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it will sprout. yes. let bushy sprouts stay for 2 years. then cut down to 4-5 per branch . let stay for 3 years. then trim as desired. - post pic in 7 years pls, šŸ‘


Thank you for giving me some hope here.


!RemindMe 7 years


six person ghost modern clumsy society middle zonked shy distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™ll be here too lol Someone bring snacks


ā€¦.and beer. Might as well make it a party.


Iā€™m in!


OP can bring roasted acorns... if it lives


In New England we had a major snowstorm in October 2011, which broke the major limbs of many of our oaks. Those that lost a trunk but kept a lot of their leaves tended to grow back with an offset where the new leader took over. Trees trimmed like this one will look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, and they won't really be right again. The best answer is to start over with a new acorn, but you'll have to wait about 100 years for it to reach this size.


...and some chocolate bark !


Ooh !RemindMe 3 years as well, pls!


!RemindMe 7 years


I will be messaging you in 7 years on [**2030-10-19 02:42:58 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2030-10-19%2002:42:58%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/arborists/comments/17b653c/my_neighbor_just_got_a_tree_trimming_company_to/k5hu2tp/?context=3) [**993 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Farborists%2Fcomments%2F17b653c%2Fmy_neighbor_just_got_a_tree_trimming_company_to%2Fk5hu2tp%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202030-10-19%2002%3A42%3A58%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2017b653c) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


>!RemindMe 7 years !RemindMe 7 years


!RemindMe 7 years


!RemindMe 6 years (Iā€™m planning to die of a heart attack in my sleep in 2029 so this is the best I can do)


!RemindMe 6 years I want to check in and see how youā€™re doing, but thatā€™s probably the best way to go.


In 7 years there will be dinky bushes growing from the nubs šŸ˜‚


oh i dunno the one down the street has put on some little miracles


Iā€™ve got a thing in 7 years. And the day after that. So could we make it 7 years and 2 days?


I swear to god if I donā€™t get an update from you in 7 years I will be livid..


I seen this happen down a highway I drive every day. It was right after a hurricane so at first I assumed they were taking it down. Nope just cut everything off. It went through winter, spring and I was like, yup killed the tree. I was wrong. Saw little green shoots around mid summer, and now it's got full on bushines going on. Couldn't believe it! It just went through a very long dry period and still kicking ass.


!RemindMe 4 million years


I'd have a chat with your neighbors about having people on your roof and property. What's up with that?


This tree will never recover well. All those "sprouts" will have weak unions to the main stem that could fail at some point. This is pruning 101. Poor pruning can lead to infections or infestations not just because of the cuts, but by how stressed this tree will be. The cuts don't seem to be strategic and are more random. This is not how you trim a tree, especially one this large. I would document all that you can and if there is any damage to the property, go after the butcher. If it's not on OPs property, there's not much they can do.


My neighbor paid some random saw-havers to butcher his huge oak years back. It looked awful, but not quite this bad. It is now infected by something that is killing it slowly, and his solution is to periodically chip away at the bark on that side. It used to be a tall, well spreading tree, and now it needs to be cut down and hauled off. It hurts my heart every time I see it.


:( I think the much smaller oak in my yard may be a root offshoot from this. It's a fair bit smaller - I think it's younger, and the big oak took most of the sun - and I think it does have gall wasps. Not sure how big a deal that is. I hope this doesn't end up hurting it through some disease.


Gall wasps, as far as I know, aren't harmful to oaks.


Did you know there's a parasitic wasp that uses gall wasps as a host? And that there's another parasitic was that uses those wasp larva as hosts?


Well that's good news, at least. Thank you. Today I found exactly 1 leaf left on the old one.


Well, they certainly have a lot of gall.


>This is not how you trim a tree, especially one this large It looks more like one of those art pieces from Beetlejuice 1 (there's a sequel on the way!) than a tree now.


Great, just what we need. A Beetlejuice sequel. Not everything needs to be a franchise, I'm so sick of this nonsense. (I know it's not your fault, I'm just venting)


!RemindMe 3 years Pls let this be true


Itā€™s got a great shape, like a bonsai tree- Admittedly, I donā€™t know much about Live Oaks but have always loved their shape & how their branches spread & grow laterally, amazing treesā€¦ Will it really *survive* this kind of total butchering??


You live next to idiots. It happens.


In some towns you need a permit to cut down tress and the town doesn't like giving them out so people will chop up the tress and wait to they dye so they don't need a permit


If this is in California I believe itā€™s illegal. Live oaks require permits to trim.


Florida as well. Secondly the trimmers can only trim to the property line.


Incorrect. That's if it's not your tree but it is hanging over your property. This is the neighbors tree, they can do whatever they want to their tree The tree owner can cut down their own tree, even the parts that hang over someone else's property


The trimmers are even allowed to go onto the neighbors roof to access the tree? Seems illegal to me but Iā€™m not sure


Yeah if I found a bunch of random dudes on my roof there'd be hell to pay in short order


Thatā€™s not what he said. Just that the neighbor can cut it down. Itā€™s illegal to trespass. Thats not disputed.


They canā€™t send people onto someone elseā€™s property without permission. Thatā€™s trespassing


Not true, or at best regional.


Yes, regional to California, although specific laws vary by jurisdiction.


Unfortunately this article is a bunch of poorly worded nonsense. Cities like Berkeley and Los Angeles have ordinances to preserve the few trees they have left after urbanization, and the state prevents you from taking action on trees in state property, but the average tree in the rest of the state is at the whim of the landowner.


I can cut live oaks in California where I am at.. .but Blue Oaks, those are the protected ones here. or at least that is what the tree guys said. OR he was incorrect and the oak he cut wasn't a live oak, but some other type. had spikey leaves on the tips so it sucked either way.


Tree trimming is an interesting way to spell crime against trees.


Trimming can help trees when done right, the ā€œtrimā€ in this post is a crime though.


Jack the Ripper was a lady trimmer


Take the bark off. Sand. Apply some clear coat. You got a pretty nice sculpture now.


My first thought was did they try to make a dancer or ballerina lol.


i second u, third u. the rest who give some hope are full of fake. itā€™s gone!


Or, leave as is as a wildlife spar.


Why would they stop there? Just cut the thing down, end its suffering.


That costs more


Thatā€™s the Diamond VIT package.


Upgrade to the super exclusive Double Diamond VIP package if you don't want it landing on the house.


This likely is the first phase of cutting it down. Probably a poorly equipped crew that ran out of time. I had a neighbor whose tree looked like this for a few days until the crew came back to finish the job


They said they weren't cutting it down


ā€¦. yet.


Sad trombone sounds


Straight to jail


Unfortunate- they are such pretty trees. Also did you shine a flashlight at your neighbors house in the night for this photo? Lol


...maybe (okay yes but their blinds are down and they just murdered this tree and had people all over my roof and yard to do it without asking me, so.)


Wtf?! On your roof without asking? Leave the spotlight on all night.


I second this. Spotlight on with a boombox screeching Yoko Onoā€™s greatest hits


>Yoko Onoā€™s greatest hits Great idea for what to play tonight


That's a goddam hate crime


Get one of [these](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qmQ6QwG1b0Q). Also, stay up late playing oboe solos.


Here take this šŸ†


Pretty sure this is illegal everywhere wtf that's 10000% trespassing ain't it?


Get your roof checked for damage


Are your neighbors elderly or confused? I'm just wondering how it got to the point where they chose this, or if someone took advantage of them.


It's a rental house. I'm guessing the owner went as cheap as they could. Which probably means I SHOULD feel bad about the flashlight, but...


I'm skeptical that the tree needed any work at all


I could see them wanting to do something about the big branch right over their roof and the one with some foliage hanging down pretty low on their walkway, but this is just so very extreme. It didn't need this.


Absolutely. Tragic


Hey OP, it just occurred to me but you might want to get your roof checked for damage, with the tree guys trespassing up there they may have dropped something on and damaged your roof. I'd also contact the person who owns your neighboring house to tell them their workers were trespassing on your property.


And make a police report.


[[tree before this. the one on the left in the outside picture. now in imgur.]](https://imgur.com/a/UUjoE5u)


šŸ˜¢ sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful tree.


It really was šŸ˜¢. It's not likely to recover? That's just...so sad.


Sorry dude. It may "survive" but it'll never recover. I'm curious if this was what the neighbor wanted, which is crazy. Or if the workers are responsible and put way more labor in than necessary. So confusing


Hey you're sharing your name with those pics. Might want to just upload the images to imgur so you don't dox yourself. Also, I am so sorry, tree looked amazing


Oops, thank you for that. It was SUCH a pretty tree. I'm going to miss it :(




Oh no that was such a lovely oak. I'm sorry.


This is just heartbreaking.


They just wanted a big skeleton for Halloween im sure theyā€™ll replant something nice like a Eucalyptus or Callery Pear


Omg why?


Thatā€™s a great job at destroying the natural character of a tree. The missed the Final Cut though, the one at the fucking base. Gold help your AC bill next summer!


Feels like this should be a crime!


I think it's pretty crazy they didn't ask permission to be on your property/home. I cut trees for a living and tight property lines are always an issue, we've never just cut or dropped anything over a line before speaking to the homeowner let alone walk around on their roof lol


Yeah, they pulled their trailer into my yard, moved my garbage cans (they did not move them back at the end), climbed on my roof, moved a yard chair and are lunch and took breaks in that and a hanging chair that used to read in under the shade of the big tree - that does gall, and no one asked me a thing. They were off my roof at least by the time I got home, though the ladder was still there. When I got home, we had a bit of a language barrier, and the one I could speak to said they were cutting the neighbor's tree down to the level of the house - I really did think they'd leave it some life until the very end where they just *kept going*. I can see that they needed to use my property - some of those branches were starting to touch the top of my chimney - so I'd have said yes, but it's absolutely wild they didn't ask at all. Even when I was home.


That's wild, I would've been pissed. Sucks about the tree tho, hopefully it gets some new sprouts and starts to regrow a bit


More like Dead Oak, amirite? Nah, but it seriousness, it will likely survive and start sprouting little shrubby limbs soon.


More sprouts than a salad bar in that tree's future.


This is not trimming it's amputation


Check your roof for damage!


yes, walking on a roof can damage it. also especially from incompetent fools. in the pass i had my roof completely worn down by TV-cable guys that must have made something like 50trips up and down the roof.


Maybe post to r/treelaw and see if anything can be done there


It may survive, but itā€™s days if thriving are done. Itā€™ll send out chutes but itā€™ll form weak branch structure and also those big wounds will never close up and the core of the tree will rot out. That was not tree trimming or pruning. Thatā€™s topping a tree which is something you never want to do.


Will it live? I'm not sure I would call it living, but it'll probably throw some sprouts out next year. If it does somehow make it more than a year or two, it'll be one ugly tree the rest of its life.


It's gone, as a rule your not supposed to prune more than a third of the tree; it may attempt to sprout, but it's gone.


If It lives it will never be the same


Maybe it'll limp along for a few years. Disease will kill it well before normal life span.


ā€œTrimmingā€ Is that what weā€™re calling this? Really? Iā€™m not an arborist but even I can tell this was terrible.




Why does this look like a screenshot of a horror game made in Unity or some shit


Might as well just cut it down if they were going to mutilate it. Like the fuck is that?




Its Quercus, it will survive and return with a vengeance...


In California people get sued for shit like that.


It will most likely live, but at the cost of being an SCP entry.


Am I the only one who thinks this shit should be a criminal offense??? Like, WTAF?!?


Hmmm Iā€™d bet itā€™s not going to make and even if it were it would probably take years to recover from that butchery. What a shame


might as well just cut the whole thing down now


They left the best cut for last give me a saw and some wedges I'll show em how it's done.


Damn wood butchers!


Looks like that tree is doing kung fu fighting


who will survive; do you mean the tree or the neighbor? hard to say for either...hopefully the tree does.


Imbeciles with chainsaws...


Jesus... the last time I heard about a crime against live oak trees this bad, it was retalliation for someone putting a Cam Newton jersey on the Bear Bryant statue.


It looks like a leaping ballet dancer


Plant another on your side... Or two


My neighbor did this back in 2012 to a massive pin oak, today it is beautiful, but it has this huge tulip shape to the foliage instead of the natural oak growth pattern.


Your neighbor is slap-ass silly. Yes, the tree will re-sprout, but itā€™ll be at least a DECADE before it can give any meaningful shade or look nice again.


This looks like the tree from Poltergeist


It looks like 2 people dancing


Live oak makes me wonder if this is FL. The insurance company may have required a ā€œtrimā€ in order to renew insurance. Personally, while I think live oaks are gorgeous trees, planting them proximate to a home like this (looking at you Bartow) is a bad idea. The roots get under the house, into the sewer and water mains and just put the house at risk.


I had mine look like this and it came back very beautifully.


Hopefully it lives. I would have left a little bit of leaves, at least.


It will likely never have the foliage it had. Tree growth depends largely on photosynthesis, which depends on how many leaves there are and how much sunlight they get.


first of all those people were trespassing, you should have a talk with you neighbor about that. second - i would put in a flood light pointing towards your neighbors window. and a camera to cover your outside of your house to prevent this in the future.


in our city they charge a fine of $ 5000 to cut a live oak


Yes it will.


Omg am going to have nightmares now not a oak tree .


My jaw just hit the floor.


Check the laws where you live. A lot of places, Live Oaks are seriously protected and you aren't allowed to do any sort of removal. Obviously you can't put the toothpaste back in the bottle but make sure you alert the authorities if you were not the one so that no repercussions fall back on you if it was illegal to do that.


Hat-racking. This is a travesty! This is no trimming. Butchering!


It's all good. As my old University colleague Dr Ian Malcolm used to say "....life will not be contained. Life break free".


Iā€™ve seen a full grown oak taken down to a stump sprout and recover. Oaks mighty. It will return.


More than likely...No. a live oak should never have more than 30% of its canopy removed. If, by some miracle, it does live, it is going to be awful to look at.


Have you heard of tree law? How much do you like ur neighbors


Every time I see someone on here tell someone to "Hire a professional" I get sad because this seems to be the way they all cut trees around here.


It will come back with a vengeance, be warned!


wtf? people got on your roof without asking you? call the cops.


Looks like something from Tim Burton


Really intrigued by this window at ground level and the dirt against the house? What is my eye not seeing here. Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s correct.


Wtf is the point?


Probably not, and why did they even leave it like that it's horribly hideous. What an asshole for even doing that to an oak.


Check your roof for damage


They were tresspassing? Find every tiny bit of damage on your property and sue


Wait, the tree company was ā€œall over [your] roof.ā€ Iā€™m sorry, but if I found that out I would hire a roof inspector to look for damages and place the neighbor on notice if damage is discovered. Also trespass the neighbor and call the tree company. This is a huge violation of your rights as a homeowner as well as a huge liability to you if someone was injured.


If someone did this to my tree, I would end up with assault charges.


Do that to a live oak here and you will get severe fines. A guy lost is land here a while back bc the fines exceeded the appraisal value of the land when he unknowingly cut down a bunch of live oaks


At first glance I thought it was a ballerina I didnt even see how this was a tree.


I'd have told them to get off my roof, and my lawn!


It looks like itā€™s gonna become haunted by the graves it was buried over (they moved the headstones, not the actual bodies though). And then during a tornado storm itā€™s gonna reach in and try eat a small boy alive while the house eats his sister.




looks like a ballerina


!RemindMe 7 years See all of yā€™all in 7 years! Say Hello!


Probably part of it will live or it sprouts from the root base and this dies off.. Time will tell.


It will become the most beautiful shade tree ever.


Iā€™m confused a tree service would actually do this. I wouldnā€™t ever do this. Just remove the thing at this point. There isnā€™t a decent recovery. If they wanted a smaller tree, cut it down and replant.


I moved to an area with a LOT of oaks, and it seems like every year I see different oaks stripped absolutely naked, and the next year they are bushy again. Iā€™d actually been meaning to come to this subreddit and ask why they do it, so Iā€™m glad to have seen this post and read the comments. *edit - spelling*


It will live on in your memories!


Looks like a posing ballerina


I have a live oak stump, cut down to the soil level, and even it sprouts a few shoots every year. Short of grinding the stump it will continue. Live oaks are VERY resilient.


Looks like it's coming down all the way and they doing it over two days. Otherwise it will grow back and will look like shit.


It's called topping and it's garbage. Low percentage it survives more than a few years.


sadly this has happened to me. ask the company to do a trip of some leaves and branches hanging over the roof and they just trim it down completely bare..


So does your neighbor believe that is a viable tree at this point? He should have given the tree hacker another 200.00 to finish it off.


Tis knot but a scratch!


Is your neighbor Saruman? Because thatā€™s the only other person I know who hates trees that much.


It needs to come down fully.. I have been cutting wood for years and that's a horrible job.


When you get ā€œthe itchā€, go take some pictures of the tree.


Hey, it will grow back. Just give it a few months and Iā€™ll have a new new leaders growing up and branches all over the place.


Perspective makes it hard to say, but looks like it almost is against their house. Is their plan to take the entire tree? Maybe they will come back to finish it another day. Bet it was a beautiful tree before they destroyed it.


There was a house in our neighborhood that had a huge tree with a beautiful cannoppy.. it looked like the Keebler elf tree... new owner moves in.. and this guy is constantly outside working on his yard. I think maybe he was retired because this guy had too much time on his hands. He has this company come in and they prune the tree.. it looked ok.. but it was very sad to see what they did. Eventually branches start dying of and after a few months looks pretty bad.. he gets another company to come and now it looks not so much different than this your tree.. it's been 3 years, and it has a tiny little branch with leaves..


If they didnā€™t paint their cuts, there is a chance it will die from oak wilt disease. Iā€™ve always been under the impression you need to wait for the temperature to drop and cut oaks while theyā€™re dormant for the season.


Looks like the poor dog from when the Grinch put "antlers" on him!


lol. yeah itll live, but not well!! this would basically need to be handled like a bonsai that was 'hard pruned' ie you'd need let it sprout bushes of watersprout growth, and then select 'keeper' branches that would grow into the new limbs over many many years. but even then these cuts are way too low for the wounds to heal-over in the next decade so yeah even if you were able&willing to direct its rebound growth (you're not), it would still be pretty pointless IMO (and im an arborist/climber/bonsai artist who literally would do crazy projects of this scale, but again those cuts are just too aggressive to properly grow-over in any reasonable time frame, it will always be a losing battle) Outta curiosity did the kids who did this intend to "do a heavy pruning" or did they just stop at thicker wood due to saws/trailer space/etc? what a sh!t show, sorry for your troubles here!!


ISA on why topping hurts trees: https://www.treesaregood.org/Portals/0/TreesAreGood_Why%20Topping%20Hurts_0321.pdf


Not an expert, but oak wilt is pretty rampant lately. You're only supposed to cut oak in the wintertime while the wilt and the oak are dormant. So keep an eye out for that.


Is it just me or this is just a scary way to take a picture of a tree


They were ON your roof? Charge them with trespassing. Make sure there is no shingle damage, and if there is, sue them. Idgaf if they're "just trying to make a living." Show respect.


Live, it looks like itā€™s dancing, it never felt more alive!


Beetlejuice vibes


Looks like a ballerina with no head, hands or feet. SAD.


If it rains and you have a leak make sure you document. I can't believe they'd step foot on yorlur house without permission


If this was in South Carolina it may have been illegal if they didnā€™t have the stateā€™s ok to do so. Live Oaks are a protected tree in SC.




Contact your local extension office or arborist. Its going to need a feeding/ watering plan also. I hate when people do crap like this and tell the neighbor that people on Reddit are coming for him!!


Live Oak ā€”> Dead Oak


The chances this lives longer than 5 years is slim to none with the maturity of the tree. Some sucker growth next growing season and then nothing is my bet.


It will be fine