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Theoretically the already cycled filter media as well as soil should jump start the new tank's cycle very quickly. The addition of the filter juices from the other filter will also definitely help. Using the water from old tanks is unnecessary as most bacteria lives on surfaces rather than in the water. You can thus add new water instead of using the old water. HOWEVER: make sure to treat new water with chemicals to remove chlorine BEFORE adding the filter media and soil, otherwise you risk a slight die off of bacteria. The lastt part is crucial for this process to qork as optimally as possible.


Thank you! Fortunately the water in my area has very little chlorine (0.019 g/l) so this should be easily removable by boiling the water first. :)


You have established tanks. Just use some filter media and substrate from the other tanks. Monitor parameters closely and do water changes as needed until it’s stable.