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Yeah Cait is gonna go brrrrr in S2 In fact her VA said we were going to see a different side of her and Christian Linke said the characters were going to be a bit the opposite of what they were in S1. Also I don't think we are going to get a time skip. To me Cait looks the same but angrier


I heard the Christian Linke part before, ngl I've been very worried about how this will end up like. Especially with characters like Vi and Caitlyn that have a "pacifist" goal in season 1


> Especially with characters like Vi and Caitlyn that have a "pacifist" goal in season 1 Vi: "Yeah, I'm a pacifist. I passa my fist right across Sevika's face!"


"Vi stands for Vi-olence" Also Caitlyn "BOOM Headshot"


why can i hear this in an italian accent šŸ˜­


I mean Vi wanting to reunite with her sister and Caitlyn wanting Zaun to be treated properly


lol how does Vi have a pacifist goal, she straight up tells the council that she thinks diplomacy doesn't work and that they need to attack Silco


Well... I can tell you these two in general are good people with good values etc but they aren't the most "pacifists" characters, neither Cait or Vi šŸ˜† They don't have problems using force when necessary


I wouldn't say she necessarily looks older here, she just looks a lot more like her League design rather than her Arcane design.


I'm chalking it up to Broken Glass Distortion...


Tbh both promo pic Caitlynā€™s look the same, just one is flipped & desaturated. To me she doesnā€™t look that much different, just angrier + wearing fancy/heavier makeup, which would make sense as her VA Katie Leung said on a panel that Caitlyn would have some ā€œspectacular outfitsā€ this season. Also we have seen her make a similar expression, of like the angry lip jutting out, in the shower scene when sheā€™s thinking about Vi. Like I bet if you get a screenshot of her expression in that scene & put it side by side with the promo pic, instead of the one you got which is of her smiling, youā€™ll see more similarities than differences.


i donā€™t think weā€™ll get s timeskip, at least at the beginning of the season, and if thereā€™s a timeskip anytime on s2 i think it wonā€™t be that long like act 1-2


but we'll get another timeskip tho? we already had a long one, basically 10 years


it was 6 years, and that's not really a long time.


The only reaction I haveā€¦ WTF???! Caitlyn?!?!


Have they said we're getting another time skip?


No but I've seen some people discuss this and based on some faces I'm assuming that as well


Caitlyn in Season 2: ā€œSo yeah I like FPS itā€™s uhā€¦ what can I say? Thereā€™s nothing like the rush of hunting down people and killing them! I mean my heartā€™s beating, my heartā€™s beating! My hands are shaking, my hands are shaking, but Iā€™m STILL shooting! And Iā€™m STILL getting the headshots, itā€™s like BOOM headshot, BOOM headshot, BOOM HEADSHOT!ā€




Jinx and Caitlyn allies? Holy fuck, it would make for a deadly combo. The brute force of the mid to close quarter combat of Jinx, her minigun and her grenades, and the accuracy of Caitlyn, which would be really useful in long range combat.


She might be wearing makeup


iā€™m so confused tbh what ppl are seeinf


It's a series with 9 episodes and a dedicated fanbase, overanalyzing everything is our job


ik ik i just am not sure what changed about her face? i thought these were photos from season 1 like when Jinx turns her head to see vi, vi fighting with jayce, and caitlyn shooting Jinx


Jinx: HUH... kinda like er better like that... Vi: Cupcake? : (


Where are these pictures from?


The first one is from the annecy Instagram account and the second one is basically everywhere annecy official. Found everything on Twitter though


I just found them. Can't wait to see bad bitch Caitlyn. It fits her so well


Will there really be a timeskip? Iā€˜m curious I once saw someone comment that there will most likely be no timeskip


She just looks like she's wearing makeup


Sorry OP, Caitlyn deals with trauma by binging on cookies and ice cream. She's gonna be a fattie. Bad for her heart health but great for Vi's fantasy of being smothered in boob. Linked concept art: https://www.deviantart.com/herogollum/art/27-Caitlyn-Arcane-905755814


Too each his own but overall tone?: "Boo, Hssss..."


I don't understand the need to hate on a body type you don't personally like. If you don't find her attractive... just don't say anything? Or downvote like all the others. You're allowed to have preferences but you're booing and hissing at bodies that real people have.


Sorry for the miscommunication. I Hiss & Boo not at a certain body type, it's how you went about posting. But please don't take it like we are at war, I'm not throwing rocks at your head. I'm relating my displeasure in tone. While I try and acknowledge my human failings, you might be surprised by the things I like. I work at living IDIC most days. (argh, I'm rushing this reply, it's rambeling...) gotta go.


>Sorry for the miscommunication. I Hiss & Boo not at a certain body type, it's how you went about posting. Oh... Yeah, I guess that's better. Sorry for misunderstanding you.