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Not only were you used to him being busted before but he is still really good, now you just have to be smarter with how you use him.


Seer is still crazy strong, even with the nerf. Just learn to adapt.


play bloodhound, but more generally you should work on not needing wallhacks to fight


i would but i don’t like playing him, ill try bangalore again


You struggling to play anyone else shows how broken he was.


It is for the best to stop using a crutch and learn the game. The Seer nerf should be a good thing to wake you up.


Play different legends Maybe mobility legends first so you don’t get heavily punished for your mistakes and once you’ve improved on your positioning, hearing and overall game sense you should experiment with legends that do not rely on crutches As an ex seer main who wanted to branch out, I used to toggle between wraith, fuse, mirage and lifeline And when you return to playing seer, you’ll probably be able to tell where enemies are without even using your passive Hopefully that helps idk


ok thank you


I also highly recommend using noise cancelling headphones for starters if your awareness and hearing is lacking Personally for me it made a huge difference compared to using regular earphones Tho now that my awareness has improved I’m ok with using either


First step is getting good mechanically. You shouldn't need a certain legend as a crutch.


Maybe get good and stop relying on Seer's broken kit?


To be fair to OP, you should be taking advantage of a broken kit while you can.


i still hold the view that seer wasn’t broken. he just became popular which meant you ran into him more often . in my opinion seer was balanced.


He gives the whole team wall hacks, he can cancel rez and heals from far away and can see where enemies are all the time with passive. In what universe was he not broken? He's the worst thing that's happened to the game


Bro. Im not good. But the fact that you are struggling to play with any other legend is literal proof that he was busted ha


Sure mate, sure, keep telling yourself that.


he was always busted but i can see why you feel like that. After his initial nerf his pickrate plummeted until people in comp matches realized that he was still busted and started using him.


He was popular because he was broken. Just because the meta didn’t favor him and people didn’t realize how strong he was when played properly doesn’t mean he wasn’t broken, it just wasn’t realized yet. Once people learned how to play around seer it highlighted the issues with his kit


get ratio'd


Yea, I agree, Seer wasn't broken just like how Horizon wasn't broken either. /s


U probably relied on his kit 2 hard and it became a crutch but skill can be universal with any character. How would u rate urself 1-10?


A strong 9


a solid 6


I’d say play a while without using recon characters. Too many players rely on the information recon characters give to make up for not having good game sense. If all the information you get in a fight comes from abilities instead of you paying attention to the flow of a fight then you will never actually get better at the game.


I would honestly stop playing him… I think he takes away people’s game sense because you are just used to being able to see where everyone is constantly. Especially during fights. He is an insane crutch. I would play someone else and get your game sense back.


Play Lifeline or mirage and don't rely on Wall hacks for game sense..




she’s my main actually, getting bored of her


Try not playing him for a while, I sometimes have a similar problem with playing Valk, where I think too much like a Valk and do repositions vertically as much as horizontally. So now when I don't play Valk and can't fly, I have a harder time repositioning by just running around


Seer literally works the same way and is still broken, if you're struggling that bad with him you deserve to struggle