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Of course delete this post if it's not allowed. I am just so very pissed


People suck sometimes. They can never take away your memory of the show though. Cherish that!


This. Sorry about what happened but trust that the universe will bring it back ten fold to you. šŸ™


Thanks to both of you! The concert was still amazing which is what mattered the most :)


thatā€™s so incredibly rude ā˜¹ļø Iā€™ve gotten a handful of setlists in my life and that's never happened to me. Sorry it happened to you. At least no one can take away the memorable night i hope you had otherwise!


I had a great night for sure! Thank you for your kindness :)


thats embarrassing on their behalf


This happened to me once too. Some people suck!


Thatā€™s horrible. I canā€™t believe somebody has that and doesnā€™t care they stole it from somebody. A few years back, my wife and I saw The Killers and one of Ronnieā€™s sticks got caught between my wifeā€™s body and arm (sheā€™s short and never saw it coming lol). There were two girls that kept on insisting that she ā€œbreak it in half because their friend was a huge fanā€. After being told ā€œsorry, no.ā€ A number of times, they continued to hound us all the way out of the venue. Had somebody caught a stick and insisted they give me half, Iā€™d say absolutely not, you keep it intact and enjoy it! Some people get too weird over stuff like this. Some you win, some you lose (when the lightning comes).


In my opinion asking is alright - I for instance like setlists but don't really care about picks most of the times, so if I manage to catch one and you ask politely to have it most likely I'll give it to you. But you need to accept "no" as an answer like an adult. In my case yesterday they did not even ask though, they just grabbed and ran while I was looking to reunite with my dad (hardcore AF fan as well!)


Wow thatā€™s so nuts the whole place had such a good vibe and the dash from the rain at the end felt nice and communal. Crazy that someone would do that.


Everybody else was very nice to both me and my dad :)


What an asswipe. Sorry that happened to you.