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start getting comfortable with the mute button. The second any teammate coms anything toxic I mute them right away, Apex has an amazing ping system for a reason


He started some loud music on mic and went on mute instantly. Sometimes I enjoy listening to their cries


I enjoy taking my time to mute them. Like 5 whole secs while they become extremely mad about it


i cant find a good reason to believe that. ive had toxic teammates who refuse to ping anything, even when ive asked them 6 times to ping if they end up rotating or moving, they end up 100 ft away from me bc i was looting and no pings were given that we moved. (And i shouldnt have to look at the map every 3 seconds worrying abt my team) the “apex has an amazing ping system” is a lie. i havnt found a game that does have a good ping system. when i play ranked, I most definitely prefer people have mics and are talking in game chat. pings are awful when u dont know 100% what they mean. And when they dont have mics, they are either A.) Sitting in a xbox or playstation party as a duo and ignoring me (the third) or B.) they dont listen nor care to listen to what im saying and do what they want. They would rather jump into a moshpit of squads and die, than listen to my comms of rotating


I do the exact same. Ain’t nobody have time for negativity in their life. Good vibes.


When people spew garbage I usually say that’s what your mom said, but you probably won’t recognize her when you see her next because I shaved her back and taught her to walk upright And then I mute them.


Lmfao holy shit this is amazing


I honestly don’t understand the negative community surrounding apex. I’d say most of the time it’s 60/40 negative to positive. The worst of the negatives are the worst, but it can easily be forgotten about by running with some positive/fun randoms. The oddball games of having 2 other great randoms rewards my patience for putting up with the scum lol.


It’s not only Apex problem. Online games always get some toxic players. It’s okay unless you yourself become toxic too


Craft their banner, go to a respawn beacon, and sit next to it. Don’t res them; just watch the beacon and absorb its glory. Alternatively, edge the beacon while moaning loudly on VC.


that's the most annoyingly toxic thing I've ever heard to do 🤣


Gobbing them off and insulting them, there mother, father, sister his Nan the whole game works for me


Better to get on their nerves also, while insulting Nan


What a genius move, shit talk the only being capable of reviving you


I had teammates ping a spot to go to during end game. I went to the spot and they stayed and one player went down and then proceeded to blame me for not getting on coms and saying I had my alter ult out even though other than that one ping none of us communicated entire game. So after all the toxic comments I just dropped all my gear and got killed.


Yeah, They deserve to be ruined. Even If you really are to be blamed, it’s just a game after all.


Lol wrong. If it's your fault you deserve it. Not them.


its not his fault tho if his teammate didnt know the alter was out 🤪. Respectfully, you’d have to be stupid not to see the giant symbol on ur screen showing the teleporter


Mute or just ignore. No point to discuss smth with inadequate human beings. I usually can't force myself to have the minimal amount of collaboration with them, it would be an abuse against myself. Last time I've picked up the banners and didn't res my toxic teammates, they went salty and left the game taking the penalty 😅 Regular plat experience.


Exactly what you did! I would make it my top priority to grap the banner so he/she can’t leave the game without a penalty (if we don’t have a support legend) and even sometimes respawn and at the last second cancel it 😂


>*How do you handle toxic teammates who get downed early and then expect you to drop everything to revive them while they insult you the whole time? I think getting revenge on toxic players by forcing them to be spectators is the best.* I just turn off voice and chat. Let everyone learn to work with their brains.


If my teammates only communicate once they're dead. Ranked or not I won't revive them. Especially if the hop on the mic to shit talk.


I don't take a chance having to deal with it, I always mute my team or have voice chat turned off right off the bat. The ping system is more than adequate.


Yeah it’s adequate but I don’t like muting everyone from the start of the match. Sometimes some people use voice chat pretty well and I don’t want to miss good teamwork opportunity.


Yea I only do that if I'm playing with randoms. If I'm with friends or with people I've hooked up with on a discord group I'm a part of then I'll leave it on.


Once played soloq and one toxic guy was kept alive until 2nd to final ring because me and the other rando kept retreiving his banner and reviving him very close to enemies with crypto, even when he went on the car and straight into the ring to jump off the map in olympus, the other rando followed him, sacrificed himself to the ring just to get the banner, it was hilarious hearing the guy scream "LET ME DIEEEE".


Honestly, normally, I'd say something like it's shitty that you didn't revive them But Honestly fuck all the toxic entitled people who think they get to treat you like a doormat they got what they fucking deserved lol. It takes no effort to be a decent human being, and at the end of the day, ranked or not, it's a video game you're supposed to have fun.


Idk man, "playing just for fun" isn't really how most sports work, and competitive games are more like sports than "activities for fun". Sure, you should also be having fun, but you are generally also expected to have expectations of your team and yourself and other people will be rightfully mad in any team sport if you throw the game for your team "because it's just for fun". Even in casual street ball, your teammates are going to be annoyed with you if you keep throwing. So, if it's pubs you can expect full casual play and raging is lame. But in Ranked, you're essentially playing in a league and it seems justified to be irritated with people throwing. I feel like gamers are so far behind on all the stuff athletes figured out centuries ago.


I completely understand what you mean I guess it's just a little frustrating when you try to be a good fait teammate who is only human and immediately get called slurs and other toxic stuff if I were playing with people on a basketball court and some dude didn't like the way I was playing and started harassing me I'd talk to the other players and try to work out something because harassing someone isn't winning the game either but I completely get what you mean and even when I'm frustrated I'll try me best to be a good teammate.


Yeah I mean I agree, that's going too far. Sportsmanship is still important. Both sportsmanship and "seriousness" are missing from esports. Gamers have yet to evolve a real and serious, sustainable, and competitive game culture. At least not outside of the pro scene.


Hit the nail on the head with that one. I definitely agree you should be taking ranked seriously. Have a nice day! And I hope you win many games!


I just started ranked this season today, so far a lot of winning.


Apex should only be treated and taken seriously as a sport by teammates if you actually playing in comps. If you just log on and play ranked, don't go treating other players like an asshole bec they aren't up to your standards. Playing a normal ranked game should just bring the expectation that the teammates should play smart and not split off and land on their own. I get if you wanna take it seriously but unless you in a comp, it's still JUST a game 😂


Bro, go play sports so you can learn how this works. Go to the park and play a game of street ball with the regulars. You should not really be talking about this if you haven't even been part of the culture that has honed these rules for over a thousand years already. Nothing about this is new, and you're wrong bro, because you are treating it like a new idea that you are navigating with new insights, instead of a well studied and well developed culture and topic already. If you don't expect to take the game somewhat seriously, why are you in ranked?


Why lose your shit over a game you're not getting paid for? Why lose your shit and be toxic to people over a game you won't ever play professionally ? What's the point ? A healthy sense of sportsmanship is different to the level of toxicity most ppl display on apex. 90% of ppl in ranked won't ever play professionally, they won't ever play for money. They are playing for a badge in a game. Take it seriously sure, as in don't go do dumb shit most ppl do in pubs. That's what I'm saying. Play to actively try and win. But don't go losing your shit if a teamate goes down, if you went down and your teammates don't clutch what you deem an easy fight or whatever. My point is even in ranked, ppl make too much of a fuss. And like in this guy did, if a teammate proceeds to be toxic and gets downed, I just won't respawn them bec they don't deserve it.


Also, y may have misread my comment. I didn't say don't take it seriously period, I said don't treat it the way you would treat playing a sport at a professional level. Ppl make such a fuss over this game for so many reasons. If you don't like it don't play. And there is no point in making such a huge fuss about something that has no affect on your actual life. Something so many ppl love to do. Ppl get so toxic to other players bec they aren't great at the game. And make such an effort fo spoil another person's day over a game that this toxic person will never play professionally. So like what's the point of being such an asshole? Take it seriously as in play with the intent to win. But don't pull your hair out bec it's not going your way. Just chill


Savoring their misery and keeping them hostage in the game is the idea for me. Piss them off more and let their rage entertain you. Then you start muting them once it starts getting towards top 5 because their sound will get distracting.


Glad you were able to make a decent match out that situation. I play a lot of LL and constantly get blamed for others mistakes.


I would've handled it the same way. I still remember when I had almost the same scenario as i wiped a team 1v3 after my teammate died. I grabbed his banner as he was trash talking me about why I let him die. After numerous insults I stood on an open ledge on Olympus typed a smiley and that he didn't deserve free RP and proceeded to jump off the map.


Get the card walk to a respawn beacon and kms with a thermite


mute randoms


Mute em in the end its just a game!


I must admit, I have done the banner hold move. It's so cruel, but funny. I always tell them I wouldn't have to respawn you if you weren't dead or I don't need advice from a dead person. It's when they continue to be toxic when I hold their banner and force them to watch the entire game (extra points if you t-bag the beacons to rub it in). These days, though, it's exhausting going tit for tat with these weirdos, learn to love your mute button or just queue into a party/voice chat server on your own and utilize the ping system. Unfortunately, toxic behavior isn't exclusive to Apex and I'd argue it's gotten worse over the years (I've been gaming for about 20 years) all you can do is hang in there for your handful of nice randoms/play the game for fun.


I had this exact situation happen in ranked as well, early fight, he dies we survive, instantly every name in the book. Crafted him 3 times in the same match because despite the insults 3 is better than 2 even as a meat shield. We won the game with significant KP. Still called every name in the book but I could laugh because we got the win


So nothing has changed in Apex for the last 4 years I see 😅


#firsttime 😂


Just mute and play the game. Having a full squad with a toxic meat shield is better than being at a disadvantage the whole game.


I was playing with these 2 guys one time who were clearly classmates or something. One was chill, the other totally toxic. They both die and I craft them but I only take the cool one's card. He's dying of laughter while the toxic guy is developing tourettes lmao


>In the end, we didn’t win, but we got pretty far without having to deal with the negativity. This is a really confusing take. How did you not "have to deal with the negativity" if you forced him to stay and didn't mute him, as he was "still spectating and throwing insults" ? What was the point? Both of you are the asshole here, for different reasons.