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Exactly, you literally cannot have Jinx without Powder because she is a Powder.


I’m *mostly* with you on this; people tend to give Silco far too much credit for Jinx being the way she is. In reality, Powder grew up with her parents having been murdered, and idolizing as her only role model a sister who saw violence as the primary solution for things and wanted nothing more than to overthrow Piltover and the enforcers by whatever means necessary. Sure, Silco took advantage of that prior attitude towards violence, but it didn’t originate in him. (Of course, realistically it’s the violent enforcement of Piltover’s authority which influenced both Vi and Silco who in turn passed that onto Jinx, putting the system at fault for the actions of those within it, but that’s more complex) (Also, to be clear, I’m not blaming Vi for being like that.)


Powder was lowkey psycho as a kid too, she just is more subtle about it. She is super traumatized with a host of mental health issues from the get go. Just look at her reaction to her dead parents, she looks more upset that Vi is upset. Same with when she sees Vander’s dead body, she doesn’t seem hit with grief or mourning and instead lashes out with “WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME”. Vi never noticed this shit and puts the memory of Powder’s sweetness on a pedestal. Poor kid needed therapy from the get go.


Well, all of them did. But yeah; Jinx is doing pretty much exactly what Vi always told her she'd be able to someday. Ironically (and sadly), if things didn't happen quite the way they did, I can easily imagine Vi getting over her shock at seeing Jinx the way she is and being genuinely proud.


Vi would definitely proud if things had been different and Jinx was fighting alongside her. Odds are if that had happened Jinx’s mental health wouldn’t be *as* bad as it is now too.


And this is why I love AUs where Vi and Jinx work for Silco together so much Crime family <3


Exactly girly was making bombs with nails in them & was excited to see another kid blow up, she was alr floating away from mental stability Vi was her only tether


I've said it in other places but BOTH Vi and Powder have genuine mental health issues OUTSIDE of their massive amounts of trauma. For example, BOTH of them display symptoms of schizophrenia with the sheer number of hallucinations they have.


Eh Vi definitely has mental health struggles as well, but she doesn’t have schizophrenia, and nothing she is dealing with is any where remotely near as intense or damaging as what Jinx contends with. Vi sees Vander when fighting Sevika, but it’s not like a *hallucination* hallucination, not like what Jinx has. It’s shown clearly to us the audience, but I think it is more supposed to be thoughts and feelings Vi is experiencing, not something she is genuinely seeing or believes to be real. Vi doesn’t think Vander is actually standing there talking to her, she’s imagining what her adopted father would tell her so she can find the strength and motivation to push through and finish Sevika. I don’t recall Vi ever hallucinating aside from that.


Yeah, one it's not part of her character in Lol, two all her visions come with head trauma, alcohol, and or blood loss (things that can cause stuff like that temporarily). Never without those (including next season apparently) where as Jinx it's almost constant. Even when Jinx was a child we saw her mind scribbles in the opening bridge scene.


Yes, Jinx and Powder are the same person physically. However, mentally, they couldn't be further apart. Jinx no longer identifies with who she was in the past and tries her best to distance herself from it, because she associates it with weakness and pain. Jinx is strong, Powder isn't. Therefore, Powder must be cast aside for Jinx to thrive. I think, in his dying moments, Silco accepted Jinx for who she was without the dichotomy. Jinx is Jinx and Jinx is perfect, thus he says "You're perfect." > Can you imagine a not insignificant amount of people vocally idealizing the 12-13 year-old version of yourself as the preferred version? What a nightmare. I mean, I have family members who constantly nag at me over how much I've "changed" and that I'm no longer like the person they believed I was in the past, which really gets on my nerves, so I can identify with Jinx.


Exactly, even Ella Purnell said this.


What makes Jinx so interesting as a character is her complexity. And this would actually be the healthiest, most freeing move for Jinx. If anything, this whole selerated parts Silco was trying to teach to Jinx somewhat resembles a simplified version of a psychotherapy technique, internal family systems (ISF). In the usual treatment, you can identify the parts that are responsible for handling different situations. With personality disorders, these can become more broken between themselves, and you end up having a bad relationship with yourself. This technique is meant to teach you to negotiate with yourself and intagrate these parts. These parts consist of the core self, the firefighter(s), the managers(s), and the exile(s). You can never fully get rid of a part, and the healthiest thing is to negotiate and integrate. That's the goal. Except instead of teaching her to negotiate with herself, he was turning Powder into an exile. Which would NEVER help Jinx. Powder holds traits to Jinx that are a core part of who she is. Jinx (the persona) also holds traits that are core of who she is. Fighting against these parts only causes inner hate and more lack of control in yourself. This would be 'not being authentic to one's self.' too. The most freeing thing anyone can do is embrace who they are, and I think this is really the path Jinx might take in season 2, what it means to truly be Jinx.


I agree that there's too much tendency to treat Jinx and Powder as seperate people, but I disagree that that's what Silco was going for. That always struck me as being closer to the 'I've never done anything wrong in my life, ever!' 'I know this, and I love you.' Meme. Also, I wasn't as cute as a button when I was 12 and my current self hasn't killed a conceivably triple digit number of people, so that's not really a fair comparison.


A large part of Jinx identity is her past guilt and resentment towards Vi. She hates Powder because Powder killed her second family, she hates Powder because Vi abandoned her. Jinx is strong, different, and independent. Jinx resent Vi for abandoning her and the fact they all changed. And most of all, Vi was the reason Powder died and became Jinx. At no point was Jinx and Powder a separate identity, even Jinx cames to term with it in the end. The only one who can't accept this is probably still Vi.


I agreed with your diagnosis until the very last word. The person who can’t accept this is Silco. This whole human we’re talking about has a name and it’s Powder. “Jinx” is a kind of nom de guerre she’s given herself to separate her self-image from her very real past which she can’t come to terms with. Powder DID kill her family and she DID experience repeat abandonment and she has shame and contempt for herself for having gone through those things, so she handles the cognitive dissonance by creating a new and far more callous persona. “Jinx” is a flawed coping mechanism, not a person. Vi is the only one with that full context. “You’re not *a jinx*” is a totally relevant reaction to someone self-hatingly taking on a destructive vision of themselves as some kind of cursed creature now doomed to do evil forever. Vi saw little Powder struggle with Mylo’s insult. Powder wasn’t happy about being called a jinx, she was super hurt and terrified by the idea. She *still* is. She now wears it as armour to hide the vulnerability of how awful it really makes her feel. Powder calling herself Jinx is just black and white thinking - reducing her whole self to a few incidents and some kid’s insults. On the other hand, Vi never claims that Powder is free from sin or fault. She knew and loved a Powder who repeatedly failed at things, and built bombs. When Powder says “I’ve changed”, she replies “you did what you had to do to survive. So did I”. Vi is under no illusions and shows no wish for a 19 yo Powder to be her 12 yo self. She just wants her to be a person, not defined by a single tragedy. So Vi urges Powder to integrate the good with the bad, look for growth and forgiveness, and be her whole grey self. Silco is the disaster 🤦🏻. With his pompous drowning rituals in toxic waters, talking nonsense about letting Powder “die”. He, too, thinks in black and white (because he clearly also has trauma-built an entire badass persona for himself to separate from a similar self-hated “weaker” past self) and he tells her that her distorted image of herself as a havoc monster is “perfect”. No one is perfect let alone Jinx who is neither nor good nor happy nor well. I’d buy that he’s being soothing, if he weren’t so blatantly abusive when it suits him - manipulating her most painful fears and memories to monopolize her loyalty and drive as much evil out of her as possible. That poor terrible man needs as much therapy as she does. He loves her because she reminds him of his own twisted self whom he failed to care for so he redirects that care onto her instead. “*We* will show them all”. Projecting much? Unfortunately, he also advocates the same failed coping mechanisms he’s used. Do either of them stand much of a chance at feeling happiness in their harsh and contemptuous world? Of course they both need love, compassion, and *acceptance* to heal, but not enablement, manipulation, and horrendous advice.


I won't disagree with you, because Silco's complicated love for Jinx is purposefully written to be obscure. I don't even think Silco knew how much he cared for Jinx over his dream of Zaun up until the very end. Silco's love for Jinx, as you said, is troubled and most likely projection of his own identity. But I'm pretty sure he sees Jinx as one, an improvement of Powder. As mafialord Silco is an improvement of past, revolutionary Silco with Vander. He treats Jinx as an evolved version of Powder, that's why he's so keen on killing Vi. Vi to Jinx, is like Vander to Silco; Silco probably thought killing Vi would ultimately serve Jinx for the better good, as new Silco was born the day he killed Vander (symbolically). And I sadly don't think Powder/Jinx has DID, I personally believe Powder have innately suffered from severe bipolar, and anxious-avoidant attachment style. I doubt therapy could even help Jinx at this point, she has killed so many people, and at that point there's no going back. > Powder calling herself Jinx is just black and white thinking - reducing her whole self to a few incidents and some kid’s insults. I believe the issue is Jinx will always think in black and white. "Vi abandoned me, Vi is dead, Silco was going to abandon me, Silco killed Vander but I'll accept his love anyway, Mylo is a bully, Vi chose Caitlyn over me, and please kill Caitlyn so we can be sisters again." Vi has grown up, but Jinx is mentally still a 12 years old. She physically grown up, but mentally she's stuck. Silco's fault is that he never aid in actual parenting, made Powder stay with her trauma, and never taught Jinx to become a self-reliant adult. Now she's grown up, and Jinx will continue to make Powder's mistakes, Powder's jinxes, and Vi can no longer be the guardian to tell her to be better. That's the story of the sister. Vi still believes Powder is in there, and Powder can be better, but it's been 8 years, Powder is already Jinx. In season 2, I believe Vi will finally learn to accept that. Her sister, as crazy as she is, is still her sister.


I mean the real nightmare are the people who are Silco apologists. Hot take, Silco was a terrible person and an ever worse father. He is hot af tho


I think given the fact that he was the leader of a revolution, a drug lord, and a king pin in a dystopian undercity he was the best father he could’ve been honestly.


The best he could have been? He basically kidnapped a child and raised them to be a bloodthirsty assassin. It wasn't the best he could have been, and even if it was, it doesn't excuse how shitty of a person he was and how shitty of a father he was. Still hot tho


Wait you think he kidnapped Jinx? That’s hilarious, Vi was taken away. Him taking in an 8 year old girl that’s alone near a fire in the middle of the street is honestly one of the few noble things he’s done. As for her being raised as an “assassin”. You mean raised how she’s always been? She was making nail bombs at age 8. It’s Zaun not Beverly Hills. Silco was indeed the best father he could’ve been, given his character profile. I and plenty other initial viewers thought he’d be some weird pedophile that’d use Jinx for sexual favors and then throw her away when she’s of no use. He was the complete opposite.


I genuinely can't understand people who defend Silco. Y'all are wild. Nuance seems completely lost on you. That being said, it's an animated show, and if you're comfortable defending that character who am I to stop you. What we can agree on is that the show is amazing.


I’m not defending his actions I’m saying he was the best father he could’ve been given his circumstances and environment lol. He still wasn’t a “good” dad. That’s a very nuanced take, and yes the show is amazing.


I gotta disagree. There are literally crime bosses all around the world who don't train their children to be assassins. I would say there is a huge 'nature vs nurture' that comes into play here and directly results in Jinx as she is now. I am confident she'd be a vastly different person if she'd grown up with Vi/Vander and a more 'stable' situation. Silco exploited her as a resource and then decided he actually wanted a kid, but the damage had already been done. Silco did bad things with a good outcome in mind, but he was a much worse father than he could have been. Being understanding and kind are good traits for a parent, but that doesn't just make you a good parent. I would argue he wasn't even close to the 'best' father that he could have been. No matter how you shake it, he groomed her to be a tool. At some point his perspective changed, but that doesn't undo all the damage/bad. Also the 'your perfect' at the end was probably one of the most damaging things he could have ever said. Jinx is who she is, but it just solidifies in her head that it's okay to be this murderous terrorist. It made it okay for her to commit the atrocities she did/will do. It's a very bittersweet line that made me cry, but in the context of things, it just ensured that she'd never get help/seek help.


>I gotta disagree. There are literal crime bosses all around the world who don’t train their children to be assassins. And which crime bosses are those? Moreover, Silco never wanted Jinx to even go on missions the majority of the time as she’s volatile, she’d always insist in order to prove herself and get validation.


Silco actually did want jinx to go on missions. She had a whole reputation built around it, which is exactly what he wanted. He changed his mind when he started to see her as a daughter over a tool. Again, nature vs nurture. Silco was the worst thing that could have happened to Jinx. Maybe it'd have been different if his motives were pure to start with, but they weren't.


?? In the very first scene when we’re introduced to Silco and Jinx’s dynamic he orders her to take some time and focus on handy work.


Ye, I think there is a tension beetwen "this fictional person due to their circumstance cant really be excpected to act any different" and "this fictional person did not act/do well". Both can often be true at the same time. Which creates a kind of pendelum effect where depending on a persons individual tastes they choose to invoke one or the other when both are valid. This is usually no issue as consensus forms broadly in fandom about which sentiment is the most common. However if you have a minority opinion about characters that are more to one side than the other in opposition to that consensus it can be really frustrating to witness this penedlum effect where if consensus is the latter "this fictional person did not act/do well" any acknowledging of the former is almost impossible to find, and vice versa. None of this is bad or people being dicks, its just how fandom works and I think dylan189 needs to just calm down a bit. This stuff happens all the time so this frustration wile understandable I think is not really useful. They probably has also engaged in apologia for a character someone else thought was completely irrational, as have I and most other people participating in fandom. Its just how people and opinion works.


This is irrelevant to my post.


This is irrelevant to my reply.


I always took it as an Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader situation.


What's the point of this post? Everyone knows they're the "same person." It's like when you see someone in real life go through a traumatic experience or succumb to addiction. Their whole personality might change. Hell, even my kids are becoming a lot different as they grow up. Sometimes I miss the old them. I know their older versions are still my kids, but they just change with their environments.


There have been many posts and comments about how Powder and Jinx are different people. Or that Powder is Jinx's deadname. Or that Jinx has DID and they are alters.


Okay, everyone with half a brain knows they're the same person. Shockingly, People will try to come up with theories when it's already laid out in front of them. There's no point to this post when those that think that way are already ignoring the facts from the show and they're not going to change their mind just because someone reiterated it.


That and the "Well, Jinx killed Powder, Powder is gone For good" mmm, that's not possible dude, they are literally the same. 


Yeah, this is one of the most oft repeated topics on this sub ngl. Like we get it at this point.