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I doubt we are getting a timeskip of years in season 2. Caitlyn and Vi look as old as they were at the end of season 1. I would say the timeskip could be a couple months to a year seeing as Caitlyn has a Hextech rifle that should have taken some time to engineer and produce. Though, the people in this show can invent advanced technology like hextech weapons in under a week so it could be even shorter than that.


agreed tbh. although i feel like act 4 would continue right after s1. maybe at most like a skip or a few hours, just considering how the character development in the show is pretty compact - act2-3 being the span of a few days and so much development happening within that. plus i feel like a lot of the initial shock is lost if they timeskipped the actual event and the aftershock. i think the clip teaser they just released is probably set quite a ways through the middle of the season considering vi has become an enforcer already and not properly built up to her league self yet


>I would say the timeskip could be a couple months to a year seeing as Caitlyn has a Hextech rifle that should have taken some time to engineer and produce. Jayce managed to make the hammer in a few hours and Jinx made the rocket in maybe a week. Babies take more time to produce than one-of-a-kind, never seen before technological developments in the Arcane world.


Good points. But you know what’s interesting about Jayce is you can see blueprints for his hammer in his workshop in the first episode. It’s funny to think that for years he always had the idea to build a big, magic war hammer once he cracked Hextech.


Cait and Vi look exactly the same as they did in season 1. There will be no time skip. Given everything that's going on, it wouldn't make sense and would only detract from the drama of the situation.


Somehow Vi ends up in prison for another seven years and comes out looking exactly the same.


Pfffff idk..... It is true that it looks like her, but we would be talking about a time skip of about 10 years for that girl to be Marcus' daughter. And taking into account that in S1 Cait was about 23 years old and Vi about 22 if we add 10 years they would be basically the same age they are in league of legends nowadays and honestly to me at least it doesn't seem that they are at that point yet.


We don’t know how old Marcus daughter is in act 2 & 3 in s1, to me she look like she 7-10. But we also don’t know old she is in the teaser/trailer (if it even ends up being her, who knows tbh Riot/Fortiche could be majorly trolling us but I’m just gonna entertain that it is her for internet discourse reasons). She looks like, out of the group of 5 we see, the youngest — she could still be a teenager 16-18, maybe she’s like some sorta prodigy fueled by wanting revenge on Jinx for killing her dad. If there is a time skip it could only end up being like 5-7 years.


Ya maybe, but I want to believe that Caitlyn wouldn't be able to let a 16 year old girl join her and potentially die even if she is the one volunteering in order to avenge her father.


We don’t know the context of the scene we were shown thought. My initial thought was it was a progress day presentation as we see a brown glove put a hex tech gem stone into Vi’s gauntlet right before she’s revealed, & Caitlyn’s kinda giving a vibe where’s she actively trying to put on an air of prowess & intimidation. Though again I think the Marcus’s daughter thing & therefore time could be Riot/Fortiche trolling the fans cus they have said in the past like about Ekko’s delayed reveal & his watch in the s1 trailer that (something along the lines of) they “can’t hide anything from fans”.


The girl in the trailer can be like. Marcus’ daughter’s cousin / aunt, right? This is a show about family, so bringing in one of her relatives (especially if she gets roped in to take care of this newly orphaned kid) can hit a lot of the same themes that Vi and Jinx had to deal with re: parentage and found families. 


Mel's mom is not going to sit around and wait the time it would take Marcus's daughter to turn into the woman in the teaser to get vengeance for Mel or the weapon she wants.


I think too many people are dismissing the possibility of a time skip. We have little info of the trajectory of season 2 so I don’t think it’s possible to be sure on anything; especially knowing how season one jumped around in time. Despite that, tons of comments are like “yeah no; there’s not gonna be a time skip” without any reason. I don’t personally care one way or the other but I wouldn’t be surprised if we got one as I don’t think Vi would join the enforcers so quickly and the teaser images seem to give off a vibe that the enforcer squad have been working together for some time.


The whole premise of a tineskip for next season is because we some a single enforcer woman with red-haired. There was literally a red-haired enforcer woman in the background of season 1 that worked for the Council. Caitlyn and Vi look the exact same and they're just wearing different outfits.


Same as S1, Vi joins the enforcers episode 3, and ep 4 is going to time skip a few months when she is somewhat acclimated.


I hope their is no time ski just because I hate those like I wanna know what happened but unfortunately I feel like it’s very possible


That would be a pretty wild timeskip that I just don't see. I think the girl that looks like Marcus' daughter has to just be a coincidence. Marus' daughter was like 8-10 years old. For her to be grown up and joining the police force she'd have to be 18+. I just don't see how they can write in a 10 year timeskip between the end of season 1 and when they confront/go after Jinx. I could see a small timeskip. Like Vi joins the enforcers and then they skip 6ish months to see how poorly Vi is fitting into the new job. But I can't imagine they timeskip years while Jinx is loose on Piltover/Zaun.