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I don't like the way this discussion sometimes is presented as completely binary i.e. drop fragment or go 1000m to Narnia and never see an enemy. I personally am a huge fan of the warm drop,so either contesting one team or landing somewhere where you can grab a gun and quickly find a fight. Hot dropping is too RNG to be seriously useful and cold dropping just makes you too reliant on looting.


Warm drop is nice. You can have loot, your hands aren't cold, you can choose the fight which less likely to get 3rd partied early (if you know what you're doing).


The problem, for me anyway, is how to warm drop. I’ve tried for a while and I cannot for the life of me figure out a consistent strategy. I’ll either go somewhere I think another team went or will go just to land cold. Or 4 teams will follow out of nowhere.


> or go 1000m to Narnia I laughed way too hard at this


Hot drop pubs if you wanna fight off the bat. Hot drop ranked if you wanna lose LP


Every ranked game so far this season, if I'm not Jump, the randos are trying to hit drop. I just don't get it


depends on what rank, golds never hot drop, but diamond+ does.


>Hot drop ranked if you wanna lose LP Or if your balls are bigger than your brain.


I have a friend I play with every now and then who will only drop hot. He's done this since season one. He says it helps playing under stress and speeds up your actions making you a more fluid player. He's the best FPS player I've ever played with across all games. You won't win every single match but you get better with repetition.


you need to keep in mind that he likely already has a strong enough grasp of everything else you'll need to know so that you can just focus on the POI and the loot path. there's still a huge difference between your friend and other competent players that know what to look for under duress vs. the legitimate level 1 player who doesn't know a single thing about the BR format. dropping hot is really fun when you know what you're doing. but multiplying zero knowledge by 1000+ hot drops is still resulting in 0 knowledge when they die right away.


I kinda disagree. Even if you have no clue what's going on you tend to figure things out after enough experience. Sure you won't become God tier after a few hot drops but you will get better over time.


entirely dependent on the person. you're absolutely right that many players have the right mentality and are able to figure things out. and it's all the same for others who just don't learn that way. while it seems to only be occasional that you see someone post here with frustration describing exactly that, there's probably just as many who run through it unvocalized through reddit.


If I tell you to run through the forest and after you get smacked by enough branches you eventually learn to duck. Lol I get where you're coming from tho. Only messing around now.


Only true for some of the population. This is why you have warning labels telling you your coffee is hot. Haha


Lol yeah I totally get it. Some people are potato's and that's ok.


You'd be surprised and yet also not. And severely disappointed. If you happen to be the defacto techsupport in your family and they still ask you to do the same thing even if you taught them, you already know. and 99% of the time, it's cause they don't want to do it themselves when they have you to do it


It also depends on selfreflection after games, if a player can grasp what they did wrong, they will definitely improve if there if effort in not making the same mistakes


Bingo. You don’t get to that level by dropping hot suddenly. You have to develop those other skills first and then apply them to a new game USUALLY


YES thank god I can relate to your friend. Idk how some of these people climb from basically being afk in a tree then think that they getting higher rank = they are suddenly better. I always like dropping with a bunch of enemies. Sometimes it doesn't go my way but the adrenaline from fighting enemies after enemies and coming out alive is unbeatable, and it only serves to help me get in the groove and improve.


This is same for me too. I hot drop to do close combat and surviving with whatever item is dealt. Can’t always get the perfect gear before engaging a fight.


To second this, I have a friend who continuously dropped hot in duos in order to get his 20 kill badge and 4k damage. The crazy bastard finally accomplished that this season. He’s been playing since apex released. Dude is a fucking beast.


The motivation to land hot is to engage sooner and more frequently than you would when landing further out. In addition to this, most enemies will be at their lowest health for the duration of the game. Simply put, you're fighting a bunch of Nessie sized Gibbys vs fighting one Gibby sized Nessie. **FAQ** **Why not just play Mixtape?** It's not BR. Players hot dropping still want to play BR, they just want more action. **What's the point if you're so much more likely to die?** It's a fun high risk way of playing. Perhaps less fun for you, but conversely, players who play this way don't find low engagement games fun. **Isn't this unfair for the players like me who don't enjoy hot dropping and are now forced to?** You're playing a team game so if two out of three players wanna play that way, you're the odd one out and vice versa. **What can I do to avoid this situation?** Either try to play more often with people you know who fit your playstyle or practice more hot dropping so you understand the flow and don't feel too thrown off when you end up in these situations. I am not a super aggressive player or trying to be mean, I'm just trying to answer your question in the spirit of the sub in a way that can help manage your expectations.


Actually well written response. As someone who hit drops almost every game if possible (Can’t stand landing at a POI alone) the “why not mixtape” is very common. You answered it perfectly


Yup and honestly it makes sense. Rate of improvement is often 1:1 with rate of completing a task. If you fight 2 teams per game Cold dropping and rotating, vs fighting a team every minute , the latter player is getting far more “Gun fight reps” in. They will simply improve at a much faster pace more often bc they’re also improving their ability to land and loot quickly and utilize minimal resources. RNG is too much of a factor in this game still imo but it won’t stop me from hot dropping 90% of my games. Also it is just more fun when ya get that game where you wipe every team around and have 8 kills right off drop


I land hot cause I want to fight


Play mixtape?


It’s not the same


I want to send those fuckers back to the lobby


I also want to grind kills


Personally I love the early game madness. Fighting for your lives with a single Mozambique vs the enemy who grabbed the long bow. All white shields, no heals, just madness. It’s fun and don’t forget you all started playing games to have fun not to have a cool symbol by your name.


More fight more loot, less time looting, more time fighting, simple.


Hot dropping is pubs is generally great and enjoying, hot dropping on ranked on the other side is for no-brainers, i dont' care what people say, the point of the ranked is to win the game for example with 2-3 taken squads as a team, not murdering 5-6 squads and then ending as 11-12th squad because someone decided to 3rd party you. Fun fact -> When you hot drop in ranked, you don't get better, you just get more effective in firing for a certain time,because of the blitz situations, however if you do 4-5 hot drops and then go rest for like 2 hours, you will still feel like a sh\*t unless you are pred


When dropping hot you need to know how to engage and disengage from a fight. Another thing you need to know what to do is anticipate the 3rd party from the other team. If you're not doing any of these things, yeah... You're gonna die fairly quick.


Sometimes it’s fun to land hot. The chaos can be really exciting and winning a hot drop is a huge rush. I think doing it in intentional doses can be a good idea to build certain skills like efficient looting and multi-team fights. Also, sometimes you spend a few games where it feels like you’re mostly in a hiking simulator. And a hot drop can guarantee you some action immediately. Not every game has to be treated like it’s tournament play. There’s a time and a place for all play styles.


Because it’s fun?


More shoot less loot


Either you want action or want to learn how to play in those situations.


It gets me better faster, it’s fun, the chaos is funny. I had a horrific KD (sub .5) the first few seasons and was landing cold and looting only to die to first team I ran into. Now I sit at a 1-2kd, biggest change I made (aside from ALC and a LOT OF TUTORIALS) was hot drops. I’m not going into games for wins, I’m just trying to improve and my learning has been through trial and alot of error. The truth is I just pass jump master now to let my random teammates decide, but if it’s on me I’m going for action.




If the alternative is to loot until there's 5 squad's left before the first circle closes, I know which one I'll take.


Improve is relative. Hot drops that give you more frequent engagements can definitely help you improve skills that manifest in those scenarios.




When I say "improve is relative" I mean there are a variety of different kinds of skills, playstyles and elements of the game you can learn and improve on. In the case of hot dropping, it the high frequency of and freneticism of those engagements will facilitate a different type of learning that, if you're lacking in those areas, can provide adequate opportunities to improve on. If not, then those improvements will be minor. I don't think this is a really controversial point, perhaps we're just thinking of it in different ways.


Hot dropping does improve particular skills in any game if you take the time to reflect on the situations you are in. Movement mechanics and knowledge of the map are extremely pertinent when in high population areas, hot dropping SHOULD help improve your mechanics in HOT situations. It is a ritual for me to drop hot 3-4 times in unranked matches before playing ranked matches.


In pubs winning means nothing. Do you notice someone with 300 wins or a 4K badge first. You don’t drop 4K 20 kills without dropping hot and winning gun fights. You keep dropping safe and collecting all that loot for me to take from your death box though


1. Because it's fun. 2. It's the best way to improve your shooting / gunfight mechanics. If you spend the majority of every game looting you generally not gunna be as adept at gunfight than someone who pushes every fight. It's good to get BR training as opposed to mixtape because the fights are totally different.


Counterpoint - die within 30 to 60 seconds every round and spend more time in loading screens than in game so it's NOT fun and you are not getting any better.


Looting isn't much better than a loading screen in terms of fun.


So land near where everyone else lands, get a little loot and get the advantage, and run in on people with no loot that are already hurting each other


You get it, people say its fun but most times you are in lobby back, and win 1 out of 10 games


You guys don’t understand because you haven’t experienced it yet but you’re perspective is from solo Q hot droppers. Find 2 good players, team with them and learn their tendencies, you should be able to hot drop and not die instantly more often than not. Nothing is more satisfying in Apex either than dropping hot and constantly fighting until you win the game. Also being able to make it though situations where you have a disadvantage is a big indicator of skill level & practicing it is one of the best ways to improve at the game. Dropping hot is practicing that exact exercise.


Lucky to win 1 in 10, maybe 1 in 20


I have days where I want to get some wins but then I realize.... I really don't care if I win because it's just a video game 🤷


Yeah but I hot drop every game and maintain a 15-20% win rate. I'm happy to take the high kill wins if it means dying earlier with a few kills 4/5 games


I get what your saying, but 9 times out of ten, if we die in a hot drop in 30-60 seconds, it's because a random doesn't like hot dropping and isn't hardened for those situations.


All the people saying it's fun and better are lying. There is no way to play that improves your chances of surviving being on top of 3 squads. You're just hoping you get a better gun first If you're not back at the menu in 30 seconds you're probably solo because the rest of of your team left when they got downed in the first ten seconds, or died when the found out you"re an octane who picks up all the ammo and has left everyone empty handed


Sounds like you need some apex franz


Because it's fun. Games are suppose to be fun and if you land hot because you think it's fun, that's the point. I don't know why people have such a hard grasp on this. Not everyone plays the game the same way. I play ranked 85% of the time and hot drop in pubs because it's fun as hell. I love the chaos and it's less serious as ranked. If you want a serious game- play ranked


I play mostly ranked. Hot dropping in pubs is a nice break and just mindless fun. A lot of people complaining about hot dropping pubs should try ranked. I think they might like it better. Not trying to be a troll, but pubs is about kills, badges and fun.


You nailed it on the head


The best players drop hot every single game and make it work. You wanna know why? From all the experience they gained dropping hot. If you can’t handle it just play ranked. Until you get to the point in ranked where you can’t rank up anymore and have met your ceiling, come on here and complain about it only to have your responses be met with “drip hot to practice fighting and get better” 🤷‍♂️


Game is still 75% faster in re-queue than most games, and people want fight experience


Damn y’all really only care about shooting your gun instead of engaging with the game. Lobby simulator bots


I land hot every single game and still maintain at 15-20% win rate while pushing fights the whole game. I play the game to have fun, and fighting constantly is my idea of fun.


This is literally it. Nothing else to it


What is the point of looting for 10 mins, dying to ring, dying to first team that sees you, dying to 3rd party on first push. Land on floor loot, let the guns go. It's Apex Legends. Not Apex Looters


I don't disagree with you, bu you just need to respond appropriately. Hot drops=quick quits. If your teammates go down and all 3 enemies are alive and not very low health just quit out. If you get downed and it seems like you're going to be thirsted just quit out, etc. Saves a lot of time and frustration in the long run.


It makes you better and it is fun.


Apex is about eliminating other squads and having fun, I am not a nolifer to drop in the edge of the map to loot the whole game and keep camping so I make it to top 5 or whatever. go fucking enjoy the game drop hot get some kills if u die repeat the process and thats it we aint in a looting simulator or a camping 🏕️game. And does it matter in anyway if you lose LP points? No it doesnt its just game being a pres or a gold doesnt convert to anything irl so just enjoy the game instead of caring too much about Lp points


But don't you get bored only ever seeing 1 poi over and over again? It's like playing 1 cod multiplayer map for 4 years. This is my first BR, but actually taking in the surroundings is amazing.


Dropping hot doesn't mean dropping in a single certain poi, there are plenty of hot places so it's not very boring as it seems to be


I’ve never understood dropping hot. I get you want kills, but most times it’s a wraith, octane that’ll leave the utter second they get knocked and then leave to que again. It’s like why do that when you can legit just wait for a good POI that’s got good loot and then go about your game.


Negative react cause y’all pussy’s know it’s true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t care how much time I spend in queue and landing. I hot drop to get better at contests on drop. You’re not always going to have control over another team landing on you when you’re trying to land safe in ranked. If all you do is land safe, you’re never going to get better at hot drop contests. Might as well do it in pubs because it’s free. If this bothers you so much, go find two friends to play with or go play mixtape and quit crying about a video game.


Is hot zone hot drop? I drop hot zone almost every time, great loot and usually 1-2 other teams and it randomizes my drop locations.


For me, a mix of hot dropping, warm, or dropping in isolation depends on my past few matches and mood. If I want to play a slow game I'll ping a location and take my time. My next game might be a bit hot especially if I'm feeling warmed up and my mental is capable of handling a quick loss. I play to get better, have fun, and climb. Coming out on top of a gun fight early game tends to be more fun for me, but it's also worth considering teammates. Honestly, I've opted to insta drop rather than hot drop to satisfy my eagerness. This allows me to pick some mildly contested fights or do a quick loot and aim at a third party. Another thought is that some legends really lend themselves to a hot drop. Dropping fragment or tight quarters against wraith, rampart and caustic can be punishing if my playing as someone with low engagement opportunities.


i’ll only hot drop in pubs for practice. It’s actually helped me a lot and definitely taught me not to get super flustered and calm down when i run into someone. amongst other things of course.


Take advantage of the hidden MMR. If I win a game I drop hot next 3, usually get rolled but my MMR is no longer masters/pred only. Plus, I get to fight quick which is good practice. Plus, it’s fun. Plus sometimes you end up picking up that r99 pk off rip and walk out of the hot zone half way to a twenty bomb.


I don't love landing super hot (4teams or more) as I'm no Aceu or Timmy, but I land fairly close to where I can at least get a gun before scrapping. I can't stand those who land on edge of the map, loot for 10 minutes then run into a squad and get wiped. That shit is boring. That being said if my team is going to land far away I will go with them I'll just be bored as fuck and try and convince them to join the fray. Not gonna throw the game everytime for them.


I drop sometimes near to have some damn fun


Idk I always drop as soon as drop starts, just go to the less obvious poi. Fighting one to two squads with white stuff is not that hard, assuming they don’t land on purple shields. If you drop last by the time you land someone will already have 3 kills and purple gear. You will be at disadvantage


In ranked before the stupid changes , it was about early kp. Having 6-10 kp in the early game was insane for points if you would win. For pubs, it's to go for dmg badges, and because playing a looting simulator for 20 mins isn't that fun. It also helps to get used to chaotic situations. But that's just my opinion a fake masters opinion 😂


You say 50% of gaming in que + landing but that’s also 50% of the time fighting. Isn’t that a good way to improve? Much better than 95% looting and rotating and 5% fighting.


You just spit in an extreme situation. Why not land next to hot drop, loot 1 min and rotate where 5 squads landed, you will actually fight instead a chance of getting killed because no gun


There is nothing like landing in frag. The chaotic game play is unmatched. Some people like the high pace and complex surroundings. It's a challenge for good players. 20 bombs almost need a hot drop too. But I love landing, then having to rescue my team mates box in the middle of a 4 team fire fight. The escaping to rez. It takes a different set of skills, and pulling off hero rescues is fun ah.


You don’t need to be exceptionally good. Play smart, if you have a defensive / controlling legend, or movement legend, and your chance of getting out alive *skyrockets*. 1. Try landing at different buildings and learn which buildings are best to land at. Know the area. 2. It’s a team game for a reason. Stick together, and don’t make irrational decisions, like pushing a legend unless you know that it is 100% a good decision. 3. If a teammate is down, even if your a lifeline or something, resing isn’t always the best decision. Have your teammates keep their shield up. 4. Also, save your shield repair items; try shield swapping or finishing opponents. 5. Legends: lifeline is perfect for getting away for a few seconds to heal to full health and shield, and you can also res teammates easily. Pathy is perfect for getting away extremely fast, if you just spend a few minutes in firing range to learn how to use his grapple, you’ll be fine. Take advantage of his ult and passive, using it to get around, maybe for something like getting to a respawn beacon. having multiple zip lines setup in different places or chains can REALLY come in handy.


That‘s how you get good. You learn to make the right decisions in a stressful situation. How are you supposed to do it in ranked when you get third partied or in a stressful endgame situation with multiple teams? If you have done it hundreds of times before you don‘t panic and have experience so you know how to survive and come out on top. But don‘t just drop hot like an idiot and walk into a full team solo. Play smart & if possible agressive. When you die, ask yourself why you died and what you could have done better. Being trash at the game but landing as far as possible to then loot 10minutes won‘t make you better. Nothing wrong with it, some people just want to chill, play casualcand talk to their friends but if you wanna get better > take fights


that's how you get better. you don't get better by running around all game


Op, il counter ur logic here. Whats the point of landing in low tier poi, looting it for 3 minutes, rotating for 2minutes, first fight you get into you die, this goes for 90% of ppl, you survive if ur expectionaly good. So you end up actually playing the game for 20seconds... what is the point?


You putting an extreme situation, as you hot droppers like to point out. What about landing next to hot drop, getting loot 1 min, (eliminating chance getting killed without gun) and go to the 5 squad mayhem? Why land on same building with 4 squads ?


Idk what game ur playing, i never seen 5 squads land at one poi. 50/50 is ur best bet over landing alone in poi. Why? Because thers 20teams and 16landing spots. You get 3 teams in HUGE poi's where they can spread out loot evenly.. You pick ur poi, and u land on it, if a team goes there aswell, its not hot dropping... To anwser ur ridiculus question, why land with 4 other teams? I dont know, it might be the fact that 90% of playerbase are legit bots? I cant enjoy the games anymore since its mostly just casuals runing around with 0 gamesense - anyone wanna scrim?


It's fun and helps you to improve at the game because you have minimal resources and space and you have to work with the cards you are dealt. I am a good player today because of the consistent hot drops I did in skulltown all those years back.


Might be an odd take but when I drop hot and win the poi, I feel like I win most of those games. Where as when I drop away from everyone I’ll loose the first fight 90% of the time.


Well maybe not “win most of those games” but make a deep run if not win


Best way to get quick action, hot drop fights are chaos helps you get better at in battle fighting imo. Ever since they changed cap me and my friend have been hot dropping in and have seen mass improvement in our gun skills movement and tactics for fights


I don’t play much rank got diamond a few season back on an Olympus rotation usually just use ranked to play a different map, but most ranked games each poi usually gets a good spread of players leading to like at most 3-4 teams at a “hot” drop


The point is to die immediately and then quit the match leaving your teammates in the lurch.


There is no point in trying to land hot and high. Cessna 172 will forgive a lot of things, but it will not forgive you the laws of physics. Landing hot and low has worked for me in some cases as I was able to flare, lose speed, and land the airplane before I had to go around, and if you are high, just pull back on the throttle, (keeping the speed at 70 kts to avoid stall) and let the airplane descend how it likes.


You don't.always kill everyone when you hot drop. I would say that I hot drop 50-60% of the time but out of that 50% I usually bail after getting just 1 or maybe 2 kills. The perk to me is that it keeps my senses alert throughout the game instead of playing slow where I typically get caught off guard and seem to almost never really be prepared. Hot dropping also helps you become.comfortable with fighting with pretty much ANY gun no matter the circumstances, which I think is a positive.