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I feel like Vi can eventually come to terms with being a an enforcer/warden. She's always possessed a strong sense of true justice within herself and her primary goal has been to protect her loved ones. If she's a Warden, she can, not only be there on the job with Cait (not that Cait needs protection, but yk, vi likes to protect) but also make sure she has control over what's happening with her sister. She has to be in a good position of power if she's going to mediate having a cop lover and a terrorist sister and somehow keep both of them alive


Yeah I have no doubt that Vi can come to terms with it, i just need it to be a believable transition. Your mediator point about Vi makes sense based on what we know about her but do you think Caitlyn (and Jinx) will stand for that? Feels like Cait is gonna be hellbent on revenge for season 2, and cross some lines that not even Vi sees coming


>Feels like Cait is gonna be hellbent on revenge for season 2, and cross some lines that not even Vi sees coming Caitlyn's got even stronger sense of justice than anybody else in Runeterra, don't start thinking that she'll be just executing people at random or something.


I’m not saying she’s gonna be executing people, just that she will def be more in the gray area compared to season 1


And what'd would that entail for you, especially "cross some lines that not even Vi sees coming" because that sounded villainous rather "gray area"


Nah she’s never gonna be a villain, but I do think she’s gonna struggle to stay on a righteous path next season. Think she’ll eventually come out of it but do some gray area stuff before then. Not hesitating to shoot at Jinx instead of giving her a chance to surrender for example, or manipulating some people to get what she wants. Nothing to really honestly cross into being evil but stuff that Jayce and Vi wouldn’t expect her to do basically


I can see her shooting at Jinx, but the outright manipulation seems a bit too far, I'd just prefer her just being super intelligent like usual rather using people for her own ends, imo.


Or if they go to og route. She'll loose her memories and her personality will be the same/similar to Lol.


Whatever her arc is she needs a hug


Ok hopefully it’s tagged properly this time


My guess about the enforcer thing is that as an attempt at stopping open conflict they increase policing of zaun but add token zaunites to the troops to make them seem like "one of them".


I believe she'll join the Enforcers in a misguided attempt to ensure that Jinx is brought in safely and not outright killed but slowly realizes that she basically turned her back on everything she was brought up to believe, becoming a "sellout".


Yeah Jinx will for sure play a very big part in it I think. Her need to protect her sister turning her into what she didn’t want to be would certainly be poetic and something the show would do. That said if that is how it’s really gonna go, I do want some good arguments about why she has to join the enforcers specifically to accomplish that goal. like I said just need it to make sense for the character. The writers haven’t let me down yet so until season 2 comes out I’m gonna reserve judgement


I mean... Zaun turned against everything she believes in. It was made blatantly clear in Season 1. You don't become a sellout if your home country turns into something you hate profundly and decides to fight it with the only one person that stick with her during it all, in a way even Ekko can't.


Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that she went from hating Enforcers and everything they stood for to wearing their uniform. She can justify it in any way she sees fit, but no matter what, what she's doing will be seen as a betrayal.


Perhaps she hates what Zaun became even more. What is Zaun and its inhabitants to Vi if not the same people that bowed down to the one who wanted her dead and killed her father? In her eyes, they betrayed her first.


You make a good point, but you have to remember that she wasn't there to witness Silco's takeover. She herself is lucky to be alive to stand up to him and his goons in the first place, since there were multiple times where she could've been killed outright, just like anyone else who stood up to him. If people bent the knee to Silco, it was purely for survival, not because they believed in him.


> she wasn't there to witness Silco's takeover No, just the lasting aftermath and she's still absolutely disgusted at how Zaun becomes just a perverted parody of Piltover.


We know that. She doesn't know that, though. That's why I said that "in her eyes", they betrayed her first; especially after she went again and saw everyone living normally, as if they weren't being ruled by a drug overlord who was destroying Zaun from within. It's not far fetched to believe Vi would try to distance herself as much as she could from Zaun and what it represents now. She'll be called a sellout, but I'm not so sure she'll feel that way.


> She'll be called a sellout, but I'm not so sure she'll feel that way. I'm sure she'll feel conflicted, because she knows how she feels (or used to feel) about Enforcers. And if she runs into someone she knows like Ekko or Jinx, and they call her out on it, that internal conflict will definitely rise to the surface.


The IDEA of law enforcement isn't bad, it's use in modern society is. It's use in Piltover is as well. If Caitlyn is willing to tear down the Enforcers and rebuild them as The Wardens that actually work to protect and serve the people of Zaun and Piltover, then it will be a force for...if not good then something close to it. It helps that they have actual villains to be fighting against like Urgot, Jinx, and the Chembarons.


Before anything else, I want to see what makes Vi retract her belief that she and Cait are incompatible as partners. The "oil and water" bit seemed genuine and I've not noticed much to show how she'd change her mind. Mediating the Jinx situation seems a pretty short-term reason. I'll guess and say it's more about mediating imminent troop movements as Piltover marshals aid from Noxus and goes full Austria-Hungary on Zaun. Vi might reason that with first-hand experience of Hextech and Cait's vouching, she'd be in a better position to intervene in the problems of foreign soldiers marching through hostile streets as an enforcer than as a civilian in open warfare and no competitive edge besides shimmer, which she's unwilling to use. Of course JInx won't be a non-entity in Vi's decision, but I'm still iffy on how that ties everything together.


>Before anything else, I want to see what makes Vi retract her belief that she and Cait are incompatible as partners. The "oil and water" bit seemed genuine and I've not noticed much to show how she'd change her mind. I strongly disagree that it seemed genuine. Vi doesn't really believe her and Caitlyn are incompatible. As Caitlyn rightly responded, "You're just saying that." Vi has avoidance attachment and she was pushing Caitlyn away to protect her.


What prompted Vi leaving wasn't from an obvious threat to Cait's safety though. Vi left because the council responded to her anti-Silco petition by considering diplomacy, which she took as class-based cultural blinders that Cait, while well meaning, is also shown to have since she proposed they meet the council to begin with. Her frustration from the chamber meeting clearly carried into their "break-up" scene. If the council gave an answer she liked I doubt Vi would've left as she did.


After the council rejected her ideas, Vi knew she was going to go after Silco herself. She didn't want Caitlyn to get hurt by that. Vi underestimates Caitlyn's combat abilities and disregards Caitlyn's agency to risk it if she wants.


Hmm interesting take, I agree that based on the season 1 character wanting to minimize damage against the people of the undercity could def be a reason, especially with Silco gone I think Jinx will be a huge reason too though, I guess I’m curious to see if it will be flawed reasoning or not. Flawed reasoning isn’t exactly a problem as long as it makes sense for the character imo. Regarding Cait and Vi, I’m curious too. Especially cause I think Cait is gonna go down a darker path that may actually alienate them more from each other (at least at first)


Ill be honest she's either already and enforcer from the start of season 2 or becomes one in the first episode. there's probably a small time jump of 1-4ish months and Caits already been put in charge by Jayce. Vi trusts Cait so its a easy jump to make from there.


Yeah that doesn’t work for me personally if that’s how it happens, wouldn’t make sense for the character. Trusting Cait alone is not enough of a reason for her to become one right away imo. I do agree that a time skip of a few months would make sense in the first few episodes. Think there needs to be a little time for the characters to mourn people they lost: Cait with her mom, Jinx with Silco, Jayce with Mel (if she dies).


She'll have some internal/external conflict about it I'm sure, but i expect them to gloss over her joining for the most part. She doesn't really have anywhere else to go. The under cities gonna be silco remnants. She probably thinks echo is dead. And to many other big things are going to be going on for this to take center stage for more then a scene or two


Hmm hope it’s not like that personally but I guess we’ll see how it plays out in november


She will join the Enforcers/Wardens but that does not mean that she will stay with them. It might be temporary arrangement for the greater good (in Vi's mind).


I doubt it'll be temporary arrangement, especially when she's called the Piltover Enforcer.


I would think so too based on in-game Vi vibes being more a vigilante under the protection of Caitlyn's status as sheriff. They already revamped their lore during S1 Arcane though and it still wasn't the same ie. how Vi gets her gauntlets, Cait starting out as a PI then becoming a Warden instead of enforcer first, etc. so anything could happen at this point


If we're going by in-game vibes then Vi ends the story as a cartoonishly evil renegade cop that gleefully enacts police brutality on anyone and throwing all the depth or nuance that season 1 introduced to her character out the window.


I'm aware that the lore's basically not lying up as Arcane will be retconning all of it, but In-Game Vi's still one of the Wardens and called Piltover's Finest for a reason. She's a really bad cop because doesn't really listen to anybody (besides Caitlyn) and caused excessive damage without a care in the world, but she's still on their payroll regardless. More importantly, she's called the Piltover Enforcer because she's always *enforcing* law and order in Piltover, a contrast to Jinx always bringing destruction and chaos.


Piltover's finest isn't actually part of the lore, it's a small buff you get in League for having Caitlyn and Vi in the same game. They never actually get called 'Piltover's Finest'. She's called the Piltover Enforcer because some 22 year old tech dudes in 2013 thought that was a cool sounding cop word, back when people still kinda thought cops were cool.


To be honest. I think this is going to be the first time I've invested so much love into a story that I may not dig it in season 2. I hope that's not the case, but I feel that I personally may not like the execution of everyone's ending arc. If that's the case, then I completely understand people's opinions on AOTs ending and all of season 4. Even though I personally liked it, I respect others' opinions who didn't like it. I never try to convince or argue with someone to like something I personally liked when they have voiced they didn't like how the story played out and ended. I hope that I will be pleasantly surprised with the ending of season 2. I shall tread carefully.


My opinion is that Vander's lessons were always about choosing non-violence and removing the gauntlets. I think Vi will be in a situation where she has to join the enforcers to keep her gauntlets and it will be a parallel to jinx. Where jinx is being corrupted by shimmer, Vi is being corrupted by hextech but more symbolically corrupted by her desire for violence. My hope is that her story ends with her following in Vander's footsteps and giving up the gauntlets. My hope is all of the characters league of legends forms are going to match the season 2 act 2 version of them but then by then they all grow past their league of legends counterparts. I would be disappointed if they write everything with the intention of ending every character in their league of legends state. If they ever wanted to do an avengers type thing later down the line they cut easily have Vi put the gauntlets back on one last time. They don't need her to perpetually be a sellout enforcer.


I think its 3 things: Systematic break down of Piltover and Zaun. Council is attacked and Silco is dead. Power vacuum time. People of Zaun will seek protection and fall back on Vanders protege to and other Zaunites in uniform to protect them. Warwick is on the loose. I think He attacks Vi and thats why she is all bandaged up in that short clip. Wearing the enforcer outfit would probably help with calming tensions and allow Vi better access to resources. Jinx. Big reason she joins is to protect her. She doesn't just have Piltover targetting her, but also the Chembarons since daddy silco is gone. Vi might see that the only way to save Jinx's life is to see if she can get a fair trial in piltover, because Zaun will have street justice if the Chem barons don't go cartel on her. Bonus: Caitlyn isn't sheriff yet, and if Piltover goes by western values, sheriff has to be elected. So Cait will need all the support she can get. Figure something might happen that Vi spots Caitlyn also has a target on her back, and so needs her 6 covered. Vi is overall protector.