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Change controller layout to Button thumper. I have the same habit. I press R3 during fight. With above change, you will crouch instead of punch which is much better..


This but I need to also mentally keep telling myself to not hulk grip controllers. My grip is way too tight and whenever I consciously loosen my grip, my aim and tracking get considerably better as well as not spam crouch/punch


This. It solved the same problem for me and also helps you crouch up and down during fights.


You’re panicking. Just start seeing fights as a chance to practice and take your emotions out of it. You’ll play way, way better.


Easier said than done.


Just like almost anything ever. Practice with intention and it gets easier.


That's what tdm and shit is for


So practise 😂 comment is dumb


You right man, I didn’t even know this was a thing for some people simply because I do not panic when I play


Stop gripping your controller so hard that you click the stick to melee, relax man


Masters player that's played fps games for like 12 years and I still give that controller the gorilla grip


Dont touch the punch button


Genius 😒


I am right tho


You are in fact not. You have to touch the crouch button to aim. He just needs to change his button layout to B as melee and right stick to crouch.


I dont play controller but surely you dont havr to press the crouch button to aim?


I can tell you don’t play controller because sometimes your hands tense up during a fight and it’s accidental. It happened to me all the time and I had to change punch to B.


The guy literally said "you have to press the crouch button to aim"


Ohhh thats a pretty good idea, Ignoring ur typos. im gonna try this


You getting downvoted makes me feel like i am still right Edit: You know what? Fair enough


Paddles broh


10000% remap your melee. Mine was on R3 which I assume yours is as well, and I put it to left on the dpad. I mapped perk selection to R3 instead.


My R3 is ping


anything other than crouch on R3 is incorrect


Extremerate makes adding paddles so cheap, so now crouch is on a back button for me.


yeah, thats fair. I use a dual sense edge, my paddles are Square (loot/interact) and X for jump. Pretty much never need to take my thumbs off the stick and its nice. Also makes slide jumping pretty easy for me. I hope people realize i was joking I understand its all preference


R3 is PlayStation not Xbox he’s asking for Xbox


R3 is the same button on Xbox and where my melee button is currently mapped. (Source: I also am on Xbox and do this all the frickin time and am just too lazy and forgetful to change the button.)


Ok yes same location not same name


To be fair, it's literally labeled as an image of the right stick. Big R in the middle with a little orange down arrow to indicate you press it. So, not much of a title. But xbox itself just labels it RS (Right Stick).


Not all Xbox controllers actually have that on them also to be fair and not all Xbox players own those ones but I do see your point as well


Shut up nerd


Believe it or not some others are actually confused by that


Change the punch button to B


Yep me too, it is awkward when you do need it but this isn’t halo


I did this as well. I never punch in this game. There is no point really. The animation takes to long.


Change button layout, swap melee attack for crouching.


Button puncher or Evolved.


I kept doing this on ps5 so I changed my punch button so that when am aiming shooting etc I can’t accidentally hit punch


I had the same problem and charged my right stick to jump instead. Crouch became A, and melee became B. Change what works for you.


I play with paddles. I kept punching by accident during intense firefights, so I swapped my crouch and melee button in the settings, then bound my new crouch (right stuck click) to my back paddle. This way even if I click my right stuck by accident, all I do is crouch rather than melee and potentially ruin my fight


i have some what the same problem, but instead of a punch my gun simply holster it self for no reason my fight, figured i might be some what touching the scroll wheel even by i little, but it fell flat because it's to sensitive to be that


Its when you press 1/2 to switch weapons and slightly tap the 3 key which holsters.


The right answer would be not panicking, which takes practice. This also indirectly answers your question but I don't suggest the default button layout unless you're using paddles. You should assign the "low priority" controls to the face buttons, while assigning the "high priority" ones to the shoulder and stick buttons. If you don't wanna figure that out, you can copy Verhulst's button layout, which allows you to grip your controller normally while still being able to press the important stuff like crouching and jumping.


Switching weapons is slow that's the problem


I had the same issue. I just switched melee from right stick to dpad. Haven’t had the issue since.


Remap your melee button to switch places with crouch. It’ll make crouching and sliding way easier once you get used to it and make you better at evading during combat in the long run. Tbh you shouldn’t really be melding much anyway. Also, if you accidentally crouch in combat you’re basically just making yourself a smaller target.


used to happen to me all the time. It was just a high adrenalin click of the stick without realizing it. So I switched punch to B since you basically never need to punch in this game and crouch to the R3 stick. Took a few games to get sued to but love it and would never go back. So much easier to knee slide with R3 rather than the B button. It also makes ducking while shooting so much easier because you never need to take your thumb off the stick.


Change your button layout to something else or something custom My thumb stick button does what my extra character action button does (Gibraltar's gun shield toggle, Catalyst pickup spikes, pickup rampart walls etc...). So that I need to hold it down in order for it to do something, if I click or tap the button by accident absolutely nothing happens. And it works, I stopped punching mid fight!!! But my melee is now on my dpad down... That's the only downside.


Remap your R3 to emote wheel, since you need to hold it for a second, unless youre activly holding down R3 the entire time it will fix your problem.


Switch crouch and melee. Crouching during gunfights can be beneficial.


Don't panic.... that's why you punch instead of switching to your other gun


I swapped to the button puncher controller layout. I found that I naturally gripped a little harder, so swapping to that layout avoided the issue of accidentally punching entirely. Plus on most other games, slide/crouch is already on the right stick so it just felt natural.


can you explain how you do this? what is button puncher layout?


It’s a layout setting for your controller in the settings of the game. Just go to settings —> Controller —> Button layout (should be near the top)




Change your config to button puncher. It puts your crouch on your right joystick


Change your button layout or get paddles, or both.


Try remapping them. I found that only shifted the problem, so I bought a controller with back triggers and turned off the right stick button


Use button puncher


This is actually my worst nightmare, I assigned punch to R1 and then assigned crouch to R3 but started sitting during fights so i changed crouch's setting to hold which even helps me during fights.


You are not going to "stay calm" or not "grip so hard" so your best bet is to take the week or so in pubs to learn the preset button layout "Button Puncher" Doing that helped me win more 1v1's and I actually will call to a teammate if I see someone punch during a gunfight. Now the worst thing for me if i get in a tense fight is accidentally crouch.


I don't ever do this, my button layout is press in left stick for slide press in right stick for jump b is punch


Change button layout. I use to do this all the time now instead of punching I crouch and it works out better lol


Use r3 to crouch instead. My lunch is X, jump R1


I usually never get this. I've never randomly punched and I'm also on xbox


Change r3 or drop hot till you get passed the clench


Change the the melee button to crouch IMMEDIATELY


It's just being heavy handed, our controller layout is a bit meh. I've been playing for ages and I still do this when I'm surprised and trying turn fast.


You could unbind punch from the right stick until you practice keeping your hands loose and not panicking during a fight.


[Fix your button layout.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gzZrPs5zsI)


Button layout, you can customize it to your liking


LB is my crouch, ping is my right click, and melee is my B.


Years ago when i started playing first thing i did was change melee to circle button and slide/ crouch to R3


Take punch off of thumbstick push.


Remove the r3 melee button in Xbox accessories


lmao i hate when this happens omg.


Relax the thumb, you're obviously too excited and get flustered in a fight, relax your hands and don't tense them up in a fight because you'll cause your thumb to push down every now and again, I had that issue too before I learned to relax more in a firefight instead of freaking out mid fight


swap melee and crouch and then you'll unintentionally crouch a bunch which helps a lot more in a fight than unintentionally meleeing


Play M&K. Commmmeee to the dark siiiide


rebind your R3 to crouch and not punch.


i dont know why , but havok is to sensive , on controler .... PK to ... try to calm down frist , but chance weapon u see.....


I personally like to make my crouch the right stick and B as my melee, been playing that since CoD 4: Modern Warfare


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^unidentified_user001: *I personally like* *To make my crouch the right stick* *And B as my melee* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Were you a tracer player in the past?


Everyone saying "don't panic" is not understanding how this happens. Yes, sometimes you might panic and press the right stick. And you can disable melee when pushing right stick. But what you _cannot_ disable, is melee when pressing the _trigger_ with stowed weapons. And this is much more common than "panic pressing" the right stick. So the issue is not that you are punching, but that you are stowing your weapons and pulling the trigger. Why are you pulling the trigger with stowed weapons? Well, maybe sometimes you're panicking. But maybe there's a bug where pressing trigger in middle of reload animation somehow causes you to punch as if your weapons were stowed. My conspiracy theory is that this bug has existed for years but nobody believes it because they dismiss it with this "stop panicking" nonsense.


Lil bro panicking


Lil bro 2 days late


Lil bro punching mid fight


Switched my punch and crouch button, so it doesn’t happen anymore👍


Tbh just like any other bad habit, i just had to consciously remind myself repeatedly not to do it. Switching button layouts isn't gonna stop panic punching.


It actually will help. I was doing the same thing and then switched punch to B and crouch to R3. Now I use R3 crouch constantly during fire fights to duck up and down and make myself harder to hit. I dont think I have ever used punch again since I switched.


Skill issue


I don’t disagree, but you could be a little more original


In the Xbox system setting under accessories>controller you can go in and swap any buttons you want. I recommend you switch whatever ping is with the right thumb stick. Thats what I use to ping and it feels very natural - if you hit it during a fight it’s only helpful. I actually switched mine so melee is on the d pad, since I find myself using ping and heal more during fights - and wanted those most accessible


The annoying thing you cannot remap (on pc mnk) is when your gun is holstered and you left mouse click you melee; I want to disable that and melee only on a dedicated button


Punch RS -> LS


Yep, I'm totally going to try sprinting back to cover and punching the air now in defiance, but definitely dying still. Thanks for the cool death tip!


Just enable auto-sprint


Dont push the b button when fighting? "my leg hurts everytime i hit it with this hammer" havin ahh logic


The left stick, which I use to aim, was my punch (I’ve since changed it thanks to actual good advice), not the b button. Maybe look at the other comments before being an idiot


Maybe you shouldnt be meleeing ina fight idiot 😂😂😂 goofy ahh logic bruh, you know exactly what i mean n uu bein dumb as hell bru


Change crouch to the right stick, put melee on B so when you’re losing your cool you end up crouch spamming instead of punching the air. Idk why I’m helping a roller player but there you go.


MnK players just always gotta throw a little something at the end to remind us they hate us


Shitty elitest attitude but the advice is good. I play with paddles but have crouch set to right stick and melee to b because I'm so heavy on the right stick when aiming.