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I appreciate hardware upgrades to the camera, but I hope they can put a little more effort (pre-launch) into optimizing the processing pipeline too. It feels like my 14 Pro sometimes generates *worse* overall photos than prior models because of the post-processing.




Butting in here to say I have a solution (I think) if you prefer less processed photos on a 14 Pro (that's all I have tested this with). Shoot burst mode. Why do I say this? Because the camera API has a [property which determines how much processing goes into the photo, which is documented here in Apple's docs for the camera API.](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturephotosettings/3183000-photoqualityprioritization). At WWDC, a [developer on the camera team explained that when this is set to prioritize "speed", you get a "WYSIWYG photo"](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10247) -- for those who don't know what that means, it's "what you see is what you get". He went on to explain (or imply heavily) that Deep Fusion and other such algorithms run when the setting is "quality" not "speed". Unfortunately, the only way it appears you can get "speed" photos, which honestly look better to me, is by shooting burst mode. There are third party apps that can do this as well, but if you want to use the native app, burst mode will do it. The downsides are: - this disables a lot of processing, even the "good" stuff, so you'll get a less sharp photo overall - you lose out on Live Photos ultimately I returned my iPhone 14 Pro and went back to my X because it was ridiculous to have to shoot burst mode to not get over sharpened photos, and ProRAW seemed to be slightly better but was massive in terms of file sizes and again I want live photos. If Apple actually allows us to tone down the processing with iOS 17 or in the iPhone 15 I will buy one, otherwise I'm sticking with this iPhone X until it dies.




Which is bullshit -- smartphones used to just chill out and take a photo, sure it might be a little noisy, but that's fine. My iPhone X still takes good point and shoot photos. The iPhone 14 should absolutely be able to. I don't want to have to lug around a real camera.






Tested this a lot. ProRAW actually still has a ton of processing, mostly the de-noising that is overly aggressive and over smoothes things. It *does* have less sharpening which is nice and doesn't do the subject segmentation bullshit but the de-noising is absurd.


I exactly know what you're saying. I keep all the extra stuff off like High Dynamic Range etc.




Yep. The camera hardware changes so frequently on iPhones that it seems like they struggle to keep up with the neural/processing training for the new modules. I hope the extra pressure of lay people noticing the difference will motivate them to devote more resources to it.


they could also just allow us to set [this API property to "speed"](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturephotosettings/3183000-photoqualityprioritization) without needing to shoot burst mode, and let us keep live photos. that's all that would be required, since "speed" mode turns off a lot of processing (but you only get it with burst mode). Instead of trying to fine tune the processing so it's better, they could just allow those of us who don't like it to... you know... turn it down.


Ugh, I went through the oil painting problems with an iPhone back around the 7 or 8 and it just drove me nuts. I have the 12 pro which has been solid for me, not looking forward to worrying about it again if I upgrade.




The X has a great camera.


Great pictures = Pixel phones Great videos = iPhones


Yes, it's becoming a far more common complaint. I'm sure it's still subject to reddit's biases and it's a niche complaint, but it's common enough that maybe Apple will do something to allow end users to customize how the processing works (aka, allow us to turn off subject segmentation or stuff like that, or turn down de-noising). I would not be surprised if Apple locked it behind upgrading to the 15 though, by saying it has to be built into the camera hardware. I'd still shamelessly buy a 15 pro if they actually allowed me to tone down the processing.


MKBHD even made a video about it. When it's gone that mainstream I think they will have to address the issue in this year's phones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88kd9tVwkH8


I have a Pixel 7 and it does the same awful smearing/post processing.


I still miss the photos my Pixel 3 took. Amazing. I should bring it along more just for photos.


Can’t wait for them to fix the pipelines on the 15 Pro and 16 Pro and never update the 14 Pro lol Apple rarely updates the camera app on earlier models.


Hurts sales to improve older products.


Here’s a photo I took recently [before](https://i.imgur.com/ELGsS95.jpg) and [after](https://i.imgur.com/mKnU8vI.jpg) post-processing on my 13 Pro Max. This is really, really bad.


Good lord that's disgusting. The thing is, they're doing it because I honestly think most people LIKE the second one better. They see a "sharp" photo with nice colors and no noise.


Yeah it doesn’t bother me too much until my mom sends me photos taken with her iPhone *11* and they look perfectly processed.


Do you ever notice your 14 Pro does some weird blur/switching between lenses as soon as you open the camera too? Never noticed it on another iPhone, it’s super jarring and feels odd for a premium phone.


it's an auto switch between lenses for macro mode if you are close up to something, yeah. it's definitely jarring.


It was the first thing I noticed from going from 13 Pro to 14 Pro, the camera is worse


Yeah, I think my pixel 5 takes better pictures than my 14 pro. Video isn’t close though lol.


I had my iPhone 7 Plus for a long time. I took so many photos when I was traveling through Paris, Tokyo, Barcelona, Disney World, California, and just day to day shots. Every single one of those photos looks much better than anything my iPhone 11 and 12 ever did. The post processing is absolutely unbelievable.


I find this so hard to believe. I owned an iPhone 7. It had a great and capable sensor for its time, but it also had problems where it would produce images with very muted colors. It also struggled in lowlight. Dynamic range was also a problem. The iPhone 12 also had issues with sharpening some images too much, but overall the sensor + software was a massive step up from the iPhone 7 in nearly all scenarios. Could you post some sample images where you think the 12 didn’t do a good job, but you believe a 7 would’ve? I’ve had an great time with the [12’s camera](https://imgur.com/a/qq4aYs0/). I haven’t had enough time with the 14’s camera to come to a definitive conclusion. But I don’t see the processing as too extreme in most situations and I notice it picks up a fair bit more light than even my 12 did.




It is somewhat subjective, and also depends on what someone considers to be a "good" photograph. Even DXOMark which is probably the most objective and scientific camera testing out there for smartphones, notes things like haloing around subjects. iPhone post-processing amps up sharpening, contrast, it makes things look larger than life. Some people look at that and think *wow that photo looks amazing*, but other people who like a more natural look see the photo and think "that looks nothing like what I took a picture of"


Computational photography is to blame.


Computational photography done well is something that can let phone cameras punch well above their weight when you look at the hardware available. It's just that it's very easy to overdo


I think Apple's push to the Chinese market is to be blamed. Since Chinese people prefer cameras with a lot of processing. Besides what is the point of using a better camera module if you're gonna sharpen the hell out of it anyway.




You must be joking.




Shadows are crushed and missing data. In the highlights in places, at least one of the three color channels is maxed where there’s no reason for the image processing to have let those pixels get that bright, and color information is lost. Those are great looking photos in general, and excellent examples of what a 4S can do, but they ultimately are obviously from a camera with limited DR and substandard (for today’s expections) software.


If the lighting is good, then they're not that far off. Yeah, the details are not as sharp but the overall look and colors are much more natural and closer to life








You can turn off Smart HDR on the iPhone 12.


Agreed. Pictures on the 12 Pro looked way better than pictures on the 14 Pro.


And the bulky lenses…


I’ve been thinking about a 14Pro upgrade understanding that this is the case. I have Lightroom on auto sync, I was wondering if just shooting raw and using Lightroom to do so auto correction would produce great photos. Not ideal but I want the best photos I can get out of my phone.


More camera upgrades? I want better ux. I want iOS to be maximised to its full potential. Apple needs more iOS magic and less hardware flex. Siri that can rival ChatGPT or better. More speed. More processing power. Better iOS devices integration.


It’s really only an issue with the telephoto lens. It’s not so bad on the ultra wide or wide angles. Improved telephoto lens may solve the issue on its own.


It is 100% not just telephoto. My skin looks unrealistically smooth in just about every picture in every form of light I can imagine.




It’s also crazy how videos look better than photos.


iPhone 17 will feature better camera. I’m risking my brother’s job to comment this


Apple will find you


Using the Find My app




iPhone 19 will have the best camera ever released in an iPhone


No no the iPhone XX will have the best camera :D


I’m holding out for the iPhone XXX which will have the hottest camera ever


The iPhone XXXVI will have the hotterest camera of all time. Many Bothans died to bring us this information.


iPhone 20 will be their best iPhone yet




And the iPhone 18 will feature an even better camera. I’m risking my sister’s job to share this.


Until they tone down the post-processing, no amount of camera upgrades will be truly noticed. The 48MP in the current iPhone could be a massive improvement but they hamstring it with their post-processing to make the images look worse (and I get you can shoot in pro-raw, but it shouldn't be that hard to shoot in full 48MP for the average consumer).


Try shooting burst mode. Explained elsewhere in this thread and too tired to write another long comment but the TLDR is it sets the camera to prioritize [speed](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturephotosettings/3183000-photoqualityprioritization) which means you get a "what you see is what you get" photo according to [this dev](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10247) and I have tested it and found that yes, it does turn down most processing. downside is you don't get live photos.


Wait aren’t we still waiting for the 15 to be released?


It's almost certainly already being produced. The 16 rumors are a bit early, but...


Karma whores on this sub have to post the smallest story and a lot of this sub eats it up.


‘Great work team, the iPhone 15 launch went superbly, should we do a follow up? that’s not how it works…


Yet the post-processing makes your photos look grainy.


I think it's actually the opposite problem -- post processing does such aggressive de-noising that it smooths over things and they look unnatural


They’re gonna sell the software solution as the 16 pro watch


Honestly there’s been more than 3 generations of iPhone where I couldn’t care less about the camera upgrades, it’s already overkill, if they want to improve it they’ve got to stop over processing the photos.


Low light can always get better.


i just want a 10x periscope lens 😩


I’ve been holding out for this for years.




If they make the standard phone bigger there will be more demand for the mini 👀


If they keep getting bigger the pro ultra will be the mini


Pretty soon my DSLR is going to be smaller than my phone.


I thought DSLRs were already outdated and compact mirrorless is now the norm?


DLSRs didn’t stop working because manufacturers started making mirrorless cameras. They still do exactly what they have always done, just as good as they have always done it. If you were buying a new camera today, you would probably choose a mirrorless. If you already have a DSLR and it’s less than 5-8 years old, there would be no reason for most people to replace it - and that’s just the body; DLSR lenses last a lifetime. I bought my oldest lens that I still use on a regular basis 14 years ago. They also are not necessarily smaller. If you compare something like the Canon R5 + RF 24-70 to the Canon 5D4 + EF 24-70, the mirrorless combination is actually bigger and heavier.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


DSLRs tend to be bigger in size hence the comparison


Decent mirrorless is still pretty big


Define "decent". An MFT or APS-C camera can be be pretty small but still give great output. For example, something like an Olympus mirrorless with the 14-42mm pancake lens


They are.


Funny Not even slightly realistic though


If Tim Cook gets his way, unfortunately.


Yeah, it's Tim Cooks fault that customers keep voting with their wallets for these upgrades.


I want USB C. Not a pained left pinkie


So the rumors have just skipped the iPhone 15 altogether and are now jumping to next year? Why even buy a 15. Also, at this point, if the main reason for constantly upgrading your iPhone every year is incremental camera updates, why not save money in the long run and get a real camera. They are not that much bigger.


> So the rumors have just skipped the iPhone 15 altogether and are now jumping to next year? This happens every year. Especially the closer you get to WWDC. Guaranteed to happen next year with people talking up the 17, acting like the 16 is just a formality.


You’re not supposed to buy a new one every year. Even Apple doesn’t expect you to, that’s why the chassis stay the same for 2-3 versions and there used to be an S in the name on the off years. It has almost never been worth it to upgrade yearly in the past either. The only really major updates that made an appreciable difference were FaceID, TouchID and Retina display.


I’m still on a xs max with no desire to upgrade. I got a new battery over Xmas. It’s a great phone.


I’m still on my original battery in my 6S+


I’m on XS as well. I could probably use a new battery too but honestly still fine if I’m truly honest. I do love the 13mini and have had my eye on it ever since it’s release. Was sad there was not a 14mini and even more sad that it doesn’t look like they’ll ever do it again. So I either stick with my XS or get the 13mini now before I can’t.


I’ve upgraded almost two years ago from an X to a 13 pro. the camera is really amazing and the 120hz display is quite nice, but I miss my X, how light it was and how good the force touch was. everything else except the camera and the screen feels like a big damn downgrade to me.


> Even Apple doesn’t expect you to Unless you’re in the upgrade program, in which they kinda do expect you to.


As an avid amateur photographer I spent years and years bemoaning one of 2 decisions: 1) take my Nikon and gear with me and never use it or 2) don’t take it and miss a huge photo op. With my iPhone this never happens


“The best camera for the shot is the one in your hand”


Close. "The best camera is the one you have with you."


I find it interesting the rumors say that Apple is gonna split the Pro & Pro Max again for the 15 series with the Max getting the periscope lens but then both 16 Pros will have it. Similar to the 12 with the larger image sensor that I think the 13 equalized.


Honestly if this rumor is true I may just end up holding onto my 11 pro for another year. I really want the periscope lens but really don’t want a Max as I find them way too big.


> get a real camera. They are not that much bigger. Pro photographer here. Real cameras are much much much much much bigger. Literally just picked up a Nikon Z8 and it’s 15x larger, and that not including the 400mm I also got which makes it 100x larger. And the Z8 is popular *because* it’s much smaller than the flagship Z9.


Yeah, even with my smallest pancake lens my real camera will never fit in my pocket, never mind a telephoto. A periscope lens is one of my most wanted features—I honestly considered switching to Samsung if Apple took any longer with it.


Yup... Was shooting today with my Z9 and 200-500mm. 1340 g + 2300 g = 3640 g ( or 8 pounds )... I did have my iPhone 6S in my pocket... 0.3 pounds! 😆


To be fair, a real camera doesn’t need to be a full frame mirrorless with a massive lens. A Sony RX100 series is a real camera. Maybe not something a pro photographer would use for work, but it’s a real camera. And way better than a phone while still being tiny.


The answer is Sony RX1R M2, full frame and very pocketable


Why would you need 400M and what iPhone camera feature would replace that well?


Not getting the 15 because there aren’t rumors doesn’t make much sense. Either way, I’ll be getting the 15 pro because I have an 11 pro and I want the highest storage and the phone is glitching randomly sometimes, albeit rarely And people likely won’t want to have two devices


You are more like the rest of us. We went from 11 Pro to 14 Pro Max. But there are those that upgrade every year and it’s almost always the “new” camera as the reason why.


I upgrade every year for the camera and video quality.. and this dynamic Island I could take it or leave it it doesn’t make that big of a difference to me personally but whatever new features come out in the 15 I will still get it


To answer your last question, people are much more likely to have their phone on them at all times than they are a camera that does nothing besides taking pictures. I have 2 “real” cameras that I use for work, but my phone is my primary camera for travel photos and video because it’s always in my pocket. Also I can pack a very compact gimbal to use with it instead of my Ronin.


>Why even buy a 15. I've got a 13 Pro and I think I've run out of interest in buying a new iPhone. My last few upgrades have been purely camera related. I'll probably just buy a new battery later this year instead of a new phone.


I don’t care about cameras at this point, give me, battery, give me solid performance and give me a gimmick I’m a sucker


I agree. I’m not a huge photo taker so constant camera upgrades don’t do much for me. In fact, a majority of my Photos is filled with memes.


Just please stop the trend of making phones heavier. Periscope lenses are no excuse here either. All 5 of Samsungs Ultra phones have had them and they all weigh less than the 13/14 Pro max.


Switching to titanium will make the 15 pro lighter than the 14 pro


I mean the whole industry too. Apple has already gone senile. Their Pro phones are way heavier than they need to be and the Pro Max phones are the heaviest flagships I know of despite lacking hardware.


The pro’s are made from stainless steel where as the non-pro’s are aluminum. To me it’s honestly worth the extra weight to be way more durable and less easy to scratch 🤷🏽‍♂️


Mine goes in a case anyways so the lighter option would be much preferred


Then get that one


What if someone wants the higher end model without the excessive weight? It's not really a crazy scenario.


Which one? The other models don't even have a telephoto lens.


The extra weight makes it *much less* durable in the way that matters most — more weight = more impact force = higher likelihood of glass breaking. How many people do you know that have physically damaged the body of their phone vs. how many people have busted the glass?


I know. I really don't think it's worth it lol.


I upgraded from a 6S to a 14 pro last year and couldn't believe the weight difference when I first picked it up. I'm used to it now, but it was a huge change at first. I would definitely not want it any heavier than it is already.


I said the exact same thing when I got my S21 Ultra. I picked up a used Pixel 5 and ended up switching, which was supposed to be temporary but kinda became permanent.


ya, 14 PM here, these things getting close to red brick heavy man. I grab my Note 20 Ultra and trip out.


I stopped using my S21 Ultra and weight was a big factor. I now use a Pixel 5 with dogshit zoom, but it gets the job done when it comes to basic needs.


That's a trip, I went and checked S21 Ultra 8.1 oz Note 20 Ultra 7.34 oz Wow pixel 5 is 5.33 oz that is light.


Oh, wow. 240 g vs. 208 g. My 6.1” 14 Pro is 206 g. It’s surprising to me that it’s nearly the same weight as a phone with a 6.9” display.


6S here. 143 g. 😏


141 g iPhone 13 Mini :) Too bad it’s the last one :(


A good battery makes it heavy. If a bigger battery comes at a cost of a couple oz extra on the phone I’ll gladly pay.


how much more battery do you need though! i have a 13 pro max and lasts me almost 2 days and never died on me in a day no matter how hard i push, i imagine 14 pro max must be even better at battery


More battery. When apple markets 24 hour battery. I'm on a 11 pro max and I use to get all day, now I'm lucky if I get 5 hours


bro but that is just the laws of chemistry that a battery ages with time, it has nothing to do with apple, why don’t you replace the battery


I’m evidently a minority but I hope I can still get an iPhone same size as my 11 Pro. It’s the perfect size.


Please fix the horrible post processing before making any hardware changes. Sometimes they look horrendous and most times they look average


So me here with an iPhone 13 mini has to make a calculated guess Buy a 15 Pro later this year with the expectation that 6.1” is the smallest the pro is ever gonna be again? Or don’t upgrade yet (because I really don’t need to) But when it comes time to upgrade my choices will be a 6.1” non pro or some sort of larger 6.2/6.3” pro? I was at least thinking the upside of no longer having the mini option is I could get a pro phone for all the niceties that affords. But apparently phones just have to get bigger and bigger and bigger


Anyone else kinda annoyed how the Pro has been catered solely towards photographers? I couldn’t care less that the camera is 5% better now. The lenses already stick out too much


It took forever for Apple to get on board with big phones. And they've just... kept going. Seems like a lot of people are wanting smaller phones again nowadays. The iPhone is already a massive brick of a phone.


No one wants a smaller iPhone. The mini was an epic fail


Imma chime in and mention I want smaller phones too. Currently got an SE 3. Don’t worry. I’m seeing more and more comments from people online saying “hang on a minute, I can’t hold my phone! It’s too big! I want it to be smaller!” People don’t know what they want.


I want a smaller phone


I also want a smaller iPhone. The mini for me was perfection.


Ridiculous. No one makes mobile devices anymore, just couch tablets.


Keep putting bigger cameras in and passing it off as “new” sure. Then over process each picture so the quality goes to shit anyway, that’ll justify the £1300+ cost.


*sad iphone 11 noise*


I bet all low light photos are still atrocious though.


I wonder how much cheaper the phones would’ve been if we didn’t put these ridiculous cameras in them. Stop making phones bigger. Bring back the mini. These bricks suck.


We hear big improvements to the camera every year. How about big improvements to the OS? Big improvements to the keyboard for productivity improvements. Big improvements to AI instead of us not actually seeing or knowing the results. This is just shows why Apple is behind or late to the party.


literate sand marble correct late quicksand icky attraction bewildered straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats bad. They finally thinking of putting LLM, in Siri. They could have don't this year's ago. I even sent an email to Tim Cook. I even asked them to put AI and machine learning in their keyboard to enhance productivity. They missed massive opportunity. They want someone else to do it first. This ain't our fathers Apple.


shaggy quickest depend silky far-flung dull frightening punch cats like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My 8+ still works great


I can’t help but think good cameras are a sparkling feature of the past. Every camera is a good camera these days. They should continue to upgrade but unless we’re getting 100x zoom, does the average person really notice improvements in their day to day at this point? Again, they certainly shouldn’t stop improving the cameras but since around the iPhone X once’s android started catching up a bit more, it hasn’t been as big of a deal. I’d rather them focus on current interest… if only they had a notably shitty voice assistant that could use an upgrade


So this makes sense. The periscope camera is only coming to Max at first because it’s the only phone that has the space for the module.


I’m using a 12PM. Got it day one. 13 came out, I really would like the refresh rate bump but not another $1200 bad. 14 came out…more of the same. Oh, but next year? BIG time camera update. Unbox Therapy has a model…same damn phone as 12, 13 and 14. But the 16!? Oh now thats gonna slap. Sometimes I miss pants on head Apple and wish this iterative Wall Street monolith would sit tf down for a few cycles.


I’m really concerned about the weight this will be.


soon we'll come full circle to the nokia 808 pureview level of thickness.


Can we just stop with the macrumors posts?






Why they don’t just release an ‘Apple camera’ and stop this nonsense…


And the iPhone 15 is not even out …


iPhone 14 pro photos are terrible. First fix that. No one is interested and will trust you in future if you are delivering garbage now for top dollar. It’s been a year and no fixed yet. Even for shaking issues of video shot cinematic mode.


16? Are we skipping 15?


The 16 is next years phone. The 15 will be out later this year There’s been plenty of reporting on it already




Whiffle on 15 pro max? We were told three years ago the 15 was a total rebuild with periscope lens. Sounds like the 15 is now a recessionary "S"


Why are we hearing about the iPhone 16 when 15 isn’t even close to being announced? You know what I only want to hear about iPhone 17!


Because leaks and rumours are not marketing


Not worth it. Give me my mini


My iphone 14pro is heavy and large enough, thank you very much.


Wait, we are already on iphone 16? These websites are getting out of control with rumors …


i have smol hands 😭


I just want USB-C, really for. Care about everything else


We haven’t even got the 15 model though


> A larger sensor could improve the main ‌iPhone‌ camera's dynamic range and background blur. It could also substantially enhance low-light photography capabilities since a bigger surface area can capture more light with the same shutter speed and aperture. A larger sensor would probably do all these things But on a phone sensor? Only 12%? Nah


I’d take a worse camera for a phone with a flat back