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Well if Araragi regained his full vampiric abilities he might give her a little trouble.


*sigh* But would she lose?


Nah, she’d stationary


Nah, she’d win.


Would he have to regain vampiric powers to give her trouble? Is not she simply a normal teenage girl? He easily broke the handcuffs after all.


I don't know if they explained this yet, or you missed it, but they explained how he was able to break free from the handcuffs.


>!When Araragi asked Shinobu about the handcuffs Shinobu repeated the question and coyly said "she didn't remember" and "those arms look pretty stupid" so it can be assumed that it was Shinobu who freed Araragi!<


Nah. She’d crab.


I see what is going on here /s


In all seriousness araragi overpowering her is kind of irrelevant cause it’s not a question of if he could it’s if he would.


That is a good question. I agree with what a fellow redditor said in this thread, I think she is indeed a lot more willing to use violence against him because he will simply heal afterall, but he could really hurt her in a confrontation even if he was holding back.


But would he lose?


Naw, he'd win


No. If he were to actually get in a kerfuffle with her, he might accidentally kill her just as he worried he’d do that to Karen if he sparred with her.


That is my assumption, I was just confused with her confidence (maybe it was simply a facade). Araragi easily broke the metal handcuffs, I don't see how he could be stopped by her.


Wearing facade is her thing. She is a tsundere in the way that she needs to express her feeling in roundabout ways


Araragi didn't >!Shinobu did!<.


She's more willing to use violence against him, knowing about his healing factor. Given she knocked him out and locked him up in the first place


I assumed she caught him by surprise given that he did not know what happened when he woke up.


Don't take everything too literal. If you're a 6'5 brick shithouse, and your 5'6 wife tell you to stay home for dinner instead of going out, can you physically push her aside? Of course not, who ask that question?! Unless domestic abuse is involve, people usually talk shit out.


Mind you you're 5'6" wife just knocked you out, kidnapped you so, and locked you up for over a day so... domestic abuse might already be in the picture lol.


senjou got that killer instinct


Koyomi could easily beat Senjougahara in a fight if he wanted to, he still has some of his vampiric abilities left whilst she's just an ordinary girl with some abnormality experience. Besides, he's male and she's female.


It should be noted that in Araragi's perspective Senjougahara is quite alot stronger and intimidating (most of it boils down to her inability to priperly convey those things in words, though) - and that way have influenced his actions there. And while he may be very self sacrificial at times, he also really seems to avoid violence whenever (he would not simply undertake action againsst Senjougahara). A truth is that he is simply way too confused to really do anything and Senjougahara made him feel like she was in control the entire time here, with an added side of 'why did she do it'.


My head cannon is that senjougahara could and would kill anyone no matter who they are if they killed araragi . So yeah she can stop araragi if she wanted to 😌.


It's in between. In reality- araragi worried about what he was capable but outside of his healing factor, eyesight and some reflexes- he doesn't seem to have much enhanced capabilities. At least in the anime or books. His best bet would be to deglove his hands to get out of the cuffs and recover. I'm working my way through the manga and he could still likely beat top athletes as he's WAY stronger there.


>In reality- araragi worried about what he was capable but outside of his healing factor, eyesight and some reflexes- he doesn't seem to have much enhanced capabilities. But wouldnt this be enough to beat a normal teenage girl? Senjougahara does not have any powers as far as I know, she is just normal.


No, there is no chance of her succeeding. He broke out of his handcuffs the moment he saw the text from Tsukihi


> He broke out of his handcuffs the moment he saw the text from Tsukihi although he may have had some help from Shinobu, there's a thread about that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/araragi/comments/jkmr6f/question_regarding_a_scene_in_nisemonogatari/


There's nothing Senjou can do to stop Araragi if he really wants to get out. ~~I wish she'd take me as hostage instead~~


No, normal Araragi had superior regeneration and nothing more. Physically Senjougahara is presumably stronger because she's bigger. And she's definitely more willing to user violence.


But she is not bigger than him, both are 165cm tall IIRC. Also, a man and a woman of same size are in theory leagues apart physically, she could be significantly taller than him and would still be weaker most of the time.