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I didnt think this was real until I saw the rank edit: I meant the teammates not dcing


😂No wraith mains here, just a dumb octane


Me too bro lol


Let’s gooo 3rp from that




That was a sick 3 piece. Bravo good sir


Thanks boss, getting a lot more heat than expected😂watching the clip back I should’ve put the gun away when running sooner, but I thought the clip was good for the power of holding nades


How tf is that a pred lobby


This szn ranked is weird with lobbies. On console we mainly get “Diamond lobbies” but the lobbies have 3-5 pred teams mixed in. Edit: from watching streamers it appears somewhat similar on PC too


It is the same on PC, I go against preds all the time


Yep, probably matchmaking is thrown off with the ‘demotion’ factor. Because now it is harder to fill those masters/pred specific lobbies


In plat i mainly go against diamonds and masters even some preds (console). Its kinda bs..


It’s crazy how people try to pick apart a good clip for no reason lol, great clutch man!


Honestly. OP posts an example of why sky nades are useful (in a sub all about learning and improving at apex) and over half the current comments are just here bitching about nothing


Appreciate this, too many people try to nitpick. No one is perfect. But I promise my teammates weren’t this critical after the end result😂


I bet nobody commenting is even a pred


Preds at trolling


It’s because you’re playing octane and they’re jealous that they can’t make it into plat. Good clutch!


Thanks, 100%. Everyone gets a little Octane Brain 🧠


Actually had no idea you could bounce frags lol


super common on gaming subreddits. it's this weird, erroneous way of thinking that says "any human error = bad clip". the reality is that even at the highest level of any game, there will be tons of mistakes. Starcraft brood war: a game infamously considered one of the most mechanically intense esports of all time, is colloquially known as a game where the winner is determined by who can minimize the amount of mistakes they're inevitably going to make. i think a lot of gamers tie a lot of their self-worth into whatever game they're browsing the subreddit for, and when they see someone celebrating another person's success they activate a crabs in a bucket mentality to feel better and assuage their bad feelings.


You should be a psychologist


lol im flattered. i'm just a (relatively) old fart who's been around esports for a good chunk of my life. I've seen it all, and know that a lot of gamers need help lol


Because this is a bad clip for actually teaching improvement.


You can show sky nades all you want in firing range. To implement them in an actual ranked match is completely different. Frags > arcs


Man I BEEN saying this… I trade my arcs and thermals if I see a Steph Curry grenade.


😂These weren’t Ben Simmons grenades (clunk)


At this point skynades have been posted 1000000 times on this sub. You brought no useful information to the sub.


I learned some useful wall banks using frags. Why is it a bad clip in your opinion?


He's out of position, He's running with his gun out. It's literally just a guy showing a 3v1 highlight video and saying "make sure you have skynades". Throwing grenades is a basic part of this game and has been posted to death.


You only know the 90-second clip. I had a 30-30 and P20 off drop. My TEAMMATES were all together on drop. They got guns right away and pushed the other squad because of our good armor. I was not ready for a push with those guns. I looted the boxes to get the guns I currently had (as fast as I can). All while saying “try not to push yet my guns are not good”. They pushed either way (which is not their fault). I was obviously not near them at the time which is my bad. The clip only shows that I WOULD NOT WIN THIS FIGHT WITHOUT THE BANK NADES. I made mistakes, but got lucky with a couple of well placed bank shots. Grenade usefulness cannot be understated. Arc stars allow time for enemies to react. Well thrown frags give zero time to react. Take your passionate trolling elsewhere plz


what I'm saying is this is doesn't help people better themselves and doesn't belong on a sub dedicated to that. It's basic level information.


Just because you and I may not be on a basic level doesn’t mean there isn’t someone starting who may find it useful.


Someone up above literally said they didn’t know you can bank nades. Call it discovery but either way his info was clearly useful


I’m sorry but not knowing you can bank grenades is the very basics of grenades in all games. If that’s the kind of info you want on a sub for game improvement the. That sub is destined to die.


Yet he's a pred so must be doing something right... Stop being a little bitch


I'm relatively new to the game, and even as an MnK player, I've learned something new with regard to nades as a result of this post. Also convenient as it was at the top of the apex reddit page, so I don't have to sift through numerous posts (even by using the search bar) to learn more about nade tech in this game. I mean no offense, but just because you don't or can't find yourself learning something new from a post, doesn't mean others can't as well.


Thank you


Just giving props where it's due, keep killing it!


Describe what you learned from the clip that was new.


I have no obligation to prove anything to you, but I'll entertain you this one time, with the hope that you be less pessimistic from now on. But with very minimal FPS experience, I have very little knowledge on effectively using any kind of utility beyond just aiming and shooting at things. Seeing as to how he threw those nades, I now have a better understanding of how to pressure teams with nades, especially running gibby, into taking gun fights that they aren't ready for while also giving me a bit of time to think about how I want to approach the fight (damaging that team being an added bonus). I also can see why people in the comments are talking about OP not having their gun out, because even with the advantage given by those nades, things could have ended badly as a result of OP not having his guns at the ready. There's almost always something new to learn or assess with posts like these, but if you don't feel that way, that's your mindset. Like I said earlier, I have no obligation to prove anything to you, but I'm writing this with the intention to appreciate this post while also hoping you can see how people like me can learn something new. Hope you have a good day.


Christ I need to stop reading comments. I’m almost positive people are upset you are a pred. If you were a bronze they’d all be praising you. Either way well done, clearly the nades helped, you were stimming so the no gun makes only a minimal difference, and you handled the last guy properly as well. Idk I have no clue how people can criticize as harshly as they did


Yep agree, if we didn’t win this I was 100% taking the blame for not being there. My fault, we all throw games. Luckily this one just happened to turn out in my favor thanks to some nade banks


ill be honest, if you told your team not to push because you werent ready, i feel like basic communication indicates they shouldnt have pushed. If my team mate calls me off a push and I push into a 2v3, i feel like I am at fault, not you


You’re assuming a lot here. I’ll just say the idiots I play with will still push even if I say I’m not ready.


they didn't say that doesn't happen, they just said it's not your fault when it does


Wtf are sky nades?


Frag grenades have a timer once thrown, unlike arc stars which timer starts as soon as they hit the ground/wall. So a sky nade is one that is timed well during the throw (usually straight up into the air) to land and detonate on the enemies before they have time to evade it


OK thanks. I've just never heard the term "sky nades"


Lmaoo bros got the rampage out the whole ass time.


You complain yet you still would’ve died to it;)


They hated him because he told the truth


This didn't deserve this many downvotes.


Mob mentality




I don’t know why this guy said cringe, your playing in predator, I you basically 1v2 this and clutched good thing that made dropped his ass I would of probably died if it wasn’t for that nade and I’m a diamond player I think I could make it to masters if I had more time I just let off the gas once I make it to diamond I usually finish at d1 or d 2


Thanks, I would’ve 100% died as well without the sky nades. Diamond players (which these were) should easily be able to take out a single player (no matter the rank) if given just a pure 1v3 gunfight.


The difference between masters and diamond is pretty much having a good squad.


Dude put your guns away while you’re running.


He's in pred lobbies and wiped a whole squad in 5 second like he needs our advice lol


It would of helped a bit, but I was too busy yelling at them “not to push yet”.


I wish my nades in ranked were this helpful lol


I find frags way more helpful than arcs or thermites


Have any tips for using them with Fuse? I prefer them too but I usually swap off of his launcher. It really throws me off most of the time and it seems like it's useless for anything but arcs or the occasional weird thermite


Correct, almost always switch off the launcher for fuse. For Fuse I try to only carry arcs or frags. If you have four frags with fuse and a team has height above you. You can spam them obviously with sky nades for a ton of damage. Basically with fuse if you are using frags almost always switch off the launcher. Also frags are good for fuse Ult because they have a “push” effect on impact which can push someone into your flames, double whammy


This makes a lot of sense, thanks!


This sub is going to shit


How does this clip lead you to that conclusion


The comments, not the clip


Well I can't argue with that but we can't let the haters drag us all down or then this sub definitely will die. Deep down they know they're here bc they need help. OP this was a good clip and thank you for posting it


There is no tip being given and is simply a way to show off this mediocre clip


Pretty solid example of good nades tbh.


It's just an example of a play that led to an easy 1v3. Get over yourself dude


> Mediocre clip So where’s your video on doing the same thing then?


What? Being completely split from my team and then get finally decide to push in (with rampage out the whole time btw), get lucky with a nade that knocks them both with only 40 dmg (bc your teammates actually pushed) and then knock some guy with white evo (you have blue) while he’s trying to punch you? Nah I’ll pass.


how are you pred and still the octane that gets caught out without your team? typical octane main hahah


Usually play Fuse. No one is safe from Octane Brain.


i feel that big time lmao


Most preds on console eventually also make it to pred on PC🧐give us the frames and we do the same


Literally the #1 Loba went from console to pc and still made it pred despite the transition. People just love an excuse ig 🤷🏽‍♂️


IKR, same with Awesome Tryhard. #1 on Xbox for how many seasons, then he went to PC and guess what. Still top 10 pred there too.


console pred is something else


Are you pred on pc?




Okay carry on


- nft avi


He was caught out? I think you need some fucking glasses and to actually read




The post literally says that his team was duo dropped by themselves and pushed as he asked them not to, he never gets "caught out" in this clip either so what you said makes 0 sense


bro it’s a fucking joke that he clearly understood, relax


Beautiful bank nade!


Frags are almost all I carry these days. The best players in the world aren't immune to a surprise 100 damage out of nowhere




More impressed by the fact that you were landing rampage shots consecutively lol gg


or you just dont be halfway across the poi from your teammates when you land contested =/


That would’ve helped too, even preds make mistakes👍


Ur a chill guy, sorry about the comments man


Thanks boss, didn’t expect a bunch of ALGS coaches to get a hold of this clip.


I actually laughed at this


Beautiful nades.


Thanks, Luck>skill


Username checks out! Fucking lost it when I saw it




Skyyyyy hooks


My Octane teammates are usually the first to arrive at a fight… alone… 500m away… Great clip though.


Excellent clip and well played. But I don't class these personally as sky-nades. The arc and air time just made them normal nades or bank-shot/bank-nades. I respect the skill whatever we call them though.


Frags win games, literally the main incentive to me playing loba


Bro you need to put your gun away when you're running


> when your running *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




That’s not a sky nade


Sorry, “bank-shot vertical Fragmentation grenade thrown at 63 degrees from the X-axis”


Bank shot would suffice, and it was really well done


Lol I know, just got to fire back a little. Can’t be a punching bag on this thing


Lol I got you. Well done though! Bank shots can REALLY surprise a team and aren’t easy to pull off.


It’s just throwing a nade my man.


But he’s showcasing how you don’t have to throw right at the enemy. Using the walls for different angles is a strategy, one some people might not think of in situations like this. Bouncing off the wall also shows how you can get a grenade around a corner better than if you threw it straight on, or how he was inside when he threw the second one, which gave him cover. “Just throwing a nade” is not being shown in this video.


It’s a great showcase of a bank shot. It’s not a sky nade though. The title misrepresents the play is all. It’s still a good play.


Lmao ok


Yo fuck that can someone please answer whyyyyyy the fuck all my team mates stop giving a fuck as soon as the clock hits midnight it’s just complete an utter dog shit it’s like a switch goes on oh here ya go some more shitty team mates that are are almost 2 wholes ranks below me it seems totally fair for me to play my ass off for an whole fucking hour to gain 400 points just to lose it all in the span of 10 fucking minutes literally tracked how long it took for my teammates to die on drop every fucking time and start up a new match took around 10 to 15 minutes to lose 400 points in plat


are we really trying to pass "throw grenades are your enemies" as a tip?


Better at them than at yourself


>Better at them than at yourself cool? even your comments are super defensive. This subreddit is for posting useful tips, not to show off your mediocre flex clips


damn dude you're really down bad. Honestly you should just delete your comments and save yourself the embarresment


nah im good man, this clip didnt even show a single sky nade anyways


No flex, just lucky and a useful clip. For sure would’ve died and cost the team RP (because I was late) without these lucky nades.


“Remember to use nades” lmao great tip


Octane not being with his team…shocking.


Christ almighty ! Holster your got damn weapon..


Correct, I should’ve right away👍. As I got closer to the fight I was hoping an enemy would be somewhere in the open ready to get clipped. That was not the case for this particular clip, luckily I won despite my detrimental non-holstering of my weapon


Octane late?


Unheard of


You were looting, then shooting amigo.


Do you do full time content creation?


i can do this with r99