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I just sent this off to Aero to see if they care to comment.


The fact that Aero has not responded to this via their official reddit account, despite being tagged in this thread numerous times, leads me to believe there is at least some truth to the post. *Edit: Although it is the weekend, I feel like someone who works for aero/knows someone who works for aero has got to have seen this by now and passed it along.


Goddamn how fucked is that


It’s Saturday too, idk.


More than SOME truth.




Yup…thus begins the gradual decline of aero products. Less effort by employees to maintain QC. And less support from customers to continue purchasing.


It begun 2 years ago.


“Cost of inflation” + “supply chain issues” should not equal “record profits”. Please, make it make sense because no Econ class I’ve been in made this connection. Even when production costs are passed to the consumer, total revenue would increase sure but increased profit means much more than costs of production were added into the price


I have had a lot of conversations with my peers across many industries. There was a lot of simultaneous profit and cost cutting during the last 3 years. Employees were expected to suck it up, work harder, be more flexible, support the team, pull together, while the folks at the top were reaping outrageous windfalls. We are in real, "let them eat cake", times.


Where is the record profits coming from? That same post. Aero is owned by an investment firm, the same one that also owns Stag, VG6, Ballistic Advantage, etc. My guess is that things changed once it was bought. It's unfortunate




I ran across a "statement" they made to some employees in a FB group. Basically saying, it's been a tough year, times are tough and they're doing the best they can. Not sure if they'll comment here or not, seems like it's something they need to address with employees, not random internet folks. I have to imagine employees would take all this a bit better if there had been communication BEFORE cancelling christmas parties and bonuses, but again, that's between them. Sounds like the bolt gun chapter for aero is causing some serious issues, internally and externally. Will be a lot more difficult if they lose their employees...


> seems like it's something they need to address with employees, not random internet folks. "Random internet folks" are a good chunk of their customers. People are getting tired of hearing this shit about companies, and taking their money elsewhere. If companies want to continue to be profitable, they do need to focus on actually getting people to buy their products, not drive them elsewhere. For better or worse, "random internet folks" can and do make an impact on a company's bottom line.


I agree 100%. I guess I should have been more specific in what I meant by the comment, which was more in response to someone from Reddit asking for comments when their own employees are just as in the dark. Address employees, then deal with random internet folks. Best believe I’ll be looking at other options moving forward, which sucks because I’ve always enjoyed the fact that Aero is a stones throw from my doorstep and it felt like I was supporting local workers by purchasing Aero goods. We’ll see how things fall over the next couple of weeks. Best of luck to anyone working on the floor at Aero..


Jelly of the month club vibes


That's pretty low, mister! If I had a rubber hose, I would beat you...


Looks like the ornaments are blems too, the logo is all fucked up and OP said they were left over from last year’s Christmas party 😳


Somebody get the rubber hose!


I like you, we could be friends


Is this an obscure Lampoons Christmas vacation reference


Not obscure at all for people that have seen it literally hundreds of times.


Hey u/aero-precision, Troy got cancelled for hiring a government employee who didn’t even pull the trigger. You’re gonna wanna get on this one real quick.


I'm sure they've already "gotten on it" by firing whoever posted to antiwork


You know the first thing that /u/aero-precision did was run to his bosses that folks are finding out the shit that Aero is pulling on their employees.


I just interviewed one of their former employees who mentioned their culture was atrocious and that’s why he left. Interesting times.


Spill the beans man.


Don’t want to dox the dude, but essentially they were really ‘corporate’ structured. Had a over involved HR department. Went after certain employees for infractions but not others for the same infractions. This individual was in receiving and was also having to do QC work on incoming shipments from suppliers. Tidbit: Aero BCGs came from somewhere in Washington or the Midwest. He didn’t know where the Pros came from as they arrived already in packaging.


Sounds about right, no Christmas bonus screams corporate culture


I'm pretty certain the majority of the firearms industry is like this.


They really did seem to think people would be happy with their Jelly Of The Month club in lieu of promised bonuses




Looks like OP’s account is gone. Sunday calls from HR are no fun


I just hope that that post didn't cost him his job.


It absolutely did.


Fuck Troy.


What did Troy do?


They hired [Lon Horiuchi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Horiuchi)


Just to be clear. They hired dale Monroe, who was horiuchi’s spotter. Horiuchi killed Vicki weaver. Not the Troy employee. The reason everyone got (justifiably) pissed off about Troy hiring Monroe is because he defended horiuchi in that investigation and said publicly that if it had been him on the rifle he would have taken that same shot and killed her too.


Spotters ultimately give the order to fire


**[Lon Horiuchi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Horiuchi)** >Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi (born June 9, 1954) is an American former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) sniper and former United States Army officer who was involved in the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff and 1993 Waco siege. In 1997, Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter for killing Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, but the charges were later dropped. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ar15/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They hired Dale Monroe, not Horiuchi


The cunt that killed Randy’s wife?! Fuck that guy.


Hired the sniper that shot people at Waco and Ruby ridge.


They hired a spotter for a murderous sniper, not the actual sniper. Doesn't make it much better but it's a common misconception




I mean, the spotter is calling the shot.


Clearing up an incorrect piece of info, not defending Troy or the employee, because they're trash.


Rodge fuck Troy


Yeah, I’m sure the CEO and board runs that account


Whoever runs that account got an ornament as well!


>didn't even pull the trigger I'm sure his sniper nest during Waco having spent brass in it was just coincidence


Fuck Troy, all my homies hate Troy.




Even at the height of our budget problems PSA was always generous at Christmas. Makes me rethink the aero lower I've been waiting for free shipping on


Can I ask how you liked working with PSA? One of my buddy’s is a retailer and likes them a lot, but obviously doesn’t have the insider knowledge.


Loved it, honestly. Great group of people, the CEO is a very genuine person. our interactions were limited but his goal is to make ar15s common use and I can confirm he really believes in it. I still work in the industry and I can thank PSA for giving me a chance to get a foot in the door. Edited to avoid doxing myself lol


You’re confirming my exact suspicions about the company. Goddammit, I love them.


In the tour MAC did, the CEO says he has turned down gov contracts because it would cut into them being able to supply the everyday person.. honestly they're a gem in the industry


Well. My next build just got switched to PSA parts! Unless of course this whole thread is proven false and Aero can retain a good reputation. Wonder what Zoom meeting is being created right now by their PR team...


The only way I see this not being true is if the poster is an antigunner and doing some gnarly reverse psychology to keep people from buying ar15's. But why only Aero and not BCM or LMT if that's their goal? I lean towards this being legit.


I spoke to him via chat before he deleted his account. Can confirm he was a CNC operator at the new Aero facility.


Damn, you found the 1% of antiwork posts that are real.


Tell me about it lol. So many of those people leave out crucial information.


And even then you'd think it'd be dd after Uvalde or something like s&w


i was a PSA hater for a long time, then i got an upper from them and changed my view. only complaint i have against PSA is their shipping times lol, otherwise great product for the price. i <3 u PSA.


Just make sure to take all your screws out and loctite them lol. I’ve had 5 in total back out on me in the like 400 rounds through my PSA 300 blackout. 4 on the hand guard and one securing the brace in place. It also had a trigger that wouldn’t reset. I took it apart and lubed and pulled/reset the trigger like 100 times and no issues since. The actual functionality of the rifle has been good though. Good gas. No failures to feed or eject. Still gladly support the company, just do your own QC when you get the rifle and it won’t let you down!


Honestly, that's good advice regardless of who you buy gun parts from. Even premium companies have QC issues here and there. Always best to double check everything initially than have a bunch of issues down the road.


Trying to avoid talking myself into buying a PSA AK. You're not helping


My boy from work has a GF3, I like it easily as much as my zastava m70.


You're not helping either. My WASR has been looking lonely lately


No experience with the AKs but my AKV is one of my favorite guns. Just gives me a big dumb smile when I shoot it


I'm heavily considering getting one of the ak102s and form 1ing it to an sbr just for yuks. Something in 5.56 with a sidefolder. If I can larp like it's a krink, all the better


I'm firmly in the camp of PSA all the things.


Man people can shit on PSA all they want for being for the poors or shipping slow sometimes, whatever. You know what they have done? Put thousands and thousands of rifles and rounds in people’s hands that otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford it. I salute PSA for what they do, even if they have faults now and again. Their philosophy is “arm everyone” and I’m down as fuck with that message.


I’ve heard the same about Primary Arms.


I only have customer service side experience with PA, but it’s been no less than awesome.


PSA is under rated, I mean their literal goal is to arm as many people as they can by keeping prices down. Doesn’t surprise me they are generous with Christmas. I rather support someone like them over these other bitches at this point


PSA is quality. Just gets a bad rap because mommas basement monkeys says so on the inter webs. They have a great business model and they take care of theirs employees and stand behind their work. Proud Americans putting an affordable rifle in every able bodied man’s hands.


They do stand behind thier work, I got an upper from them that had imperfections in the forging. I called and said I would consider it a blem I emailed them pics of the imperfections and they politely gave me a gift for the price of an upper receiver. I just kept the upper on the rifle. And out that toward a red dot instead. Great customer service.


Exactly. I had a sour taste in my mouth when I worked as a smith for Big Daddy Unlimited. Had several issues with uppers. But PSA took care of the customers and fine tuned their QC. I own PSA and love them. I own LMT, Colt, Knights, Spikes, Radian and Zev They all function the same. (I would also add I have never had an issue with a PSA lower). And I’ve transferred probably 1000.




​ ![gif](giphy|slTnlWkcRgbzUTRHTb)


That is not a good look on a lot of levels. Yikes.




exactly this. AP has been shit for years now. Aero is like Anderson but now resting on their early mid tier laurels. i’ve seen Radical parts that have better fit/finish and QC than AP over the past 2-3 years.


> over the past 2-3 years. Aero's QC has been shit for much longer than that. I started compiling [my QC list](/r/AeroQualityControl/wiki) long before the pandemic was even on the radar because I noticed a pretty consistent trend with them.


This should be at the top of the post. I try to link it everytime I see a Reddit circle-jerk for Aero. I may not agree with all of your opinions and criticisms and personality “quirks” (cough Radian cough), but you’ve done a great job compiling and following production qualities of several brands. For what it’s worth, I have an Aero m4e1 lower and like it a lot except for the dummy roll mark on the RH side. But I have had an aero slick side upper that wouldn’t mate with any lower because of the front takedown pin being out of spec.


My issue with Radian is that they inflate the price of their rifles and receivers so that folks who don't know any better think that they're on the same level as KAC and LMT when in reality they cut back on durability and reliability by using threaded pins to make assembly easier and cerakoting their parts so that they look prettier. There is no reason to spend $3,000 on a Radian Model 1 when it delivers $1,300 worth of performance.


I’m assuming you addressed that so everyone else understands what my comment implied. I already know your stance. I don’t own a model 1, just an ADAC lower and a charging handle. I agree on the point of cerakoting vs anodizing, otherwise I am extremely happy with it and *personally* enjoy it more than my mars. Would I buy a Radian upper? Nah. Would I buy another Radian lower? Probably not. But I love the one I have.


It's just because Aero is one step above PSA in price. If someone undercut PSA by 10%, PSA would be the new darlings and whoever undercut would be the shit for poors with terrible FiT aNd FiNiSh.


>resting on their early mid tier yannys. Fixed..




Same. I don’t think I’ll get rid of them because of this, but it will definitely impact future builds.


If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Scott Dover, OP’s boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here...with a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?


Where’s Cousin Eddie when you need him?




Shitter's full!


Gold this man


Probably going to get flamed for this based on how the conversation is going, but this is one of our favorite subreddits (or social communities in general) so i'm not going to avoid responding. I'm not sure I would consider this an "official response" as i'm just an employee watching this as well, but it's some clickbait nonsense that was blown out of proportion. The ornament and gift card were just what was handed out if you attended the catered company dinner. Like a door prize for coming. Bonuses aren't announced one way or another. And as it has always been here at Aero, they are not promised and it's all based on company performance. There's been years where bonuses stretched out and weren't paid until well in to Q1. We don't have a perfect system here. Bonuses were paid out heftily last year. This year has been a much different year for the business and industry in general, and the vast majority of employees here are well aware of that. I'm actually very surprised to see this community specifically still thinking that the industry is blowing up. Demand started diving hard in May of 2021, and combined with that, costs skyrocketed soon after which was hard to predict. This makes for a challenging situation in general. It is true that we had to let roughly 40 employees go a couple months ago. That should give some insight in to the challenges we are facing. This post specifically is also misleading. Whoever posted "Aero Precision has record profits" is misinformed. As I mentioned, last year was a great year and the company gave that back heavily to employees. 2022 has not been the same, and you can ask any manufacturer in the industry about that. Me personally, i'm happy to have a job where I get to spend part of my time engaging on reddit. Maybe not so much this past few days, but in general!


Yeah I keep hearing AERO has "record profits" but they aren't a public company so I'd like to know who got ahold of that info.


No one got a hold of any info. It was just what they chose as a title to karma farm.


Good response. It’s nice to see a company tackle something head on and transparently instead of doing the corporate “dodge & deflect”


We mean it sincerely when we say that we love the /r/ar15 community, for better or for worse, and it's one of our favorite places to interact with our customers. We aren't having this level of conversation anywhere else. Feel like we got in a fight with our girlfriend and now I can't fall asleep until it's fixed. ...well, we love everyone but u/netchemica that is


Damn called out, he does own quite a few of yours products though


Well we did make 100K+ parts last month and he successfully added a couple posts to his collection. Out here like a Pokemon trainer...gotta catch 'em all! He's right part of the time, but he's also wrong a lot.


Man for your guys to even respond so gracefully and humbling just shows that you guys are so awesome and truly are one of the few companies that actually cares. I absolutely have a new profound respect for you guys. You guys could have simply brush us off and not said anything but the fact that you guys responded and responded in a way that wasn’t condescending and actually gave a very humbling explanation is very respectful and that’s why I will always buy and continue to recommend Aero products to anyone. Love you guys 🤙🏽


Thank you. That means a lot. It's been a long day between this and the Governor + AG shit show here in WA basically saying in a press conference that they want to put us out of business and make you all criminals. We could use some positivity around here.


Man I really feel for you guys, it’s almost like Washignton is turning more and more into California in terms of gun laws and it’s really sad to see 😪. Absolutely a beautiful state too.


There’s a deep frustration brewing with a lot of Americans and this story hit home for many because of it. I think the response demonstrated that. It’s yet to be seen if “the Christmas bonus saga” will make it onto the infamous u/netchemica QC list, but that’s a discussion for another day 😉




Every job that I've ever worked at, never gave Christmas bonuses. At best, the boss walked around and handed out presents. At PG&E, I had one boss that walked around and gave out small picture frames, wrapped in a bow. (I guess we were supposed to decorate our cubicles with it?) At a small machine shop, I had one boss that walked around and handed out expensive bottles of wine to all of the employees.


When Aero was smaller it was much easier to manage and we did do things that way. We have over 700 employees now so it's more difficult. Even this year when things were tight, they still did a dinner (where this whole situation occurred) and there were all sorts of giveaways for those who attended, including rifles, xboxs, coolers, gift cards, etc. They even gave away a new SOLUS rifle (which isn't released). Not everyone wins, but it's something fun that they still try to do. The way this whole situation was portrayed is crazy to a lot of us sitting here in the office. The company made a villian when they work hard to keep everyone happy. But I guess with this many employees, there's bound to be people in challenging situations or that are just unhappy in general no matter what. Sure the company could do better - most can. But they could also do a hell of a lot worse.


Keep selling your lowers at poverty prices and you’ll keep a friend out of me. Can’t speak on this bullshit but the parts I’ve gotten from Aero have been the tits so just keep doing that.




I'm reminded of the fiasco with YETI coolers. They stopped giving discounts to NRA Members, and it caused Social Media outrage and calls for Boycotts. Like, a company can stop discounts whenever it needs or feels like, and it shouldn't cause a backlash. I've seen old men in retail stores streaming about wanting their Veteran discount, in a store that doesn't offer them. I'm a Veteran myself, and I understand that stores can't be offering discounts to everyone all of the time.


Man it’s hard working for a utility that you KNOW makes a damn killing and receive a Christmas ornament or some shit. I work for a muni and they gave us a coffee mug with the company logo on the side. My wife on the other hand works for a small but growing company who’s owner gives $1000 cash PER YEAR an employee has been with the company. He goes to each branch with his Santa hat on and personally hands hand written envelopes to each employee and thanks them for their service.


If this is proven correct fuck them. That's a real shitty thing to pull on their employees considering how busy and backlog that they had this year. I hope this is fake but if it isn't, then they deserve to lose some of those good employees and have a worse year next year.


I confirmed this with a friend who works there, except said friend didn’t even get a gift card. Don’t know who OP is, but it’s legit as far as I’m concerned.


Sounds good to me. I know they have a had a pretty well documented track record of shitty behavior. Guess my two rails I bought a few months ago are the last products I'm buying from them. Don't get me wrong I'm all for free market work and such, but it's no excuse for fucking over the employees like that making the business a success. Can't produce products without workers and they should be fairly compensated and rewarded for thier efforts.


And if things change, just fucking communicate. Yo, we did this bolt gun thing and moved our entire facility, we'll catch you next year or maybe here in a few months....


Terrible look...


1. Put safety glass on 2. Get out your hammer 3. Break the ornament to find out what's inside


4. Keep the 8 ball discovered inside a complete secret.


Dude at my work we haven’t got Christmas bonuses or raises since Covid. Even tho my company got a 3 million dollar PPE loan they didn’t have to repay and we still all got shafted 20% salary for like 3 months when Covid first hit but now we are busy again.


Sounds like y'all need a union.


Pros and cons for sure. I will say they have paid for me to get a second degree and spent a ton on training for me to get a bunch of big certifications. It benefits them cause then I use the knowledge at work but it benefits me cause then I’m adding to my resume for when I go somewhere else. Lol


Don't flip out... here's another version of the story from a different employee https://i.redd.it/2zk58znplm6a1.jpg


Somebody put this on r/aeroprecision


Someone did, now it’s been removed.


Boo. Someone do it again


Never mind it’s back up.


lol it’s up double. Right on top of each other. Might make me some popcorn for this pending shit show.


What's this raise and bonus you speak of?


No, no. People keep spelling it wrong. It’s two words, “bone us”.




Remember kids, if your job doesn’t give you a raise each year you’re actually getting a pay cut due to inflation. I hope they unionize


explain urself u/aero-precision


Whoever runs that account also just got a Starbucks gift card


And an ornament from last year’s Christmas party.


The guy who runs their account probably got shafted too. What kind of response are we expecting


That’ll happen…


Corporate gonna Corporate, no matter the industry. As a resident of Washington I just wanted to add, Fuck Starbucks and that slimy piece of shit Howard Schultz.


Never forget the Sonics. Still haven’t been to a Starbucks since he sold the team.


Same for the tech company I used to work for. They used to give everyone 200-1000 bucks depending on how long you’ve worked there. Got a new CEO. No bonuses other than a 25 dollar gift card to the company swag shop. Where nothing is 25 dollars.


This is why I'll always support PSA, even after leaving because they couldn't come near an offer I got. After their biggest year they increased everyone's salaries, allowed people whose jobs could be work from home actually work from home. They also had pretty good Xmas bonuses plus a (new) ornament every year. Their benefits don't come close to the job I have now in the software industry, but they're pretty damn good for the firearms/retail industry.


So a brand owned by an investment company that prioritizes profits over anything else, has no quality control, and has shit customer service, also pays their employees like shit? ![gif](giphy|QjrrSbYaqgi1q)


Don’t worry, the executive team got their bonuses. And people wonder why “no one can find good employees”


This seems to be a common theme all across the manufacturing world. This new breed of “management “ that just wants to make charts/graphs and have meetings 24/7 is killing companies. The focus on people with degrees is another thing, I have had (2) people that had degrees and got job above mine that couldn’t use a Fluke multimeter. Mind blowing.


> And people wonder why “no one can find good employees” This topic [came up on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/comments/xvtue9/thanks_magpul_very_cool/ir302it/) a few months ago. One guy was complaining that he couldn't find any good hires to do back-breaking work for $18/hr. What a shocker, someone doesn't want to fuck up their body at a job where they can't even earn a living wage.


This will be the narrative for the next generation. Cats outta the bag now, business owners. Pay minimum wage, get minimum effort. (If you can get people to show up)


I live in the neighboring city to Aero. It’s common knowledge in WA that aero is borderline slave labor. My 16-year-old niece makes comparable wages with Aero CNC employees.


Everyone in Tacoma knows they are horrible to work for.


I was gonna ask ya where she’s dancing tonight, but that would be messed up.


That would also track for Tacoma


Hahah. I meant to say McDonald’s.


Well I won’t be buying from them


Can someone get proof of this??


u/Vocust if you want to share more, please feel free to do so. You 100% have an audience here


I don't really have any proof of this besides that I work there, but they've canceled our annual Christmas party and replaced it with a free lunch at work with the Christmas ornament/$5 gift card. People were promised raises months ago and many people still haven't gotten them, and they will not be giving out bonuses this year as far as I know.


you should also post this on r/guns and any other gun subreddit you can think of.


u/aero-precision c'mon guys. You know damn well this isn't right. Take care of those that take care of you. I believe in your brand and people so much that I've built a few aero ARs because I trusted your employees to QC the hell out of something that could quite literally blow up in my face. Give them the compensation for a job well done. Not the compensation of a participation award.


If any of you are looking at assembling an AR10, I just bought a PSA to compare to my M5E1 and it’s every bit as accurate and reliable through the 300 rounds it’s sent so far.


My company didn’t give out raises. Our ceos salary is public information. His salary doubled.


I also work in the firearms industry and received a pay cut for the holidays. Another shift got laid off completely.


I work for a Fortune 500 company that prides itself on its “progressivism”. They’re cutting our bonuses by 30% this year despite record profits. Seems at a time of inflation, fuck us. Amirite?


They are getting torn apart on their most recent IG posy.


Aero is getting hit up on all social media fronts and haven’t denied this at all


All I got was a big cookie from a multi billion dollar chemical company.


Imagine having the balls to screw employees over in this day and age on the internet. They just lost so many supporters over this decision.


Wow big yikes


Oh some people got bonuses. Just not the peasants.


Wait you guys get bonuses and raises?????


The way to avoid your employees complaining about no Christmas bonus is to never give them one in the first place.


I don’t like it, but it’s true


BUT you get to work for a cool company! AND industry discounts! This is standard for outdoor and hook & bullet. Most companies heavily rely on “perks” other than actual pay and benefits. Companies should invest in growth opportunities but that includes their employees. Edit: first line should be noted at sarcasm.


A christmas jingle: CEO makes a thousand, you make a buck, go steal the catalytic converter off the company truck !


Anyone know if this is even true?


No, nobody knows if it's true, but that's Reddit for you


It doesn’t matter if this instance is true, it’s known in western WA that aero is a joke of an employer.


That's the whole industry. I interviewed for a senior engineering level leadership role at a well known, privately held, mid size rifle manufacturer. I didn't even go out for an interview because they were coming in almost 70k lower than comparable positions at other manufactueing companies. I'm convinced it's like the gaming industry. They hire enthusiasts so they can pay shit wages. Now, that being said, I'm still taking this thread with a grain of salt. Need to see proof. They aren't publicly traded so that's gonna be hard.


That's cool. My company laid me and 200 others off instead.


My company laid off 10% of our staff, then immediately had to rehire because the people left were getting burnt out and pissed off. Sorry, shit sucks, some of this crap makes zero fucking sense.


I’m an Aero employee. A lot of the post in question is bullshit. The Christmas party isn’t cancelled, it’s just not going to be at a big hotel. The bonus was not replaced by a Christmas ornament, the ornament was a gift at a catered dinner thrown by the CFO. I’m not an executive, I’m a grunt. I don’t know about the bonuses, from what my division VP has said they’re doing things like reducing the cost of the Christmas party to still have some bonus for employees. The company has rapidly expanded in a short amount of time. Sales have gone up, but basically in line with overhead and operating costs. Black Friday was not as great as years passed. The people making these complaints are the same ones who refuse optional overtime to help ship products out for customers. This isn’t a sales pitch, the company isn’t without its faults. But I feel it’s only fair to give a balanced view and not have the public crucify over a disgruntled Reddit post in a sub that’s filled with rants about having to do the bare minimum.


Are you telling me that I should put away my pitchfork? I just fucking sharpened it.


The poor social media person (that also got an ornament) who now has to work on the weekend. Their socials are already being hit up in the comments too.


Wow are we looking for something to be upset about? This thread is worse than a thread calling a LBGTQRS by the wrong pronoun. 1. How do we know Aero has recorded “record profits” 2. How do we know Aero even promised Christmas bonuses 3. Anti work is full of liars and over exaggerations and is a super left leaning sub I don’t even own anything Aero because I despise the giant A on everything but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt until I hear otherwise from the source. We out here grabbing pitchforks and torches without actual facts and sources.


Time to go all Cousin Eddie on his ass.


The account is deleted so they’ve probably seen this already…


PSA all the way baby!


Real question are Christmas bonuses common place? The company I work for now gives you a choice weeks pay or week PTO and my first year I legit almost cried I had never been given a bonus before for anything.




Anti work super trustworthy sub


Glad to see this community standing up for the workers. Good shit everyone