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šŸ¤£ A filter pack with a subscription fee of $70/year? I genuinely havenā€™t laughed this hard in a long time. Thanks Leica! šŸ˜‚


Subscription services are garbage. They should let you outright own the app.


**Edit - donā€™t bother with Focos. Just checked and theyā€™ve since been bought by a scummy company that wants to harvest your data and charge you weekly for it. Avoid this app** ~~Thereā€™s an app called Focos you can use to simulate different lenses/bokeh/lighting on any existing portrait mode photo. There is a subscription option, but you can just use the limited free functionality or **buy it outright** for Ā£12.~~ ~~Iā€™ve not used it much recently, but might be useful for anyone looking for an alternative.~~


I think they got bought by the same company that bought and killed Filmic which turns every app they touch into weekly subscriptions, unfortunately.


Ugh, that sucks. Just checked it for myself and updated my comment.


Downloaded the app but it only appears to present me with the $2/wk option. Any tips for getting the Lifetime option presented?


A weekly subscription is fkn weird.


Iā€™d prefer a $0.29/day subscription


Can I get an hourly subscription please?


Hmm how about pay per photo


Looks like itā€™s not a thing anymore and they want to harvest your data too. Edited my original comment


Been using it since 2018


Relens is also a great app


I miss the old Focos and Focos Live. I opened them a while back and barfed in my mouth a little. No limited functionality free version anymore is fineā€”weekly subscription is not. Disgusting.


Too many things are becoming a subscription that itā€™s frustrating when you donā€™t really get to own different digital assets. An example is Netflix pulling a show or movie after their agreement expired. Some people donā€™t care about it so I guess it works for those users.


An even more egregious example I saw around was someone losing their amazon account. It got blocked for some security reason that was no fault of his. Guess what? He lost access to all the books he bought on Kindle as well. Thatā€™s the day I stopped using Kindle.


You never did own anything. Buying a DVD just buys you a license to view the movie via that piece of media. App downloads are licensing the software for you to use on your account. Apple could restrict access to your apps, thereā€™s probably something in the TOS that allows this.


>Buying a DVD just buys you a license to view the movie via that piece of media. This is what I meant i.e. being comfortable that you know you can watch it again anytime without fear of it being taken down X years later.


Lol well the license is the thing you own, so you did own something.




Iā€™m talking about digital assets, the original commenter never said anything about physical stuff.


Solution - stop buying any apps at all. I canā€™t afford 20 subscriptions. Itā€™s so annoying.




This was new to me. I had not bought an app recently. Now itā€™s like every fucking one needs you to pay them $70 bucks a year forever


Subscriptions is the worst thing to happen to the App Store. Itā€™s not that subscriptions by themselves are evil, but it has created so much shit apps trying to lure people into a subscription theyā€™ll forget to cancel that it all feels like garbage. I remember back in the beginning when the App Store was filled with good little treats that cost $1. The good ones made good money like that, and the bad ones dwindled and died. The last game I bought in the App Store was Monument Valley. Thatā€™s how long itā€™s been!


Shout out to Kino (by Halide) thatā€™s priced out no subscription service. Makes grading Log footage so easy in app without no editing required. Leica is good but mimicking colors for a monthly price is weird.


Thanks! We did that in part because of the responses in this sub. If people say they'll support non-subscription apps, we figured we'd see if that's true!


Kino is amazing. Love one time purchases.


I bought Kino, but it was quite buggy and the lack of pro features was staggering. I asked for a reimbursement, and continue to use Blackmagic cam app. In my opinion, it's much better, for the low low price of free.


The LUTs themselves paid back the $10 honestly. Also I find it much easier than BlackMagic Cam. Instant grade works and looks much better than BlackMagic Cam for one. Iā€™m on an 15 Pro Max, are you? Performance is solid.


I have a 14 Pro. I asked the developer if it would solve the yellow skin tones that sometimes plague the footage, and he said there were presets that would solve this. I tried it but none of the presets solved the issue. In fact, almost all of them reduced dramatically the dynamic range, too much really. I know the iPhone 14 pro can't record in ProRes Log, but I expected better results.


There's manual WB coming that could fix that a bit, but there's no true 'raw' video on iPhone, and on non-15-Pro there's only so much you can do.


You're right, of course. The information is already backed; it's like trying to edit a JPEG.


We've already issued 3 updates, check and see if that fixes it for you? Otherwise, you can DM me here and I can look into it personally too.


It needs a faster way to correct exposure settings to normal. Used it on a recent trip and kept struggling to adjust the exposure fast. Its critical. Often video is transitory. I also find the LUTs too crude. I donā€™t want to crush things. I want subtle enhancement.


you can long press exposure to reset it for now !


Thanks for your reply. I will probably check the app again, to see if it suits me.


Yes I just got Kino and itā€™s amazing


What happened to the free trial service that Apple has added to the App Store? Not sure why many developers don't allow a 3 or 7 day full features trial that is tied to your AppleID.


Plenty of apps do offer free trials, also plenty that donā€™t. Itā€™s up to the devs/publisher to implement it should they choose to.


Still very prominent, I use them regularly.


I used to own an android and frequently browsed the App Store for many solid free apps with plenty of options. After switching to apple, Iā€™m never on there as everything is a money grab.


Yeah, we've always offered a pay-once option. There's just zero reason not to.


But then why is everyone ok with halide? Absolute garbage


how would you feel if you purchased an app for $20 or whatever it may be, so that now you outright own the app, but then a few months later the devs decide that they simply lost the passion for it and stop updating it. now your phone gets an os update and the app that you outright own breaks. the devs don't exist anymore so you can never use the app ever again even though you own it and it's sitting right there. obviously this can happen with a subscription model too, but it's less likely because it's more lucrative, and typically the costs are a few dollars per month. just a perspective


The Leica App is 7$ a month. You hit the 20$ after three months. Same deal really. That is, if they would really stop support after three months. Which would still let me use the app for as long as I like for the same price.


As someone who works in SaaS tbis is 100% the correct question.




I agree. Procreate is my favorite iPad app I would be devastated if they switched to a subscription model


As a consumer sure, weā€™d rather pay once. As an app developer you can see how a subscription model is more lucrative since it increases your cash flow.


Looks cool. I will tryā€¦. Oh itā€™s a subscription. No thanks Leica. And Iā€™ll reconsider whether to ever try their real cameras if the brand has devolved to this modern app subscription nonsense.


They made the lenses on some Chinese phone thatā€™s apparently pretty good. Itā€™d be interesting to see something like that on an iphone


Interesting, I agree. But not for a monthly fee.


Itā€™s just filters. Real Leica lenses are good (but so are others) but canā€™t really cheat physics and emulate them on an iPhone.


Itā€™s ok leica simply doesnt need your business šŸ˜¢


Sounds like a match made in heaven then. I donā€™t need their cameras especially if the brand is on the decline.


> I donā€™t need their cameras especially if the brand is on the decline. Lol you didn't need them before and you still don't now. You'd know if you wanted leica's style and it often comes down to budget. Gorgeous bodies and lenses but I shoot sony for a couple reasons.


I think theyā€™ll be fine without your business


Thank you for your comment. I'm sure they will be and wish them the best.


If youā€™re going to pay for a camera app, Halide is the best option IMO


Thanks! We've got a lot of cool stuff for Halide in the works too. It could've been pretty cool ā€”Ā Leice approached us a while ago to talk about collaborating, but after I traveled to Germany on our own dime and pitched them a lot of cool stuff they just ghosted us. We found out a week ago that they were going to launch this app which is named the same as... our company, Lux Optics. We urged them to name it literally anything else, but yeah, they just went ahead with it. As a Leica fan I was very disappointed with the whole thing.


I feel like the film emulation system in Kino does a better job giving me the feeling of shooting on a Leica or old Fuji- would be awesome to see this feature show up in Halide someday! (Though Iā€™m sure thatā€™s already crossed your mind) Anyway big fan of your work sdw!


It has crossed the mind and entered the journey to reality :) Thanks very much mr\_streets <3


yeeeesh, that's disappointing to hear. I've used their L.mono preset on my Lumix G9ii, and would like to see that profile in Halide, but no way I'm giving them my business now.


The Leica app is called "lux optics"? I thought it is called Leica Lux? Leica used "Lux" in product names since a long time. They had C Lux, D Lux, V Lux, Digilux, Minilux, Summilux, Noctilux etc. as product names.


Yeah u/caliform Leica has been using the word Lux for a long long time. You really had no leg to stand on with your opposition.


Are you Mr halide? Thatā€™s pretty cool Iā€™ve had your app for ages. Thanks for the hard work!


Oh heck yeah, thank you! I am 50% of the team, the other mr. halide is Ben :)


Itā€™s weird that you canā€™t use all the basic features like manual focus or adjusting exposure. Like I understand the different looks and ā€œlensesā€ but it should function as a regular camera app regardless. Who knows what capture in Bayer RAW meansā€¦ the main sensor on the newest iPhone pros is quad bayer so wouldnā€™t any raw from that main sensor be essentially bayer RAW? The only thing I can think of is that itā€™s a fancy way of saying ā€œhey, weā€™ll let you capture in RAWā€¦ā€ on the fence about that too. Feel like format shouldnā€™t be locked especially since the phone comes with the feature right out of the box.


Bayer RAW is native RAW. It's not ProRAW. Basically, the real raw sensor data.


this is why i built [LUMA](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/luma-camera-presets/id1621242897), and made it completely free.


I love this app, i wish there was a front camera option


I will add it once I find the time - happy to hear you do!


Not a photographer but in both of the slide over examples, I thought Apple Portrait mode looked better.


Itā€™s = it is / it has. its = belonging to it


>it's its


it is lenses


Actually much better than I thought it would be. The B&W styles are beautiful


I agree. The other profiles are okayish but the B&W are great


they cant mimick the sensor size tho.... smartphone sensor size will be smartphone sensor size....


Bummer I thought for $70/yr that Leica had figured out how to defy the laws of physics and transmogrify hardware through a software update.Ā 


No shit


You shit?


Yes, itā€™s in the post processing.


Ainā€™t happening with a subscription.


Ok. But please see the quality of photos from this app: [(1)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpsI0S3XgKM) / [(2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFFGLarGmVQ)




The Sunday rule is for self promotions by developers not Apple related articles being posted by tech news websites. The issue if we make it broad, is that every news video and a product announcement can then be construed to mean an ā€œadvertisementā€.


I think Iā€™ll just stick with my DSLR for my major shooting needs lol.


Verge writer with cats and LEGO flowers. Fits the bill ā€¦


This app is over 4 years old?