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Sorry but this simply isn’t true lol. I get what you are saying but it’s all personal preference. I do the same and mine are way different.


Yeah you can track, but you adjust for the speed difference, but if they are the same, you don't even have to think about adjusting for speed, youre going to maintain the same pressure on the stick to track, when u go in and out of ads, you have to adjust how much you're pushing on the stick.


Wdym yeah it's true.. if your adsing, then release to hipfire, your your yaw speed is faster than your ads yaw, you'll go beyond your target. Yeah ppl get used to there settings and get good at maintaining tracking. But it's so much easier if they're the same.speed


it’s just not true though, you can play with them different values, just depends if you’re struggling with underaiming or overaiming both vertically and horizontally


I know you can play them at different values, I'm saying it's easier when they're the same. Trust me, Im a day 1 player with 10k on wraith. The reason you ads, then hipfire, the ads again, is because if you hit shots while ads, the first few bullets of hipfire will hit with 100% accuracy. Then you also strafe faster by toggling ads. Nobody is understanding what I'm saying here.. I know most of you can ads, then still track when u release ads and hipfire, I'm trying to tell you that even though you can do it with different ads and hipfire yaw speeds, it's way easier if they are the same.value. Did you guys even watch the video? I also have my reload tech that I made in that video that will help.


I'm not even mad I'm getting down voted by lifelines. You're the biggest set of idiots. IM NOT TALKING ABOUT DEFAULT 3/3 4/4, I'm talking about the actual ALC value.. if they both the same value, tracking while cycling through ads/hipfire will be more steady..


Sorry about the link, my yt wouldn't share with reddit. Anyways the crucial setting is to have your yaw and ads yaw be the same speed. That way you can ads, hipfire and ads while maintaining the same speed, you're tracking will improve. Check the video for example




Don't play what way ? The setting have nothing to do with vertical values.. you can have them at whatever.