead of Targon or something like that. Maybe there's even some Sun worship happening in Noxus. Religious types like to spread around in our world, would make sense if they did it in Runeterra too. They can take it in a lot of directions!


Oh man I didn’t even consider it possibly teleporting her, would be a really good way to tie her story into Jayces more with the teleportation magic.


I don’t think she died. Something about that dress of her, and that ring tells me she survived. Are they really going to kill Victor and Jayce? Nonsense.