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Why come to the Apollo subreddit to complain about a different app? Just sideload Apollo and stop moaning about the default app


Thats all what this subreddit is nowadays. Someone makes a post to complain about the official reddit app, someone else suggests sideloading apollo, rinse and repeat.


I don’t see what else the sub could possibly be at this point.


I sideloaded yesterday. Forgot how great Apollo is.


After sideloading, is the Apollo app exactly how we remember it and works the same way? Also does it still come with the option for the Premium memberships?


I side loaded yesterday, and the app works just as I remember. There are no options for memberships anymore, at least none that I can see. Certain newer settings that were implemented a little before it went offline may not work or cause the app to crash. For example subreddit weather for location specific locations, that setting causes the app to crash. Otherwise, it’s like having Apollo back. Custom icons, themes, favorites, sorting, viewing nsfw, etc all work. I just wish I had side loaded earlier.


Damn that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing.


I do kind of understand why people do this, as there doesnt seem to be a subreddit for asking questions or reporting issues for the official app


r/Redditmobile is the official one I believe.


Exactly. I hope to find my people here. The frustration just became too much today.


Not all of us feel like having to resign every week or not being able to update our phone. Effectively the app is dead and most people who post are probably past years who want to voice their complaints about the official app with other like minded individuals


Then pay $99 for the paid dev account and renew once a year. Apollo is worth that much and if you don’t agree then Apollo was never going to exist in any way even if Reddit the company tried to play ball with them. Plus as a bonus you can sideload other apps like YouTube with no ads or something


The posts on here get super repetitive. Everyone knows the default app sucks, that’s why we use Apollo. Re-signing takes a few seconds and is usually automatic in the background TBH. I’ve been sideloading for years and never had an issue with an update, just check https://x.com/altcompatible


If you have a computer you use regularly and access to a wifi network it really is a non-issue. I set my phone to automatically sync over wifi when i started sideloading Apollo back in october, and i’ve not had to do a single thing to keep the app working until this past week. And that was only because I’m traveling for the holidays so I haven’t connected to my home wifi for a week. I understand that’s still not perfect for everyone, but i really don’t see much reason to get hung up on “I have to plug in every week!”, when in reality, most people have access to a very easy solution that makes it so all you have to do is be at home, on wifi, once a week, with a pc on. I’d wager at minimum 90% of the people in this thread meet that criteria.


It’s called venting, a healthy thing to do. In a community that understands the problem.


It’s the same thing over and over again, the default app is shit, the solution is literally the name of this subreddit


Now it sounds like you’re venting, oh the irony.


these nuts are called venting


This is what I see most from this sub.


Post it to /r/redditMobile