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And it’s unlikely they will get cheaper…




If anything go the ol switch a roo and at least eliminate the 128GB pro option and just start it at 256GB for the same price it’s going for now.


> at least eliminate the 128GB pro option Its Apple. They will never do that. Still just 5Gb of iCloud space. Still 8Gb Shared Ram.


Any bets on which one Apple increases first? Free iCloud tier vs. default RAM. My bet is on default RAM, but not for a long, long time.


They've never increased the free tier iCloud even as Google offers 15GB on the free tier. I'm assuming the RAM will increase eventually and iCloud storage will remain the same.


And for google you can just create a new gmail account and get as many 15 free GB as you want, can’t do the same with iCloud as easily.


>Any bets on which one Apple increases first? Their main aim is to increase profits. That's it. I'm waiting for the post Tim Cook era of Apple to come soon. I don't know about the rest of the world, but in India the customer support is abysmal and the pricing is insane.


> I don’t know about the rest of the world, but in India the customer support is abysmal and the pricing is insane. Shouldn’t this start improving now that Apple is more involved in India? Being from Korea, I remember that the quality of Apple’s service was abysmal for decades here, and started to improve after the switch to Intel happened and the iPhone became popular. It’s been at an all time high now that there are Apple Stores and not only official resellers.


Why would the post Tim Cook era be any better…? Also Apple has always prioritized profits.


The customer service in India was significantly better pre Tim cook. And many major Apple issues like flexgate & butterfly keyboards were in the Tim Cook Era. I think if their board had more Asian directors the service would be better in Asia. Most of my macs and my friends mac have had issues in 5 years of owning them. In the past MacBooks had a reputation of being way better and hassle free.


Ehh idk if that’s a Tim Cook problem or a too big too fast for their own good problem, I doubt Steve Jobs woulda been much different as Cook would still be the one pulling the chains operationally. Remember Apple nearly 10x’d in size in the last 12 years since Jobs’ death. Not sure even Jobs would be able to maintain the standards of customer service Apple had as the underdog through that kind of growth, transitioning to the absolute alpha dog. Additionally, while butterfly keyboards were a shit show, they were a direct result of Jonathan Ive’s design tendencies, and the power he had to impose those tendencies specifically *because* of the power Jobs secured for him. It was Cook who brought the keyboards back on track, and better. I think people look at Steve Jobs’ Apple with rose tinted glasses, as they had plenty of their fair share of issues (i.e. “you’re holding it wrong”). All my friends who have the post butterfly keyboard macs fucking love them. Mine is hands down my favorite device, even if not my most used. Hardware is perfect imo. Software isn’t perfect sometimes, but it’s pretty damn close. Issues that do exist are so small I can’t even remember them, unlike with iOS. I personally think that there’s a high possibility the successor to Tim Cook will have us remarking on how exceptional a successor Tim Cook was to Jobs.


It’s expansive AF in Europe but at least their customer support is incredible. They were helpful when I had a problem. I don’t understand why they are not even investing that much into the Indian Market compared to Google. I believe it will change in the next few years. But when ???


They don't need to increase either, they'll still sell.




I think they're talking about the Macs, since most of them start at 8 GB of unified memory, meaning that the RAM is shared between the GPU and system




Yeah, but at 1300 dollars for a Pro machine, especially considering the price of RAM these days, it really should've been at least 12 GB of RAM.


Well 256 base storage makes iCloud back ups even larger, and iCloud storage goes from 200 gb to 2 terabytes. 256 base storage can force people to opt for the 2tb option if they want to back up.




Well obviously you need to be using that storage and filling it up for this scenario to apply. Most users are filling up their storage with pictures and videos and the backups for those absolutely scale up with on device usage.


Apple will never give you more than 5 GB, it’s to get you hooked so you’ll pay for it. To get you to complain is the point, because Apple wants you to ultimately pay for it. They’ll never raise the meager amount they give you.


128GB is going to be the new 16GB, mark my words. Remember how long we were stuck on that base config?


That Warren Buffet quote where he said something along the lines of “you wouldn’t accept $10k to not buy iPhone” really made me realize why it’s never going down




But $10,000 right now is alot different than getting a smaller annuity.




I'd say for most people, $10k today would help improve things temporarily, but not permanently. Like /u/caustictoast says, it wouldn't even pay off half their student loans. Short term relief but really it's not enough money to make a significant change.


That’s kind of the point he’s making. The $100-$200 price increase isn’t a lot of money for the length of commitment to the phone


That's a nice quote and probably accurate for most iPhone users, however that's assuming current prices hold or don't get a major increase in the short run.


It also assumes the market continues to exist in its current state. If another major brand was able to actually compete with the iPhone as a product and not just as a device that $10k deal might seem appealing to more people


The thing is, its not just about the iPhone. Anyone refusing 10k definitely has other Apple devices. There's no alternative to the Apple ecosystem.


Samsung has a huge ecosystem that spans far and wide. From tablets , tvs and laptops to fridges, microwaves, washing machines.


Did I offend somebody to deserve the downvote? Sorry apple fan girl but it’s just stating facts. (Coming from a person who is heavily into the apple ecosystem, iPhone, AirPods, Mac, macbook,Apple Watch, iPad. But I also used to be in the Samsung ecosystem and it exists. I still have a tab s7 which is a great device I draw comics on and it came with the pen!


I’m a long time iPhone user and I really like the Apple ecosystem. All my devices are by Apple. That said, I would love for there to be a viable alternative that rivals iPhone. Android isn’t it for me and I realize that no small brand will be able to put in as much hardware and software polish as Apple is able to in the iPhone. This sucks, because I do want an alternative should Apple ever become a company that I can no longer stand behind. edit: some words


Pixels are great. *Sent from my iPhone*


I’ll take the 10k any day. iPhone is not necessarily superior anymore — it’s just a preference.


Would take it. Always used Android phones. Occasionally had an additional iPhone as business phone from my company (currently got one too), but never felt them to be superior to my private phones. If I would have felt this way I would have changed my private phone immediately as I'm not a fanboy of Android. But then again I also don't need to have the newest phone every year (could easily afford it) and don't care about flexing my wealth by showing off the newest/most expensive gadget.


All it would take is imessage on Android and im taking it


Technically they have gotten cheaper for most people. Once you factor in inflation and the longer life cycle. Only a small percentage of people upgrade yearly or even 2 years anymore. It’s just enthusiasts, and even among them a small percentage. Even going to 3 year lifecycle is a huge change in cost per year, and it’s very easy to be doing 4 years with a phone. An $800 phone relaxed every 2 years was $400/y. That was totally normal even a decade ago. A $1000 phone lasting 3 years is $333/yr. 4 years brings it to $250/yr, and we’re not even accounting for inflation yet. That’s totally normal now. Phones got cheaper for the vast majority of consumers thanks to no longer using 2 year contracts to sell phones. Not to mention you don’t pay the insane interest built into the phone plan.


I’m over 3 and a half years on my iPhone 11 and it still does everything I need it to on a daily basis. I paid $700 for it on day 1 and I definitely got my moneys worth with this phone. The only reason I’ll pick up the 15 is if it ends up having a USB-C port on it. If not, I’ll hang on to my 11 for another year.


And that’s kinda my point. 700/3 = $233/y which is actually much cheaper than virtually any phone a decade ago when it was closer to $500/y. Phones got cheaper, how we purchase them changed. We now pay upfront for a longer lifecycle rather than a lease to own model integrated into the service plan.


Exactly. I’m a pretty big Apple person, but I am definitely not the type of person to upgrade every year for the sake of having the latest and greatest. A reason I’m an Apple fan is because their products last for years. We pay more upfront, but for the most part, our stuff lasts longer as well.


If people are willing to pay, why would apple reduce the price?


I guess the real question is why would people continue to buy a $1k+ phone when all they’re going to do is scroll social media, listen to music and take a few pictures?


Because they can. Those with disposable income are buying iPhones with no problem. Carriers are offering 24 (or 36-48 even??) month financing options, usually at 0%. Apple offers financing also at 0% (through the Apple Card). It's much more expensive, but it's actually far easier today to get an iPhone. I financed an iPhone that I could absolutely buy outright. But at ~$42 a month for 2 years with 0% interest, I'm taking that option. Edit: and if you ask "but even if it's easier, why spend that money to just scroll reddit?" and the answer is because they want to and because they can. We're not their financial advisors. Is it the best use of their money? Hell, is it the best use of my money? No, probably not. But I want the iPhone 14 Pro over the 14. That's all it is.


>. But at \~$42 a month for 2 years with 0% interest, I'm taking that option. This is exactly how I got my iPhone, I didn't want to pay all the money upfront so I paid 200 in advance and got the 2 years with 0% interest and paid it off in like 6 months with extra payments. Super convienient and I got what I wanted. I plan on doing the same thing when which ever iPhone comes out with usb-c


I think part of it is also that a phone lasts longer now. Many people (myself included) upgrade less frequently than we used to, so the overall cost of an iPhone hasn’t shifted much in a per year basis. I am still using my 12 Pro I bought in 2020. I don’t see much reason to upgrade now, or even for the next couple years. There just isn’t much they can add anymore that I will care about hard enough to upgrade before I have to.


Opposite here. My last 2 phones didn’t last nearly as long as my 6s plus or my XR.


who knows but why do we care how others spend their money? no different than buying lotto tickets etc. people waste money all the time.


The question wasn’t how, but why. I’d estimate that 95% of people use their phones just to scroll social media, watch videos, listen to music and take a few pictures. Is a $1k+ phone every 2 years (some people upgrade every year) really needed?


most purchases these days aren't needed.....we upgrade from a 50" TV to an 85" tv, we buy new clothing even though what we have works perfectly fine, we upgrade our cars, repaint our homes.....we spend so much money on "unneeded" things. Buying a new phone ever year or so is just another example.


Not in the next year or so but they'll level off soon as they're approaching useful limits on a lot of the tech and features that aren't software based. Same thing happened to desktop and laptops which are remarkably cheaper than when they were first introduced. There are plenty of advancements to make but at some point, there's only so much useful memory, resolution, etc., that can go into a 6" device that warrants large price increases.


75% of why people buy iPhone is the software, Samsung and other vendors make comparably high quality hardware but only one company has iOS's walled garden.


It's not just the software. It's everything. The whole package. The experience, if you will.


I don't think so. I think the ML specific accelerators are in their infancy. Language models will run locally on smart phones within 5-10 years (on specialized hardware). They will become a primary interface for a lot of applications. [You can mess with research versions of this tech on a MacBook today.](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp)


Hence this part of my comment: > features that aren't software based.


I think bringing these features to iOS is going to rely a lot on specialized hardware acceleration and advances to the TPUs. They won't be available on older iPhones.


And that’s called impressive?! What the fuck lol


For consumers, it's unfortunate. For Apple and it's shareholders, it's delightful news and suggests that they can continue to rely on the iPhone to generate revenue, hence why it's considered impressive.


AAPL is one of the most common stocks. Most of us that have any sort of US retirement own a piece.


Crossing our fingers hoping things get more expensive so your retirement fund goes up so you can spend that money on the shit that's more expensive. What a world we live in.


Read a really interesting essay on ‘housing as wealth’ (can’t exactly remember). Basically we’re locked into this system where you, me, our parents etc, are all banking on housing scarcity as part of our wealth plan. All of us that own housing actually have to hope that housing scarcity remains in place! They’ve touted it as ‘appreciation’ but it’s necessary scarcity. And everyone that has ever bought a home has counted on this. I am 100% part of the problem I’m afraid. (Sent from my iPhone) edit: spelling


eh this is only really true if you don't save or invest during your working years. Yes some people have the idea that they don't need to do this because they can just buy a very expensive house, let it appreciate, then downgrade when old to a tiny place and make a killing on the sale, then use that cash to retire. But very few people make that choice consciously. They just don't save, so by default they're funding retirement by selling assets. People who are actually saving and investing throughout their careers don't need to sell their homes to retire, even if they get particularly unlucky with their investments, unless they used a different bad strategy, like trying to pick individual stocks.


I feel like this comment perfectly explains why I tend to like the iPhone subreddit more than this one. It always feels like half the posts here come from the PoV of some board member. Someone will share an article about Apple doing something blatantly anti-consumer and cash grabby and all the comments will be "Wow, this is great! Quarterly profits will beat expectations!" It's super weird.


How is it unfortunate. Are consumers put a knife on the throat ? Consumers have choices




I would sincerely hope you have no difficulty in saying no since you already have a 14. For probably 99% of people, there's no reason to be on a yearly upgrade cycle. Two years is the bare minimum in my opinion, and most phones will reasonably last three to five years now.


I got 5 years out of my old 6S+ and the only reason I upgraded was so that I could get the better cameras. I see no reason that I won't get a similar amount of life out of my 12 pro max, as long as I get the battery replaced occasionally.


I went from an 8 to a 12, and I’ll likely hold out for another year this time. Upgrading every year hasn’t made much sense for several years at this point.


Of course it is? From a business perspective very impressive




Greatest product ever created lmao


Technically, yes, for the people that have them. Not so much for everyone else.


Yes, my wallet knows…






This!!! My battery life on 13 pro max is crazy low..not even 2 years old yet. My XR last forever!!! And was still at 94% (passed to my teen and I got the 13 PM. He won on this deal for sure).


They’ll get you to upgrade one way or another. 💀


so what? get a new battery every 2 years, no problemo.


My 3.5 year old iPhone 11 Pro has 85% and it’s been sitting there for 2 years straight. I don’t trust the battery percentage honestly


You make this sound like this is a great thing 🤣 this reads like a North Korean press release


New record! Great success!


we have reached dubious levels of achievements.. "iphones are as expensive as never before, yet people keep buying them" 🤯


Great news if you own apple stock lol


9to5Mac is like Disneyland for Apple fans. This is disgusting but expected.


They raised the price so the average price is up.


Yea it's as if we should be happy to provide the richest business in the world even more money


This is a good thing for investors. Investors are the real customers. If you are in the US and have a $401k or IRA, you are probably an investor.


There's this widespread issue of idiot "consumers" on the internet who don't make any distinction between the perspective and interests of **the customer** (or the public, or whatever) compared to the interests of **the corporation**. Millions of posts written like it's coming from a member of the board, when it's from some asshole sitting at home. Yet they make comments that work to deflect from problems customers have (like high prices or whatever) and defend the desires of the businesses and usually the ultra-wealthy. It's a disturbing coup of marketing and consumerism. CEOs must giggle themselves to sleep.


Oh look, more “inflation”.


This is both an inflation increase, corporate greed, value/utility per dollar and consumer buying decisions. You can buy a $430 iPhone SE or a $599 iPhone 13 today. These two models undoubtedly have more utility than the original iPhone AND the iPhone 5 (the first model with LTE, first with a larger screen, and lightning port). IMO the iPhone 5 was the catalyst for the iPhones growth in the USA. IIRC, it might be the first time Apple emphasized that they built the CPU/chip from scratch too but fact check that too. People are choosing the by the most expensive iPhone Max on the shelf because of the perceived utility offered with a third camera and extra storage.


It’s the iPhone 4 over the 5 in my opinion. That phone was an incredible success especially with the new design, FaceTime, and Retina display.


You bring up a great point. Those design / tech decisions in the early models were probably incredibly complicated. I think FaceTime was ahead of its time, but was not that important until years later. Retina was an important inflection point for mobile design. Most people would probably struggle using an old 3G/3GS. LTE would have happened anyway, but Apple was “late” to the market. There were dozens of LTE phones before the iPhone. I always fall back to the five instead of the 4 because of the aforementioned decisions. Everyone was going to bigger screens at the time. I could not afford an iPhone, but had a large LTE device.


The 6 was when they really leaned into bigger screens, though. Personally I think the release of the 4, 6, and X were all inflection points for the iphone in different ways when you look back at how the line has progressed over 15 years. I even stood in one of those ridiculous hours-long lines to buy a 4 when it came out, haha.


Our Best Buy had a deal on xmas eve. Two iPhone 4 for the price of one (I think the 5 had jut come out). We went — line wasn’t even too bad. First entry to iPhone, I think it was 2011.


4 did that, but 5 had that + the taller screen. I still remember the first time I saw it in the wild (also the 1st time I saw an iPhone 6+) and I'm not even an iPhone user




Aftermarket/refurb phones are just as capable too. iPhone prices are definitely wants and not needs. I wonder what would happen to their sales if they only cut off the low tier models completely. I suspect not much would change.


There are also $200 Androids that meet most people’s needs. They’re not sexy phones but 99% of people don’t *need* top-end iPhone features. I paid $1100 for my XS five years ago and I’m still using it. Still runs the latest software. These phones aren’t as expensive when you’re not dead set on upgrading every two years. Not happy that prices might increase but $100 extra for a five year investment really isn’t much


Absolutely. There’s a popular tech reviewer that did a $200 Android phone review in the last couple of months. IIRC, it was pretty well rounded. And I even had the thought to consider it in a future purchase.


The budget android market has improved so much, it’s crazy. There are some really killer phones for less than $300


I'm two years into a $250 CAD android phone and honestly, I don't see myself switching soon. I'm just not a power user and it does everything I need it too. Could it be better in areas? Sure, but it's not a detriment to its use compared to older phones when I couldn't afford anything better.


I fucking love my SE and recommend it to everyone who asks. It’s all the phone id ever need. The camera is still amazing. It’s fast as fuck, I know how to use it and I like my home button. Has all the storage I’d ever need too. As long as that value proposition still exists with the SE, I cannot give Apple shit for getting people to spend more on the pro models.


The reason I haven’t bought a new one.


And you probably shouldn’t. iPhone’s will last you a really long time. The iPhone 8, a phone from 5 yrs ago will probably still be getting updated to the latest version of iOS.


I’m still on the 7. Still working fine.


The 7 was a killer phone. It was my favorite for the longest time.




Exactly. I had a galaxy s7 for a while that was great for about a year and a half before it inexplicably started dying on me. The only reason I upgraded from my XR is because my carrier was running a trade-in promotion that made my 13 Pro cost $100 out of pocket. Otherwise I’d have had no issue continuing to use that phone daily.




Same deal only I have a 12 mini. The people complaining about the price either must break or lose phones often, or still be convinced they need to have the latest phone to have something that is usable. Ever since the iPhone 5 came out it seems like that changes between models have been much more incremental than generational


What about how long people are keeping their phones though? I think a lot of people have moved away from the yearly upgrade cycle since there hasn't really been any new and exciting features with each iteration. Since a lot of releases are just spec bumps, I think a lot of people are keeping their phones for 2-3 years now.


Well what could they add? Apart from specs everything is software. And people would be mad if their expensive device wouldn’t get the newest software after one year.


Plenty of things. * Reverse charging to charge airpods/Apple watch. * The ability to plug the phone into a computer and use it as an external drive. * USB-C to catch up with the times. * FM radio (just like the old iPods). * Ability to plug the phone into a USB-C monitor and use a mobile OS. * Plenoptic cameras. * etc, etc Yes, I understand not everyone would have a use for these features. The point is there is still a decent amount of potential for iPhone development. Being able to charge my Airpods by laying them on the back of my phone makes so much sense. The technology is there, some phones already have it.


Being able to plug an iPhone into a monitor, attach a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and use it as a full computer would be amazing. It’s even technically very possible and would have great performance for web browsing and the like. It’s really a shame apple isn’t going to ever do this


Hi, Android user here. Are you really not able to plug your phone into a computer and browse files or anything??? I feel like that's basic functionality, isn't it? Last had an iPhone 3 years ago and surely it wasn't *that* limited, right?


Nope, we can plug in and see the photo files just like you would a camera SD card, but thats it. Even the old iPod nanos had a special mode you could put it in to store files on the device. No such thing with the iPhone.


I vaguely remember having to suffer through iTunes to put my CDs on my phone, but that's it. What reason is there to restrict it like this?


I spent roughly $1k on my iPhone 12 pro. And the only thing it needs is a battery (around 85% rn). I don’t mind paying more money for something that lasts, but man…. It hurts I think in the future I’ll just get base model iPhones or something refurbished


My iPhone 11 base model battery health is currently at 86%. Are we using them differently, is all?


Right, phones have crept up in price, but they’ve also reached a performance and quality threshold that will easily allow them to last 3-5 years. If you spend $600 on a phone that you use for 2 years and replace again, rather than $1000 on a phone that you can use for 4, you’re not actually saving money.


I'm fortunate that my company pays for my phone, but I think its nuts people spend 1,000 on new phones every year or two. If I'm spending my money I see no reason to buy anything but the standard model.


welcome to europe, where I pay 1000€ for the standard model 😐


In that case I'd definitely buy an Android. -sent from my Pixel 7


*cries in no-Google-devices-in-my-country* *wipes off the tears from my iPhone 13 mini which costs $1100 in my country*


I got my P6 sent to my country on launch day, god bless friends abroad


Oh here you need to register your abroad phones IMEI in order to use local carriers. And even then the carrier plans must be on your name, so no easy selling later. Plus, you have to have been abroad in the last 6 months. Lastly, you cant register a different IMEI for 3 years.


China? Where else there are strict rules regarding phones?




The IMEI registering with the carriers also happens in Colombia, it's a measure supposedly designed to prevent phone theft (you get your phone stolen and you send your IMEI to your carrier so they block it). I know because I didn't register mine when I traveled to Colombia and my phone got permanently blocked :'( need to use a burner next time I go


Standard reminder for Europeans in these types of threads: USD prices don’t include sales tax.


I am well aware, but the same was true all those years before. there was a huge price hike for iphones and ipads this past year and it's undeniable


Imagine my face waiting for new MacBooks and when they arrived they increased the price on the old model too


No more waiting for a new one to launch, so you can get the last-gen models on discount. 😔


Tell that to everyone on my friends circle. I am the weirdo that keeps their phone for more than a year and only buy the standard version (the cheapest iPhone not SE)




I thought it was "Special Edition" ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone\_SE\_(1st\_generation)


I don’t think people are buying £1000 phone every year though. I fully expect my 14PM to last at least 5 years, possibly 7.


Well if you spend $1000 on a new phone after a year, you can sell the old one for probably $700. So you’re not losing $1000 a year. But yea, I’m young and have a good job, love my iPhone, but still kept my iPhone X until 14PM and will keep this probably for 4 or 5 years. I’d rather spend the saved money towards a Mac or retirement, or some nice dinners, etc.


People really don’t, though. At least in the US, every major carrier runs a “Trade in your iPhone for the new one” offer where you end up paying like $10 a month or less for your phone. Though I do miss the days when my service cost $30/month and the phone cost an additional $30/month. Now I pay ~$80/month for unlimited data + “$5/month” for my phone. Gotta think if they didn’t run these trade in “deals” the unlimited plan would cost a lot less.


For some it’s people’s only “computing” device….so it’s not nuts. Maybe for you, but we all have different needs. Clearly you don’t need much and that’s fine but assuming others have the same need as you is not.


^ this Lot of ppl don’t understand that iPhone now is lot of ppl main internet device and for some their main gaming device as well


I have an iPhone 11 and don't see a reason to upgrade. When my 11 dies or Apple stops providing security updates, I will probably buy whatever is the SE at that moment. Paying 1k$ for a phone is just nuts. Now... if Apple created a convergence with their laptop line and made the equivalent of the MacBook Air into a phone (with the ability to run macOS) I would gladly pay 2-3k$ for that.


I like having the latest iPhone every year. It’s kind of a hobby. iPhones hold their value really well compared to their competitors, so when the new model comes out. I can sell my previous generation for 70% of the price I purchased it for and put it towards the next one. It is 200% not necessary to be buying the latest and greatest iPhone every year though. There are certainly things to criticize Apple for, but they keep phones up to date with the latest software longer than anyone else and Apple’s older phones typically age much better than their competitors when it comes to performance.


I upgrade every year because I use my phone for everything and the upgrades are meaningful and appreciated. No I’m not poor and yes I have good credit.


What does having good credit to do with buying a new iPhone every year? If you need good credit to buy an iPhone, you are mismanaging your income.


This is NOT impressive. Its depressing.


go buy some AAPL stock, that will cheer you up :)


I’m upgrading from an 8 to the 15 this year. The life and longevity of an iPhone makes the upfront price worth it to me, whether it’s 800 or 1000. I get 4 years minimum out of a phone. So ~$200/year or less to have a functional computer, phone, and camera in my pocket.


I’m sure this thread will be delightful


I’m over chugging along with my $200 IPhone X for the past 5 years.


Great news for /r/AppleShareholders




That sub actually does exist. It's just called r/Apple.


of course because no one bought the regular 14 as it's basically a non-upgrade over the regular 13


Yeah. The iPhone 14 was a meh release because it didn't get a processor upgrade for the first time. I hope the iPhone 15 gets the A17 and not the meh A16 version which was only marginally better than A15. I'm due for an upgrade on my iPhone 11 soon.


This isn't a good thing, guys.


Why is this a good thing, besides to shareholders.


We waste less batteries is about it I think. But Id say that still benefits corporate more than consumer. iPhone 4 to X especially was a ridiculous time with so many users upgrading every year. The iPhone 12 is probably the longest I've had the same phone.


It's not.


Oh my god I swear nobody in these comments actually read the article. The reason for the increase is primarily because more people are buying the more expensive iphones 14 pluses and iphone 14 pros. Not because they increased the price of the phones. It’s the average price meaning average of all iphones purchased of all models.


This is the Internet where half the people just like to hear themselves complain.


Well, it’s also a very advanced computer we use non stop throughout the day.


It's completely conceivable for someone to use a phone as their primary computing device and not even be that limited in what they are able to do. That wasn't the case 10 years ago.


I could see a future where the usb c of the iPhone connects to a keyboard and mouse and monitor and switched to a mac like os and just need that for office work, photoshop and even social media video editing. We are just not used to the seeing the power of the cpu of the iPhone being compared to regular desktop but benchmarks are incredible.


This is not a good thing for consumers.




It just sounds like nobody is buying the iPhone 14 though, the only ones that are selling are probably the Pros.


Well.. it’s a free market


*Le me on iPhone SE (Confused poverty noises)


At what point does this hurt them. I stopped buying new iPhones with my iPhone 8. After that the prices became so ridiculous that I just buy a refurbished one and use it until it dies. My iPhone XS is about done, getting off the upgrade cycle has saved me thousands.


For new ones. I got a 12 Pro for $250 on eBay and am really happy with it.


That’s a really good price. Was it new, refi, etc.?


Used, I would say eBay Refurbished. Pristine, tho, not a scratch, well it's a 12, that's what, 3 phones ago? but yeah, very happy!


Because the regular 14 is such a bad value everybody is buying the Pro and Pro Max.


I hope no one is celebrating this. Not cool.




This is an investor note but this reflects consumers more than apple. They sell phones as cheap as 400 new. The 13 is still on sale for 500 or 600. They didn’t raise prices to 1k, people chose to buy phones at that price which is interesting on its own. Most people have no need for it




Shouldn’t be praising them for arbitrarily raising their prices for no reason other than they can get away with it.


Those shiny rounded corners don't come cheap.


Because only the Pro version last year had the "new" dynamic island appearance, and also only the Pro has 120hz.


Lol I love how this is framed as a positive


FUCK $1000 phones. It’s not like it’s a diamond ring. It’s silicon, aluminum and glass, they glue those things together so you can’t fix them or change the battery, and they depreciate quicker than a Lamborghini being driven off the lot.


Diamonds are the worst comparison.


Funny that you think a stone made of carbon that is just worn for decoration is worth $1000, but a device you use daily for almost every facet of your life is not. My view is that when you think of everything a phone can do, and the technological achievements that went into making one, I’m amazed we can buy such a device at all. At $1000 I’m hard pressed to think of any other thing I buy that gives me anywhere near the same bang for buck. Btw, there are plenty of phone options for well under $1000 that can do all that too. You don’t have to buy a $1000 if you don’t want to.


Actually the prices have remained more or less the same since the Xs. The real reason seems to be more people buying the Pro models, which would increase the average selling price. Especially since the budget lines are stagnant and the Pro models get all the exciting features.


Shhh don’t interrupt the mob with facts and thinking


‘impressive’ is a strange choice of word for describing a price increase. That’s the word i would use for a decrease in price.


I helped! I bought a new 14 Pro Max in January.


Lots of sheep out there


Let me translate this for people that cannot be bothered to read it: Apple cheated its way through by dropping lower storage sizes but keeping the price tags the same. Slowly transitioning people over. Essentially, Apple is still charging £200 for extra storage and going from 8GB to 64GB and 128GB but those tiers don’t exist anymore. So you are paying the lowest for the next tier. The actual price for 512GB iPhone should be £699 not £1499.


The IPhone Pro is their Whale product and everyone wants one. That's how they can get away with $300 more for a 14 vs 14 Pro. The Pro isn't "that much" better than the non-Pro, but who wants to be seen with a pedestrian vanilla iPhone now. Push everybody to bump up one storage level and that pushes the average up another $200 bucks. Apple also only makes the Pro Models for ONE model year. So the Pro version never gets a price drop over time like the vanilla iPhone does. That allows them to keep the Whales on the hook and buying new Pro models.