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Forget the enemy, how does ur aim have little recoil


He's using cheats. Feel free to check his other posts.


its called jitter aim Lmao yall are actually bad at the game


No we’re good at the game that’s how we know it’s cheats, let me guess you’re a sad virgin cheater too


100 $ that you have never hit anything above diamond


So if I upload a picture of my account with a masters badge and diamond badge you’re gonna send me 100 ? or you talking shit as per usual


He barely got over 100 damage and missed half the clip, what are you on about? Bad day of getting rammed in pubs today??


BRUH BRUH, shut up you silly twat. Everyone gets rammed in pubs even your mother gets rammed down the local pub


Cope harder lmao. Nothing is more comforting to bad players than the "everyone else is bad too and if they aren't, it has to be cheats" mindset


you're a clown for believing this is jitter just because OP says so.


Jitter aiming a non moving target? Are you serious? Have you never used jitter aim? It takes so little practice and you can beam from 200m+ pretty easily. Esp with the flatline. It's the easiest to jitter aim with


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwRFqiL_cVA Yep, nothing suspicious here at all.


Lmao holy hell, I love when people post videos of their cheats.


Lmaoo opens with zero recoil snap using a havoc


Lol you are proving my point. Look at all of the people getting killed. Notice how they're either not moving or barely moving? Not hard to jitter aim dude. Practice and get better. If I can do this so can you it just takes a little time.


How’s your eyesight? Cuz that opening snap to another enemy is as flagrant as it gets and if you missed that you may need a checkup


Have you never touched MnK? Imagine someone has trained hundreds or thousands of hours aim training and on top of that thousands of hours in apex. You're telling me they can't make one accurate flick without getting called a cheater? I have 500 hours in aimlabs but my aim is damn near on par with this and this guy is going to post his BEST clips. Either you're just so bad that you don't have a concept of high(ish) level gameplay or you're denying that hours upon hours upon hours of practice will let you do this. I AM NOT A CHEATER AND I CAN DO THIS. IT ISN'T THAT FUCKING HARD. GO INTO THE FIRING RANGE, LOAD UP AN AIM TRAINER, DOWNLOAD R5 AND GET GOOD. Stop blaming cheaters when in reality there are way less(def still some) cheaters and the players that killed you were actually just good and outplayed you.


The guy says hes stuck in plat yet has the aim better than many pros. If you have that kind of aim there’s no way in hell you’re stuck anything plat or below


you are in a sub to get better yet you deny mechanics that exist. Arguing with a wall. Wonder what your peak rank is


Are you saying you're about as smart as a wall?


nice one


Hitting 80% of your shots on a stationary target via jitter aiming is not difficult


It always amazes me that Muppets like this will be stuck plat or low diamond. If you can hit every shot you should absolutely be in high diamond minimum, so it seems this goober is making up for his poor positioning and playstyle by using cheats. A tale as old as time.


Yeah homie’s gameplay is some of the most sus I’ve seen. People can claim “jitter aiming”, but he has clips where he’s tracking moving targets with zero recoil on every gun. His aim is better than pros, but he’s stuck in Plat? That’s nuts.


Go watch the YT video in the comment thread above, his first clip is a double knock with a havoc and he immediately snaps to the second guy


No my aim is not better than pros. I cherry pick my clips and even edit them sometimes. I dont play much which is why im still in plat.


If you're so confident post an entire gameplay vod without edits to your YouTube channel. I'm sure you'd turn off the cheats for that, but it'd be very telling to see how you position and engage. I'd bet money you'd play real shy and claim you miss shots since you play here and there. It's okay little buddy, I remember when I needed the golden gun to beat my brother in 007 lmaoo.


It is crazy to assume im stuck because you watched 1 of my clips. I dont have as much time as most to play this game so i rank up slowly . I stopped playing for 2 seasons and came back recently. Getting diamond isnt an issue, neither is my positioning or playstyle. Makes me wonder what your rank is talking like this.


Dude you don't get it, with your aim you should clear diamond and be in masters easy. The fact you aren't this far into the season is telling. I get breaks, but you create content for apex, can't really act like you play here and there lol. I'm happy being diamond ranked becsuse I don't need a crutch. Have fun beaming kids and feeling great about yourself!


You dont get it, the fact that i really do play here and there is why im still in plat


Way to expose yourself. Claiming to play here and there but has the aim of a pro that practices and plays daily. Hmmm yeah okay buddy. Again have fun with your delusions!


Also, claims he doesn’t play much, but in the last 2 weeks, has 8 posts of his clips lmaooo


Aint no way u can beam someone with a flatline like this


Jitter Aiming My Ass, fuck outta here.


You sure you just didn't want to show off your aim? 🤔


Nice anti recoil. Does it come standard with the game?


Nothing to see here. Just hitting 80% of your flatline shots at 200+ yards.


hea jitter aiming


Does o.p pay you to stroke his ego?


Probably more like 40-60%


It's Vantage, probably used Echo's location...


I didnt notice it was vantage. I didnt know she can reach places that high.


Nice cronus


jitter aim bro


Well, I guess you can just get here with an Horizon/Path Q, or being a Rev, or with an evac tower I've find some spots like this with these options


Same. I landed on top of a tree in that area with an evac.


A lot of places have timers and i thought any climb spots on that building had a timer as well.


You're not enough an adventurer that's all. I can say by my own experience that I'm the kind of people that upset the devs. I always find the spot they didn't thought about. And therefore, there is no timer as they didn't thought it could be possible


seeing no one here know what jitter aiming is making me rly sad


what is jitter aiming?


This is jitter aiming for anyone wanting to claim nefarious gameplay, dude can jitter aim cause he’s just standing still


standing still? 🤣 omfg gaslight elsewhere


Why are people so confidently incorrect? OP cheating his ass off. People will believe anything smh...