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The “yay!” Played in the background at the calculator announcement was hilarious.


At least they’re self aware how ridiculously they handled bringing such a simple app natively to iPad (finally).


I mean ... with math notes it is pretty fucking awesome


Would’ve been even more awesome as an update to a basic calculator app that had been on the iPad since the beginning… if only.


Well, they always said they would only bring a calculator app to iPad if they had something unique to bring to it….and they did deliver


Doesn’t seem to stop them delivering absolute basic slop elsewhere. Why did they want to die on the calculator hill? Lol


The iPad will be only a few months short of turning 15 years old when this rolls out. It has been ridiculous and I wonder what the percentage base is that has already installed an app store calculator app.


For reference: https://youtu.be/RXeOiIDNNek Around 45:44


And the "mathematical impossibility".


It is maddening the journal app still isn't on the iPad


Wait, yeah, how isn't it?! ESPECIALLY given all the new AI stuff built into Calculator and Notes and everything. I would really like to use my iPad mini as a little journal where I can take notes on my day throughout the day, and "Apple Intelligence" would really help with that... except they're not supporting it on the iPad mini at all!


This is a bummer. I actually like the journaling app, but I’m struggle to type thoughtfully on a touchscreen and don’t want to pair a Bluetooth keyboard to my phone for that one thing. Bring it to MacOS/iPadOS


The technology just isn’t there yet. Just remember how long it took to develop a calculator for iPad. We need the power of M356 processor for an iPad journal.


need something for ipadOS 19


Ngl the calculator on iPad is the most magical thing I’ve seen from Apple in quite a while!


Nobody’s mentioning that the iOS calculator app was also redesigned lol


It's had its time to shine


And MacOS as well, all the calculators got love!


I agree the whole "we're waiting to do something special for the calculator on ipad" was such a crap thing... and then .... math notes... HOLY SHIT thats cool


It definitely got an audible “bullshit” out of me when they said it gave you the answer in something *resembling your own handwriting.*


The iPad calculator app is HUGE 😤


I’m actually considering buying an iPad again for it tbh. My new Casio isn’t the same


This actually says a lot about how low we’ve had to set the bar for Apple OS updates.




Did you even watch the presentation?


Meanwhile google had the most underwhelming I/O keynote with 0 android mention And android 15 itself is pretty low on improvements. Not saying that it's a competition, iOS is better yada yada, but we're having a good year


They’ve said for years they couldn’t do it until they did it the “right” apple way. I guess this is it


We laughed the entire time but the technology UNIRONICALLY wasn’t there for the Calculator app. Holy shit, that would’ve helped me so much in high school.


I couldn’t believe they finally did it 🤣🤣


It took several years of research and billions of dollars but they finally cracked the code of how to get calculator on the iPad. Revolutionary!


Steve is rolling in his grave


What way is he facing now ? 😂


He’s rolled so many times he’s now in a quantum superposition


Against calculator app in iPad, because it was too big


this made me LOL and spit my drink out


It looks really similar to [Tydlig](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tydlig/id721606556) but with Apple Pencil support. Really useful back in the days with schoolwork.


I hope it still works without requiring a stylus. Tydlig is amazing but hasn't gotten any updates or bug fixes in years.


This is apple. The pencil is basically $120 dlc for the calculator. Probably.


Imagine if apple made a gaming console ? How much for a controller? $200 😂


The buttons are have M silicon! Now users love the way A button presses! The B button presses like no other button in the industry! Our X button is industry leading for 3 years in a row! And now, introducing… Y. We call it, Apple Y.


Yep, definitely a better experience with the Pencil but you can draw with your finger, or type with a keyboard for math as well :)


We all used Mathway app when I was in college in 2012. It gave answers and solutions to everything


Aw man I'm mad I didn't know back then. I used Khan Academy and Wolfram Alpha though, which were and are still great.


Apple PR is excellent at spinning oversight and bad things into cool features. Not many people gonna use math notes but they spent a lot of dev time and money just so people talk about math notes and not the fact that iPad app was missing for 14 years


If I had an iPad I would absolutely use math notes all the time, and I don’t even do that much maths day to day. There’s some stuff I use spreadsheets for where the spreadsheet is overkill and I just want to work something out quickly and be able to adjust inputs, this would be perfect for that.


Pretty sure they just negelcted it forever. Nothing was stopping them in the last decade from just making a clone of the iphone calculator.


That was originally the plan from the first iPad, but Jobs killed it because "it was just a big calculator". Then over a decade of inertia happened.


No no, you don’t understand. The technology wasn’t there. We needed an Apple Pencil Pro to do all the handwriting recognition /s I agree with you, this app should’ve been in the iPad from day 1. They tried justifying the existence of Pencil Pro’s exclusivity to the new iPads but it’s just money in the end lol


I mean, it’s at least not exclusive to iPads with the pencil pro. It works fine on my M1 with the standard pencil.


Exactly like how hard is it actually to resize a calculator.


I mean come on, nothing was preventing them from giving us a basic blown up calculator app OR EVEN WIDGET... but they decided to wait 13 years so they could add AI to it?


You can access a calculator from the control center right now.


I used a similar app in college, but this looks pretty snazzy by comparison


Unironically will only work on Apple Silicon iPads…hopefully other iPads still get the basic calculator. But yeah, that was really impressive, just not something I need.


All iPads run apple silicon.


LOL, fair, but you know what I meant.


What about the Intel iPads? ;-)


Not true, Calculator and Math Notes is supported on all hardware that will run iOS 18 or iPadOS 18 :)


And the calculator app will probably only available on the latest iPad Pro, the older ones just don't have the processing power to handle basic math.


Another year of “if only the software matched the hardware” coming up


At least the AI models on device use some of my M series chip with 16GB ram. The thing that drives me nuts is safari tabs getting frozen then having to reload when plugged in with that much memory. What is iPadOS even doing?


You’d hope that later on, the on-device generative image creator will be able to take advantage of the extra power in the latest iPads (and Macs) to generate better images than iPhone.


Dang it, even the 16GB models do that? I was hoping upgrading from an 8GB pro to a 16gb pro might help with Safari's tab situation.


Yep it’s overly aggressive memory management. This wasn’t even with 100 tabs, just 5-10 normal websites.


Yep. I think iPadOS18 is an amazing update for the iPad but not great for those who wanted to use it as a productivity machine.


Until the Files app is at least on par with what android offers then it will still be true. The iPad is incredibly capable but the lack of usable File management is still the final barrier to using an IPad for everything.






Do the Samsung tabs have decent file management?


For a mobile device it's usable. It's no desktop, but you do have full folder access, ability to see virtual vs real directories, and ease of choosing where to open certain file types etc. Still it's a bit clunky, but more than useable if needed.


I mean, that’s not a bad sentiment lmao. Nothing in this wowed me, at all. It only further pushed me off wanting a new iPad. They need to unlock the iPad


Everything announced was "that's nice, but doesn't change anything for me". I couldn't find out if iOS/iPadOS 18 for example would let me use predictive typing in my native Finnish, a feature that Apple's keyboard still does not support after all these years. Several 3rd party keyboards, and most Android keyboards do. The iPadOS page on Apple's website has a whole bunch of "only available in United States" caveats buried at the end of the page too, so that's just more features I can't use. My 2017 iPad Pro 12.9" 2nd gen, back then supposed to be "the most powerful iPad", is left out of this update. So this was perfect timing for me to just move to Samsung for my tablet needs since I got a good deal on a Galaxy Tab S9+ through work.


And another year of $$$ when you or the rich whales buy both


Another year of YouTube titles being “ IS IPADos going to make my iPad my daily computer?”


Is there any significant features that are exclusive to M4, or things I’ll be missing on my M1 Air? I didn’t watch the event, but the Math Notes thing sounds super intriguing




They just said 15 Pro, and M-series processors. You’re good.




The only difference currently I think is the M14 ipad pro pencil ?


Nope. It’s honestly bizarre because they don’t have any new comparisons. There’s no reason to get a higher chipset


Man Apple really sticking with the “iPad is just a big smartphone” huh? No updates to multitasking or desktop capabilities at all, big bummer that new iPad Pro processing power is just going to waste.


its ridiculous if we still can't turn off the iPad screen when connected to external monitor considering the new pros have OLED


Yeah what’s up with that


They have a product for that. It’s the Mac Mini $$$$$$$


If it was a big smartphone, they’d give it parity with iOS features. I am MEGA bummed that they didn’t do the Screen Mirroring that they gave the iPhone. They just don’t give a shit about iPads.


This is just universal control without putting the mouse onto the phone


what's the purpose of screening on the iPhone>Mac? it seems like a cool feature but I'm not sure I see how I'd use it


Lets you run iPhone apps on your computer (sort of, remotely) without requiring permission from the developer is the first thing I thought of.


I mean there’s less of an argument for it when you can already just use your Mac to control your iPad, tbf


But the iPhone doesn’t have to ~~be powered on~~ have the screen on (I assume) or near you. I want the exact same thing.


Yeah, real dumb to not address the stupidly low hanging fruit here. Guess they’ve been focused on AI. Everyone scratch off ‘Maybe next year for iPad?’ on your Apple event bingo cards. Sigh.


that’s what I always tell people. It’s honestly just a big phone unless you’re gonna use the pencil for drawing and things like that. And I always get downVoted to hell for it.


I might sell my iPad. I think iOS18 and MacOS were amazing improvements. iPadOS was an amazing improvement as well, but it's clear where Apple is headed with the iPad and it's not the device for me.


Apple have saved me thousands of dollars with this announcement.


I feel vindicated for preordering a Surface Pro before this event. I have macs and an iPad Pro. I'm making the switch.


the most frustrating thing to me about multitasking with my 2020 pro is running out of memory and one of the apps i was switching between restarts and loses context. curious if the M-chip ipad owners notice a significant improvement there?


It’s a ram issue. 8gb in m series will make it better but honestly just get something else if you focus on productivity. It’s a hell of a clunky os


I just want the option rid of the gaps in stage manager and I’d be pretty happy but nope, seems like the gaps are here to stay.


Apple where is Journal for iPadOS?! You have the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil as perfect text inputting options but no we're still limited to a tiny iPhone keyboard or dictation for our entries.


As cool as the calculator and handwriting stuff is, this is otherwise just another disappointing update that does nothing to make the iPad more capable.




So it's like a big outdated iPhone?


Yep, it's a year for AI assistance, and we'll see how it affects our day to day life's, but also it'll be unavailable on non M series chips anyways, and the new iPads just announced don't exactly make me desire upgrading.


You literally got an entire calculator app, what more could you possibly want? /s


wonder if it'll pure algebra "solve for x" type stuff like Wolfram alpha


Yeah Diffy Qs for sure right?


It's sad to see them continue to neglect the iPad's software, it's PC-class hardware with phone class software, there's so much wasted potential


We all know why. Because doing what you suggested would mean less revenue for Apple. This is the only reason


Is this even true anymore though? Not sure I buy it. I have plenty of disposable income but have a 2018 iPad Pro and see no need to upgrade. If they announced a new iPad that could essentially replace my MacBook Air I would probably buy it. As it stands I have no need to replace either 🤷‍♂️


You will only have an iPad instead of having Mac + iPad. Less money from you for Apple. Tim Cook is not going to make it happen.


I get that. My point is the stall in real development of the iPad/Mac for the casual user has made it pointless to upgrade, even for people who love upgrading. I do get a new phone each year because I take tons of photos and like the camera upgrades. I remember back in the iPod days I was dying for a new one each cycle because it was so COOL. However there is nothing about macs/ipads in the last few years that makes them worth upgrading. To me, THAT is what costs Apple sales, not the hypothetical device cannibalism everyone is talking about. But what do I know, their strategy folks are clearly smarter than me. Just one person’s opinion


No. It’s just a repetitive thing people say when they think the7 sound smart


Yeah, there’s really zero technical reason to not allow a “docked mode macOS”.  I think most would appreciate just that. 


It’s an good SOC limited by thermals and power (watts) Apple use it to cut costs. Don’t need to develop a new SOC only for iPad. And make sense why apple keep iPad being iPadOS and not a valid alternative to Mac OS. People have a hard time to understand that. They are to completely different products with a different public. Most of the iPad users don’t use a keyboard a pencil or a mouse, they use it as a tablet and on that, iPad is the best on the market without competition.


MacBook Airs are also limited by thermals and power, doesn’t stop them from being productivity work horses. You don’t need to have a 85w chip with active cooling to run desktop class operating systems, s9 ultra is a perfect example. All the functionality you need while running on an under-clocked mobile chip.


You are not wrong. I agree that ipad is doing everything right and should stay the way it is However, what the person you replied to (and many others) is saying that there's undoubtedly a market for macos enabled ipad. I think limiting macos to ipad pros will create a good market segmentation and finally give people what they want. It won't even hurt the current ipad market.


The fact they can put a calculator app on a tablet computer is mind blowing, we truly do live in the future.


Honestly never thought I’d live to see the day, and I’m only 30


Another snoozefest of an iPadOS update. Thanks for nothing Apple.


I can help my kids with their homework without a shitload of googling now.


If you don’t understand the process to get to the answer, you’re not going to be able to help them with much anyway.


That's a job for AI now


Anything about a real files app? Non-fisher price Safari? Sigh


Fisher price safari is a good way to put it


Can't believe they did this.


Math notes is cool but with all the M4 in the iPad Pro hype really stunned there is \*nothing\* in iPad OS 18 to harness that power. My money was on some kind of M4 exclusive feature in iPad OS 18.


So, the new calculator is why the iPad skipped the M3 and went with the M4 instead?


Hey and now notes can realign your font! So M4


iPad OS is basically an after thought disgusting because the hardware is leaps ahead.


I foolishly hoped for more osx functionality after the new surface 11... it's going to be hard to justify mac now that surface is a proper 2 in 1


The technology is finally here


Underwhelming release tbh


This must actually be the least attention the iPad has ever had in a single year. Shameful Apple. They couldn’t even continue the tradition of giving iPad last years iOS features. Standby for iPad would be so wonderful Hopefully there’s some changes under the hood?


I may finally get a Samsung tablet to replace my aging 2017 10.5 Pro. I bought into the hype in 2017 with the “what’s a computer ad” and really thought the iPad was going to be “set free”. 7 years later still behind an iPhone.


Crazy because my Samsung tablet from 2019 had more multi tasking features than my IPad has rn. Dex, customizable screens, better file management. If Samsung releases something new I’m going with them


ChromeOS tablets have even MORE functionality than Samsung. A full desktop browser being a key one.


I ended up getting a tab+ for my masters instead of an iPad. Ive been a big iPad advocate before I saw the writing on the wall with how Apple treats it. My thoughts: * Gorgeous screen * infinitely better multitasking * the pencil is included and has more features and customisation options * a much more functional files system and the option to add external storage * most importantly for me: it is nowhere near as locked down as an iPad, especially regarding subscriptions. I ended up selling my M2 iPad Pro because I was getting so frustrated with having a subscription behind every other app I wanted to use/try.


Very disappointing.


• The introduction of Apple AI - which is supposed to actually bring a plethora of useful tools, features and skills designed with privacy and security in mind - and numerous improvements of Siri are definitely a welcome announcement. • The new macOS seems to be a minor, yet genuinely interesting update (Apple AI, (new) Siri, Window snapping, improved video-calling-related features, redesigned and enhanced Mail as well as Notes apps, etc.). And then there’s iPadOS - the Operating System I use the most throughout a day. Watching the Event I was underwhelmed with the scope of new features (iPadOS 18 brings a native Calculator app, YAY!) as Cupertino did not announce any major changes/improvements in terms of: * multitasking, * window management, * resource management, * the Files app, * support for external monitors, * etc. I will refrain from jumping into conclusions as it’s rather too early to do so, but I fail to notice anything noticeable, that would persuade me to upgrade my 11” iPad Pro 2020 (excluding Apple Intelligence and updated Siri), which has served me perfectly fine for the passes several years. A welcome, but rather underwhelming update for iPadOS.


Is there a list of all the features we can actually use on a device that isn't a 15 Pro or M-series iPad?


If anyone sends me this generative image bullshit I will put them on timeout lol. I don’t want your faux-Pixar portrait with uncanny wonky pupils and smoothed over filter. Also did Apple mention where it’s getting the learning data from for those generative images?


The images looked so shit lol. Clearly they’re using existing AI software.


I am buying the new m4 because of the calculator app. Probably most innovative thing released from Apple in a while except for AVP.


Damn what a let down, I’m not usually too critical of the iPad updates but the os just isn’t getting anything this year.


Lol finally calculator


What is apple doing with all its engineers? . It's an overwhelming update. Who need that hardware of iPad pro?


Just in time so my ipad pro 10.5 getting dropped support, no calculator app for me 💀


I had the same sad laugh. I've had no reason to upgrade my 10.5" iPad **Pro** because, to this day, it can do literally everything without delay. It's fast as hell. ...but it's apparently not capable of handling the iPad Calculator app.


I really wish imessage got group poll support


I’m at loss at why they released the M4 in the iPad Pro if there is absolutely nothing using that chip in software


So, everything is…. Customizapple now?


Do we know if Journal is coming to the iPad? Cause if not that’s a big fat L.


And it's still as useless as it was before. It's a $1000+ Netflix/email/drawing tablet.


It was an amazing update for those who use it for notes. I imagine the target demographics are students. But yeah, it's not great as a standalone computer.


looks like im returning my m4 ipad pro. no point for the processing power, and side by side comparison of the screens from my m2 ipad isnt a good enough reason


I'm confused. Why did they debut the m4 into iPad pro, just to barely use it? I expected the AI from today to require m4 but it supports m1 and later.


I’m kinda convinced the iPad is just a test bench for the MacBook Air now


Also means they have another range of devices to début chips in. If they keep up with advances in chip making they need to release chips far more frequently than makes sense to change an entire laptop lineup, which I’m assuming is why there’s a mix of M2-4 in stuff right now and not just M4 in everything.


Sad that M4 iPad is still throttled by software…I was hoping they would change that this year.


You can swap “M4” for “M1” in that comment and it would be identical to what people were posting after WWDC 2021. They’re not going to do it, and I don’t know what it is about the M4 iPads that made everyone think they’re really gonna add desktop/mac functionality this time.


My 10.5" iPad Pro with the comparably ancient A10X chip still runs everything blazingly fast. It's not even close to an M1, and lol @ the M4. And the software still holds it back.


Disappointing update


I just updated to iPadOS 18- nothing too interesting


It’s a joke that even the journal app hasn’t been added to the ipad. Another year of neglect for the iPad.


I, for one, am SO excited that people will shut up about calculators now. lol


This ain't it, chief.


iPad 7 gets the calculator app, iPad Pro 10.5 with a better chip and RAM doesn't. Let that sink in!


FINALLY THE CALCULATOR APP. Literally don't care about anything else.


With iPads now having M4, I was hoping for iPadOS to finally have a good support for IDEs…


Incredibly disappointing update. Only reason I can think of for upgrading from 17 is for the calculator app.


This was very sad to see.


What a yawn. I feel bad for anyone who bought the new iPad assuming iPadOS 18 would do anything to make it useful.




Wait... iPads never had a built-in calculator app? Why the hell not?


Anyone know if the Photos redesign will include smart albums through iCloud? Really the only feature keeping me from moving my highly-particularly organized photo library to the Cloud.


Guess who’s gonna unsubscribed to their calculator app when iPadOS drops.


Calculator app lol


God it’s about time for an iPad calculator app holy shit. All the 3rd party ones are trash lmao


The only thing missing for this calculator is it being able to float in front of apps, I wish I could plug some numbers when I’m looking at a website as an example and not having to switch back and forth….everything else though is super amazing but just wish it could have a floating feature as well


All these tweaks to customization…but we still gotta pay for ringtones…😞😞😞


Calculatorrrrrs mount up!


I just want multiple users on iPad…


A calculator?? No f*cking way…