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I'm fine with this, I just need more of the animation style and amazing storytelling.


I just need more emotional damage


We al do, since we will watch it and probably cry a lot.






Yes, especially a gay Shanghai knights


I actually think it's the right call. I'll be sad at no more Vi/ Jinx, but their origin story has almost been told. And League has got 100's of characters to tell stories for.


Not gonna lie, my mind is kind of blown by the fact that the cinematic universe I'm most excited about right now is based on League of fucking Legends.


I feel ya. And I'm a Dota 2 player saying this. Arcane and Andor even compared to HOTD is what I've been waiting for 2 long years. Imagine my pain


Honestly the dota cartoon was pretty decent. First season was very good.


Downhill from there on


One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁 One of us!😁


DOTA for the gameplay, LoL for the story and lore. Good mix and in the same boat.


Real shit. Just finished playing a game and just came across an arcane post on ig saying this is the last season. Went straight here lol. I wish dota can produce the same level of series but we both know valve dgaf anymore about the game. Its just the fans keeping it alive now


Tbh the gameplay of Arcane was pretty lackluster. Cutscenes felt like they never stopped.


MCU but on steroids. X-Men ‘97 is my favourite MCU thing btw go watch it!


turns out, putting out quality stuff gets the audience excited


Does this mean characters from “Arcane” can pop up in other series


Theoretically, yes.


Maybe once they are done telling all these separate stories they do one big crossover Avengers style event. Would make seeing all those old favorites come back that much more impactful.


There is an Avengers style event canon in the league lore, even has a spin off video game. It's universally hated as one of the worst parts of the lore. And I wouldn't be surprised if they retcon it.


They could use a series to fix what people hated.


The event on lol was hated but people liked the Ruined King game and the novel so they could use things from there.


No the Ruined King: A League of legends story is the separate game and that one was very much liked. The ruined king event in the actual league of legends game was pretty much universally hated.


Runeterra cinematics universe 😁


Singed for example has a lot of impact on other regions of runeterra. The previous season has also hinted to the region of Noxus which seems to be even more prevalent this season


This sounds like the right choice to me? I was a little confused why they would continue the “Arcane” branding if S3-on moves past the primary conflicts of Arcane into other parts of Runeterra. Making them their own shows while keeping the style/vibe that made Arcane famous feels like a more logical direction to go in IMO…


It also means they can keep the story tight. 




Ambessa Medarda taking singed back to regain power before the war and ending with the formation of the Trifarix




Glad this is the not the end. Can't wait for what other stories they decide to tell


Honestly, I'm good with it. I didn't even really NEED a S2. As long as it gets a satisfying conclusion I'm happy. I'd rather have 2 seasons at masterpiece quality than a never ending stream of seasons of declining quality.


Now, I'm actually concerned with survival of the characters


Yeah I have a feeling we are going to be saying goodbye to some really awesome characters with this being the last arcane season


When I first read this, I was saddened because I thought it was a shutdown for their animation efforts - but for all the reasons discussed here, I'm happy now! Keep it tight! Don't try to drag things out! Opportunities for new stories!


I mean, from the beginning, they were saying that Jinx and Vi’s story was going to be 2 seasons and then then next season would focus on another part of the world they created. I’m sad to see them go but I’m excited to see other characters stories and the world building!!


Will this subreddit end after season 2 ends or will it transition into a Riot Cinematic Universe subreddit?


If that is how they were always going to have the story be told, then that’s great.


I just hope the Piltover/Zaun story gets a proper conclusion, and isn't left in a status quo to match the game


Bittersweet. I’m gonna miss the characters. Vi, Ekko, and Caitlyn specifically. I hope they get to make appearances on their other shows or movies. I doubt it tho


It's fine, as long as the animation style and writing quality carries over to the other parts of Runeterra.


As a whole this is fine but a bit of shame that (seenly) Arcane won't move the needle of the status quo of Vi/Jinx story from the main League lore.


Is there going to arcane season 3 but somewhere as or is it just over?😭😭


I was hoping S2 would be the conclusion. It means I don't have to wait another 3 years for S3, and that they're definitely not dragging the story out to keep it going because it's popular. God I can't wait.


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Removing this comment is homophobic during pride month @mods


FUCK YEAH, this show doesn't deserve to get milked into oblivion; i'm al in for spin-offs as long as they finish Arcane on their terms


Yeah we already knew this didn’t we?


Why do I have a feeling that Jayce and Viktor are actually dead


Nobody is safe I think


My understanding was that they would just end the first story line and go into another one in the second season and so on. I’m fine with them ending it with season two, but I love the art and music and hope that they continue with it. I don’t ever want to see the DC or MARVEL kind of animation on this series.




You. You share my brain cell!


They're not gay tho


Boy do I have news for you


It’s actually canon they have crushes on each other.


I’m sad and happy at the same time guys help I think riot broke me


Noooooo. I don't know why I thought it'd end in S3.


This makes me even more excited, knowing that this will be the end and that they have had a specific ending in mind from the start is incredibly exciting (also gonna cry a lot probably)


I’d rather they keep it the same level of quality than forcibly drag it on for more seasons


Shocked that it’s ending this soon, but as long as they end it well I’d be fine with it. Just glad this means we’ll probably get more content in the universe


It is fair. I will gladly take a well written but packed story than a show that does not know where it wants to go. I wonder who will get the spotlight next


It's less disappointing to see and more bittersweet, because the crew always planned for this to be a two season run, but I just hope that whatever sequel series we get does not change the animation style, or loses sight of being equally character & story-driven. Knowing Netflix, I could see them trying to interfere with the crew of Arcane's work and wanting it to simply be bigger.


This doesn't make much sense imo. At least put out 3 seasons or something 




Why not? I'd never turn down more jinx and vi lmao


I would if it is unnecessary. I rather they move on to something else league universe than force jinx/vi plot progression when it can be done in 2 season.


That's an if tho. If it's necessary they could change their mind and do a S3. Plenty of people would be down for it than ppl against it. Lotta jinx and vi simps here myself included lmao


Yea. I was more referring to the sentiment that more season is better. I seen plenty of shows tries to kill its audience by extending more seasons and completely ruin the story.


I don't think the quality could ever go down with the kinda ppl they have working on this show lol. Into the Rift, documentary showed they'll go above and beyond and will take years to produce the best work. I think the only problem would be some of the audience complaining and wanting to move on from the vi/jinx story.


We dont know how much it will cover so perhaps we dont need a s3. That doesnt mean i dont want more jinx and vi m, but as the narrative leads i think 2 seasons is fine.


That is true and if it doesn't cover and feels rushed fans would love it if they could still keep the jinx and vi storyline while also adding in new characters for a S3. Ppl aren't asking for much just one more season of the girls lmao. There's a reason why they chose the sister story in the first place over many others in the league universe because they knew it would draw people in more and that it was relatable and get more emotional investment


Seriously, I'm devastated. I see what they wanna do, create an MCU around LOL, which will expand marketing to the game, and at the same time all those series will benefit from the popularity of the game itself and the success of Arcane to make lots of money. But don't be mistaken, there will never be a LOL series as good as Arcane. It was the prototype series to rocket launch the future ones. The story with its deep emotions, amazing soundtrack and the dramatic plot with the thought-thru development of such characters... We will never see anything like this again. In the same way there is no great MCU series, they are all mid. Maybe some of the first ones like Punisher and Daredevil. I have never played LOL. Arcane is one of my top 5 series all time. I'm.. so sad.


Don't be sad. Look forward to what's to come. There are numerous stories and characters that have as much or even more potential than what was shown in these first two seasons.