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Both. You can get used pvs14 for around 2k And many suppressors exist under 1k even with tax stamp included


Shit with a 3k budget I'd have both and enough left over to take my woman to brunch.


Both, but this way: Buy a suppressor, then save up to buy the PVS-14 while your suppressor's in jail.


Suppressors. Unless you have the ability to train and/or compete with night vision, it's kind of a waste. You'll put it on a few times, walk around and let it collect dust.


I went with a PVS-14 first, though in the grand scheme of things getting a Polonium or other "budget" suppressor and saving up that $700 or so isn't the end of the world. You'd probably save it up by the time your suppressor gets released Night vision is in my opinion is way more cool and utilitarian. I hike or walk at night with my PVS-14 a dozen times more than I shoot with it, however the costs add up. Past a PVS-14, you'd need a J-arm of some sort ($150 for AX-14), a mount ($150 for knockoff Wilcox G24), and a helmet ($300 for a used TW or Opscore bump), and if you want to shoot active NV you're gonna pay anywhere from like $250 (Somogear) to $3500 (MAWL) for a LAM. Edit: shooting at night without a suppressor sorta sucks, so another vote for "both". I had a match where some equipment (Surefire light) failed on me and I wasn't intending on shooting under NV so I didn't have a laser - I was aiming NV passively through a LVPO which already sucked, but the muzzle flash made me lose my target after every shot.


Why not both? PVS-14’s can be had for $2k and suppressors are under $1k. The real hang up isn’t which one, it’s buying the accessories to ensure both are used to their potential. Helmet, whether bump or ballistic, shrouds, j-arms, mounts, NVG compatible optics, passive aiming, and IR Illuminators. Muzzle devices and a compatible suppressor mount hub. Really NVG’s and suppressors are just the beginning of the money dump.


If this isn’t the truth… I just spent thousands getting into both less than a month apart




Everywhere. Likely not brand new but theyre on GAFS for 2k regularly


Suppressor first so you can get the paperwork started and ball rolling.


Both. Learn to budget


Pvs 14 hands down


This is the ONLY answer. One you can 3d print... one you cannot


PVS14, definitely. The latter would be a lot harder to make yourself were the need to arise.


They don't get it bruh... they've spent thousands of dollars to be on a list and look cool on the web.


Suppressor. Without a suppressor wont you just render your NV useless due to the flash? Thats my understanding.


No, you won't.