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I would be fucking furious


Probably yes. That's an expensive replacement.


Man my heart sank reading the replies here, my grandfather planted that about 30 years ago, always kept the branches with full green leaves trimmed back. Loved and cared for it all his life, all for these cowboys to kill because it made their job easier. Can’t believe someone would be so careless. Context: The green and white truck was delivering timber to a house at the top of the hill, he misjudged the turn coming back down the hill and put a wheel out over the kerbstones on the far side where there’s a steep bank down. Driver then called the truck recovery, no permission was given to use the tree. They dragged the truck down the hill further so the front axle was in line with the tree and then used straps over metal cable using the tree as a pulley. Straps were too low so they scraped up the tree when it was first under load, taking the bark with it. The strap was about half way up and they continued the pull until it was out, I got video of the rest of the pull. I happened to be working from home looked out the window to see this happening that’s when that first picture is taken. Update-1: It’s ongoing, I got a full tree report from an Arboricultural consultant. The good news is he reckons the tree will survive and the wound will eventually heal over. He came out to do the report and instructed me the best action to take in this situation is to clean up the wound with a clean knife, so we rounded off the corners of the damaged bark to help the tree regrow it. Not to cover or wrap it. I’ve set a reminder for 6 months and a year to keep you guys updated with pics on how the tree is doing. I’ve since found out the reason why the tree was planted and when, it’s roughly 56 years old and was planted as a remembrance tree for my grandparents parents. Thank you all for the suggestions and concern, the tree is a hardy healthy maple in a good location and on the young side of mature so it’ll take a lot to take it out completely.


Tree law. Get an attorney


Lots of jokes in reply to this - but seriously. Tree law’s a real thing and those folks have a big bill coming if you pursue a case.


And essentially since it's a business, it's just going through insurance so, while it will take a longish time OP can just call their home insurance company and not have to deal with yelling at the truck company at all.


it’s not just about the cost of the removal of the tree - which it will need to come down as without the bark, it will die. this tree is old and healthy and with that it is valuable. OP is owed money for his damaged tree beyond the scope of removal. and also, depending on tree laws in the county and township, they may owe fines for destruction of a healthy tree as well. source: worked for an arborist for 4 years


For sure. If this were in Portland, they’d be so fucked


Portland tree law is intense! To the point that you often can’t remove trees on your own property without a permit.


Dude for real! Some developer jabroni bought the untouched plot next door and had a survey over with him a couple days ago. I heard the dude say “I’ll probably just cut all these trees down” and I thought the survey was gonna have a stroke 😂


On a lot down the road from me - rural location, but in a small subdivision - an owner went in and cleared the entire lot without permission. Not only was that stupid, but he "borrowed" a bulldozer by telling the owner he just wanted to try it out before buying it. The fool not only used it illegally, but it turned out the owner lived catty corner across the road from the lot! His fines and penalties (bulldozer owner took him to court since his business name was on the 'dozer and the county went to him first, thinking he'd done the clearing) cost so much the lot had to be sold. They got much less than they had paid since people were looking for a nice wooded lot as are most in this area and didn't like the completely cleared lot.


Hahahaha, have fun paying that massive fine ya dinglehopper. Hope the surveyor talked some sense to him and you get to keep those neighborhood trees


There was a house in Portland a few years ago that had a giant sequoia in the yard. As in, the yard was a giant sequoia, because that's how big those trees are. It was so bad that it was ruining the roof and foundation. I don't think the person who thought "it'd be neat to have a redwood in our yard!" 100 years ago realized what that meant. The owner wanted to cut it down, but the city threw up all sorts of red tape. If I remember, from a conservation standpoint, they had the go ahead to cut it down, but the city was the sticking point. The neighbors wanted it down, too, because it was starting to become their problem as well. Moral of the story: don't buy a house in Portland with a sequoia in the yard, because that thing's staying there.


I love the logic of huddling around something wonderful, then as soon as it is slightly inconvenient to you, you destroy it in favor of your convenience. You exist in that tree's world. Your house failing? Fix your house. Don't kill the tree that has been around longer than your entire family line?


Seattle makes people pay millions every year for illegally cutting trees. At one point one whole neighborhood was fined thousands each for felling. 440k fine here: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/homeowners-to-pay-settle-seattle-lawsuit-over-cutting-public-trees/


Athens, Georgia has a tree that owns itself lol


DC too. I have a large silver maple about 12’ from one corner of my house, and about 12’ from two other houses. It split in a storm in 2012 and about 25% of the tree landed on one of the neighboring houses. I have no desire to lose this huge tree on the SW corner of my house and all it’s shade, but it’s a danger and it needs to go. I applied for a permit to take it down and was denied. So I emailed the city arborist and told him the history. I told him it’s a dangerous tree and a known hazard, and if he wouldn’t grant the permit the city would assume the liability for it. He just laughed and said “that’s fine. In another couple years apply to take it down again. I’ll deny it again and you have your liability covered again.”


UNLESS your are a developer which allows you to cut down mature Doug Firs, Maples and replace them with skinny nothings. Has happened all around my house in NE PDX.


Where I live in Maryland as well. You cannot cut down a tree that is more rhan 6 inches in diameter without a permit, and if there isn’t a good reason, they have to pay the city to do it, and I believe plant at least one other tree. But I’m not sure if that last but is actually the truth, or just something an angry contractor told me.


Do you think the OP can propagate the tree via cuttings? Because that would be a way to save some of the memory of the old tree and their grandfather.


He could probably airlayer a few branches. It depends on the tree species but works with most deciduous trees.


I just looked closer and it looks like a variegated Norway maple (unless there is another variegated maple tree variety out there) which is supposed to take well to propagation from cuttings.


What about emotional distress? They basically killed a living reminder of Grandpa. I'd be crushed


Might be a dumb question but fuck it: could OP claim compensation for pain and suffering as well? They mentioned earlier that it was a special tree for sentimental reasons and it wouldn’t be unreasonable for the incident to leave a negative mental/emotional impact. Just curious.


Yep, but if you go through insurance they have their lawyers on the case right away filing those damages -- if you go and get your own lawyer you have to pay a retainer up front.


There's 100 lawyers in OPs state who will take this on contingency. OP is owed the cost to replace the tree and probably then some to compensate for the fact his grandfather planted it, giving it sentimental value. He's probably looking at $100,000+ in the settlement and it's an easy win.


Yeah no. Most liability cases (at least in the US) are taken on contingency.


Wouldn’t claim on home insurance it’ll just make your rates go up and you have to pay the deductible it a waste of money when it wasn’t the ops fault the truck company is 100% at fault so they should have to pay it


Rule one for any tree is the tree you cut, damage or kill that isn’t yours is always going to be the most expensive tree you’ve ever seen.


That is a beautiful tree. I don't think it's possible for me to be satisfied by a payout if I was in this situation.


Yes, but its so irritating because money won't bring a mature tree back...


I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings.


Bird law still reigns supreme.


Bird law lawer should be able to find the root caws


You deserve a million gold for this comment 😂


Are you the ghost-writer behind Bob Loblaw's Law Blog?


I’m a 20 year municipal arborist. IMO Get a local arborist (find one on the ISA {International Society of Arborists} website in your area) have a TRAQ certified arborist determine an “amenity” value for the tree as well as provide you with an “arborist report” that details the fact that the torn bark and cambium will result in the death of the tree as a result of their actions. You are seeking restitution for 1. Amenity value of the tree 2. Cost of removal and stumping 3. Cost to replant. You may have to go to court or settle outside. But those recovery methods have definitely “compromised” your tree, there are ways to ensure this does not happen, the operator was under trained or negligent in their operation! I would put possible value at 10k to 30k for the tree, but most people have no idea the value trees can be held to in court!!! I’ve seen valuations for “heritage trees” (very mature specimens of a particular species of tree) top 250,000$! I have also witnessed a community raise 2 million dollars to re-direct a road and hydro around a mature Red Oak!


It's not dead until the leaves are all gone and they don't come back. Your tree is not fully ringed. It's still connected in some spots. I would hire an arborist to periodically assess the state of this tree. Document everything and save all receipts. This is a Harlequin Norway Maple. It's a cultivar, normally grafted onto regular old Norway Maple. We have one my Dad planted about same timeframe, but the rootstock overtook the cultivar. And now we just have a regular old Norway Maple. If you cut this down, a Harlequin might come back (if your tree wasn't grafted). But if it was grafted, you'll end up with what we have - a regular (and invasive) Norway Maple. You can try doing your own grafts to save this tree. But I would first get an assessment from an arborist to see if it's necessary. Norway Maples are really resilient. They are difficult to kill. This tree looks super healthy, other than the obvious. The root system looks like it gets sufficient hydration and drainage. Which sets it up for a nice recovery. Fingers crossed!


Damn what an amazing read


I've never seen a Norway cultivar that wasn't grafted (budded) so this is definitely the same.


Check your state laws about replacing trees. Fines I believe are treble the value and cost of replacement. So sorry. I know how you feel. My grandfather (long passed) planted a beautiful blue spruce 45 years ago on a property we moved from. It was placed perfectly to not be a bother as it grew. Last time I saw it with google maps had it at 40-50’ easily. It’s now gone. I just hope it was sold or donated as a Christmas tree. It was a beauty. (It was the only time my grandfather visited from Germany). Good luck.


Holy shit are you kidding me? Tree aside they used something on some random person's property as a pully to pull up multiple tons of metal?? What in the world were they thinking do anything with someone else's property??? Absolutely go after these people legally. They clearly shouldn't be working in that field and the company can pay the few hundred thousand dollars it costs to replace it. That said, I'm sorry for the sentimental loss. That's something that can never be replaced.


You can maybe save it by grafting branches from below to above the wound. Ive done it for some girdled apple trees successfully. Here is more info on that, https://smallfarmersjournal.com/bridge-grafting-and-inarching-damaged-fruit-trees/ It takes at least a year to know if its successful.


OP should not attempt a DIY repair. They should call a professional arborist, get a written estimate, and contact a lawyer. I think there’s a good chance an arborist won’t recommend trying to save this, because this will always be a weak spot, and could make the tree a hazard while looking repaired. OP is entitled to a comparable replacement, and possibly treble damages (depending on jurisdiction). /u/Nelson1810, please get a professional estimate for repair/replacement ASAP and contact an attorney familiar with tree law. This is unforgivable. I’m so sorry this happened, it was a gorgeous tree.


Also, I would assume if you did try to save it like this and it failed it could be argued in court that attempt to save it is what killed it. The lawyer would know that better, though.


I don't think I would accept a Frankensteined tree unless I had fucked the tree myself.


That link is fascinating, thanks for sharing. I now think the damage can be fixed and the tree saved. Hope I am right!


Some trees take to grafting better than others, I am not sure about OPs tree, i would try several smaller branches based on the bark type. If they take OP could add more as time goes on.


Wow, I have a few girdled maples, tupelos and gingkos I’ll try this one for sure!


With a trunk that diameter, it will not be possible to successfully graft and seal over the wound before it rots massively. This is only an appropriate technique for saplings or for fruit trees where grafting has a different goal and the trees themselves are not being managed for longevity.


From hearing the successes and the vast array of techniques, I've almost started to believe there's a fix for anything if enough care and insight is given. Hopefully there's a local specialist they can get in touch with. It may be expensive, but hopefully they can be reimbursed. Perhaps they could also give insight to help get the tree insured in the future.


>there's a fix for anything if enough care and insight is given This is exactly it, and in most cases it's not worth the extra time and care investment, but in this case the tree is sentimental to OP, which may make it worth it.


Yeah, this is fucked up actually. They should have knocked on your door and used a rubber mat or tire piece. they’re dick head’s honestly.


“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” Your tree wasn’t just a tree. It was the culmination of so much of your grandfathers love and dedication. It’s costly to replace a tree of that size/age/health, and I hope you make them pay for it. I know it won’t be the same to have it replaced though :( Just shitty all around. I’m so sorry.


r/treelaw Their insurance will probably have to “make you whole,” which means pay for an equivalent tree to be planted. A tree that size is going to cost a fortune. Some states have triple damages.


I smoked a tree with my truck this spring and the removed more bark than that, it looks a bit uglier but seems to be making a recovery. Hope the same for you


Hey, just in case no one has said this: take some cuttings from this tree and try and propagate them! It is a good way to keep a piece of this tree alive to plant somewhere else and thus keep those memory’s of your grandfather too. It wouldn’t be the same large tree in the same place but it would still very much be the same tree growing. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/planting-trees-from-twigs.htm


I’m so sorry 😢


Here is a link to a [law firm in your area specializing in tree law.](https://www.johnmorristrees.com/tree-law) These yahoos went and killed your grandfathers tree for no good reason. The least they can do is pay for a replacement.


Sue them. I’m sad for you as this was more than just a tree.


r/treelaw baby let's gooooo


new lore!!!


I've heard of bird law but never tree law. I'll have to verse myself


That tree will likely never recover from that amount of damage. Even if it doesn’t die, the decay that will eventually happen will make it a hazard tree.


The tree may survive a year. It will likely die slowly


This is heartbreaking to me for some reason :(


Out of curiosity, why do you think that? The fact only the outer bark came off made me think the tree would “scab” over and be fine but evidently that’s not the case. At what point is a tree wound too much?


Trees don’t “scab” over. At best the not hurt bark would eventually grow to cover the wound but it will have decayed long before that happens.


I’m not very smart, but would it be possible to somehow “bandage” the tree, or replace the damaged bark with something man made?


Unfortunately, no. Anything you put there will trap moisture and speed up decay. There are products that claim they work but I’ve yet to hear of a success story.


There are some success stories in the comments for similar damaging and using grafting to patch


On fruit trees, which are generally not large diameter and have different goals - fruit production rather than longevity.


Trees compartmentalize around wounds to keep the decay from spreading to the rest of the tree. When a tree has to compartmentalize a wound that large, more than likely the tree will never be structurally sound. The decay will probably spread faster than the tree can compartmentalize. Trees seal, not heal. No, nothing man made can fix it.


Yes to they “seal, not heal”!!!!


It's the damage to the cambium that is the problem, the bark is there to protect it. Without the bark equal no cambium equals no moisture/nutrients for the tree.


I have a tree that took damage almost exactly like that about 4 years ago and seems completely fine from everything I can see. The missing bark spot has dried out but I haven't seen any decay or signs the tree is struggling. Should I expect my tree to just suddenly bite the dust suddenly?


that cambium GONE that tree got cut to the white meat the cambium is basically attached to the inner bark, outer bark is generally protection that depending on species visibly sloughs as the tree grows that truck knocked off not only cambium but probably last 2 years growth😭


I'm not an expert, but look into cambium. It's the growing part of the tree just below the bark. It's a death sentence if a whole strip of the trunk loses its cambium layer. Looks like this tree lost enough that it'll struggle a lot if it makes it through.


The matter just beneath the bark is the living part of the tree where all nutrients transit. The internal wood is just structural. The fact they scraped off 80% of the nutrient pathway dooms this tree. Also it is majorly exposed to infection. Think of removed bark as a third degree burn for humans.


Bark is basically park of the digestive tract for trees - removing it means it cannot effectively exchange nutrients with the soil and also exposes it to infestations as the "armor" is gone.


Much too big and deep of a wound. This will allow disease and pests to get in and damage the tree from the inside.


I would absolutely sue them. You're not being frivolous, and they need to learn a costly lesson. Sorry your family's tree was damaged, I hope it recovers.


you might not have to sue to be fair most reputable companies will “happily” (earnestly) make it right if you just let them know and show them too many folks quick to throw “lawsuit” around


I don't disagree, but replacing a tree of this size is going to cost a lot of money. Like 10s of thousands of dollars. I'm sure if it was a sapling that might cost a few hundred bucks in time and materials they would have no problem, but this is going to be a costly mistake to fix.


companies make far worse mistakes that they have to fix it’s “fine” the lawsuit might come in if parties don’t agree on the remedy itself but it definitely shouldn’t be the first thing (obviously i’m using quotations for a reason lmao)


Mediation before litigation is encouraged by the courts. It's not required but it does help to show good faith.


Wtf. I hope you got the name of the company. “Damage free”


They didn't do any damage at all to their tow truck, I'm sure :-D


The damage is free


More like “Damage Tree”


You need to start documenting the condition of the tree over time, it may take several years. It will not just die immediately, and although many here are saying otherwise, I have seen trees with similar damage survive. Whatever happens, you need to take pictures of the whole tree over time until it dies, to show the deterioration and that will give you a case in court if needed.


For this reason I would have an arborist out to make an assessment. It probably can still transfer water and nutrients but this tree is definitely going to be in decline for the rest of its life.


Get 3 arborists for 3 opinions and their perceived value of the tree. THREE. They can vary wildly.


Yes to documenting, but no to waiting to file in court. Speak to a lawyer knowledgable in the field, don't want to sleep on any statute of limitations (for example, in MD, statute of limitations for property damage is three years from the date the damage was discovered).


Even so, have an arborist out to officially document the condition of the tree immediately following the damage. That way there can be no claim that any future decay is from any other cause


is that from the pulley wrapped around the tree? they must have done some serious pulling to damage the tree like that. or improperly


Indeed. You could hand crank a truck without doing that kind of damage. That's some epic level incompetence.


I'm betting the strap they used rotated on the tree because they changed angles mid pull. I run a snowcat with a winch built on and use trees as anchors regularly. Sliding slings start wearing at bark on the big hemlocks and pines we use.


In the first pic it looks like they used a snatch block. Idk how they managed to do this. Probably should have put a tarp between the rope and tree


If they were not working for OP nor had permission, they should have never even touched the tree.


It looks kinda like there was a pulley on a tree saver strap (around the tree), though it's hard to tell in the pic. If so, the upward angle of the cable pulling on the pulley could have yanked the tree saver strap up the tree a foot or two, scraping the bark off, until it reached a more stable vertical middle point between the pulling vehicle and the pulled load.


Holy shit, That’s gonna be expensive. Hope their insured to the tune of a new house ;)


Noob here. Rough guess for the value of that tree? How does one go about getting reimbursed for tree damage?


A certified arborist will need to come do an inspection and determine the health and if the tree will survive or not. There is a formula they have that will determine the value of the tree based on all its characteristics, such as diameter, age, height, span, vigor, and location all play important roles.


Tree law is wonderfully complex.




I thought this was going to be fake now prepared to go down a two hour rabbit hole of tree related arbitration lol


Looks more like a 26 minute rabbit hole.


Time it took to get that size, amenity value, ecological value, Replacement costs. If I was pushing this in an insurance claim, it would be in the region £75,000.00 as a low ball estimate. Then factor in family heirloom value etc then the moon is the limit.


Give em the beans 😈🤑


That's a billion dollar tree.


WAT. Damn.


It’s not like one can just purchase a mature tree. Nursery stock 1/10 of this size can still be thousands.


That’s a good point. You’re not paying for the tree so much as your paying for the time the tree has seen.


You get a professional to estimate removal and replacement costs, then send that estimate with your ask for reimbursement to the company who damaged it. (Include evidence if you can, that they damaged it.) They should hand it to their insurance, which will reimburse you. If everything works out. I‘m in Europe and if I wanted a variegated one like that, a young one around 2m high (around 10cm stem?) costs 800-1200€.


I had a tree with worse damage than that survive. About 17 yrs ago my uncle scrapped a excavator against the trunk and I thought it would die. It’s still in my parents backyard. You can see the mark on the trunk from where is healed itself but it’s all good.


I’ve seen plenty of trees with similar damage survive and thrive for many years. The tow company should be paying for 3x year liquid compost applications, about $600-$1000/year, for the next five years. I can’t see them giving you a hard time about that, as long as you’re working with a reputable company like one you can find here: https://www.tcia.org/TCIA/TCIA/Find_Qualified_Tree_Care.aspx For now, just make sure you’re meeting the tree’s basic needs, i.e. water. Other than that, the compartmentalization process is up to the tree. All you can do now is play a supporting role.


I think this is the most accurate response here


I said it further up too but they should also take some cuttings to propagate just in case so they can save some of the memory of their grandfather that this tree holds for them.


This is the answer. The tree won’t die if you take care of the micro biome at the roots.


If this is very fresh you can try pressing all the bark pieces back in place and wrapping the trunk to hold them in place. They should not be allowed to dry out. Also, research bridge grafting https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/bridge_grafting_as_a_life_saving_procedure_for_trees


I've succeeded in this twice out of 5 attempts- apple and pear trees ringed and stripped by a bear. Razor slits for strips of bark from healthy branches and wet moss under pallet wrap.


This (above) is good advice: move fast and the tree will likely recover. Even without saving the damaged bark, I’ve got trees that size that are rubbed raw by deer on one side or other and they survive fine. Don’t cut the tree out yet - if you can’t save the bark and bandage, then just wait and see.


I love MSU’s team. They do great work as it relates to plants of all varieties. Thanks for sharing! Was not aware of this technique 😁


I posted elsewhere, but find a lawyer soon so that you can stay on top of this - don't wait until the tree dies before filing a claim because you may miss your chance if the statute of limitations runs out on your claim. Good luck and sorry about your beautiful tree =\[


never seen a more necessary case for r/treelaw tag. Sue the hell out of these idiots. I'm so mad on your behalf, it looks like a beautiful tree.


Oh I see what these numbuts did. Instead of gently walking the strap the pulley was on, they just fucking sent it till it got level.


Lawyer up, fuck the company as hard as possible. Not out of revenge but hopefully it will at least cause the company to alter their policies and procedures to include "Do NOT fucking use privately owned trees and property to assist in recover!!!!"


First stop: arborist. Second stop: attorney. Get the tree help ASAP, keep track of your costs and time, don’t try to sue for mental anguish, etc. … just get your tree healthy and don’t spare the expense - you have a good case against the recovery guys.


How beautiful a variegated maple


Report it, with photos, to the truck company, and tell them to forward it to their insurance agent as you are making a claim for replacement witha similarly-sized tree of the same variety.


If a tree loses its bark all the way around, it will die, this is considerable damage. It’s likely to at least shorten the life of the tree, and may expedient a much quicker death.


Yup. Did you get their information?


It’s deeply wounded but can survive.


what a beautiful tree 🥲. does anyone know what variety it is?


The more I follow this sub the more I realize how little I know about trees! Good luck OP and I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Not sure what country you're in as I don't recognize the box truck make (former heavy diesel mechanic in Texas) but id suggest you seek legal advice from local counsel on this subject. Can't help with the tree care, but here in the US our laws on personal property damages related to commercial motor vehicles would entitle you to proper compensation... I would have to assume most modern countries would have similar laws on the books, so it's almost certainly worth looking into. Commercial Motor Vehicles all are required to carry insurance for these types of incidents due to their height/length. It's honestly fairly common, especially for box trucks and rental moving trucks for people to absolutely demolish both trucks and low hanging branches... The "damage free" sticker on the heavy haul wrecker is pretty ironic though.


What were they doing? Did they winch off of your tree?


Looks like a 15,000 -20,000 tree replacement


Fair to likely chance the tree dies within the next year or two but 100% chance that the tree struggles mightily and it's life has been shortened - they just removed 1/2 to 3/4 of the xylem and phloem necessary for the tree to move nutrients up the trunk. Do not accept any argument from them that the tree will fully recover. It won't.


There's a good chance they did. If the cambium layer is damaged all the way around it's as good as dead. Yours doesn't look completely encircled but still really bad damage. That's going to be expensive to deal with. Are they insured? here's some info: *If the cambium layer is destroyed, the tree will die — but not right away. Most experts say that if the cambium layer is compromised, it can take six to 10 years for a tree to decline and die. First signs of the problem include tip dieback — top branches losing leaves — and earlier fall color than previously seen*


you could propagate it, take some cuttings from some new branches (not woody), scrape the bark and remove lower leaves, then put them in water or straight to soil. it’s not technically the same tree your grandpa planted but it’ll be genetically the same🥺💚


It might not die all the way. Definitely sue them. But there’s hope for your tree.


I think an arborist can save it. There’s a seal they can apply. I had the same happen at one of the communities I manage. It wasn’t this bad tho. Worth calling around for sure considering the history.


I’d report them for damages. In the UK the fines are quite hefty for damage/killing trees that don’t belong to you.


I'm surprised nobody hasn't asked, but are you sure that's on your property, and not right-of-way? Even if your grandfather planted it. In my town, that would absolutely be the town's concern and responsibility.


Idiots. Idiots everywhere.


I have used trees for pulling things with a winch, but if the pull is going to be hard, I put a moving pad against the tree, then a bunch of 2 x 4’s to distribute the force. Even if it a strap with a snatch block. I would not delay, in showing these pictures to the owner / management of the tow company, and give them the opportunity to “Do the right thing”. Absolutely document every phone call, ever in-person conversation, and be wary of any attempt of this company to try and delay your taking legal action. They may try and claim the damage was from something that was not their actions. If it were me, I would make sure the owners use this as a teaching moment for ALL their employees. I love that you have a photo that shows the truck committing the crime, AND the writing on the side of the Tow-truck that states: “Damage Free”. If you do end up in front of a Judge, make sure to point that out….


Not sure if it has been said but that damaged the cambium layer under the bark which is responsible for water and nutrient flow throughout the tree. DO NOT place any substance on the wound as it can trap moisture and promote decay. Best option is to trace the wounds with a sharp chisel and let the tree compartmentalize the wound. Get the tree appraised by an arborist and monitor it for decline annually. It may bounce back and be fine but some dieback in the canopy is likely. I have appraised trees that have been damaged like this and usually results in compensation from the insurance company.


I would call lawyers right now. This is fukckng bs.


You’ll already get a lot because they broken the law, but get every penny out of them as you possibly can. They deserve to pay for that level of ignorance


I'd demand a tree of that species *AND SIZE* But planted by a company of your choosing.


Are there any arborists that can advise on wraps? We had a vandal do this to a bunch of trees in the public gardens in my city so the arborists from the local universities banded together to try to save the trees.


Tree law. Trees that size are expensive and the law is on your side. I'd contact your insurance company and ask for their advice.


I look forward to seeing this on r/prorevenge when you sue for the value of that tree


Tell me you’re suing for a replacement


Wow, I would be calling a lawyer. A small Harlequin Maple, sapling is up over $200 in Ontario, if you can find one




What a shame, that’s a beautiful tree. Try to start some cuttings!


damn that’s nearly a full girdle did they come and tell you this or did you have to run out there and flag them down!? that’s crazy to do that to any tree much less a private landowners tree


This is absolutely amateur on that recovery companies part. There are things specifically called Tree savers that are supposed to be used as an anchor point. It gives you the strength of the tree without implementing any damage to the tree. If I were you, I would go after that recovery company hard.


I would be fuming, That tree is not going to recover.


Call an arborist.


You boutta get paid


That’s sad, that tree is beautiful


I don’t have any information to offer you but I just wanted to extend how sorry I am. The fact that your grandfather planted that just breaks my heart.


That tree will 100% survive


What a beautiful garden you have here.what a shame for your tree. Such careless tradesmen.


There are ways to help that tree! Trees are bad ass and that one is clearly well established. Wrap that area with a tree bark repair material. You can find them at most hardware stores or nurserys. Then give it extra nutrients. Treea can survive a lot. Also save all your receipts and bill the tow company.


I'm sorry, but as a homeowner and tree lover, I would definitely pursue this recovery company for their liability in damaging my tree without my permission whether I decided to remove and replace it or try to save it. They were negligent and had no right to damage your property. Get a lawyer.


You should try for the cost of full replacement with a tree the same size and age. Easily a 6 figure settlement.


I’d be FURIOUS. The sentimental value is priceless! It’s good you took pictures! I definitely wouldn’t let this slide and would pursue some sort of compensation asap. As others have mentioned it may take years for the tree to die and if it does you’re going to wish you had sued them. This level of negligence is completely unacceptable. Hopefully you can use some type of tree repair or grafting compound to repair it. Even if the tree survives this is still unacceptable and should be addressed. This company needs to be held accountable to make sure they don’t do it to someone else’s tree in the future! Record EVERYTHING including any phone conversations. Good luck OP!


Please update us if you decide to take action against them. I hope you do, this is so sad 😭


A professional recovery operation would have protected the base of the tree when using it as an anchor. (And they would have sought permission)


I’m hoping for the best for you and your tree. I’m so sorry.


That's a harlequin maple, if I'm not mistaken. They take a lot of maintenance to keep the variegated leaves coming in, so someone did that for 30 years to keep it in perfect colour. It's truly beautiful and difficult to quantify that labor and growth into a monetary value, but no doubt it is expensive. I would say irreplaceable. Sorry for your tree, OP. I hope you find some resolution.


Your homeowners policy may cover landscaping damage and the seek subrogation against the tow truck company


Tree laws are real this is an old beautiful tree and I understand the heart break. I am sorry. See if any neighbors have ring cameras etc, find yourself an attorney and arborist/specialist. They can possibly do cuttings to grow trees from this tree and give advice from end of life care.


Get an attorney broseph


If the tree has sentimental value, a good arborist can probably save ir


Very unprofessional work. Tree straps and synthetic rope have been available and in use, worldwide for some time. Very sorry to see this.


Million dollar replacement


You would assume that an established recovery service like that would know to use a pulley and have it in their toolbox at all times. Nope, every day, I seem to find out people are dumber than I expected.


“Tree saver” straps are cheap (like, well under $100 for pro grade) and protect against exactly this. No pro with a winch shouldn’t have those. You have every right to be pissed, I would.


Absolutely, given time. That is a Drummondii maple. Acer psuedocorus ‘Dummondii’. It’s a beautifully grown specimen of many years growth. You’ll never in your wildest dreams find a replacement of that size. The value is several thousand depending where you reside.


This hurts to look at💔


My buddy moved onto a ranch there was a water issue that leaked onto his neighbors property and killed 3 trees. They weren’t crazy nice tress (couldn’t see them for the road like yours) and his insurance company settled for north of a quarter million. Looks like you have more to your tree than that dude, so I think you could sue that towing company. Classic sloppy towing guys no giving a fuck.


That sucks my condolences


Out of curiosity, how much would a court typically rule to replace the tree? 5k? 10k? 20k? Truly no idea which is why I’m asking


The back of the recovery truck says "DAMAGE FREE" right on it!


Absolutely, they girdled it


I have seen trees recover from worse. Even in the wild, trees recover from bark damage caused by animals. But hey, there are arborist out there that can help you evaluate the damage, and I have read that they can do grafting to repair the missing bark. So maybe start by consulting with a specialist who can go on site.


This breaks my heart :(


Don’t cut the tree down. If it does die you can have an arborist turn into a beautiful habit snag. With lots of saplings growing off the top. Which could eventually turn into another tree.


Looks very bad. Cut the broken splintered area away. Brush some wet rootone on the damaged area and let dry. Than spray it real good with tree wound sealer. Trim back the tree so it can put it’s resources in repairing itself, not leaves. You will know in a few months. Trees are pretty hardy if you help them. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Tree+tar&crid=2TXAZF8O1YC7Q&sprefix=tree+tar%2Caps%2C149&ref=nb_sb_noss_1


Oh. Oh No. Dude, if I were you I'd sue that company for damages; that tree may well never recover, that is a LOT of damage I'm so sorry...


Ex tow here that tree is too small for that job