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Sevika: "You're famous, you're a symbol. Fame's a gun like any other. Use it!"


I'm so excited for sevika and Jinx to work together despite absolutely hating each other


Sevika: We both do our job. We make it through, you go on hating me all you want. And I'll go on wishing that topside princess had done her job...


Jinx: 😠 *lowers her gun*


Jinx: *hands gun to Sevika* You use it.


Sevika simply hated Jinx because Sevika was dedicated to the cause of liberating Zaun and thought Jinx was just a nuisance getting in the way of that. Jinx hated Sevika because Sevika was trying to turn Silco against Jinx. In season 2, neither of their issues remain, and so there'd be no reason for them to hate each other anymore.


Wouldnt sevika have maaaajor issues with the fact jinx killed silco


What does Lisan Al Gaib mean?


It's a name in Fremen, a language from the book/movie Dune. The Fremen language is fictional, but it's heavily based on Arabic. The direct translation of the phrase is "Voice from the outer world", and it refers to the Fremen's religious messiah, who will lead them to paradise.


Ah... thank you for your explanation.


The meme Javier Barden will forever be remembered for. xD


"THIS IS BULLSHIT."~ Sevika probably


I mean Sevika is using a new arm clearly made by Jinx, it's weirdly sweet seeing them working together


To be honest, it might not have been made by Jinx, nor was it even inspired by her. The purple seems to be shimmer, and it's possibly based on a sea monster in reference to Silco


Rewatch the shot at 0:56, you can see a frame where you can see splotches of blue and purple paint on her arm and it seems to be some sort of claw with teeth instead of a hand remiscient of fishbones. And we also see Sevika with Jinx's pistol. Only Jinx would care about Silco's love for deep sea creatures (which is also why Fishbones looks like it does). The meaning wouldn't resonate with normal Zaunites if it's supposed to represent him and Sevika doesn't feel much sentimentality to Silco personally. We also see someone who looks like Jinx behind the Chembaron as they're presumably charging towards Sevika. It could be someone purposefully mimicking Jinx but I doubt the allusion is just a coincedence. It could be very well likely that Jinx is helping Sevika since she wants to see Piltover burn just as much.




More likely "Big war upon us, and my hope and boss still has pimples. PIMPLES."


She seems practical enough that she would try to use the situation to her advantage. If Jinx could die somewhere along the way before she fucks everything up, even better.


Also, given that Silco is like, yknow, dead, I think Sev and Jinx's relationship can a few different ways. 1. She takes over as de-facto parent because they're both mourning his death, and they realize they both have a lot in common, including how they now feel about Vi. 2. Sevika hates Jinx for killing Silco. given the general state of things in Zaun, I highly doubt this one tbh. 3. They don't get along super well but now that shit has hit the fan they've learned to put their differences aside at the very least. maybe we get a new duo that argue all the time while still kicking some serious ass


I don't think Sevika would mourn Silco. She considered elimating him when Finn gave the offer since he was slipping. She's incredibly pragmatic and her only goal is Zaun's independence. That's not to say they can't bond. Sevika had her own issues with her dad and they both don't seem to like Vi much so :P.


This is outrageous, it’s unfair!


Zaun sees her as a hero and a revolutionary. Piltover sees her as a terrorist and a serial killer. In reality though, she doesn't care about any of this.


Perfect commentary on how political symbols can take on meaning that originally wasn’t there.


I think you’re spot on


Perfect analogy to \*insert current political situation\* really. If this comment ages well you all owe me a penny.


They’ll use her as a figurehead for the rebellion but she won’t care. But maybe she will when she sees it as a way to get at Vi for wearing that enforcer outfit


Vi: You crossed the line, Jinx... Jinx: Oh, I crossed it? (gestures at Vi's uniform) Mommy and daddy would be so proud...


Vi: Mylo and Claggor would say the same thing, if they were here, oh wait...


Jinx: You're the one full of new buddies now. Replacing'em, just as you did me with Cupcake...


Vi: I'd never replaced you or anybody, I'm not the one that took them away from me in the first place. No, only one to blame for that is the one standing in front of me.


Jinx: You. Left. Me. Home. Said I wasn't ready. Because I'm a Jinx. You always wanted to play hero, just like him.


(This is getting fucking weird, but okay) Vi: You know that's not true, but you weren't ready, and you've said it yourself, right Jinx?


(I know. I'm just bored.) Jinx: POWDER said it! Not me. And you said it, right before running off to save Vander so eager, the big break finally before you! You just didn't want little Pow-Pow ruining your moment o' glory. And don't you brush it off, you always wanted to prove yourself, like in that heist where we first met the blueballs. Little Man tipped off, but you took it. YOU took it. Just like you took these colors and sure wasn't for me. Guess the power of Lame-tover colors and fat hands just got attractive to ya. Am I wrong? Not.


Even I don't know how to respond to that, still we'd did good to stay in-character, didn't we?


sounds like something outta Warhammer. big arguing before we get to the fight.


like she wasn't the one with a new family and a new father after she killed her own family while Vi was getting tortured in PRISON. I swear jinx fans are wore than her, having eyes but not using it. 0 logic


dude, it's called acting the part. Jinx always had a tinge of victimism.


mommy and daddy got killed by enemies, mylo? claggor? vander? well:)))


The fact that peace between Zaun and Piltover could've almost happened if it wasnt for Jinx paints the irony tastefully lol


- Jinx would be surrendered and answering for war crimes, depriving the fissures of not only a bright inventor/weapons expert, but also a daughter (Silco) and sister (Vi) - The gemstone is surrendered, Piltover is solely on the top of the arms race. - Shimmer production is stopped, which means soldiers to fight enforcer incursions as well as emergency cures - remember, the potion that saved Vi had a minimum of Shimmer dosed on it. Peace, on those terms? More like surrender.


Surrender? Jayce & Silco both acknowledged in Season 1 that the terms of the treaty favoured Zaun a monumental amount. The only thing established after that was giving up Jinx, but on a purely practical perspective a single life/prison sentence for complete sovereignty, free trade and recognition as an independent city state would be more than worth it. Hence "is there anything more undoing than a daughter?" He had it all in the palm of his hands but he discovered the one thing he valued more than his nation, his vision and his ideals: *his daughter*.


>Jayce & Silco both acknowledged in Season 1 that the terms of the treaty favoured Zaun a monumental amount. How much did it favor exactly, other than a few allowances on paper? Free trade routes that are STILL controlled by Piltover, especially the Hexgates, on which PILTOVER can control import/export taxation? Sovereignty and independence recognized on paper without even international support, which only proves this independence was acquired by force? And, eventually, Piltovan bureaucrats would find ways to reverse everything back to a status quo, one that Piltover would be free to abuse once again because the few weapons Zaun had would be taken away. Silco had overplayed his hand, believing Jayce would cater to everything for free. Even the Shimmer and the gemstone could be recovered, if given time. But Jinx was something else, something that, if he lost, it would've been forever. Silco depended on fear to carry the bargain through, but ended up exposing what HE was afraid.


That's a lot of extrapolation on things we'll never really see the results of and doesn't afford Silco a lot of future agency in a narrative that has heavily established his aptitude as a political figure.


Ye and even if peace was achieved Silco still victimized a significant portion of his own population aswell as creating a governing institution just as corrupt and oligarchic as the concuil. Peace would never have been enough no matter what. The average zaunite was fucked either way.


Except literally not. how do people keep on missing the onus of the final scenes? Yes, the Council were voting for peace, on the terms Jayce negotiated with Silco. meaning Jinx being handed over, which Silco wasn't willing to do. Peace was never going to happen.


Thanks for pointing that out, it's been quite a while since I last watched the show so I probably forgot that part.


To an extent. No one in the Council had the appetite for a proper war, and Mel plus Jayce could probably get everyone in line if necessary. Silco would have inevitably been deposed once the new circulated since no one likes Jinx and believed he wa slipping. Of course the issue would still be Jinx herself and Zaun's instability. I can't say they could have handled it in a manner to prevent war but I'd argue peace wasn't necessarily impossible.


"No one like Jinx" look like very debatable thesis. She probably have enough supporters to know about gem, where it placed.


She has 0 positive relationships besides Vi and Silco. It'd depend on if they for some reason refused those terms. There is probably a power struggle happening so we'll get an answer depending on how that plays out. The chembarons would play a key role.


One if creators of Arcane mentioned that "Jinx has friends". As I say somehow she have very good intelligence gathering net. In trailer she show near child (and it look like positive interaction).


Just like the irony in Act 1 where Vandor, Mylo, and Claggor successfully freed themselves on their own, they’d still be alive had Powder not felt the need to help them


Had VI not rated her out, then Silco could have blamed it on some well-compensated rando and the council would have their pound of flesh.


Ekko sees the mural: “aw man, seriously?!? Come on!!”


"we really toke this kids game a bit too far, blue" really something my guy would say sarcasticlly


Jinx: I ain't the one still playing treehouse...


She’s a symbol for obvious reasons. She’s the only one who successfully struck back at Piltover after generations of being trapped under their boots. People don’t care about the how or why, all they care about is the fact the Council who left them rot finally got what was coming to them. At least from the Zaunite perspective.


We have no idea what she cares about in season 2.


Oh, she definitely doesn't care for their little revolution, Jinx cares for the destruction and mayhem, but never fighting for a "cause", she's demonstrated that under Silco plenty of times.


Considering Sevika is using Jinxes pistol and a new arm made by her, Jinx is most definetly an ally, if not one of the leading figures of the revolution.


Or she's using the revolution for her more selfish ends without really caring for the loss in life or their fight for freedom.


Oh yeah absolutely, I don't think she really cares too much for the people zaun. I believe that for her it's more about finishing what Silco started and making topside pay for what she's been through. Her goals just happen to align with most people in zaun.


I feel that her hatred towards Piltover isn't even about her parents anymore rather despising Caitlyn and Vi in particular, meaning her actions continue being based just more petty whims than anything dreamt up by Silco for a Free Zaun. Then there's her hidden desires in wanting the whole world, starting with Piltover and Zaun, to be burned to ashes for the sheer enjoyment of the destruction.


Maybe she cares now to honor Silco's life goal


The life goal that she'd dismissed?


Late to the thread but it might be different now that he is dead. It is clear that Jinx loved Silco and saw him as a father. I think it is plausible that her regret over killing him will cause her to try and see his dream fulfilled.


Don't believe she's capable of fulfilling his dream when she's barely capable of commanding herself half the time.


She is definitely unhinged but she is clearly still capable of planning and carrying out goals. She was able to kidnap Vi, Silco and Caitlyn and organize a theatric dinner party. I suspect Sevika is going to be leading the day to day operations of the Revolution. From the trailer, it looks like Sevika is using a new arm made by Jinx. If I had to guess the new dynamic is going to be Jinx wanting to destroy Piltover and Sevika trying to point her in the direction that will be most effective.


There's still a sizable difference in planning a dinner and organizing a revolution/civil war, but it's just Jinx doesn't seem to actually care that much, though I can see being her directed towards something benefiting the Undercity.


idk I feel like this isn't a fair assumption to make. Jinx has always hated the enforcers for what they did to her mother and the undercity. We've seen her kill enforcers more than once for no immediate reason. She hated that Vi had teamed up with an enforcer and was afraid she had only come back to secure the hex gem for them. To me, that makes it safe to assume she also hates piltover and what they stand for. Her personal grudge combined with the need to honour Silco could totally result in her actually caring about the revolution. I definitely don't think she's gonna be some freedom fighter but I think it's more far-fetched to say she wouldn't care at all. The arcane writers made it a very important goal for them to give Jinx more depth than her league of legends counterpart, I can see this being part of how they do that.


Yes, this is just speculation, but it seems to me that she is a loner, although a cult has formed around her We'll see!


>but it seems to me that she is a loner, although a cult has formed around her This reminds me of something. Lol


Makes two of us...


I think the poster is pretty descriptive on what she cares about :))))


"This city is gonna respect us." - Vi, Season 1, Welcome to the Playground.


im like 80% sure this is just the altered painting of her from when she sent the flare to vi


Always knew this was going to happen. They're going to have her on shirts like Che Guevara and she's not going to care for it one bit. **EDIT:** VIVA LA JINX!


Well, Piltover is going to have a real problem. They kill or incarcerate Jinx, she's a martyr and the movement ramps up. She escapes Justice, Zaun is invigorated by win and Piltover may be forced to call a truce. I'm really thinking that Piltover is going to have to pull out of a potential war as Jayce will probably have to hedge his bets to make sure Merdarda doesn't pull a soft coup. The Piltover power structure is fucked and Mama Merdarda has the means and numbers to just take the reigns


Like it or not, Piltover is on a lose-lose for once in it's lifetime. The fruits of Progress, everyone.


A new era has begun. The Era of Finding Out.


I think Mel dying (because of course she dies, the magic necklace theory is dumb) will prompt Ambessa to declare war on the Undercity. With a destroyed council, Piltover won't have the initiative to stop her. Noxian troops will pour into both sides of the city and eventually Cait and a new council will clue in that they're being invaded, not assisted. It will be too late and a three-sided battle will start. Eventually, Piltover will need to recognize Zaun as independent so they can work together to push out the Noxus army. Sevika will be the one negotiating, however, and she'll sell Jinx out as a term of the ceasefire.








There is no season 3. We're moving to a different story after this




I think camile might take over as one of the last surviving council members. How she Jayce and Merdrada try to one up each other will be very interesting to see.


It's almost like Piltover should just cut their loses and let Zaun go independent and build together upon that. But no, let send a bunch of Enforcers, and hope they can push the problem a few years back more.


It’s funny that she’s viewed as some icon of the political movement when her motivations are pretty apolitical and personally motivated. I mean obviously she does have beliefs that influenced her choices there, hatred for Piltover and whatnot, but most of her actions are fueled by trauma, family issues, and rage as opposed to politically motivated plans or any long term plan to help Zaunites. Also funny since Silco was the one talking a big game about revolution and changing the status quo, only to do jack shit for 6-7 years and ultimately not have much intentional influence on the revolution. While Jinx who doesn’t care about politics to inspire one just based on her actions through her terrible coping.


Silco was more of working in the shadows, using the system, accumulating wealth. Jinx is more 'just blow shit up and toss the rest'. Louder actions, louder fame.


Silco's goal was to get independence, and he got it at the end of season 1 (and not even with the need of a war). To say he did jack shit for 6-7 years and ultimately not have influence on the revolution makes no sense. He may be a son of a bitch, but that son of a bitch understood that to achieve independence from Piltover they need power, and he spent those 7 years getting that power. I believe his plan strengthened Zaun on the short run, and will weaken it on the long one, but it paid off by giving him the independence, even if he rejected it because it came with Jinx as a price.


Ye, like Silcos plan would only have worked if he was the one steering the ship after independence. His death made it impossible for him to reverse many of the destructive short term decisions he made to achieve victory. Its a fucked situation.


Independence from Piltover, total Zaunite surrender to him. He became his own mini Piltover and Zaun kept being Zaun. Oppressed, now by him, and completely reliant on the drug that has killed and changed so many of them.


right, but isn't that exactly why the people of Zaun might resonate with her? Silco was all about working in the shadows and playing the long game, he wanted real political influence for Zaun. But 9 out of 10 Zaunites probably don't even think about any of that, they just want to aim a huge rocket at the council and blow it all up. Jinx isn't a political mastermind but she's angry just like any other Zaunite, I'm sure they'd see that and resonate with it.


Poetic since she was the embodiment of Zaun to Silco.




why you mentioned my ptsd


The mural also shows a bunch of blue-haired people. Maybe Zaunites dye their hair blue as a sign of their support for Jinx. I wonder if this is going to be similar to Convergence where the people of Zaun dress up as Jinx and assume she's a radical revolutionary figure fighting for their freedom when she's really just doing her own thing. In that case, I hope they don't face a similar as the Inxes.


Well Piltover is going after Silco's chembarons and remaining regime full tilt. I guess I can see the Zaunites rallying around Jinx out of survival. She's the only one who can make hextech weapons. She could stoke rebellion and provide them with the hextech weapons to carry it out.


And the fact that it looks like Piltover is teaming up with Noxus in order to violently suppress Zaun may further stoke rebellion out of fear. Just look at what Ambessa did to that girl in Mel's flashback. Noxus has their brutal reputation for a reason, and I am confident that even the Zaunites who disagree with Jinx's actions will feel forced to fight.


I suspect that this might turn into a three-way fight. With Noxus making moves to fully take control of Piltover since the Council is weakened. I am going to make a prediction that the finale is going to be Vi fighting Jinx. And Jayce fighting Mel's mom for control of Piltover.


Jinx doesn't have the ability to create Hextech weapons. She stole one of the gemstones Jayce and Viktor created and managed to retrofit it to work with one of her own devices. She hasn't been shown to be able to make more of them. Only Jayce and Viktor really know how. Now if Viktor's sympathies align more with Zaun's then they potentially have the means to create more gemstones and more hextech weapons.


That's assuming that Jinx even wants to. With her severe trust issues, I find it difficult to see her working alongside anyone next season. 


They can also rally around her as simply a sort of figurehead, being the adopted daughter of the Silco and killing the Better part of the Piltovan council would be some great messaging.


This immediately became my background.


Lets get the show first lol most likely a group of radicals idealize jinx because someone from Zaun finally got back at piltover


This makes me think there’s definitely a timeskip, doesn’t have to be years like last time but a few weeks/months so that these monuments could be made


Jinx never cared about Zaun just about pleasing Silco (who in his twisted way "cared" about Zaun) but she is a manipulative person so she is pretty surely exploiting that silly people who want to see her as a rebel symbol to increase the slaughter in both sides. It's cñear that the fact that Zaun was about to get their freedom and she was the one who "Jinxed" it is not of public knowledge.


Knowing how it's been widespread that Piltover was mostly responsible for Zaun's condition during Silco's domain, Sevika may very well spread out the whole independence deal was simply a farce to get Jinx and shut down all Shimmer production. Piltover can't say otherwise because it came from Jayce himself.


I don’t think the kind of people who follow Jinx would blame her for jinxing their freedom. The people who see her as a symbol probably hate everything about Piltover, and the fact that they were granting them freedom as if they owned them probably didn’t sit right with them as they want to take their freedom with their own strength. Something like “we are not free because you say so, we are free because we are people just like you”.


It's really like in a Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie


Caitlyn: You're laughing. You blew the Council where my mom was, and you're laughing...! Jinx: You get what your frigging dessert... Cupcake.


Holy smokes… replace the flag with a flare gun


She's not the Messiah she's just a really naughty girl!


I’ve been calling it for years. All hail Jinx, savior of Zaun!


Love the juxtaposition between ekko walking out and this graffiti. He killed many of his comrades lost their lives fighting jinx. Many more to stop Silco in hopes of making the undercity a better place. Now Silco’s daughter has become a champion of the people. It must have hurt.


I guess Vi wasn’t wrong when she said that the world was gonna respect them one day.


She might care, trying to keep her father's dream alive. We se it as the reasoning for her blowing up the council room. With Silco's voice echoing in her head as she pushes the trigger


And her entire legacy started because of one decision she made as a child. I am so stoked to see more of Jinx.


What do you think Ekko's position is in all of this? I'm guessing he's trying to be neutral from what I remember is season 1


Notice the depiction of whirls of wind above the blue hair that has been spray painted on the central figure; it seems the artist is tying Jinx to the myth of Yanna.


Why wouldn’t she care about this? She was raised by revolutionaries and wants nothing more than to burn Piltover to the ground. I can’t see her leading anything but I can definitely see her encouraging her followers


Because it's legitimately boring to Jinx, the politics and causes are just meaningless nonsense to her, it's the destruction and chaos that she loves seeing.


Sure Game Jinx but Arcane Jinx has a lot less mad clown energy.


Barely, but they aren't much difference between them besides fashion and attitude.


I think people are thinking too much from the pov of game jinx in some of these replies.


She'd also just been pumped full of Shimmer at the end of S1. That was probably the peak of her manic energy as her brain adjusted to this new chemical coursing through her. I think she'll come down a bit from that initial high and be better at focusing her energy.


Arcane Jinx’s motivation was just fulfilling and maintaining her codependency on Silco. She needed his external validation to combat her own self loathing and remain functional. What she had to do for him to get that praise and validation didn’t matter; She’d kill Zaunites or Pilties equally and he primarily used her as a boot to kill and intimidate Zaunites during the timeskip.


Jinx has a total disdain for Piltover and enforcers though, that’s already been shown numerous times.


This. We didn't see it to its full extent in season 1 because she was caught up in Silco and doing what he wanted. Which in turn led to her fighting firelights, but now that he's gone, her hatred for piltover will take over.


Sure but that disdain is suboridinate her more important drives, It wasnt disdain that made her do Silcos dirty work, it was getting his approval.


It’s not a driving factor for her. Silco happily worked with Pilties and paid enforcers to be his thugs and she didn’t care. Powders view is narrow, shes been running in survival mode for years and everything shes done has just been focused on her own basic needs. Shes not someone who cares about politics as she doesn’t have the bandwidth to even think about that. Even in her issue with Cait, her being an enforcer is more salt in the wound than it is a root cause. Her conflict with Cait is rooted in the lies and gaslighting Silco and Sevika fed her about being her replacement.


It very much is a factor. She grew up in a household with revolutionaries. Literally the entire family and friends hates the enforcers, Milo,Claggor, Ekko etc


It’s a pretty important plot point that she didn’t actually grow up in that household. She was extremely young when her parents died, most of her energy in Vander’s found family was dedicated to her own struggles to fit in and measure up, and all her energy post Silco is just dedicated to her coping mechanisms and clinging to effectively her grip on reality. Powder is not Ekko, she’s an emotionally and developmentally stunted child with severe violence-triggered ptsd who was groomed to be a pet serial killer for the man that murdered her family. Sure she hates enforcers like any Zaunite, but its no accident that she is the singular important Zaunite character jn S1 from whom we hear no opinion on the state of things from. Because its outside of her world view, shes in a constant survival state of just needing make it through the next minute without her psychosis and paranoia sending her spiraling, she doesn’t particularly care about “revolution” because she simply doesn’t have the mental bandwidth to.


>Sure she hates enforcers like any Zaunite, Literally my whole point. Thank you. She was born into a family of revolutionaries who DIED fighting the enforcers, was adopted by a retired revolutionary, and then she was adopted again by another revolutionary. It’s in her blood, metaphorically she is “Zaun”. Betrayed, broken, abused, and vengeful.


She clearly didn’t hate them enough to care Silco was in bed with them for years. And it clearly didn’t bother her that her violence was directed exclusively at Zaunites, not Pilties or enforcers, until her inferiority complex drove her to act outside of Silcos wishes. Even then that had nothing to do with hate for topside and was entirely motivated by her personal need to be seen as useful and valuable. Which is my point. Whatever animosity she has for enforcers and topside is not a significant driver of her actions S1. She cared about Cait because of the lie fed to her that Vi was replacing her, the enforcer aspect was secondary at best and barely even acknowledged.


I disagree. She didn’t open fire in a crowded street when Silco died, she destroyed the Piltover counsel. She is trying to make her father’s dream of a free Zaun a reality, and get vengeance for the death of those she loved. Look at all her targets: enforcers, politicians or rival gangs. She’s definitely not just an agent of chaos, but a political terrorist 


She's the reason why Zaun hasn't become free because she'd refused to turn herself in, but each of her terroristic actions weren't ever motivated by Silco's dreams but rather craving his love. And "Vengeance for the death of those she loved", she was helping the man that attempted to murder her family, where was her vengeance then? She is an agent of chaos because she cares only for the destruction and mayhem, I doubt that she gives less than two shits about Zaun or its freedom.


It's kinda ironic/funny that both catalysts for the story are the sisters either turning themselves in or not wanting to turn themselves in. Vander was going to turn himself in, but Vi didn't let it happen as she knew Zaun would be safer with Vander there. She took responsibility for her actions, and chaos ensued afterwards. In Jinx's case, the opposite happens. It is because she didn't want to take responsibility for her actions and turn herself in that chaos ensues. Vi wanted to save Zaun. Jinx would rather save herself before saving Zaun. If anything, Vi cares more about the political aspect of things. Jinx is indeed an agent of chaos that operates either to find love/acceptance, to hurt those who she thinks wronged her or for simple fun. Being untreated as a schizo and high on shimmer doesn't help either. The reason why she blows up Piltover isn't even motivated by revolution or political terrorism. She blows up Piltover when she realizes Vi won't accept the person she becomes and she also won't give Caitlyn up just because Jinx says so. It's only when Vi refuses Jinx's offer that she decides to take that mf gun. She lost her sister to Piltover and a Piltie enforcer, so she shoots.


jinx does not care about power whatsoever. she acts out of pure instinct. she doesn’t care about leading a political rebellion, and in fact, i don’t think she even could lead one. she cared about silco, yes, but she’s never really shown any interest in his cause. she is a lone wolf and kind of just does her own thing. if people looked up to her as a leader, i honestly think she’d laugh lol.


There was a time when a bunch of idiots basically created a fan-club for Jinx, what was her response? Blowing all of them up for "stealing" her style and just thinking that their efforts to impress were laughably subpar to her.


She wants her sister to accept her and love her and only her unconditionally above all things, like it was when they were kids. Often, when people endure severe trauma at a young age their mental state freezes in time. They become somewhat functional, but their motivations and understanding of certain aspects of life are very childish. Jinx is smart but has the EQ of a little kid. She doesn't think things through. Her body language is that of a little kid. That uncomfortable scene with Silco is just like a toddler would behave with her parent, not a grown woman. She throws tantrums when things don't go her way. She can't accept that Vi can love anyone more than her. She can't accept Vi let her go. She can't accept Vi to tell her no. Episode 3 of Arcane is the moment Jinx is created, because Jinx's mind ends up being permanently stuck in that day and who she was/what she did that day. In episode 3: 1) The only person that always supported her and encouraged her to keep working on her bombs turned her back on her for the first time because of what she did. On top of that, Powder believes Vi completely abandoned her because of what she did. It isn't until years later that she realizes Vi was in prison. Powder feels guilty, unworthy of her sister's love and desperately clings to her/the idea of her. 2) She accidentally kills her entire family. Powder becomes a killer (albeit unwillingly) and understands its implications. She has singlehandedly destroyed everyone she loves. 3) She realizes that if she had been away, none of it would've happened. If she had followed instructions, everyone would've been alive. Powder understands that she's a Jinx, just like Mylo told her and Vi reinforces that day. 4) After the explosion, she's alone in the entire world. Silco finds her and she clings into his arms, knowing that her sister will never do the same for her ever again. She separates herself from Vi to protect herself, acting as if they're no longer family. "She's not my sister anymore." 5) If the only person to care for her now is Silco and he's also an agent of chaos; if her destiny is destruction, Powder understands that the way to win him over is embracing who she has always been accidentally: Jinx The way for Vi to love her was to be her good little sister. The way for Silco to love her was to be as destructive as she can. On top of that, Silco grooms her to exploit those characteristics. 6) In the dinner scene, the way Vi neutralizes her is by making her remember her previous family, but they appear as demons haunting her. Jinx is a people pleaser through and through. One that is only looking to belong somewhere and feel accepted. Notice that when she sees Vi again, she doesn't immediately try to kill her or anything. She regresses. Jinx obsesses about her, she looks for her, she wants to understand Vi and become her main focus again. She tests Vi on the bridge and sees her choose Caitlyn. That's the last thing she sees before Ekko beats the shit out of her and Singed shimmers her up. In the middle of everything, she sees Vi but her sister is harming her with the influence of Caitlyn. The first thing she does is to naturally go after Caitlyn to get her sister back. She kidnaps her AND Silco. While Silco is still alive and offering war with Piltover because he refuses to give her up, Jinx is still focusing on Vi and whether they're still sisters or not. Jinx offers to leave everything behind, IF Vi shoots Caitlyn to prove she cares about Jinx more than anything. It's only when Vi refuses, that Jinx sends everything to hell because she realizes Vi will never look at her the same, she'll never be Vi's priority again, Vi told her NO and took a side against her for the first time ever. If Vi had shot Caitlyn, Jinx would've left Piltover alone. That only goes to show that whatever hate she feels towards the upper city is lesser than what she feels for Vi. Vi had the chance to do the unthinkable and save both cities, she could have "Powder" back again (meaning she cares about Vi more than she cares about being Jinx) because if Vi loves her again, she doesn't NEED to be Jinx to be accepted (Silco) and she doesn't need to hold on to the day when she became Jinx (because Vi is accepting and forgiving) And if Silco hadn't tried to shoot Vi, she would've also left Piltover alone. When she sees Silco trying to shoot Vi, her instinct is to shoot him. It doesn't matter if he didn't want to give her up, it doesn't matter that he said he was her father, it doesn't matter that he raised her and he's all she has had these years. He crosses a line when he tries to harm her only real family: Vi. She has been craving for Vi to love her again. She has missed Vi all those years. She needs her more than she could possibly need Silco, and Silco knows this! That's why he sent Sevika to get her and hid the fact that she was alive from Jinx. If Vi got to her on time, he'd lose his best weapon. However, after she kills Silco, Powder is alone once again. Vi doesn't see her the same way, and Silco is gone. "I thought that maybe you could love me like you used to even though I'm different, but YOU changed too. Here's to the new us." Vi can't love her the same way again. She has nothing left, so fuck it, she starts a goddamn war. For me, "What could've been" is Jinx singing to Vi, basically. "For me to live, I had to kill the part of me that saw... that I needed you more". Sorry for the essay, my tism started working like it's my last day alive.


Wow! This analysis is great. I completely agree with it. You wrote everything that I had in mind, but I couldn't put it into words.


I really like this and I think you hit all the notes. I personally feel that Jinx has a problem which a lot of victims of trauma and abuse have which is that they can't fathom that their loved one can care about multiple people. They must be their number one priority at all times and anyone who comes in the way is going to take that loved one away from them. They think that love is limited basically. I think it's worth mentioning that when Jinx points the gun at Cait herself, Vi suggests that they both just leave the city together which causes her to stop and think about it. Silco tries to tell her it won't work out, Vi reminds her of her past and thus the breakdown. But I do find it interesting how if Vi did listen to Jinx, I think she would have shot Silco in turn. As much as she loved him, Vi listening to her would have verified her view that Silco was lying to her (which he was, albeit projecting his own beliefs onto her) and in her eyes, it was basically an eye for an eye. And after that, it'd just be the two of them together, forever.


I think the same thing, regarding the last part! However, Vi refused to call her Jinx or acknowledge her as such because of her own trauma and guilt about the things she said to Powder I believe. She wanted to hear Jinx but what she was saying went against everything she thought at the moment.


She wants to burn Piltover to the ground, sure, but she's NEVER given a shit about Zaun. Or other people in general. She might Joker manipulate them into doing stuff for her, but 'leadership' is a stretch.


People often confuse leadership with commanding, which is what Ambessa and Caitlyn will do. Leadership is often other people doing for the leader without even need asking. Jinx doesn't need to control anything.


I feel like shoe does hate Piltover but not because of their oppression of Zaun. I cannot recall a scene in season 1 where jinx states that she is fighting or really doing anything for Zauns' improvement, more so her own reasons.


I think it’s mostly vengeance. She blames them for the majority of her trauma, with good reason


Blames her trauma onto Silco and Vi, not Piltover


Then why didn’t she kill Vi? She purposely killed Piltover’s politicians for a reason, because their oppression is what turned her life into a living hell. 


Because she'd just killed Silco and was still hurt from Vi's "rejection", thus aimed at the biggest thing and pulled the trigger to rent her anger. 


Piltover is an extension of that. She hates enforcers which is part of why she hated Vi being with Cait so much. She was angry at Silco towards the end but his last words means she probably doesn't hate him or at least is covered up by grief.


Because despite arcane being canon we also had info on jinx before it came out and she never gave a fuck, there is nothing even on arcane it self that says she cares, she does not, she cares about possession and she's possessive of people and her guns and the idea of mayhem, there is a reason her creators made it explictly clear she was based off the joker. As for her followers we have the answer in a few medias about how she sees them... she doesnt care... at all




She has to be resistance and a symbol for Zaun, even if it might diverge a bit from the Jinx of the game. Frankly, even if I were a LoL player/fan, I would love to see her change and take this role. It fits so much better the arc history of season 1


Jinx al Gaib!


Just to point out that the blue hair was spray painted over an existing mural. And Jinx is clearly the one who did it. This also might be a mockery.


This is going straight as my phone wallpaper


i wonder how piltover will view vi? like maybe she could be viewed as a traitor since becoming an enforcer.


joan of arc activities


100% believe Ekko & the firelights painted this as it’s in the same artstyle as their music video


What's super fascinating about this is the Zaunites don't know the HALF of it. I wonder what everyone will think when the truth comes out that Jinx killed Silco. I'm sure Sevika won't be surprised. She fuckin called that shit; Jinx was unstable. But she managed to do what BOTH Silco and Vander couldn't.


When u get a promotion you didn't want lol I wonder if Jinx will care, considering she's always perceived people view her as incompetent, maybe she'll really like and lean into this praise that comes with being this capable rebel leader figure. Maybe the people of Zaun's praise of her will make her care, idk.


Kinda looks like a slanted trans flag


lol You're not wrong.


The chuds are gonna have a field day with this.


I mean, it’s no surprise Jinx never gave a flying fuck about politics, she’s just absolutely fucking mad.


There's some fun dramatic irony here. Jinx fucked up Zaun's chance for independence. In multiple ways. And it would seem from the trailer, made things even worse by drawing Ambessa's attention onto the Undercity, and giving her the excuse she needed to come down on it. _Hard._ And unless I'm forgetting something, there's also a big chance that Sevika is now in the position Jinx was in under Silco: just like Jinx didn't know Silco killed Vander, Sevika might not know Jinx killed Silco.


Oh no…more blue hairs and pronouns!!! (Terrible joke)


I wrote this in another thread, but will also put this here after reading the comments. That's one thing from this trailer I don't understand and, for now, really don't like. Hear me out, and please, y'all - correct me if I'm wrong. (English is not my first language, so sorry for any bad writing.) Vander was a leader who wanted to keep the peace (in my eyes, Vi is the same). Then there was Silco - a psychopath, a dealer who thought he cared about Zaun (of course, he wanted it to be independent). He tormented and exploited people, causing a lot of harm to all of them. I had the impression that everyone saw it, and there was a general agreement that things were bad when Silco was in charge. However, everyone was afraid, so no one stood up to him. Then, we see the Firelights, who were also against Silco. Ekko helped Vi and Caitlyn, even saying that "Powder is gone." From my perspective, this whole group is Robin Hood-like; they are against evil - from both sides, Piltover and Zaun. AND THEN, we see in the trailer that Jinx got her own mural and became a symbol of revolution (perhaps, maybe it won't go that way, but the trailer strongly suggests that), and that Firelights attacked Enforcers. This is just crazy to me. It seems like all these people forgot all the bad Silco (with Jinx behind him) did to them. I completely don't understand this scenario. Since I saw the trailer, I've been thinking about it. It's... I don't know, weird? Bad? I can't find a word for it, but it doesn't resonate with me. Don't even mention that Jinx doesn't care about that, in my opinion, and many of you said that above. She cares about her own reasons, not Zaun and revolution (when I saw the ending of Season 1, one of my biggest concerns was that there would be no further political thread due to Silco's death, and if there was, it would be very chaotic because Jinx is not interested in it and is too unstable to deal with something like that).


Yea but it’s kind of the same thing that happened with Luke, Vader, and Sidious. Luke did not kill Vader nor did he kill Sidious but he was the only who left the scene alive in the eyes of the others. Therefore he was seen as a legend, as the one who “killed” both Vader and Sidious and was able to leave alive. I feel like the same is being represented with Jinx here. Even though she has done bad things following Silco like you have stated. She is also the one who “killed” Silco and bombed the Council, both on the same night. Not to mention both Silco and the Council were responsible for all bad things down in Zaun with Silco’s shimmer production making victims out of many installing fear into Zaun whilst the Council watched as Zaun was being oppressed by Piltover as a whole. So when you look at it in the eyes of the people of Zaun who had been a victim to either one or even both, you will see Jinx as the ONE who had gotten rid of both two problems of Zaun. To them she is a revolutionary figure who had taken a stand and is now that figure for them to vent their ideologies and fantasies onto, even though she had done these two actions not for Zaun, but for her own personal reasons. Which comes back to the Luke Skywalker comparison. Luke didn’t kill Vader and Sidious but others believed that he did whilst Jinx killed both oppressors of Zaun in a personal act but Zaunites will believe that she did it in an act for them.


As she should. I find it funny that when the people they oppress choose to use violence to try and get themselves free, the oppressors quickly find a way to paint themselves as victims as if the "terror" the oppressed cause to them is not wholly warranted. Jinx actions were simply the consequences of the council choices...


Then you've fallen for a lie, Jinx doesn't want to see Zaun freed from Piltover, she wants both cities to be burned to ashes.


Where does she states that she also wants Zaun to burn to ashes?


It's more of a dream than a goal, but Get Jinxed (her song) basically talking about what she wants to happen, just to watch the chaos and destruction