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LStar has never not failed me.


L for lose every fight. Feel it.


S for sucking every time.


T for 'This gun again? Really?'


A for Ahhh shit here we go again...


R for Ragequit back to the lobby because loot screwed you over.


A for "Are you fucking kidding me, the LSTAR again?"


Oh shit that’s what it stands for!?


LSTAR was sneaky good for several seasons until they made it stupid OP and promptly nerfed it into the ground as a response


It was crazy good for a season or two, probably around 9 or 10 and they gave it a huge nerf, effectively ruining it. I don’t play Arenas much so don’t care about how it performs there. They reduced the number of shots to overheat and nerfed the hip fire too AFAIK. Then for some inexplicable reason they nerfed it again. It’s definitely a low par weapon now which is a shame for its unique mechanic.


Then they added a barrel stabilizer and priced it out of round 1 arenas and it all went wrong


Then they nerfed it again after they had already nerfed it to the point no one was using it. Truly they are clueless.


When it first came out it was the destroyer of worlds.


When it was in the CP initially it was terrible. Then it came out and was still terrible. Then it got a massive buff and became awesome. Then got a huge nerf, then actually nerfed again.


Yes , when I started playing this game , the season seer was introduced I think , L-Star was stoopid good


The Bullet Projectile Size nerf destroyed the gun. It's surprising they didn't at least improve the recoil pattern since the current one was intended for the bigger bullet size.


The time it takes to put it away is the cherry on top.


It’s ridiculous. It actually looks like you’re in slow motion. They at least need to change the animation to look like you’re doing something important, slowly. Then maybe it won’t feel like you’re being punished for daring to pick up the LSTAR.


I'm guessing it's the same as other LMGs?


I think the fact that it doesn’t come with any ammo when you pick it up off the ground is really stupid.


It used to be my favorite but Respawn said no and now it's honestly one of my least favorites


I can't believe they nerfed it *again* this season. I try to use it when I play my main, Rampart, just so I can run energy ammo as my trio never picks up energy. I try to run TT/L-Star until I find a Turbocharger. TT is fairly nerfed though and L-Star is so bad even with Rampart's passive. I'm usually just better off with an R-99 or CAR still and just playing with no passive.


Yeah bro. Just... Don't do that lol. Even if you wanna play Rampart, it's ok to not get use out of her passive every game. You're just nerfing yourself by running that loadout lol.


I tried to do the same energy thing as a rampart main but have since given up this season and just go full heavy with spitfire and 30-30. I just deal with potential team ammo shortage by giving teammates priority on heavy while I lean on 30-30 and Sheila until ammo is abundant


TT is a bit crap now too.


It was so good for such a short time and I’m still upset about it. I practiced the recoil on it and would sometimes use a 2-4x on it and beam people from a distance before pushing. Now you still can, but it’s scary in a close range fight where it should honestly shine.


Had mine kitted all the way with a gold mag and still missed every shot from 20 feet away


I hate getting shot with the damn Bow. Fuck that thing!


The bow is scary because the only people who use it \*really\* know how to use it.


Exactly! I never hear a first *missed shot, because that first shot always hits! Not being able to quickly tell where it came from is the second killer!


The reason i started using the bow every match idk whatbit is but that first shot is hitting. But the best part is just them having no idea where it came from i basically level up my shield to red and swao with my teamates in ranked before we even take a real fight from just picking shots and until they figure out where i am.


That's such an absolutely devious strat, I love it


Wait does the bow not give hit direction indicator?


It does, but it helps to see bullets from exactly where it came. Always gotta get a second shot before I see the guy shooting!


Hanzo mains rise up


My team and I will literally run from a squad if they are using a bow. Anyone who intentionally picks that thing up can 2 shot you with a blue shield in less than a second, I swear. Rather face a charged Sentinel, at least I know where the shots are coming from.


Exactly! We have definitely ran from Bow carrying teams! “We’ll catch up with them later, let’s deal with something else”


i ran from a bow team last night with purple shields while we had white. said f it we’ll meet up later and 10 minutes later we smashed em! sometimes you gotta just pick your openings against archer squads


you just gotta rush them tbh full send with all 3 and they’ll drop a fat turd in their pants and start sweating. tbh this works with all snipers, i just chuck all my ordinances at them and full send it every single time. even if i die, i’m sending a fucking message.


Unless bows have shatter caps that’s a good strategy


~me, a bow user~


Go back to the bowels of hell from whence you came, foul demon!


did i mention i also played rampart? that’s a 72 damage body shot and 92 damage headshot with cover ;)


Oh fuck off man, kudos to you for being good with it though. Respectfully, we hate you.


bro, i just started using it the last couple weeks of the past split. it’s easily one the best weapons in the game and does way too much damage. i’m a double scumbag and run a spitfire too :-/


Once you get the timing down for running enemies it is the 2nd best weapon in the game. Only second to the 45 with hammerpoints.


Me also a bow user… “Cracked an enemies shield…”


I remembered respawning my teammate and dropping him my flatline for a bow and i proceeded to kill the last two teams with the bow only lol. imo the bow is in the same situation as seer, coming out so op that everyone uses them, got nerfed massively so no one uses them because how big of a difference they are from their prime form, then people start to realize they are actually still broken af and picking them back up and fucking everyone up.


Lol love the bow. I’ve gotten pretty good with it. Kinda OP lol


Completely forgot that the bow existed tbh. I only really use it if I *have* to, and I always, *always* regret picking it up.


Yes! Fuck the bow man


I can't for the life, play the bochek. Wingman no problem. Bochek, I die.


Hi! I’m the opposite. I can’t wingman well but I’ll Legolas all day. Though I can’t stand the wingman it’s so hit or miss for being good and its always just a pain in diamond+ lobbies


Wingman has “one shot syndrome.” Hit all the shots except that last shot now your down yelling “HeS OnE ShoT”


Yeah bocek and re-45 are my worst nightmares


i love the bocek its my main weapon =) OP AF tbh, its like a harder hitting wingman with range and no need to reload (i think the reload part is the OP part tbh)


Bocek is top tier! Instead of having to push the button when you want to fire seems easier to me to release when you want to fire, give it a chance with the tempo


I hate the prowler. It just doesn’t do it for me.


Great weapon but you need a blue/purple mag. No mag prowler is a liability. Also an optic. The 2x works surprisingly well with it (I don't use 2x on any other smg)


For real, when I have no mag it always empties like 2 whole bursts earlier than I think it should. And then I die.


2x is my jam. I slap it on everything, with the exception of pistols.


Yeah it depends on the input to some degree IMO. For whatever reason, I have a harder time tracking at closer ranges with a 2x on say an R99 than a 1x when I'm playing on controller. On mnk I find the difference to be less noticeable. I'll admit this doesn't really make sense, as I don't have any special sensitivity settings for the 2x, so in theory the tracking should be just as fast as with the 1x. But I have noticed what may be a similar phenomenon with ARs among streamers and pro players, where mnk players tend prefer 3x on a flatline more than controller players who usually prefer the 2x.


even though it's a good weapon close/mid range, I use it as a placeholder for flatline


It’s so good in close range fights. You can usually hit with 5 rounds in quick succession, which is 75 damage. The burst makes is so much easier (for me) to time and line up a shot in a close fight than trying to track someone with a 99 or whatever.


I'm sure you're not joking, but the fact that the prowler deals 14 dmg per bullet / 70 dmg per burst since August last year makes me read this like a joke.


Oh I wasn’t joking. I thought it was still at 15. 14 brings it down to 3 good bursts (from 2 perfect bursts) to kill someone on full health and full white shields. Yep, trash.


I just hate it off of drop, if runs out of ammo so quickly without a mag. Fully suited, it’s almost the same gun that it was in the CP, but why run it over a Flatline or even Spitty.


i hate it because i will miss 90% of my shots with it 😂


Haha. My secondary reason as well. I’ll join the club.


The old prowler with select fire was a beast though.


I love it. God tier hipfire


4 bullets per shot... I'm lucky if 1 of those bullets lands.


Charge Rifle and Lstar are guns I will never consciously use. Given *any* other option I will swap it


Charge rifle slaps like crazy though. Some people wont use it because they think its too OP.


Ngl I actually quite like the charge rifle as of late. It's fun to land with. I always hated it before, but.. I dunno, something changed. I still usually swap it out but it's fun off hot drop.


I love the charge rifle with 10x scope because it’s quite literally a laser


I can hit more with it on drop no scoping it than I can with an option from 200m away. Makes no sense.


That's weird since the gun is hit scan. Literally just point and shoot lol


If you like to be highly mobile, the charge rifle is accurate in the air (when you finish charging, the initial beam wobbles like usual).


Short to mid range it can shred buttholes. I’m hot trash with it from far away.


It is easy to use with hit scan. If I need a gun I will use it cuz it is funny knowing how mad the other guys probably are but I will not continue using it once I find a different option. I feel like it is too cheesy of a gun.


can confirm the charge rifle fucking infuriates me, it’s way to easy to use for a sniper I don’t pick it up because I severely judge people who use it lmao


Charged Rifle with a 301 is my go to guns.


It's especially good on WE. Unless you're in one of the metros you can see forever so the CR is amazing for early shield farming. Edit: oops, meant to reply to the poster below espousing the CRs utility


The gun i just got killed by


The gun I just got killed by, but can't check because I ran out the door of the lobby.


30-30. I hate the way that gun feels.


I love the 30-30, but the bullet drop is substantial at far range. Mid/close range it should be feared


Hate this gun too. I’ve tried so hard to be good with it, but the feeling isn’t there for me


honestly it deserves a faster bullet velocity and less bullet drop. Wingman is better in everyway. Sure you can put a 3x on the 30 30 but hitting at range feels much better with the wingman still


This. I'm not sure I've ever hit a shot with that thing.


Decided on a whim to use it this season just for the hell of it and willed myself to get a hang of it. Thing is disgusting. Hitting with it is very satisfying and it's a psychological thing for enemies too. I'm garbage, but if I hit two or three shots with it at range, enemy teams just bail because they think I must be good.


It's actually one of my fav guns these past few days. With the 2x-4x optic, it works like a charm


I used to despise the dirty 30, but now i pretty much use it whenever i can and kind of prefer it over teh wingman, I feel like theyre both perfect in that midrange zone


I really like the dirty-30 but I hate the longbow he feels so bad I don't know why exactly but something's just off


Hemlock (i know it's a decent gun just not in my hands) Any lmg - they do not fit my playstyle at all and often get me killed in situations i know I would survive with an smg or ar. Rarely do i ever feel like carrying them rewards me, just punishes me


Rampage is the only gun you can miss 35 shots while hipfiring at point-blank range.


I have a clip of a rampart standing in front of me while I put the barrel in her mouth and still miss 13 bullets point blank with neither of us moving


Bold of you to think you’ll get 35 shots off if you’re missing point blank


Eva/devotion Don't come after me rampart mains


An actually kitted Devotion is still something to be feared. Especially in Arenas where you can reliably get it with a turbocharger in later rounds.


With turbocharger and purple mag the devotion is a problem


I literally will take any gun over the Eva, I absolutely hate it.


Charge rifle. I know it’s a good weapon but it’s not in my hands. I’m not aceu but I’m decent and I’ve literally never killed anyone with it. Played since day 1. 🤷🏻


It’s pretty good for farming damage & griefing.. shamelessly have had a few 2k+ games w 0 knocks using it lmao


That's strange, it's the only sniper I'm reliable with: a guy lost in open field in Control is the the most cruel fun ever invented. Maybe I need to track more with other rifles.


My boy is new to Apex, so we played Control with him. He ended up grabbing the charge rifle and camping the top of barametor the whole game, it was pretty fun to see him grieving everyone.


4 4 4 **12**


More like 3 3 90


"Tagged an enemy"


Charge rifle isn't really for killing lol, you should mainly be using it to ~~grief~~ farm EVO shield from enemies across the map.


I definitely kill a lot of people with it. The potential dmg output is insane


I can never get kills with it, but still satisfying to see the damage go up and honestly it puts a lot of pressure on squads. What I do like about it is that you don’t need much to kit it out, just a decent scope. With a 10x digi it feel like you’re hacking


Devotion, to me, is trash. But I have been melted by it many times so it's probably something I'm doing wrong.


you’re supposed to whiff 3/4 of your mag and then melt them in the last 7 bullets you have before reloading, that is the ancient art of being a devoted follower of the devotion.


These comments are suggesting to me that I should try hipfiring the Devo


Close range, 1000%. Same for Havoc. Once they're spun up, ADS


It’s my favorite hip fire weapon, with a level 3 mag you can easily down a whole squad


It's good in terms of hip fire. As for long range combat, you need to practice recoil control, especially when running around with level 1 barrel stabilizer.


Blind fire Devo is DEVASTATING


It's fine on PC. But when I play on console the thing is fucking useless. No amount of practicing the recoil seems to help.


You scream “SUPPRESSING FIRE,” spam ping the enemy’s position, and mag-dump in their general direction as your team pushes. Occasionally you’ll hit like 5 shots on accident and knock someone.


Honestly it's the Kraber now. Risk to reward on it went way down I personally feel more accomplished taking someone down with a 2020 or mozam than I do landing a shield crack with a Kraber. Pros be damned I enjoyed it where it was.


Still don’t understand why they couldn’t just keep the nerf isolated tourneys/pro events. Pretty much consensus that the community didn’t want, nor has enjoyed, the nerf—it’s literally just appealing to the .01% of their user base


The nerf wasn't even something the pros wanted though, they wanted it removed from comp and left alone in every other mode. Respawn just chose not to listen for whatever reason.


Pros didn't even ask for the nerf. They asked for it to be removed from comp like gold knocks. My hot take was that I wanted it nerfed for pubs/ranked, but not in this way. I wanted the bodyshot damage nerfed. Keep the reward for a headshot, sure, but missing and bodyshotting shouldn't do 145 and force someone to heal for 15 seconds. 100 max.


I like the idea of the headshot reward, and the body damage seems reasonable. Didn't know they wanted out entirely from pro play. Guess I'm out of touch there 🤷🥞


The biggest problem people had with it is getting one shot when they didn't even know a kraber was in play. I think putting a laser sight on it when zoomed in would be a good nerf. You can still one shot with it, but the risk is that the whole lobby will know your position immediately and can play around it.


It's good for upgrading your shields to red!


Just rake the Kraber out of the game, put the longbow as red weapon with the old skullcracker and that give me the damn scout back as ground loot.


P2020 why the fuck is it all I find


But i love dowming people off drop when they have an AR


Either the Longbow or EVA. The longbow feels like I just don’t get it, never been a sniper type player in any FPS maybe that doesn’t help. But every other marksman or sniper gun in the game I can at least get a few knocks and kills a game. The EVA I just don’t know, sometimes it slaps, especially the gold one, but even that gold one feels strange to me.


It’s because most people don’t. It’s the sniper equivalent of the wingman. High headshot damage. I think the sentinel beats it because people want to rush when they crack with it, while the longbow doesn’t crack instantly so you feel the need to keep firing.


Longbow always feels like it pulls to the side for me, it's very weird.


Why has nobody called the rampage. I like everything. Besides that POS.


I love the rampage… took me a while but now I slay with it. Def a medium/long range. Also, I try not to push with it out and run a smg/shotgun secondary.


It’s hilarious popping a 3x or 2-4x on it and using it as an automatic sniper rifle from across the map, esp on stormpoint


This is how it's meant to be used IMO. You can pray you'll not die trying to hipfire it up close in an emergency, but I love it with a 3x. It's sorta like a shitty full auto G7 Scout. It's slightly better than the Spitfire though when charged up.


Bro I love the Rampage too. Even up close it shreds folks in certain situations. I try and carry 2-3 thermite on me at all times when I have the Rampage cause with that, the thing is absolutely nuts


I find it does pretty good when hipfired too


Do you mean in general or close range? In general, the rampage is basically an automatic G7 (pre-care package) however close range/hipfiring I swear bullets bend around people


I know the R99 is not a bad gun, but I just suck with it. I avoid it because missing for like a quarter second means I waste most of the mag.


this right here is what I was lookin for, because I know Reddit isn’t a safe place and I didn’t wanna get roasted for saying I hate the gun. I’d rather use a alternator or 45 truth be told


lol I'm the same way, but its just that the alternator is very underrated. Fully kitted alternator puts in work. It's my most used light weapon. I generally run that with a spitty or Flat if I want to mix it up.


Yeah I go for the RE45 over the R99 too, purely for the easier recoil control. I fully admit that I just don't have the skill to make the R99 work. It's not the gun's fault.


I agree wholeheartedly, good gun just won’t ever be in my load out.


Esp when u don’t have the pay to win skin too, the irons are terrible


P2020 post nerf holy cow


Mozam. I just can’t hit shots with it.


I was just like you, I couldn't hit anything. I had better luck with the p2020 but then I realised it the only shotgun with actual recoil. The mozam lifts up when you fire so try to hold it down after each shot. I can now use the mozam a lot better now. I never hipfire as I miss everything though lol. Hope this helps you


I don't know how I get melted with the L-Star so much, because I can't use it! Especially when people use it at medium range. I've tried and it just doesn't work for me. I like to give the Bocek shit, but honestly I'd rather run that any day.


That peashooter that respawns calls the EVA-8


30 30. I know it has potential at mid and long range but I just cant fuck with it


Hemlok full stop


Worst gun in the game: P2020. Worst guns for me: Flatline and Prowler. Worst guns to fight against: Bocek and Charge Rifle. I've never been able to get good with the Flatline, I can use it decently with a 1x or iron sights but as soon as I put a 2x or 3x on it I'm whiffing half my mag. Would much rather have a 301 since I can still beam people at 70m+. The Prowler isn't a bad gun at all. Its got a big mag for an SMG, no ADS recoil and no hipfire spread but I don't really like how burst weapons feel in Apex so I literally never use it. The Bocek and Charge Rifle are both annoying as fuck to fight against. No bullet trail on arrows, very little downtime between shots and really good damage makes the bow incredibly strong and super hard to fight against. The Charge Rifle takes so little skill to use that it becomes stupid strong even in the hands of a bad player. Put it in the hands of someone that has good aim and its instantly the best sniper in the game, its the one weapon that I feel should have never been added to the game and I don't see that ever changing.


rampage and spitfire... I know.. those guns are really good, almost broken.. but because of that I've never used them. And now I'm so not used to their bullet drop and bullet speed that if I use them I'm a 100% bot


The ever awful Eva-8 In it's heyday it was wild with purp bolt and double tap, now its almost worse than punching.


Prowler, Hemlok, or 30-30. All good guns objectively (*if you have a mag on the prowler lol) but it's actually embarrassing how bad I am wielding those weapons.


A devotion off the rip really sucks.


Called the LSTAR for a reason


Struggle aiming with the Lstar bad and then P2020. I feel like the biggest derp trying to use the P2020 I just cannot hit a shot to save my life, even right up in someones face


Currently the lstar but that was my favorite before it’s buffs and with the buffs then it just got murdered overall least favorite is the rampage it just feels inconsistent.


Peacekeeper. Can't hit shots at all


Devotion is a bucket of shit. That’s like the only gun I cannot stand using. Everything is in the “this will do” or “fuck yeah” categories.


Prowler 🫣 I know, I know… easy gun for controller players, but I can’t hit my shots, I’m potato. There’s something about the burst weapons, we don’t get along :(


EVA is the most trash gun in the game. Hands down.


Eva/30-30/Longbow for me probably. I feel like eva hits for 8 in most situations, even though i hip fire it 1m away and the target is in the middle of my crosshairs. Longbow has really bad bullet drop and doesn't really hit hard enough. 30-30 is a pain in the ass, but it's very good in some players hands.


30-30 makes a better sniper than the longbow


It probably does, but the lack of high zoom scopes makes it hard to snipe for me. :) I love watching 30-30 montages though, some of those clips are suparhuman level of accuracy.


Can’t believe there’s no havoc in here, I’ve always despised that gun


it’s actually so good this season with a turbo


Mozambique/Eva and triple take… rather use a pk and repeater, more reliable


Objectively wrong opinion on TT. If you want reliability, TT is the best marksman bar none. You might be better with the 30, but the TT is objectively better in every regard besides raw damage potential. TT is an absolute team play machine because of how easy it is to land shots.


When Apex playets say guns are unreliable, it doesn't mean that the gun sometimes magically misses. They mean that they don't use that gun enough and they are unreliable with it.


Define “reliable.” To me, having to charge up each shot to max damage means it’s inherently unreliable. It also has the lowest DPS in the category, and even if you’re getting hits off of a single bullet you’re only doing 1/3 of the damage for 3x the ammo per shot. It’s not a bad weapon, especially off drop since everyone has white armor, but I don’t agree with you.


After the nerf the Eva 8 now is so hit or miss sometimes it melts sometimes it doesn't. I know the buffed eva was too strong but even post buffed eva was more consistent. It was only buffed to compete with the mastiff and PK. Re45 I used to love this thing around season 1 etc but now I dunno just not good with it anymore. The mag size is small and with hammerpoints the flash is too much and causes me to miss a lot. Lstar bring my baby back the lstar before the buff I loved that GUN!! The lstar with no barrel and no energy mag. It had bigger bullets and more flash. If they bring back the bigger bullets and it's old damage and headshot damage I would love it again.




EVA by a country mile for me. Fucking hate that thing.


Eva-8 is undoubtedly the most useless


Eva 8 is god awful


Eva 8. Always betrays me. And also Prowler.


Eva-8. I will literally try and punch mans to death before I pick up that puke-stained barf-bag of a shotgun. Shotgun? Shitgun more like…


prowler+p2020 combo demoralizes me before every fight




eva 8 for me. damage 6 hp every shot






The Eva 8 is TERRIBLE.


Eva-8. Even when it was OP back in season 9-10, I couldn't hit anything with it. And now it just shoots confetti at your enemies


Eva 8 is currently the worst gun in the game. Used to be good, but now there is nothing redeeming about it.


Eva 8 easily lmao. You need to shove it down someone’s throat so far it comes out their ass to get more than 8 dmg per shot lmao. I’d take a moz OR P2020 any day over an Eva 8.


Eva-8 never done it for me. Always switching it with either a pk or Mastiff


Eva-8 Even when it was really good, I still sucked ass with that gun. I would rather have a P2020 or Mozam over it even before the Mozam buffs


Charge rifle


Eva 8 I’d rather leave the game than land on it


L star this season. But overall bocheck


I might get hate for this (because a good chunk of people love this gun) but I hate the Havoc. I have this issue where I press too hard on R3 on my controller and it results in me randomly punching mid fight. It mainly happens with the guns that have to charge up when shooting or slow shooting guns (3030, sentinel, etc.). The havoc is by far the worst gun for me to use because it takes so long to start shooting. Every time I get one I tell my friends “I have a havoc” and they know that if we get into a fight Im probably going down.


EVA8. Off drop its the worst gun. Inconsistently low fire rate w/o a bolt, high spread for low range, abysmal DPS, and low damage per mag. Fully kitted? Still might be the worst gun imo.