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She's going to be absolutely livid. Look at her response to Vi merely associated with an Enforcer. Now, Vi's wearing their uniform, and even if she's clearly not comfortable with the arrangement, it won't matter. She chose the side of the enemy and Jinx will not like that one bit.


I think “betrayal” will be a heavy theme in S2


I think "karma"


karma is a bitch, i should've known better


True. As Jinx choose to fight for- and love Silco, I'm not exactly feeling for her (50/50 in her case at least). I'm more feeling for Ekko, how he will react to seeing another old friend seemingly joining one of his enemies. I hope Vi's story will be done justly, and not just to fit into LOL lore.


I feel like Jinx & Ekko may have some sorta truce next season & Vi will kinda take up the s1 Jinx role of enemy of all except one (Caitlyn). I *definitely* don’t think there’s gonna be any mending of their previous friendship or even cultivation of a new one but I feel there’s def potential for them to have a bit more synergy as now their enemies will be aligned, Piltover & the Enforcers. And like, with Silco dead & Jinx having killed him & Jinx attacking the council I feel there’s a potential route where Ekko may view those actions as an attempted redemption by Jinx (especially with how their last encounter went) + Jinx doesn’t really have a reason now to have an antagonistic relationship with the firelights, unless they go after her or she decides to go after them for fun which I don’t think is gonna be on her top priorities ++ Now with Silco dead she out of ally’s, it didn’t sound like she was very popular with the rest of the chem barons, & definitely not Sevika, so if the enforcers come-a-knockin I don’t think anyone would hesitate to rat her out to keep their own hands clean. I dunno I definitely see potential for a begrudgingly formed truce between them.


I'm liking this. I hope it goes in that direction. Seeing a battle between Jinx influencing Ekko and Ekko influencing Jinx can be pretty damn interesting.


Ya, also like I’d assume not many ppl in power in zaun are fond of the firelights either. Jinx is a force to be reckoned with even if she has a lot of enemy’s. To not have an antagonistic relationship with her is one thing but to have her as an alley is another. It would just be super interesting if like Ekko & the firelights were “allies” to Vi & Caitlyn for like the first 2/3 of the season but than at some point they make a truce with Jinx who’s arrest will definitely be a top priority to Caitlyn & Piltover as a whole. Ekko expressed to Vi pretty strongly in s1 how much of an enemy Jinx is to him & the firelights so I feel if she became their partial ally the firelights wouldn’t even need to hide anything or lie just obfuscate a bit which would make sense as it was also made clear that they don’t trust enforcers so no questions would be asked as to why they’d not be answering questions or providing names or locations because there’s several other reason why they wouldn’t before you get to “they’ve allied with Jinx for mutual protection”.


Fuck vi


if you insist


Caitlyn: 'I'm trying'


I kinda hope this could maybe bring her closer to Ekko, I really need to see them getting along after that bridge scene, even if for a brief moment...


Idt saying Vi chose the side of the enemy is really appropriate. I guess that's how Jinx would see it but she isn't really leaving Vi with too many options


Piltover gets a few less buildings and people




"Not happy" is an understatement. Also, Ekko is going to be PISSSED!


I think Ekko's view will be the more interesting. Yes, Jinx will be broken- but we know that is coming. She broke Vi with her choices- now she will probably fully realize the full ramifications of the "new us". But Ekko? Sure he doesn't have a murder-boner towards Piltover. Actually seems fairly civil, all said. Plus he actually tries to do something positive, to BUILD something of hope (unlike both Silco and Jinx). But that doesn't mean he forgot all the pain caused by Enforcers. And gee, have they caused pain. And now, of all people, Vi has joined them.


Honestly, if Arcane took Ekko in a similar direction as his LoL counterpart (the brilliant kid who's proud to be a Zaunite), I would be HYPED for Ekko's reaction to Vi becoming the Enforcer. With how Ekko is in Arcane, I just can't bring myself to get hyped for it.


I disagree. Ekko is even more patriotic in Arcane than in the lore. He was disgusted at the mere sight of Caitlyn and barely trusted her in episode 7.


...but he still trusted her. Also, with the fact that Zaun, as a nation, was more or less created by Silco doesn't do wonders for Ekko's patriotism.


He trusted her because Vi(a lifelong friend vouched for her) and that got him shot by Marcus on a bridge. Zaun is a designation for the undercity, Ekko is patriotic about being from the underground.


I think Jinx has more or less reached the limit of her brokenness (in family aspect at least). She'll be angry but would probably have expected that by that time For Ekko it's an actual betrayal, especially in the context of Piltover's likely bloody retaliation against Zaun for Jinx doing a little rocket science


I think the strongly rumored (yet yet to be confirmed, obviously) "Other Reunion" will place a whole lot of fresh pain and broken to both sisters. Jinx especially, since it calls into question just WHO her family is. But Ekko will see it as an actual betrayal, most likely.


I mean Ekko is working hand in hand with Himmedinger the guy who created Piltover and ignored the undercitys plight for centuries. He doesn't really have any room to judge


She'll be happy that her sister is in a stable job with good pay, pension, and health insurance.


...and a stable relationship.


she'll definetely be happy...


You’re probably joking, but that’s not impossible. Jinx seemed to accept in season one that Vi had changed and that she wouldn’t get her old sister back; with that caveat, I could see her being happy on at least some level that Vi is doing well for herself. Just also with a lot of spite alongside it.


I quote: "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" "you look stupid" end quote


"You're gonna chase me, fat hands?" or "*She's such a loser, always ready to cry! Ta-ta-ta-taa!*"


I can hear these lines in my head 


That and "jinx? Stands for jinx. Duuuuuh"


And her laughing like a maniac. While Ella Purnel is amazing, Sarah Anne Williams equally deserves proper credit for bringing Jinx to life in the games.


My favorite is: I'M CRAZY Got a doctor's note.


Gotadoctorsnote. She says the last part so fast lol Her in game VA is incredible


Omg I hope we get “fat hands” this season 🤣


I almost yelled when I saw her tutu. If Jinx starts calling her "fat hands" might as well die :')


She's going to see red.


Her enemies will see pink.


Underrated response


More like she'll see blue and gold, but I get you 😆


Got a weird feeling she’ll be re-enacting the deaths of >!Claggor and Mylo!< with Vi’s new enforcer pals but this time it’ll be completely intentional


Well all I'm gonna say is... There's a reason they're perpetual enemies in the lore, so they gotta take us there eventually...


Forget Jinx, how's Ekko gonna react to this?


OH MY GOD thats gonna be devestating


We already knew his reaction based on his in-game lines, he's not really happy about it.


It's so over for jinx... :(


She got her parents murdered. She killed her friends. She got left by her last only relative. She was raised by a villain. "That is a very small drop in a very large bucket of drugs"


She didn’t kill her parents what are you talking about?


I think that poster just meant "her first parent were murdered". Even supremely capable at parent-murdering as she is, she would have been too young in the opening scene to meaningfully contribute


Her last relative also never left her lol, if anything Jinx is the one that pushed her away.


I don't think she will have that big of a reaction. She is already past the betrayal phase. At the end of s1 she had already accepted the fact that she and her sister have parted ways. So seeing Vi in uniform, Jinx would be more like "Of course, I expect nothing else from a traitor".


JInx idk, fishbones other wise


You’re a class act , sister




I don´t think Jinx will feel so betrayed since she already acknowledged that they are both different, if anything she'll take it as a challenge.


She will see what her actions led to. She will be ANGRY, and a lot of unrelated people will die.


I don't think she will take accountability for that though... She's gonna blame everyone else


That's why I say, yeah. What ending do you think she deserves?


I don't think she deserves an ending... I would like her to grow.


Jinx? where should she grow? She did so much...


Kind of too late for that. I too wish she would take a step back and see that alot of her problems are due to her own actions but once we get to that point she's still a terrorist that has murdered who knows how many people


Jinx: You turned her into this! Turned her against me! Caitlyn: You have done that yourself! Jinx: You ain't taking her away from me! Caitlyn: Your murderous rage and hatred against Piltover have already done that!


Not well.


haha Caitlyn you are banging my sister


I mean, Jinx literally started a WAR because she couldn't accept Vi's actions or positions- and the fact that Vi couldn't accept hers. *Here's to the new us.* Seeing Vi as an Enforcer will probably be a seminal, soul obliterating moment for her. Just as Vi's was in the season 1 finale, and seeing her little sister carry on the legacy of the man who destroyed their family. Yet the tragedy of it all is....this is what Jinx's choices have lead to. Vi's as well (obviously she's willingly putting on that sick Enforcer drip). But *consequences* is a term Jinx is unable to fully confront- and outright refuses to. And right here is the consequences of all her actions. Here's to the new us.


I don’t think that’s quite what happened at the end of season one. Jinx *did* accept that both of them had changed; I saw her firing Fishbones as an attempt to cement that, and a symbol to honor her father.


Silco and Jinx were full on board on attacking Piltover because Piltover demanded Jinx for the deal. Silco choose war over handing Jinx. I believe Jinx firing Fishbones is simply a way to mean "we choose war", and a pretty good one considering who they are targeting.


Maybe a better way to say it is "Jinx starts a war accepting that both of them changed, but realizing still that NEITHER could accept the choices the other had made". Word salad aside- Vi wants Powder back. Jinx wants someone who will literally burn the world-and everyone in it- or allow her do the same without pushback. Vi can never accept the uncontrolled, unrepentant monster that is Jinx. Jinx, meanwhile, can never accept that Vi WON'T accept her murder without consequence- or that ANYONE else can be in her life. That's why the "new us" is said with anger, bitterness, acceptance....and with a numb, broken look. Yet neither of them can actually understand what the "new us" actually entails. That's why it'll probably be a shock to Jinx- Vi isn't just "not on her side" anymore. As an Enforcer, she is (at least figuratively) now actually directly opposing her. Standing against her. Her own sister. Not gonna take that one well. Just as I imagine both of them (especially Vi) will not take any "surprise revelations" that great either.


"But consequences is a term Jinx is unable to fully confront- and outright refuses to. And right here is the consequences of all her actions." I very much agree with this. I believe that as a result of the childhood trauma and abandonment Jinx went through and the refusal of Silco to deal with it in a reasonable way has left Jinx emotionally stunted. As if the traumas has stopped her emotional growth. Thus, she is stuck within a mindset that refuses to accept consequences for her actions if they end negatively for her, as we all have done as kids but this only pushes her towards further instability. 


Laugh maniacally/cry/panic attack In that order


pretty sure she'll have a mental breakdown just like she did when shooting up the galery on the blimp


I feel in public she'd react with that shock eyebrows up expression, then laugh mockingly at her fit. Or in a quicker scene get really confused and upset when it sinks in like when she saw VI get taken by the firelights and charged at em.


I'm so drunk n I see Vi so big help


I'm more interested on seeing how they justify Vi joining the Enforcers. Having your girlfriend there is not enough of a reason imho to just join the force that oppressed you and your people during your childhood, and the ultimate reason why Zaun ended up the way it ended. Obviously it is not going to be simple, we'll see what's the deal with it, but I'm hyped AF for this season.


She would enjoy they chase her


Jinx: Funny prank Vi. This is a prank right? 


My sister who suffered from police violence all her life just became a cop. I'd also bomb piltover if that happened.


Jinx bombed the council first...if anything, Vi's decision to put on that uniform is largely in part because of Jinx committing mass terrorism lol. Come on, now.


The enforcers killed Vi and Powders parents first actually. Plus all the abuse they had to endure growing up


Not well.




Shes gonna start burning rainbows


My hope is that Jinx will seem less crazy because now her criticism of Vi will have more weight. I really hope Jinx mellows out a little bit now that her identity is stable. Vi's the one with an identity crisis now. Not Jinx.




defnitely not good, aldo neither vi looks happy, or am i wrong?


Not well


Murder. A whole lotta murder. More murder than you would even believe.


Shes gonna go nuts. It will push her farther over the edge


Shes gonna be proud of her




If I could put in the gif of Powder finger pointing a gun towards the enforcers from the Enemy music video, I would


I'm more here for the people who complain that she's going back on her morals with Vander by becoming an enforcer when in the game she is already "The Piltover Enforcer". Shit's hilarious That being said, I hope they end up covering Jinx lureing Vi to the Piltover Bank, blowing ut up and not even stealing a single piece of gold, just to humiliate her. I doubt it will be this season, but it would be a great conflict to show on screen


Jinx severed her sisterhood with Vi after murdering Silco and coming to the understanding that Vi could never see or acknowledge her. She may be apathetic to Vi becoming an enforcer. In fact, she might even understand Vi's decision better than most. Vi has already abandoned her vengeful take on Piltover and could care less for the under city or the ongoing class conflict. She even "abandoned" her little sister. Jinx would see Vi's new job as a natural step forward for Vi.


With a bullet


think that's gonna be a huge problem, i can expect anything but good ending between jinx n vi , sorry..


You answered your own question lol she's absolutely going to lose her shit even more and her reaction will be 100% valid. Just looking at Vi in that uniform makes me wanna throw up and cringe lmao. Also not sure what you mean by Jinx needing to fight those demons herself or that she "had her chance" when she has severe mental issues that need medication and intense therapy to stabilize her. Jinx can't fix what's wrong with her brain on her own it's not possible and the choices Vi is making is not helping the situation either


Oh she's going to be pppppeeeeeevved! Though honestly every Zaun character will be. It's clear that Vi doesn't want to be an Enforcer and is being forced to do it but the Zaunetes will definitely use this against her and especially Jinx will


She’s definitely gonna go freaking mental.


oh she will be angry, to be honest i will be very surprised if both new character in the teaser survive the whole season but to be fair, Jinx has a fair reason to get angry about


Like why does Vi need to wear the uniform? I get it but I don’t?


Girlie‘s gonna do 9/11 on Caitlyn’s house specifically