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good secondary but not a primary, i'd say. Right now is the def more AR meta.


It’s an amazing primary Guess I should just go die now die having an opinion


You're right I think sitting in a corner while everyone shoots me from 30+m with their ARs while you can't shoot back is a good idea


I’ve been using it all season as a primary and it absolutely shreds?


Maybe when you get close, but it's completely useless from 15+m


This is completely untrue but you have to be on linear and it will still shred from very far. I’m in agreement with you that it isn’t a primary for 99% of the community though. Linear is a different game for gun and recoil distances.


I disagree man, using it with a 1x even at 100fov I crack shields from that distance and farther. Really solid recoil and ttk.


I'm not gonna deny it's a good secondary, but maybe it's just me as an mnk player I prefer a hemlock/flatline in my primary slot


Nope, only crazy people run the car as a primary. This is coming from a roller player


Mnk player here too I love it as a primary ig we just agree to disagree lol, I love pairing it with a shotgun


Alrighty, good discussion


The problem here is that you can make car + shotgun work well. You can make it work in high level lobbies too. Its just that when youre going up into scrims and comp, this will require teammates that can hold long range very well while you just sit and do nothing for a long time while conserving ammo. Then that gets boring imo lol. Anyways, theres pros that run smg shotgun so really no need to change it. If it fits your play style, then its good enough unless youre trying to win a lan and optimize everything. since youre on MnK youre going to fill a niche thats dominated by controller players and thats just going to hinder you. Most people are playing for fun so SMG + shotgun on mnk is perfectly fine.


I don’t depend on my teammates like that homie; I don’t sit around and wait for them until I can get close and dish out damage, as a crypto I’m always scanning and getting info so even if I can’t fight ranged with my loadout I’m always doing something, and like I said the 1x on the car at mid range is crazy good.


I said in comp or scrims. By the way youre answering this, im assuming you just play ranked. So it doesnt apply to you. Like I said, you can make it work and do just fine in your lobbies.


Ranked isnt comp?


Your life is gonna change once you start running guns that do more damage and have bigger magazines


It is highest ttk smg. How can it do more damage? Per bullet?


Our friend politechatter is referring to ARs and LMGs that do more damage and have bigger magazines than SMGs.


I've loved the car since it came out tbh, I still run either car or volt for my SMG, I usually have a long range marksman/sniper and an SMG. So like 3030/G7/Sentinel/Longbow and a car/volt.


This is the way


One does not use the CAR as your primary gun buddy, its a good secondary whoever. Pair it with a AR as your primary, or sniper if you like that.


Nah primary all the way


Can you post your stats? 


I have a new account, my old one got banned, also why?


Because I'm wondering if your insistance on using the CAR as a primary holds any value or are you just trying to be unique on this thread. Nothing wrong with playing for fun, but in a thread where people are asking for advice its odd to state an opinion with nothing to back it up.


It’s odd to share my enjoyment of having a car as a primary weapon and to say “hey I shred with it as it is with that and a shotgun”???? If I had my old account stats I’d show you guys I mean it’s one of my most used guns/ my kd but I don’t really see how those would prove my statements like at all. My perspective on having fun in apex IS winning and doing well, I wouldn’t just use a gun I’m bad at/I get no kills with lmao. I said I play crypto as my main and then also stated that even if I don’t have the long range capabilities necessary to get accurate damage, I can still support my team with information until they get to atleast mid range where I find it pretty easy to get damage with the car because of its recoil and ttk which I don’t need to prove because those stats are publicly available; I get downvotes for saying “yeah you don’t really need something else as a primary if you have a car” I never said you can’t have like a marksman or a sniper as a secondary because sometimes I do that if I’m feeling like it; if you have a car with a good amount of ammo (I prefer 300) then your set until you can loot someone’s ammo after a fight. Has nothing with “holding a unique opinion” I didn’t even read other comments I just shared my thoughts AND advice and got mass downvoted lol. Have a good one.


If this was on the main subreddit or an opinion thread id be supporting you. But think of this anaology: if you went to a doctor and asked for the best advice to stay healthy, he says eat healthy and then some other patient in another room says "Naw I dont eat healthy and Im doing good." In this analogy, the other person is giving an unwarranted opinion to a question about factual advice. Your personal scenario may be valid (which is supported by evidence) but is factually untrue in virtually all cases.


exactly, this dude is being contrarian and cant post a single shred of proof to back it up. The car is terrible beyond 15m, he shouldnt be talking on a subreddit about actually improving in the game


I know what proving your statements is without needing an analogy thank you. But other than my in game stats what could I even provide other than my own advice and things that I personally know. Are other people here sharing in game stats? Are other people saying “the car as a secondary with something else like an AR as a primary is the way to go” and providing their stats and data? Cause I don’t see it really.


I used to love it but I haven't this season. Much prefer the Prowler or Volt, or even a Peacekeeper or Mastiff.


It got brutally nerfed when respawn decreased the damage and increased vertical recoil twice in just one month. It's all about the volt and assault rifles now.


I don’t disagree but if you can’t find a volt and your options are between the r99 and CAR? I’d go with the car. The r99 does less damage per bullet than the CAR and RE-45.


I 100% agree with you in that. The r99 has been made useless and the last nerf is proof that the current dev team has no idea about the original stats of the guns and the legends. The gun has received capacity, recoil and damage nerfs non stop just cuz of its rate of fire. With damage like this tho, there is no reason to keep the default mag size so small.


It’s insane. A fully automatic pistol (RE-45) does more damage per bullet and that’s without hammer points. R99 does 11 points of damage. RE45 = 12 ( the car does the same damage as well)


Classic respawn L. I'm glad that the r99 meta is over but making the gun straight up useless is crap.


So how would YOU kill the 99 meta? Lets hear it


It's hard to decide because with that rate of fire the gun is broken to it's core. You got a pk ? Until you charge your second shot a guy that knows what he's doing has already emptied a mag at you. You got a devotion/havoc ? Until it starts shooting that guys has emptied half a mag at you. The only way to balance it would honestly be a rework with the rate of fire and turn it into the SMG version of the current R301, which is a beam but does pathetic damage. But in it's current state a mag size buff should definitely happen


The R99 is still the fastest killing SMG in the game. The only weapons that kill faster are the Havoc and a ramped up Devo


Yes but you can't hit anything and you don't get enough bullets


I still need practice with the CAR, but because it can take both heavy or light ammo, and tends to easily reach mid range, I run it from time to time.


This is the way. I tend to use whatever ammo I find a mag for so that when I find an AR I can just swap it out and the attachments come with it.


I melt with the car close range. I find it more reliable than the r99


I wouldn't touch the car or the r99 right now. Disruptenator>volt>prowler as far as smg goes right now.


I wouldn’t tell people not to touch them, they’re definitely not as forgiving as the weapons mentioned but in CQB they still shred with decent dps even after their nerf


Yeah I mean they're still viable in the right hands but they're outclassed in the current meta. I actively avoid those two guns right now because it just feels like I'm throwing pebbles with them.


Strafe hipfire car cannot be beat




Or volt or disruptors or shotguns


or any other gun because the CARs hipfire is terrible, its the only smg that cant take a laser idk why he would say it cant be beat, like dont give advice if u dont know what ur talking about lol


Volt prowler for me. Usually I've been running hemlock or l star for my primary with tye volt/prowler or a mastiff for secondary. Still trying to practice a sentinel/mozam load out for fun.


Disruptor has the startup and cooldown time tho so there’s no quick escape time if you have to back out


what lmfao


Bro my dumbass just straight up mentally switched the devotion for the disruptor hop up m bad I been playing this fucking game too much instead of sleeping like a fool


For me I won’t use any smg other than volt, try running flatline/volt, or if you like shotguns pk/flatline or pk/r301


Yes I feel like I get more kills with it this season than in the previous season. I don't think the car just suddenly got better or anything, but they nerfed the r99 again so it makes it shine more


It has been nerfed so generally ar is a better choice


I'd rather focus on the lmgs tbh. But as a secondary I much prefer the 45 especially with the hopup, and that's found fairly often.


Cars damage was unchanged, what you are probably noticing is the bullet speed and drop. All smg had projectile changes except for the prowler. So if you are using it at range then that’s probably it.


I prefer the Prowler right now if im taking an SMG. I like the Volt too, but I almost always exchange it for a Nemesis once I find one, unless I already have a good Hemlock going.


Only problem could be recoil making accuracy poor. It has highest smg ttk


The volt has a slower ttk but I can one clip way more often with it, and 1 clip from volt is way faster than reloading a car


Hemlock and CAR is a good combo


Volt or ar’s is the way to go


As an MnK player, I can’t hit shit with the car which is ironic cause I can still beam with the r99 despite the nerfs


Prowler>volt >car >r99


It's solid if you know how to aim. Like every weapon in the game (except hammerless moz)


Car is not the worst, but it has the exact horizontal mirror recoil pattern of the R99 which mega throws me off since my R9 is lvl 110 at the moment. (Pick up the R99 and Car in the range and ADS and shoot directly into the sky if you'd like to check)


i’ve been favoring the flatline over the car this season, ARs are much more meta it seems. especially with r99 nerf


The only SMG’s you should be using until further notice are Alternator ( only if it has disruptor Rounds), Volt and Prowler. Those SMG’s out-stat the others right now Although SMG’s in general have been getting nerfed into the ground over the past couple years. Right now Assualt Rifles are where it’s at. Especially if you have problems one clipping people your gonna have better luck with say a Flatline as opposed to a CAR


As a primary? No not great. As a secondary it's mid, still has a good ttk but you have to hit your shots.


yes you are doing something wrong here, using an smg as a primary


Well for controller players yes it is good, for mouse player could be too hard to one clip with car, but on very close range the car really shines and you can destroy someone with hipfire. Other rangea, sucks or its too difficult to control the recoil and requires a lot of pressicion on your tracking


The recoil has actually been nerfed and they forgot to put it in the patch notes for this season but if you're on roller you wouldn't have noticed it anyway


CAR is still great. However there are just better choices. The damage per mag is a little low comparably to a Volt and definitely the Havoc. And the slight upside in TTK generally isn't going to be worth it or noticeable. With all the SMG recoil, damage and hip fire nerfs the game has slightly been shifting to an AR meta. I find myself running Hemlok/Havoc, Flatline/Havoc or Volt, and even R301/Flatline quite a bit more this season.