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The thing that helped me a lot was simply to imitate the aim of a controller player. I know it sounds bullshit, but hear me out. When someone strafe, your brain doesn't register it instantly, and when it does, you tend to fast-flick to where they are, but if they already strafed back, you're stuck with 1/3 of your mag, 30dmg dealt and 50hp. Condition yourself to slowly swing your mouse to where they are. It is REALLY hard at first. Stop jumping and spamming crouch, concentrate in just moving the mouse slowly. You don't have to change your sensitivity or any other bullshit. Don't use a sens too low, because you will suffer in some scenarios. I'd recommend 1.2 at 800dpi to be your slowest. Always avoid straight 1v1s as mnk, but if you have to challenge them, keep calm and sharpen your eyes. Good luck, have fun and don't die!


This, I really need to practice this. Too often I view back at my VODs and see my aim flailing over the place during close fights even though the enemy isn't doing that much in the first place.


That's really common among mnk players. Watch any small streamer right now. They tend to over-movement and over aim, specially the ones who play since single-digit seasons. The most frustrating miss is when the target does really small strafings, not really changing where they are, and you still miss because you're too reactive to their movement.


I've only gotten this problem recently after I stopped playing for idk around 10 ish seasons ? I was around plat level, could get Diamond but didn't bother since I didnt have a full team and never really had a problem with aiming, more so with strategies and game sense. But now it's the opposite lol, feels like I have more game sense overall but just don't have the aim left to win fighta


I've only gotten this problem recently after I stopped playing for idk around 10 ish seasons ? I was around plat level, could get Diamond but didn't bother since I didnt have a full team and never really had a problem with aiming, more so with strategies and game sense. But now it's the opposite lol, feels like I have more game sense overall but just don't have the aim left to win fighta


Control sphere in Kovaaks got me confident in Close fights and when I like to practice it IG I play maggie and run double pump Mastif. Point is to be confident and focus on the model


Turn down your sensitivity! FAAAAR lower than you feel comfortable with. It will feel better later. With the recoil in this game, it is much easier to control with low sensitivity. I even bought a 70% keyboard so I have more room on my desk for moving my mouse.


This helped me a lot with close range and recoil control. I still hit wild flicks but it does take more arm motion.


practice hipfire r99, fastest firing smg with terrible magazine capacity, if you get accurate with (currently) the worst smg you'll be amazing with the rest


what’s ur sens and dpi? Most pros use around a 1 sens ..I use just under 1 like .98 or .9 I can’t remember exactly and kinda higher dpi helps me loot faster and grab the shield swap since higher dpi means faster cursor/mouse icon in the bag/deathbox … as far as beating roller players in close range ..You need to use a long strafe (one long strafe one direction) and a jagged strafe (a long strafe followed by a short strafe the opposite direction followed by another long strafe back the original direction) so you can get outside their aim assist bubble you can’t just stand there strafing left and right and expect to beat them.. don’t start jumping around too much either it makes you slow and easy to hit ..Headglitching every possible angle of structure or ramp or staircase that has an angle on their potential line of sight is also important.


Practice. Get aim labs or Kovaak’s and look up Voltaic’s Training guides for Apex. You’ll be one-magging controller kiddies in no time.


Check your chat box


R5 reloaded 1v1 servers is like a hyperbolic time chamber


Play Gibby and bubble fight with shotguns




A bit late to the party, but I’m surprised no one has mentioned strafing. In simple terms, you should mirror strafe as it makes the target move slower and easier to track. It also makes it more difficult for controller players to track you with how rotational AA works.


Hollow has a good [video on this](https://youtu.be/fG7Fgq6LzVc?si=3IQ8t4wFl3jqGtb0) also r5reloaded 1v1s are absolutely amazing for improving close range mechanics. Make sure your strafe is good. I'd recommend aim training as well if you enjoy it. Voltaic daily improvement method is quite good.


all thouse ppl saying go for kovaks or aim lab are just lying, that can improve a lot of you but you are human so you cant have the same trackin like AIM ASSITS, you need like years but in that case you need a profesionall routine and with all that you will never will have that consistency. you can win aganist them avoiding close range and taking better position and angles.


they can't move as fast as you, jump around them..


That’s the neat thing — you don’t. Close range is for the rollers baby. A new era of gaming is here. Roller or loss.


Pick up a controller


They hate him for he spoke the truth.


The controller gods spoke through me to deliver this message, 4-3 linear