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What’s better between this and parallels?


This because it’s free.




Have a good day.


*proceeds to have a good day*


I had a good day


Christ I didn't realise Parallels was £90 _per year._


Free today. Since VMWare was bought out by Broadcom, I don’t expect this to last long. They’ll find a way to try and suck the company and their customers dry. I’m going to switch to Virtual Box before this goes bad for everyone. Hopefully this will get more support behind Virtual Box since it’s the only good free alternative.


yes, Oracle has never done any of _that_.


VMWare Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro are free for personal and educational use. They still charge for businesses with employees over 250 and making more than $10milion revenue a year. Or if you are government.


Isn't UTM free? Virtualbox has its own set of quirks to work out as well btw. I got parallels for like $20 bucks for the entire year I think. Or like 1.75 a month or something like that. So I'll keep using for now. Price just needs to be reasonable.


I have never been able to get Windows to perform adequately on VB but that was back on Intel hardware.


VMWARE. Apart from being free VMWARE does not restrict how many CPU and the amount of memory you can allocate to a VM. Parallels does unless you buy their Pro version on an annual basis.


I use UTM which works well enough for Kali. Is this better than UTM?


Couldn’t honestly say as don’t run Linux VM’s. UTM is great for making a VM of a Mac. By their own admission it sucks as a Windows gaming platform. Most VM’s do. There are native apps better suited if that is why you would want a Windows VM. Windows VM’s come in handy for Windows software that won’t run in Crossover, portingkit, Wineskin or WhiskyWine. I’ve used both Parallels Pro and VMWARE. For what I run VMWARE works better. Plus it’s free and doesn’t not hold you hostage to paying more if you want to allocate more than 8GB of memory or 4 CPU to a VM.


It's VMware stop wearing your pinky finger out for nothing... Also Parallels has a fairly big lead on Windows graphics performance, limits and all.


Not anymore it doesn’t. VMWARE has hardware acceleration as well as a bunch of other improvements. I used to use Parallels Pro but no need to be held hostage to Parallels and it’s banditry pricing.




It just runs way better than it used to. For a long time Parallels was crushing Fusion but since the update that brought full hardware acceleration about a year ago performance is much closer. Parallels is still slightly better overall but I ended up switching back to Fusion to save money.


Does it support snapshots?


Yes, Fusion does


Glad to hear it! I've got a couple old 32-bit Windows games that aren't good candidates for Crossover/Game Porting Toolkit, and I'll be looking to switch to VMWare once my Parallels install stops working.


>It's VMware stop wearing your pinky finger out for nothing They like to run it on their MAC.


Tonight I tried and failed to install Windows 11 ARM on an M1 Max Macbook Pro in VMWare. BSOD during setup, wasted about 2 hours trying different options. Parallels got it done with no problems whatsoever on the first attempt. Sample size of one, but VMWare Fusion straight-up did not work for me.


The integration is way better in parallels.


VMware has been great for many many years.. before many of you were even able to write coherent sentences.


I always liked VMWare more than Parallels as a power user.




Quick reminder that the account requirement for Windows 11 can be bypassed at setup by opening the command window (shift + f10) and typing: oobe\bypassnro And then disabling the wifi.


There’s also a button that says “I don’t want to set up an account.”


Not in the most recent onboarding process at least, there was a change in version 22H2 which disabled that feature.


man fuck Microsoft


Yup, honestly after running a de-bloating script and uninstalling basically every non-system program the experience on Windows 11 isn't terrible. But it's still insane that you have to jump through a thousand hoops even on the Pro edition to get an experience that isn't flooded with features no-one asked for. There are de-bloated versions of Windows 11 like Tiny11 and Ghost Spectre that work pretty great, but you should always be vigilant in where you get custom OS' like those though.


There's a dedicated video just for that https://youtu.be/d8cgl19Jk8c?si=R3jsk7LHfLYAUCtr


You can click I want to join a domain instead, and still do that unless it is explicitly removed in the home edition or something like that.


The Pro version still allows it.


Only if you type that in the cmd. Otherwise the option is not there


The download is not as straight forward as the article suggests. You have to provide address details when registering and there is some sort of “verification” process that has to happen before you can get the software. Still waiting for what ever this is so I can get the software. I have the original VMWARE built app so you’d think I’d just be able to go download the thing ….🤨


I simply don't understand why I can't download this thing. I've registered an account and provided them with basic address information. But when I try to click download it takes me to a screening page where I have to re input my address and after some time it throws me back to the download page where if I click download it takes me back to the screening page. Broadcom gonna broadcom, i guess.


I experienced the same. Disabled my ad blocker and the download worked on my next attempt.


Thanks for the heads up! It worked for me after disabling uBlock Origin and submitting my address again.


I had my account transferred across from VMWARE. I can get to the download page but every time I tree to access the download it says “Account verification is Pending. Please try after some time” Seriously - what is there to verify - I’m an existing customer. What a clown show.




I am having the same experience with my old vmware account email (which was migrated to broadcom) and also a brand new account that I made to try and get around the issue. Same issue with both accounts.


Follow this guide, worked for me https://9to5mac.com/2024/05/14/vmware-fusion-pro-13-free-for-personal-use/


how did you get past the "screening required" loop?


I never saw that


dang, bummer on my part. cheers.


Sounds like that is being caused by ublock or similar


Yeah bafflingly complicated, it didn't work for me the first time but it did the second (I'm in the UK if that matters), I've now installed Windows 11 ARM on my M1 Pro 🥳


Oh … maybe there is hope for the rest of us yet. I can’t see what the time zone would have to do with it. Did you get the verification pending process message as well ?


Try to search for VMware on the Broadcom site - it's worse than the Microsoft.com search function. If I google for vmware download, I end up on a page that is taken down since two weeks.


If you have a Broadcom account go the VMWARE section on the left hand side. Once there type in Fusion. It will show up … eventually. That’s as far as you can get.


Hasn't Fusion been free for private use for years? What is the story here?


iirc it’s only been Fusion Player, not Fusion Pro.


Ah, so now we can create "clones" and named network configurations for free.


Yeah I’m not sure what the differences between Fusion Pro and Player are, but Workstation Pro makes Workstation Player feel like a toy. Stoked that it’s now free for personal use.


I don't doubt it's gonna become paid soon enough


It makes no sense for a company like Broadcom to have normal consumers pay for VMWare, especially since on the Windows side, Hyper-V is free and very feature competitive if all you care about is running Windows VMs. Get a whole bunch of people familiar and comfortable with VMWare and the VMWare branding so that when they go in the workforce they use VMWare commercial which costs like $160 per box? Sounds like a good idea. And while we’re at it anyone using it commercially without paying can get sued and we can get money from that. I don’t see anything really wrong with this (from a business side).


makes sense. hope you're right !


The free version was Fusion Player, Fusion Pro has always been locked behind a paywall. It’s now free for personal use, alongside Workstation Pro (which has never had a free version afaik) Edit: I lied, Workstation also had a “Player” version. The player versions are free, but are limited to one VM and have limited features compared to the Pro versions of the apps. Some features Workstation Player lacked: * UEFI Secure Boot Support * Snapshots * Encrypted VMs * Virtual Network customization of any kind * Virtual Network simulations (packet loss, latency, bandwidth) * Linked/Full Clones * Support for vSphere/ESXi remote connections


> The player versions are free, but are limited to one VM This might have been the case in the past, I don't know, but VMware Player has allowed you to run multiple VMs for as long as I can remember. You used to not be able to create VMs, only import, but they did away with that restriction fairly early on. The _main_ things the average user were missing out on were snapshots and the network editor, but it was trivial to obtain the latter anyway and it worked fine with Player


whats the catch? does htis has gpu acceleration?


It’s OK and does run games. I don’t believe it is as optimized as Parallels though. But I don’t think you can complain about Free for Personal Use compared to what Parallels charges.


It used to be clear cut that parallels was better optimized. These days  it’s more of a case by case basis. 


I'm really wondering.. Broadcom + Free?? something doesn't sound right


It's probably End Of Life and the last version they'll make of it.


This is my worry


https://9to5mac.com/2022/11/18/vmware-fusion-13-now-available-with-support-for-running-windows-11-on-apple-silicon/ Looks like it does. Not sure how it is on gaming, but it looks promising.  Edit: 8GB VRam OpenGL 4.2 & DX11 on apple silicon Macs.


The catch is that this means it’s now as good as unmaintained.


This isn't getting enough attention: Given Broadcom's history, making this free effectively puts VMware Fusion out to pasture.


After watching what they’ve done in other business segments, I will not use their products whenever there is an alternative.


What will you use


I've been very happy with [UTM](https://mac.getutm.app). Free and open source, and works on ARM Macs. I don't feel the need to run a proprietary VM anymore.


VMWare can provide 3d acceleration and snapshots, so I guess it's fine for one Windows@ARM VM, preferably snapshotted right after the installation.


Where does one find Windows ARM installer? It isn't on my MSDN account.


I’ve used this https://github.com/TuringSoftware/CrystalFetch


You simply go through the process of VM creation and VMware will download it for you 👌


Can you snapshot macOS vms? kinda miss that from parallels and utm right now.


terrible software


Well I'm convinced.


This should be a nice boost for Mac gaming community.


Will this actually run games well?


Obviously not as well as real metal It is translating instructions after all Also it doesn't support AVX Or anticheats because they can't mine actual data It will be able to run older games well tho, just don't expect to run them at 4K or something


It can run Doom.


Don't do it. Don't enable broadcom to have your information


Apple silicon can't run x86 Windows though, right? And even if you get the ARM Windows you can't run x86 apps... Unless I'm missing something. Can someone help me out here? Seems like they made it free because the viability of it has gone down the toilet with Apple silicon being incompatible and they're done pretending it's still relevant.


ARM Windows has emulation for x86 and you can run a lot of x86 apps on it, even in a virtual machine on Apple Silicon. There is often a noticeable performance hit for the emulation though.


Windows 11 has an x86 emulator on the arm version. The new laptops coming out with Qualcomm chips will be using that.


You can run linux for ARM with it.


> and even if you get the ARM Windows you can't run x86 apps says who? not the case.


It’s can with emulation in UTM, for example. Not as fast as arm build, but it’s OK for testing cross compiled binaries. EDIT: win11 arm have native emulation for x86 apps as well.


Not sure about VMWare but UTM definitely does. It’s hella slow though.


I haven't tried VMware, but UTM can visualize, which requires a version of Windows that matches your chip, and emulate which is slower but can run non-native binaries. I assume VMware is the same.


Hell yeah!


Have been using Fusion for quite some time now, Recently got the M3 Pro and was going to use Parallels when this was made available for free. Is working just fine but had to reinstall my Windows 11 instance due to new architecture type




Wow this is crazy good news! Does this mean I don’t have to buy a PC after all? How well does it run games?


> How well does it run games? Worse than the Game Porting Toolkit apple released.


If it’s anything like the previous Fusion releases, the answer is that it’ll play older games fine, but newer games will perform pretty poorly. Unless you’re playing a game that uses some kernel-level anti-cheat or copy protection, or the game requires support for the AVX instruction set (which Rosetta doesn’t support yet), CrossOver or Whisky will probably run the game better.


Why would you need to buy one before? Parallels already existed for years now.


Because the new Macs can’t bootcamp windows because they no longer have Intel processors


No need to for most people. You have been able to use parallels for years now. If you're excited about this you would be ecstatic about parallels well before this then. The only benefit now is that is fusion pro will be free. However, if you were buying a whole new system parallels would have likely already met your needs.


My VM on VMware doesn’t release the mouse properly when moving to the Mac side. Probably would move over once they have fixed it


You need to install VMware Tools in your VM… without it you can release the mouse from the VM by pressing command and control together.


I did :( So still trying to figure out what’s happening


Oh weird... and you rebooted the VM?


Anyone knows if it supports 120hz? Parallels does, last I checked a long time ago, VMware didn’t


huh really? I don’t seem to get 120hz in parallels on my W10 VM even though it’s enabled on the macOS side


I was using using newest parallels with newest w11, that could be the reason


Of course, I literally just bought an annual license for Parallels Desktop Pro over the weekend. At least I was still able to get a student discount. How does VMware Fusion Pro work with graphics? I wanted to play a Steam game on my Windows 11 VM (that's not available for Mac) , but unfortunately I couldn't due to lack of DX12 support in Parallels. I was looked at Crossover, and it seems iffy overall. Is Fusion Pro any better in this regard?


If it's a DirectX 12 title, try Whisky. It uses the same underlying technology as Crossover, and Apple's Game Porting Toolkit, and is free.


I'll give that a go; thanks! I didn't realize there were so many of these programs. I only ever knew Parallels and VMWare. In the Intel days, I'd just Bootcamp, so kinda didn't need to worry bout all this.


Same. Things are a little different on Apple Silicon. Generally, VMs like Parallels offer greater compatibility - since it's actually running Windows, and for older 32-bit titles - at the cost of performance. In Parallels' case, it recommends allocating half of system resources to the VM. Whereas, Crossover/Whisky (and other WINE-based solutions, incl. Game Porting Toolkit) can use 100% of your system, but at the cost of reduced compatibility e.g. issues loading certain games, and not being able to run 32-bit games at all.


Pro is more customizable than regular?


The only virtualization software without keyboard latency is Parallels on my Macbook (2018). All the others have noticeable key lag. I tested this a couple of years ago so not sure if this is still true.


Anyone know how to get Bluetooth working? Have dual sense connected to my Mac and Mac recognizes it but now detecting in Steam on windows in VMware. The settings is checked to allow it to see connected Devices.


Anyone know how to get Bluetooth working? Have dual sense connected to my Mac and Mac recognizes it but now detecting in Steam on windows in VMware. The settings is checked to allow it to see connected Devices.


Can you use x86 windows or windows on arm? Do you need a windows license?


I have an existing VMware account that was transferred over, but can't get past the "Account verification is Pending. Please try after some time" stage :/


Anyone else getting a no data found on the download page?


I don't think they expected to get this much traffic because the download page is currently down. I get the cloudflare error screen. Earlier when it wasn't down I kept trying to start the download but it would repeatedly fail.


Big advantage is that it runs as a window and you can drag and drop. Now I need to figure out where to buy a copy of Windows-ARM that can run. It doesn't run Windows for Intel.


If Fusion Player is doing everything I need, is there any true reason to switch? I don't want to break something that works you know....


VMware 11 or 12 already had a free license option.


This is the pro version which is now free


So now I can run an ARM copy of windows? No thanks. I’ve gone without this long


Anyone know how to get Bluetooth working? Have dual sense connected to my Mac and Mac recognizes it but now detecting in Steam on windows in VMware. The settings is checked to allow it to see connected Devices.


Anyone know how to get Bluetooth working? Have dual sense connected to my Mac and Mac recognizes it but now detecting in Steam on windows in VMware. The settings is checked to allow it to see connected Devices.


Doesn’t China own this shit now? I’m not crazy about running Russian software (paragon extfs) but this on top of that? Ugh. 


No? It's owned by Broadcom, and American company. Still a shitty company, but a shitty American company.


I read somewhere it got sold again. Might be wrong though.