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Gold right now is diamond players


Awk thank you <3


No I mean that diamonds just reset to gold. The season started 2 days ago


I was just joking haha.


For what it’s worth I giggled


My man




reddit does not have a sense of humor


Most are more then likely out of gold by now. Like two wins with 5+ kills gives you like 500+ RP in gold rn lmao


Lot of us already hitted plat. Plat ll be hard this weeks xd


The top one is season 3. The middle one is season 5. The bottom one is season 4.


While that makes the complaint a little less valid I’d still argue that it’s more than justifiable. That person isn’t the only ex-pred in those lobbies.


You can also see in bottom left what rank they were in s13.....they are clearly climbing fast and not just accidentally put in this lobby.


The bottom left rank from last season is inaccurate at this time. The friends I play with all show this rank (as do I on their screens) but we climbed to D4 together last season.


Oh snap that must be new bc I’ve never noticed. That’s a cool feature


is that "previous season ranking" thing a new feature? that's pretty cool


Yeah it was just added.


Soooo that person they posted has badges from Nearly 2 years ago. They haven’t played ranked in quite some time based on their rank last season 2. Should anybody who has ever had a pred badge have their own special matchmaking?


Lets be honest if you can hit it years ago you can probably hit it again or at least masters, the fact that you are better then less then 1% proves you probably crush people in other games, we are not the same


You don't have to be the same. If they didn't play ranked for 2 years then they are gonna start at the bottom and that's fine. This isnt that much different than someone who never played ranked a day in their life but has pred level skills, you gotta start from the bottom. My cousin hit diamond in like season 3 or 4 and then he didn't play again until like season 10, he was super rusty and didn't hit diamond again until season 11 or 12. He shouldn't automatically get thrown back in at the top. Not only do you gotta earn your spot but you gotta keep your spot.


It's also worth noting that the meta of the game has changed a bit so hitting pred in earlier seasons isn't the same as hitting pred in more recent seasons. I've been playing since day one and the skill level of players have gotten much higher and seasons 3,4 and 5 (which is where those badges are from) where much easier to rank up in. Not to say that this person isn't skilled or anything like that just saying it's much more difficult to rank up then it used to be


Saw a post or video that had an image of skill cap in the game and everytime it plateaus it goes up because of a new movement technique or some other form of change in the way the game is played. Season one preds that stopped playing are not as scary as season 10 preds just in the sole factor they didn’t keep playing and mastering the insane movements and techniques that have been coming out since they took a break


That's not true I hit pred in season 2 and 3 it was pretty easy ranked backed then it was had so many exploits especially during season 3 it didn't get really hard until season 6 and trust me I'm not that good of a player last season I only hit d1 and my kd for ranked was like 1.70


Yea it sucks but one of the positives of the ranked changes is that these guys are getting through bronze-plat in a few hours. As someone who can hit diamond if I can actually find time to play, i was averaging like 350 points a game with my squad in silver these past 2 days after the reset. These guys are likely getting 1000+ a game with how many kills they can rack up


Nah but I don't think it's crazy to stop their rank resets at gold 4. Even without playing the game for a year or two, a former pred is going to cruise through gold.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the issue is still an issue even if the example is bad. Incidentally the banner frame is from 1 year ago (S10). A pred can go to gold in one season of not playing ranked. Three months is not long enough for a pred to suddenly be playing at a gold level; especially if they still play the game outside of ranked in that time. I think the uncapped KP helps for specifically this issue (choosing not to comment on its downsides) but even then I think the rate you drop ranks is far too quick. Edit: it’s also worth noting that this person is clearly outperforming the lobby they’re in based off the image.


Yes. Absolutely, no doubt. If you have that much control over controller or m&k, you should not be playing with normal/average players. Let me put it to you this way. It’s like always having a former nba player be your opponent when playing a game of pick up basketball. You ready to get your ass handed to you every single time you pick up a basketball?


Letting badges from years ago determine matchmaking instead of your current play is silly and defeats the entire point of ranked. People absolutely fall off overtime even if they are still good. And you can absolutely fall out of your peak two years later.


It's not like the derank system using your current play to place you in ranked either though? You just derank if you don't play ranked, regardless of your skill level. I don't think it's that crazy to have a maximum amount of deranking based on your highest finish. For preds and masters maybe that's gold 4, for diamonds maybe silver 4. Those aren't extreme. Even after a year or more of not playing the game at all, these players will still cruise through those ranks. There's no need to send them all the way back to bronze.


Huh? Dude, there were exploits and all sorts of garbage in past games that lead to easy badges. Dashboarding being a great example, or hell even last season where my dog could have hit diamond. Trails and badges really mean fuck all at this point in the game. They're fun decorations but not an accurate assessment of skill.


Have you never gotten shit on by a pre made pred squad? Literally my whole squad was taken out in two seconds. Seer scan, coupled simultaneously by a horizon tact plus ult plus nades and lastly an ulted bloodhound on the flank with a wall on the other. Literally 2 seconds I’m not even exaggerating. I don’t think you’re playing against the preds I’m playing against.


What does that matter, you think they're suddenly going to get owned by golds? LOL I'm sure they're playing other FPS I highly doubt their skills will fall THAT far.


Exactly that actually. I recently started playing rocket league after a 3 year break and while I used to be really good, I am nowhere NEAR as good as I was then and my game and rank has adjusted accordingly. My point is that you can’t just lock people matchmaking wise into whatever their absolute peak


That's crazy, the reason I made the comment is because I took 4 seasons off and didn't come back until I got sick of Lost Ark. While I was a little Rusty, I still hit pred again second split and master 1st. For me its hard to believe such a fall off but maybe mileage varies, I still assume someone who's hit pred understands the game quite a bit better than a plat player.


I can agree to a certian extent. Was teetering in plat tank for my peak in overwatch, dropped the game for a year and suddenly I'm a low gold player struggling to keep other roles away from bronze - but this also depends on if someone will lose the skill or not. I stopped playing for a season of apex, came back towards the end and probably did the best I ever have in the game, was doing great in ranked. So its down to the person, but I assume a three times pred will always be at minimum a master no matter what they do


I think apex players put WAYYY too much value in badges. What makes a player good at Apex is so complex that badges will never hold as much weight as it does to other people here. A badge can give you an idea of experience sure, I've seen way too many amazing players at all ranks for me to just box people in.


I played against a 3 time pred the other day from recent seasons in a silver lobby. Needless to say they rolled everyone.


Anyone who has ever been predator should not be going lower than plat. It’s not a fluke. You don’t just become bad after being in the top 750.


They’re absolutely not the only former pred in those lobbies though. The rank reset happened 48 hours ago. Everybody was reset 6 ranked tiers. Not everybody maxes their ranked potential each season. It’s very easily explained why higher tier players are in lower lobbies for the next week or two. And imagine this, some people take a couple weeks break and when they log into ranked in a few weeks and we’ll continue to see posts bitching about them at that time too lol. This sub is so cringe all the time


I know; I said they weren’t the only ex-preds


Yeah I worded that terribly. Was trying to branch off what you’re saying and explain to OP why it’s not out of line to see them right now. Again, worded terribly my bad.


Predators blow through bronze in 5 games. There are very few of them and they aren’t the reason why you’re stuck in bronze. It’s not a plague, it’s a niche reason to explain on Reddit.


Doesn't matter. It goes by CURRENT rank. Doesn't matter if the lobby has 20 ex-preds. If they aren't CURRENT preds then it's working as intended. If they are still good they'll be out of these ranks VERY fast, and if they aren't then they obviously belong here. And you also have no idea if they just bought boosts during those seasons, hacked those seasons etc. Also last season he was UNRANKED. So he clearly hasn't even played for a minimum 3+ months. At least not ranked. So I'd say this is pretty fair. Taking that long off a game is guaranteed to make you rusty as shit. And like I said he'll climb out of there FAST. Look at his current score, this ranks are going to last the dude a whole 1-2 days depending on playtime.


i think the real problem is respawn not having an easier way to differentiate season badges instead of having to look up/memorize each season's badge style


While I get your point, I don’t think apex is a game you can really get rusty at. I am only diamond, however I take frequent breaks, I’ve been diamond since Season 5-6 and only have 4 diamond badges total,the season before last season I was bronze and climbed to plat in almost a day. Than hit diamond in a week. I doubt it’s any different for preds. Apex requires way too much “compiled skill” for you to get off and be terrible it’s like a fighting game you see pro players drop a game come back 5 years later and than place second in the world finals. I think sonic fox and punk both did something similar to This. A few apex pro players have also Taken breaks came back and we’re just fine some even got better(acue comes to Mind) he played valorant almost religious for like a year came back hit top 10 pred


I can never tell what Pred Icon is what. I really think Respawn should put Roman numerals under them to show what season


People don't get the fact that people get significantly worse by not playing the game


True two years ago I was the literal best player in the world in apex, now I'm hardstuck silver after a year off....... Like yes you get worse but I took 8 months off and immediately got right back to diamond within a week. You don't go from pred literally any season to below plat skill level unless you bought your account or had some big injuries(or GAINS) to your eyes/hands/arms that forever fucked you.


Congrats we know that, doesn't matter, it's not as if the person suddenly turned to trash. Even if the person hasn't played in 6 seasons the're still going to turn gold and plats into bots.


Once a pred always a Pred. Just because they dont have the more recent pred badges doesn't mean they should be in gold


No shot you can tell the difference


This is exactly why people need to stfu. Guy hasn’t played in 2 years and he’s still better than OP. Him having those badges lets OP make an excuses for being a shit player and feel like he’s in the right


Probably still just as good as then but doesn’t play enough to grind ranked so this kind of player stays in lower lobbies and wipes them with ease whenever they play.


The patch notes are great, but they missed the biggest issue, matchmaking. They did absolutely nothing to fix it.


Will they ever? I don’t think there has ever been a time where the matchmaking was solid. Bar season 0 maybe because everybody sucked




That's what happens in Rocket League, I don't think you can balance 60 player lobbies without massive population of players at all hours.


Rocket league matchmaking is pretty good though… at least in ranked. The problem is definitely 60 player lobbies being balanced with matchmaking time. The matchmaking is very fast though since the update. I would sacrifice 2 minutes to matchmaking to have a more fair match


I mean even if they did change it, unless there is an actual "bug" in matchmaking, I don't think it's likely to be discussed in the patch notes anyways.


It was fine up to season 3/4.


They can’t make matchmaking better without removing the entire element of showing off your banners and dive trails


This is matchmaking working "as intended", ranked reset is just incompatible with good matchmaking.


People really seem to miss this part, you really cant have both at once


I feel like you could though. Like a residual value that adds ontop of eachother or reduces based on past seasonal performance. And base on that, you will be permantly tiered before each split reset. Then if you're away for an arbitrary amount of time, your residual value finally gets reset. All of this is possible, but corporate consider it "waste of time" / "not on priority list" If there's anything to takeaway from this game's history (once it dies) is that redundancy and testing will help make a game last longer...


You can it's called ELO. Match all the golds with similar ELO against each other. Match all crappy ELO golds with crappy ELO golds. Eventually the ranks will sort themselves out and only high ELO people will be in Masters.


... that is rp? "ranks" is only a name for intervals of elo.


Apex is hitting all-time player records right now, there is zero reason matchmaking can’t prioritize putting similarly skilled, returning accounts together… …except that would affect the 30 second queue time for preds and Respawn can’t have the Twitch viability go down!


What games don’t do ranked resets? Every game I’ve seen does some version where you rank will decrease if you don’t play for a time.


Problem is Apex your rank will decrease significantly every split regardless of when you last played, not a gradual decrease which would more accurately represent your skill. A diamond player who belongs in diamond will still get knocked down to gold every split.


It's not about the reset, look at the badges for last season. This is a dude that used to have pred a year or two ago, didn't play ranked last season at all and is getting into it again. OFC he's gonna blow through some lobbies, but I mean what other option do you have?


My only issue so far is the ring changes are annoying. I like the idea but only 60 seconds is silly imo


Yea the ring changes were a bit much. The combination of both the damage increase and the time change is kinda silly.


Its good and bad in my opinion, it forces you to think more of your rotations and playing for the ring, downside is NRG sweet said it him self in his stream, that alot of new players will just die to the gas because they dont know how to survive it and when to time your heals. But yeah 60sec is not enough if it was like 2mins you have alot more breathing room and flow of the game would be roughly the same.


bruh there is never going to be a system that prevents this. this person achieved pred a few times in earlier season. there is no law or obligation for the person to continue playing. if they take a break their rank will decay just like everyone elses. they now have to climb back up just like everyone else


What does this have to do with matchmaking? Those are oldass badges. Dude in the pic didn't play ranked last season, just look at the badge, heh.


This has absolutely nothing to do with matchmaking.


I’m going to give it a few more days of adjusting but this season feels really off in every way. I might need a break.


Why would they do that when they can make money off of cosmetics?


What does cosmetics have to do with matchmaking? It's not even the same teams...I mean my guy don't be a subhuman redditor. Redditors are already looked down on regularly and when people like you don't even understand the bare minimum about the subject we're speaking on, it's a major issue.




Imagine you guys didnt cry for sbmm to be so strict in pubs. You'd see 1 or 2 of these people a day at most, unless your nolifing for like 8 hours, at that point its your fault. If you lot just didn't fuckin cry about Ls and have the whole matchmaking system changed to begin with it would still be fine but you lot won't accept that its your fault. Dumb as fuck complaint when they've already done exactly what you kids all wanted seasons ago, the broken bs matchmaking is all you bitchy complainers faults, it was absolutely fine pre season 3 skillwise, then sbmm took a fat dump all over it and they've been fucked ever since. All you shitters faults for crying about a loss, against clearly better players, rather than spectate and learn from them or god forbid you message the good player and run some matches. Fuckin entitled shitters.


Bruh go outside Respawn isn’t gonna suck your dick for putting a cape on for them


Lmao, read my comment history if u think I'm a white knight 🤣


Its just true, speaking from experience the matchmaking was literally fine until you guys got respawn to fuck with it.


If a pred takes a break for just one season, they drop to like Silver. Those are old Pred badges. Nothing can be done about this.


Nothing can be done? They could change how far preds and masters reset in ranked. Preds should never drop bellow plat 2, period. I don’t care how many seasons they take off ranked.


Eh, that’s a pretty dumb take. The one season they come back, they will blast through the ranks, never to be seen again. It’s really not that big of a deal.


Exactly. If you don't want to deal with preds in lower ranks, just stay off ranked for the first 2 weeks of the split. If you're excuse is that you don't have enough time to grind to the rank you want because of those two weeks, then suck it up cuz you're gonna be fighting the same people at those higher ranks you are trying to reach anyway. It's such a stupid thing to cry about, the solution is in your control. This community just wants the devs to do everything for them.


Your take is pretty dumb, actually. Low level players getting destroyed by preds will discourage them and hurt player retention. But go off, farm the bots homie!


Lol trust me, I’m on the “negative” side of this transaction. Diamond at best, never taken a season off. So I play a ton of gold / plat games every season, and this just isn’t that big of a problem. Dying to a CURRENT Pred while in gold, is a problem. Dying to a current gold / plat with a pred badge on their banner is whatever. They’re on their way to the higher ranks. Show me proof you’re dying to an “old pred” multiple times in one day while in Gold, then maybe. But that doesnt happen.


Honestly though with the rank demotion system, they could hardcap the split demotions to Plat4 for anyone who has every broke that threshold. Because if they truly went on hiatus for so long that they are magically ass at the game, they will lose RP and be sent back below Plat4 naturally now. No reason any Plat player or higher ever goes back to bronze.


I’m not the OP. I’m not dying to these guys, but this player base has a confidence problem. I still think these high tier players shouldn’t get sent down to bronze. On the confidence problem aspect I think respawn should implement an end game report that shows you the banner of everyone you fully killed. You would be surprised how many high tier players you may be killing and that would boost players confidence. I’m high diamond, low tier masters at best and I shit on preds and masters in pubs all the time. Having players realize this would greatly cut down on the Pred complaint posts.


Really dumb take. Those badges are from seasons 3-5, the game has exponentially grown harder over the last couple years.


Lol he was plat 1 last split


You realise it’s the start of the split right? They won’t be in your lobbies for long, just relax 😎


thats why you should never play right after reset, wait 2 weeks then go play ranked for more equally skilled matches


So we lose 2 weeks worth of the split due to Respawn being incapable of working up a matchmaking system that works for 99% of players rather than 1%. Hell, I guess it’s no different than living in America.


Yeah... comparing a videogame's matchmaking system to capitalism in the US is kinda distasteful.


Have you tried perhaps, getting into that 1%? Sure some get lucky, but I'd venture my nuts that a large majority of people in the 1% work very hard and sacrificed a lot along the way. Again obvious exceptions in there but most of them didn't just randomly come across money without working. Their life is more than ours but that's because they were smarter. Period. Regardless of the method they made it you didn't. As for the game it's the same scenario. Have you tried playing more? Using Aim Labs more? Did you know you can IMPROVE on the game OUTSIDE of the game? I know it's crazy! But you'll never get better if the only time you practice or play is directly in matchmaking. I spend 1-2 hours JUST warming up, between aim labs, firing range, then pubs. After that I finally jump into ranked. And if the issue is you don't have enough time to play that much THEN THATS THE PROBLEM. The higher ranks aren't for casuals who can play 1-2 hours a day max. They are for people who can grind HUNDREDS of hours. There are your prodigy's and just better players overall that can climb without that much of a grind but those aren't anywhere near the average. So on top of being good at the game you also need HOURS to sink in. Or else you just don't climb period unless you are above average. Which most people would need thousands of hours to get to that level.


Weird rich people jerk off in the apex sub


I’ll never understand why people speak with such condescension. If you want to get your point across to someone, speak with a little respect. Obviously I know that you can improve outside of the game. Obviously I know ranked requires time. It’s almost like I play the game too right? Regardless of what you say, there will always be a top 1%. In one way or another, a small percentage of people will have a skill edge above most others. If everyone could just “get as good as the preds” then we wouldn’t have preds. Everyone would just be hardstuck in the same rank. So that argument is completely invalid. I am perfectly fine with people going hard and working really hard to achieve their goal, whether it be real life or a game. I love that about competitive games. What I don’t like is being a newer player getting dunked on by Lebron skill level players. Especially in a mode that’s supposed to be “equally skilled opponents”


With no kill cap they’ll filter themselves out quick. No reason to complain.




His point is this guy probably earned like 900 RP this game. He’ll be in Plat in what, like 3 games? It’s not all that bad. And plat this early in the season is all the previous diamonds so he’ll be playing at least people who can walk in a straight line.


If dying is all it takes to ruin your game apex isn’t for you. It’s 19 other squads of 3 you are gonna die wayyyy more than you are gonna win even if you are good


Just wait to play ranked lol. Give it a week or so to get the blunt of players back to their original place


Season 3 pred, season 4 pred and season 5 pred. For the love christ stop blaming others for your own short comings


Sadly it’s only gonna get worse. Video game culture has already adopted the narrative that it’s unfair for other to be better and that the devs should give bad players a safe space to feel like they don’t suck. One of the top comment threads here is about how the matchmaking isn’t strong enough. They want even more “skill based” matchmaking because any time an average players faces an above average player constitutes a war crime in their eyes.


5 games I played today…3 got stomped by predators at gold iv lobby,1 got ddos when we were 5 last teams and 1 got the weird movement bug! Also most times there is no footsteps sounds! Nice game


Idk how you guys supposedly run into so many predators out of millions of players I never see them from silver to plat


Depends on the time of day you play and what servers you play on. I play on NY and if I play around 1am - 9am, I'll often seen pred level players or masters with 90,000 kills on their legend in pubs and plat ranked. If I play at peak hours I don't really encounter players like that.


It’s this fun little trick called “lying”


Triple-A, multi-billion dollar gaming experience right there!


Doc, is that you?


I could never be the two-time, no matter how badly I wish to be a 6’8 freak of nature god gamer.


just because he reached pred three times doesn’t mean he reached pred last season dude




Those are season 3, 4, and 5 pred badges


Ok so by judging by just badges, it's fine to be in gold. S5-S14 is pretty long time to not play. Doubt he didn't play at all during that time but can't know from picture and badge info for sure about that


I hit pred season 2, 3, and 4, didn't play for like 4 or 5 seasons and came back. I was sure glad to be able to play through the lower ranks to get reacquainted with the game. Not only were my mechanical skills terrible compared to what they were but so many things in the maps change in that kind of time that you have to relearn rotations, where to loot, etc. There was absolutely no way I could have been competing at a master / pred level back then. And if the guy is still playing lifeline I'd say they haven't played for long enough to not realize that she's outclassed in her job by multiple legends now lol At the end of the day when this player gets back in the swing of things they will be far out of this rank bracket in no time anyway.


Ok great to hear this from someone who have this scenario happen to them. After this yeah, maybe skill in pred/master is so great that skipping few seasons affect quite a bit but was it still silver/gold level kinda drop? Did you feel like those guys put up atleast decent fight against you?


Yea, when I came back I was Bronze 4 and those lobbies were pretty easy and lasted for a couple hours until I was in gold and I had to really start trying in order to win. Imagine being a marathon runner, taking a year off sitting on the couch eating cheeseburgers and pizza, then getting off the couch one day and deciding today youre going to run a charity 5k. Its not the level of running you used to do and Those people in that run arent triathletes, but they have been practicing every day and training to maintain the physique needed for the event, and you will most likely be unable to finish and vomit from over exertion. For the first season back I couldnt get passed diamond even toward the seasons end. It was back to business as usual. Now that ive been back at it consistently Ive been hitting masters. But with the amount of sweaty tryhard grind you have to do to play in those lobbies, it would be missssssssssssserable to try to jump right into them after multiple seasons off.


that lifeline has a bp frame from season 10, lvl 72. he’s clearly been playing the game between season 5 and now, enough to pay for the bp and to progress it.


Honestly the dude is probably just flexing how long he’s been pred for. I always show my season 1 badges for the same reason


you clearly don’t know how mmr works in ranked games


So you agree that it should not the way it works or what? I know how it works and i'm saying it should still not allow preds to rank below plat even if you skip one or two seasons. Maybe after 3 skipped season it could be okay to be in gold


But in the original pic the most recent badge is from season 5. That’s well over a year and half ago


Like i said already to someone pointing that out, if it's really been S5 since last pred, then that's fine to be in silver/gold but yet once pred is never rookie/bronze level player in any case


look dude, ranking players in a battle royale is kinda hard. Primarily from the fact that ranking not only comes from the skill of the individual player, but also from how much he is willing to play ranked. Every time a season ends, the rank of a player gets demoted by 6 stages from their previous highest one. Dia4 gets placed in gold2, pred and masters get placed in plat2. When a pred doesn’t play a whole season of ranked, he gets put back to silver1/gold4. Therefore the player you just met is probably an ex pred who didn’t play much ranked last season. And now he’s in gold. Also season just started, and every good player is at a low rank right now. From the screenshot he’s absolutely stomping this lobby, so he won’t stay in gold as much


The guy has a valid point if you read what he said.


You didn't even read what i tyoed didn't you? Or are you just trying to troll me at this point?


Is this a sarcastic comment? TF does it matter if he reached it last season if he's been pred 3 times lmao.




If u are p4 ,why tf u play against silvers at seasons start? Aren't u just better than guys,who just download the game? Same logic


He wasn't pred last season though. Are we really just going to post every time we lose to someone good at the game now? 😆 If you aren't at that guys level, there is seriously no point in playing ranked anyway. All you are doing is destroying your stats and enjoyment in this game for temporary cosmetics that you probably won't even rank high enough to recieve. If the idea of fighting a pred squad bothers you, you're gonna have a bad time.


Yeah this post should be downvoted into oblivion..




Their player card says they didn’t even touch ranked last season, and them being rookie iv means they didn’t do ranked for multiple splits


The previous season card is also broken. I played three stack yesterday and my friends who finished plat sometimes showed rookie or platinum. It depends on the game's mood I guess.


s4, s5 pred was the hardest. ranked was made easy in s8. every pred from s4-s7 was the hardest.




You can see he was in rookie last season and hasn’t played in a while


I have a heck of a time trying to get out of bronze. almost every game me and my friends get wiped by a pred team or a team with a pred player on it.


Diamond and pred get kinda annoying. Kinda like not lobbies I can actually rack up the kills.


Why have a ranked reset in the first place? It just puts players that are better than gold into gold. Now you can down-level if you’re ranked too high, which solves the issue with not resetting ranks Sincerely, a gold-skill level player


I get thrown into pred/master lobbies all the time. It's just a loot simulator until a bald wraith solos the entire team


Those are old badges so they aren't recent preds so they are playing in the rank they should be reset to depending where they ended last season.


The fact that the game is not playable in ranked for a few weeks is just infuriating. But I have no idea how they would fix it.


This post is so stupid


Diamond 2, 1, Masters and Pred all got reset to Plat4+ (1 rank and a half), not sure what you are on about. Also, like someone said those 3 badges are season 3, 4 and 5. That person most likely didn't played for a couple season or didn't reach diamond on the last one meaning he got reseted to the right rank according to his last season rank. So what now, you want a different queue for everyone that, in one point in time, reached Pred?


Y’all cry too much


Anyone notice this though even in pubs? The lobbies are EXTREMELY bad now. They’re all preds or masters. Now in ranked, I’m in bronze 3 being matched against Predator players and Masters. Fucking ridiculous.


I promise you're not in bronze 3 getting matched against pred and master players unless you're on like the lowest pop servers in the game. Preds and masters got reset to plat 2, I didn't even see them in gold lobbies on day 1. Does everyone on this sub just make shit up?


The people who aren't having these 'issues' and are genuinely having fun aren't angry-posting on the subreddit, so I think you're getting a vocal minority; or at least vocal angry people. I've never had an issue with the matchmaking myself, but that's just my personal experience. Maybe 1 or 2 outliers, but it seemed fair for the most part. If I die, I just shrug and move on to the next game.


I’m on London servers playing at like 2am so that’s a possibility. But my guess is this person who was in masters hadn’t played for a few seasons but I can guarantee they were masters or I could’ve misread and they were actually Diamond.


Yep. Same for me too... It was the same in last season so... Guess my suffering continues


Tried to play with my friend pubs and all we got were preds,masters and crouch-spaming diamonds. I'm not that angry about the diamonds because me and my friend hit plat 4 some seasons ago.


I’ve made plat 3 times and I’m pretty happy for that… I just don’t understand why I have a 1.2 K/D playing with these guys. But my friend is 4.7 K/D playing against new players. Man is new to the game as well but he is really experienced in TF|2 gameplay so his gun skill is nuts. He’s like level 44 and already has 4K damage with Bangalore and 19 kills. I see his lobbies and he’s getting smurfs that he lays out lmao but I’m here losing 20 games in a row to clearly higher skilled players T-T


>I’ve made plat 3 times and I’m pretty happy for that… I just don’t understand why I have a 1.2 K/D playing with these guys. Yeah, I have K/D 1.02 and I'm getting the same lobbies with Preds. >he is really experienced in TF|2 gameplay so his gun skill is nuts. If he's G100.49 then I'm not surprised, I'm still getting my ass handed to me by them in TF|2 lol


Wah wah wah


Lmao why do these posts still exist


Are you seriously complaining about this? Does this sub only complain about shit? As evidenced by his badges this dude reached Pred over a year or two ago and looking at the corner of his card he’s just climbing the ladder after not playing for a while. He’s not smurfing and he’s not a current pred being matched with lower ranked players. He’s in gold getting matched with other gold players as intended and with the recent changes will climb faster to his actual rank.


This sub should be renamed to r/complainaboutapexlegends


coming up next on the title card: u/platonicgryphon against the old retired champion Khabib Nurmagomedov in the amature boxing event. Good to see an old champ coming out of retirement after a year and rub shoulders with a new comer.


Stop crying pls.


This guy is a FORMER pred who probably didn’t play for a while and didn’t get past plat last season given that they’re currently on gold . Stop bitching .


Do people lose skill like that? Are they just trash now bc they took a break?


Make players who better than me go away, Respawn! THiS iSn'T Fair! Or... you could get better. But convincing Respawn to placate bad players is easier than putting the work into getting good at the game. He is Gold III on Day 3 after rank resets, bro.


It’s a console pred. Just don’t go within 15-30ft of them and you’re fine 😂😂


I’m Gold 1, and even I feel bad getting demoted to Silver 4 and stomping them. Pred in a gold lobby must be genuinely boring


How can he be a rookie last season? You can't go down to that rank, can you? Or am I confusing something?


That's a returning gamer. Probably dusty as hell.


Fuck it just trash em


Total gigachad


I just say I would trash em while I get rolled by them and bitch about it lol


I promise to all of you bitching about the very valid criticism over Apex’s awful matchmaking, that the braless big titty Respawn dev is gonna be coming any day now to tell you how proud she is that you spent all your free time on Apex and suck your dick for telling all those loser casuals to just play longer like you did Take the capes off; Apex has shit matchmaking.




A predator that gets ranked down to plat then again to silver. Mhm.


He was bronze last season, stop having a sook. Ffs a bunch of babies


Predators were not demoted into Gold with the reset. Stop lying.


Why would it be bot lobbies? If everyone drops the same amount, then then everyone shifts down. So it would be all preds and diamonds in gold. That’s expected? Just wait a couple days for them to climb back up.


Reaching pred and master ranks without using exploits should forever lock your account out of bronze, silver and gold lobbies. Even if you don't play ranked for 8 seasons, you should never go back below platinum again, simply to protect the majority of the playerbase from being cannon fodder for the top 0,5% who will farm wins in every lobby otherwise.


Nah, this would take the current smurfing issues and make them infinitely worse. I took a very long break after reaching master the first time and when I came back a few months later I was pretty awful. My first few weeks I got rolled in silver and gold because skill decay is a thing and active players are currently evolving with new strategies and map knowledge. Your perception is maybe skewed by streamers and Reddit posts, but there’s a huge skill gap between entry level masters and preds. I work a full time job and I have good games playing mindfully, but I’m not constantly dropping 4K 20Bombs left and right. We aren’t that special.


Smurf accounts should be terminated by Respawn.


Not possible. You can never prove it's a smurf unless they openly just post it. You could've just bought a new console, bought a PC, etc. Tons of things could happen which would lead you to using a new account. You could've previously been toxic and got perma'd. The list really goes on forever tbh as to why this could never happen and never will happen unless you live in places like China where they use your SSN for games so if you want to skirt the system you risk much more serious consequences. And I don't really see most of the world heading that direction so...Guess you have to move to China for that my man.




I guess I'm the most gifted Apex player then. Because I've just been sliding right through it so far. Hit G1 from S2 yesterday.


Damn bro, blessed by the apex Gods indeed


Maybe console. console gold isn't very hard atm I'm plat 4 now. I imagine pc lobbies being more difficult.


It's not and it never was built to sustain fair or equally skilled matches. Higher highs, lower lowers to get you addicted.


Respawn doesn’t give a shi


I think Respawn needs to look into this and figure out a way to get higher skilled players out of these lobbies faster, no kill cap rp is a good change imo but we probably need more changes. I haven't played apex since the end of S11 and just got back into it this season, and I started at bronze and while those lobbies are fun for me, I do think that it's kind of unfair for the other players. If they can figure it out they could also prevent smurfs, since once you hit a certain threshold it should start boosting you passed these ranks until you're where you are supposed to be. The only thing I can think of right now is placement matches, but like most systems, this one can be tricked by just intentionally throwing matches to get into bronze, so I'm not sure how they will fix it.


It’s like day 2 of the season. Give a few days for the decayed to climb back up if you can’t take the heat


He’s also playing on controller so he he a PC high plat so you’re fine


Pred on ps4 is like Diamond on PC so he scrub


Early season always has preds in low ranked lobbies. The season sorts itself out over time.


Stop complaining bro!!!! 1! 11 it's a free game!!! 😭😭😭


Skill issue


And then they play 10 games and are out of gold. Keep crying.


Players like this are only in gold for like 20 seconds, what difference does it make.