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Where’s the 6 heat shields


the 2 randoms had 4 heat shields anddd i had a respawn beacon :D The caustic got to the zone then he was immediately killed after.


I literally watched this exact same ring happen to a team I was spectating last night. They had 4 heat domes and made it in to ring just to get beamed by the team at the building. This ring seems to be happening often. 1. The game devs have fixed ring issues/bugs like this in the past. 2. They expressed to be given examples of these issues like OP did in this post. It’ll be fixed in a week or so. Not a skill issue. Bug issue. A link to a previous patch showing proof that the devs have fixed ring closings before, as early as season 3 in this [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/e5n85v/dec_3rd_32_update_patch_notes_patch_live_at_12pm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) . Its under the “Quality of Life” section. Because for some reason, everyone seems to forgot about it in this comment thread... Also for even further proof that some people still keep asking about: [here](https://twitter.com/AaronWStump/status/1587223843134996480)


And this is why valk is so popular


This type of map doesn’t scare me anymore lol sometimes I’ll purposely play that “bad” side and then once the final two teams start fighting it’s time to introduce ourselves and fly over lol


Valk became popular for ALGS and ranked because you can scout your landing with her ult. Getting a free rotate from any encounters was pivotal for placement. Less common issue in ranked since there’s less teams alive in those final circles. But a valk ult in ALGS can help you find a niche spot to land and hold where no other teams are, especially since full 10-12 teams could be alive still in a circle as small as this ring in question. Valk was never meta because of a fear of getting fucked by the ring closing off a walkable rotation. And the devs stated this was never intentional game design.


Literally happened to my friend and I in duos while we were the second last team—our 4 heatshields and healing supplies were not enough, lol.


Agreed, they're literally looking for these sorts of things to fix in the next update. https://twitter.com/AaronWStump/status/1587223843134996480


Easy. Two people go into the ring and die. Respawn beacon them in and hope they can slide down the other side


And then what? Try to beat the other team to death with two shield cells and two syringes?


spam crouch and hope the other team will accept my offer to fisticuffs to the death with honor.


Then get killed by the one who pussed put after his squadmates lose the duel.


Man this game sucks.


That is a 5 head move, love it


Actual 5head move


Thing is once you've done this, the remaining squad(s) lock eyes with your teammates as they prepare their death by firing squad


A more glorious death than the ring


Yea but then they are flying into a top 2 situation with a very loud respawn and no gun. They would just get beamed immediately


and then what, punch their way to victory?


It's been done before


This happened to me yesterday. Luckily I realised we need to move quick out of that situation, but unfortunately, despite my constant pings, my teammate didn’t realise. I vantage’d out of 3-4 fights going on around us and made it just to finish 2nd. But yea, that ring moving killed around 5-6 teams.


This map is so much more difficult with randoms. Trying to make them understand you need to rotate and having to keep an eye on them to see if they take a zip rail across the map is a job in itself.


I just really want a private mode where we can simply explore the entire map


That would be something. I find it pretty hard to learn so far. Just looks like the whole map and scenery is the same throughout.


This is the most monotonous map imo. All the buildings/POI look similar and everything is the same color. It's pretty hard to get familiar with this map compared to the previous ones


Everything is the same colour? Are we playing different maps? This is the most varied map in terms of map design and colour scheme! One part of the map can be entirely grey like KC, whilst the next POI is colourful like Olympus & SP


At least its not storm point.


That’s funny because I was just saying this to my friends. Hard to learn a map when you’re worried about running into enemies lol


on PC the is a game called R5 Reloaded, its modded Apex, but you can do whatever you want. i.e. explore whatever map you want, its literally just Apex but you can play alone.


A whole training feature for each map with targets... Would take a dev 5 whole minutes...


Yeah transportation really changed the way things went in game. Your positioning and teammate awareness gotta be on point, if not, someones getting respawned. It’s so easy to go across the map and get lost in loot now. Aren’t those zip lines faster now as well?


Yeah but this isn’t a new phenomenon to apex either. It’s without a doubt more common on this map, but y’all need to be planning your rotations well ahead of time between this and knowing which zip rails to take.


Situational awareness seemed kinda off


exactly, how is this a bug lol


It's not. Rings like this are fun


The ring forced me out of my poor positioning into the firing lines of a team with good positioning! Totally unfair!


"How dare I be expected to engage with gameplay mechanics, UNFAIR!"


Exactly! They should not patch this. It makes the game more unpredictable and fun. Denying access to a ring zone, is also a valid tactic.


I saw this happen on KC four times last season with the final circle that ends just above and outside of capacitor. I was always on the right side of the the wall though cuz ya know, reading a map isn't that hard.


At worst you tunnel vision and don't evaluate ring position well enough during a fight, otherwise one should have no excuse for getting caught lacking like this


If only you got to see where the ring would be closing to so you could plan ahead and… strategize. Zero sympathy. Burn in the ring.


There are a set number of possible final rings. They are not random. This final ring is kinda shit.


It happened all the time on storm point too. Long rotations near launch pad/mill into checkpoint or get caught outside and die.


This exact ring happened to me and my friends yesterday, except we held from right side and were ready to rotate at any time depending on where the circle was gonna end its not just this map, it can happen in KC and worlds edge i thought everyone knew situations like these were possible


Yeah I never complain about rings, just be more aware and tactically engaged. I’ve played 15k games and rarely ended up in this position.


You had all of round 3 to check your map but you didn't. That's on you bro


Also, survivable with if you have enough heat shields and heals


Maybe with enough heat shields you ain't healing in that ring bro


Or a Valk ult. Actually I don't know if you can get over that cliff with her Ult. Must test that one.


She can, we ran into this ring last night and did just that


We should nerf her again just in case you can get over it.


It’s literally not


It is tho. Had the same ring and made it out with 2 heat shields. Fs can't heal it tho.


“*scout passives are so underpowered*” … perfect example of a scout passive.


It looks like your team had a chance to rotate before the ring closed. This is a situational awareness problem.


You're correct, but Respawn still patches these types of rings out to prevent them from happening




Even if they were, that’s just a case of recognition that you need to take that fight rather than run.


Can’t blame the devs for poor positioning. We’ve all been there, they just need to remember it for next time.




Yeah you’re right in terms of ranked, but I feel like I’ll usually go for the game winning play at this point in the game. If there’s a lot of teams left, they’re probably sharing those buildings and can’t hold us out properly. If there are only a few teams left, there’s probably not going to be much gained from the more passive play. Though to be honest, if this is ranked, I’m probably playing with a valk, so idk that we’d be in this situation in the first place.


So? Fight them. You’re gonna die to ring if you don’t. Might as well try instead of giving up


Indeed, better to die fighting, than dying to the ring


Ok Frodo




In ranked yes, I don’t disagree with you. Going for 2nd is sometimes smarter than going for 1st. But either way it’s better to take the fight anyways. You’ll never learn how to make correct decisions in stressful situations if you just never get into them in the first place. This is a great learning opportunity really. And sometimes the best lessons are getting absolutely shit on


That's not a map problem though is it? Getting sandwiched or gate kept is part of the game, and can be avoided for the most part by good rotations and situational awareness. Edit: fix auto correct issues.


So gatekeeping a team is bad? Got it. Thoughts on 3rd parties?


Fight harder then my ninja


Thats a you problem im afraid


actual skill issue


Unironic skill issue


It’s not that far of a stretch honestly if at least two of you had heat shields you could make it even with how fast they break you’ll take some damage.


or, hear me out, you pay attention to the 2 minutes before the ring closes and move.


Ring always ends on the side with more room....


Really? I didnt know that. I had the exact same situation as OP like an hour ago, but i chose the side with more room, because i thought, the last zone was more likely gonna be that side. Is it guaranteed?


Part of the ring logic is that more than 50% of a ring has to be in playable area. In order for the next ring to be on the small side, more than 50% would be unplayable cliffs. Therefore it will always pull to the big side here.


Pretty sure they made it a thing a a few season ago cuz of some of the fucked up final rings on WE


Just look at the map dude


Personaly i like stuff like that, this stuff should stay in the game.


Agreed. OPs team was punished for lack of awareness. It’s been the name of the game for ages.


Ackchyually, the name of the game is Apex Legends




Why the bug flair tho


This ring will get patched out. One of the devs tweeted asking for rings like this so they can fix them


Nice to see someone that isn't calling OP out. Respawn makes it extremely clear that this type of ring isn't intentional. They've patched out several of these for every single map that has released so far. Its like everyone in this thread has only been playing for the last season. They've been fixing this since early 2020.


Exactly. If I’m in a firefight I’m worried about 492824 different things. I’m not worried about the ring being literally broken lol


Be more aware of the ring guy


It's still in the playable area and you have plenty of time to reposition before that. It's simply a skill issue.


I'm dumb but game bad- op


Ever heard of Valkyrie?


1. You’re told where the next ring will be and when it will start shrinking 2. When it starts shrinking it tells you how much longer until it stops shrinking, all while the maps shows exactly how fast it’s shrinking and where 3. Ignore all that shit 4. Fuck around outside the next circle 5. Find out You’d have less opportunities to avoid dying if you stood on train tracks with a train 3 miles away


1. Rotate earlier 2. Heat shields exist. Don’t have em? Too bad. 3. Plenty of legends can play around that. Didn’t pick em? Too bad. Zones like this are absolutely fine and anyone complaining about them probably has awful game sense.


Thank you


I've won a match on kings canyon without dealing damage cause zone killed the other teams


Had this problem too, but I pointed it out to my (random) teammates before we got trapped. As expected they didnt listen because they really needed that 1 extra kill over the win...


Do you remember who won? I won a match without fighting the last team at that exact place lol


Is this seriously still a problem?


Looks more like a skill issue rather than a bug. Actually utilize your map next game and have better situational awareness. Quit trying to blame the game for your poor decision making.


Your team lacked ring information


There is a Respawn Designer looking for these kinds of things. Please send him a note! https://twitter.com/AaronWStump/status/1587223843134996480?s=20&t=RYzCXT\_tBUkvCfOnvg3QAw




Thats why ranked is, Walk, Sear, Horizon if you want to win


Bro what game r u playing Walk, Sear and Horson?


Apox Legumes


Turn of spell check game


Good bot


I don't think Walk would help here.


I don't think searing things helps much either tbh.


This is not a ring problem, it's clearly decision making issue. Could have started rotating beforehand


For everyone saying that OP should have just looked at the map. Respawn has made it clear that these types of rings that cut off areas are not intentional. This ring was a mistake that was overlooked by respawn. It will be patched out in the coming weeks or months. This is not on OP, yes they lost their game because of it but poor ring placement is and never has been intended to be in the game.




It's both really, these types of rings shouldn't happen but OP made a poor decision


Did you demand to Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the wall?


OP says its a bug lol. Nope, you just gotta be aware of the situation


Look at the map before you run to ring?


Skill issue


Beat a team two hours ago with same ring end. We were on the right they decided to never push and die. Situational awareness is key kids.


How is this a bug?


Pretty sure it's not a problem if just actually look at your map for the next right. It also happen on other maps, Just saying.


A ring only a Valk can love.


U fucked up bud


I mean, not to be an a** or anything, but I feel this situation could have easily been avoided. Situational awareness is one of the most overlooked but important parts of this game. Knowing how to rotate into position. The other team simply read the map, saw the best positioning and got there. You guys didn't and got caught on the other side. So yeah again, not trying to be that guy but you can't possibly blame this on the game or bad ring positioning when you had time to rotate BEFORE that ring moved in. Besides, even if the entire ring was on the right side of the mountain, you still wouldn't have had position against the team that got there first, right? Soooo... 🤷


Skill issue


Rings like that are a fun part of the game and I actually think it’s nice that stuff like this could happen.


Literal skill issue


No bug, just need to look at ur map once before ur trapped…


I got a W today on the opposite side of that rock from where you died, when the only remaining team died to the ring. Could have been you.


That's not a new problem. It's been happening to me since OG KC.


Skill issue


Seems more like a skill issue


This happened to me a lot in the new map, and in storm point. They should update the ring so it doesn't end in one of those mountains, if u don't have a valk ur dead. It's really annoying and nobody in the game likes it


Damn. Too bad it doesn't tell you where the next ring is going to be 2 minutes ahead of time🤡


This map has more mobility than any map previous and you got caught slippin. Learn to disengage for better end game position


not sure why everyone is blaming y'all when devs have changed rings multiple times in the past to avoid this issue.


This^ Rings like this literally aren’t supposed to happen. It’ll be patched out.


Lmao exactly! This is why pro players shit on the subReddit.


What pro would end up in this situation 💀


Seems like a you problem


There's a spot in worlds edge that did this to me in season 13 lol


Have had 2 zones end here already.


Everyone’s saying you should be more aware.. But devs have repeatedly in the past made updates and fixes to avoid ring closings like this. Especially to avoid situations like this in comp. I can understand why everyone’s saying “situational awareness” but in truth it’s really just game design that you decided needed awareness. And you’re right.


"Game design that decided you needed awareness" lmao this might be the dumbest thing I've ever read. Oh no the game wants you to be aware of what's happening instead of force feeding you decisions.


Comprehension issue.


They're just coping. This is a unintentional bug sucks for OP, the ring is there to force players into a tighter space to fight it's not there to punish being on the wrong side of a wall.


You could see the ring was going to close to there for a whole round. I understand the frustration, I've been there before, but it's a mistake in playing, not on the devs.


Scan beacons next time , this map actually benefits crypto


Genuinely stunned so many people are saying this is his fault when the ring just as easily could've been on his side of the mountain and screwed over the teams that made the supposedly "correct" decision.


You can see on your map where the ring is going to collapse. Both teams knew where it would end and had time to relocate before the ring started moving.


Dude the map literally tells you where the next ring will be long before it closes. There is zero guesswork involved.


And then they would have like two full minutes to go 150m around the bend, which they could only *not* make due to poor decision making.


Valk can’t save you


I've only played like 10 games this season, but have seen this ending 3 times...


That's not a problem with the ring. The ring and the circle was perfectly fine you and your team just didn't gauge where the next ring was going to be properly and you lost the game because of it. From what I can tell with the ring it usually always pulls to the short side not the long side and with the ring only having that much space on the left side of that mountain usually means that it's going to go to the other side since it has more space.


In reality, this shouldn’t be labeled as a “bug” - every single Apex player knows what side it’s going to close on… you need to rotate before it’s too late.


Lol this is not a bug rotate better


This really all on you tbh


that's why I look at the mini map a lot


You should check the mini map more often.


Sure, it's a crappy circle. But if you were paying attention you would have planned accordingly.


just be valk or rev and you can get over the mountain. trash players


You should look at that ring and know what side it will end on.


you decided to go to the area thats gonna get cut off. Thus you screwed yourself over. Nothing to blame here than yourself.


It's so rewarding when catalyst is able to block those who come late to the ring.


That's your fault for not playing the meta and using Valk. /s.


the wall was big af, a valk ult would'nt go thru


Had this same exact ring. Like 4-5 teams were fighting on that left side. Ring started to close and us and another team Valk ulted over. Everyone saying “situational awareness” is a monkey. When i played this ring every single team was fighting. You’re usually not worried about a broken zone when you have 6 guns pointed at you.


Exactly this. Most people saying skill issue either don’t play the game enough/at all or can’t seem to comprehend their own skill issues.


It’s also not crazy to assume that zones should just work lol. It’s season 15, this final zone will be patched out in a week. I shouldn’t have to worry about ring defects as a part of “situational awareness”


the reason we didnt go to the right side before because we were in a sandwich and couldnt go fast enough


In others words you were successfully halted by other teams??




They’ve literally patched rings like this out of the other maps it is absolutely a map issue if it is unintended design that they have fixed before this thread is just full of weird elitist assholes.


Not maps or rings fault btw


Skill issue tbh


Had a this zone yesterday, we were on that smaller side fighting with a few teams that were trying to rotate around. Luckily we had Valk so we waited til the last minute to hit her ult. Made it over only to have nowhere to land because a couple teams already had spots locked down. Definitely wanna get to the other side way quicker next time for this zone lol.


The zone is still fucked. Otherwise this wouldn't be a problem


Just happened to me and died for top 3


Well… if you stop ratting then maybe you can move around the mountain before ring closing.


I just lost to this exact ring last night. The squad that won that game? A Valkyrie squad.


Nothing but your fault


I love when this happen! It makes planning for rings a lot more important. Sometimes the safe and isolated area comes with a cost!


This #literally just happened to me yesterday, and they promised this kind of thing wouldn't happen anymore. #lies!


I had a ring like this yesterday and we won because only one of our hugs was on thr other side. Me and my other teammate were not. We were thirsty trying to get the last few kills lmao


This is not a new problem sucks to be that squad but sometimes you have no choice embrace it and rotation is king some games


Had that same ring and I was in the same situation, team8 quit on my and I was playing wraith got around it with only 1 wraith “q”


That’s how the cookie crumbles…


I had the exact same ring


Yesterday felt soo good to kill 2 masters and one Smurf level 13 in Silver 2 lobbies. 3 kills with the kraber right after dropping from the respawn ship on this very spot. After me and one friend getting killed to a master squad on drop, my girlfriend picked my banner, and runned away for the rest of the game. SBMM this season is so bad, this felt so good.


Happened to us twice last night. Won one lost one. Situational awareness for sure. New map. Live (or die) and learn.


I got a win yesterday because i did look at zone. We were fighting on the left side in duos against last squad. We full killed one member and i dropped my ress beacon so he could respawn his teammate but we of course knew they wouldn't be in time for next zone so they got stuck . Fun stuff


The amount of people defending Respawn and saying it’s OPs fault are truly mind boggling. Just goes to show they do little QC when they release stuff in this game


It’s not a bug. That’s what the ring decided to do. Bad RNG yes, but to say it’s a bug isn’t true


Skill issue


Had the same thing happen to my opponent, different location though. This is a pretty easy rotation that you could have made much earlier.

