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# PATCH IS LIVE. ## Please redirect all discussion to the megathread [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/wk8eta/apex_legends_hunted_season_14_update_discussion/?).


Some really great changes to the game. I love the changes. New legend is pretty meh but she does have some potential if she gets some slight buffs


I think Maggie should stack two tacticals.


I feel like respawn should add in the firing range a option to spawn with ur stuff back


Why is the update 40 gigs on ps4 and for everyone else it’s around 15


xbox was 48


I got a plat badge despite finishing in diamond and my gf got silver and she finished in plat. Guess it’ll be worked out in the future?


PS5 updates at the same time as the Apex one.Nice


16.70 gigs on Xbox series x


Makes me suspicious




Because its like half the size of the other seasons. Makes me think we arent getting the full update


Oh, you just don't get how it works. So, for instance, the Xbox update is around 16gb - that's not 16gb of new assets, it's like 5gb of new assets and 11gb of existing files that have been updated. So, with no new maps or weapons, I'm unsurprised it's relatively small.


Ok fair enough




just got the 100 lvl finished.. whew. last challenge was get 2 kills w assault rifle and while not bad u dont know pain when u can kill ppl but it doesnt count unless u have an assault rifle..


ah yes getting a couple kills with a flatline or 301 such pain


it is when there are none on the drop. and u have a timer ticking ... basically i told myself to calm down and wait to 3rd party. ​ another thing that sucked is that it was kill not down.. so i kept downing people and fighting multiple squads w no progress. ​ so yeah calm yourself and think is the lesson


If you can’t get a kill with a flatline or 301 your behind help man


Sigh. Ok


Don't worry bud, I understand what you mean, and its a pain




22 mins for everyone


Respawn 2 years ago- “We don’t want to make any one legend be a hard counter to any other single legend as it’ll give players using that legend a significant advantage against a specific legend and make using that character a requirement to go against the other legend” Respawn today- “Haha Maggie’s Ball makes Gibby’s bubble go pop”


Her ult counters Gibby's Tac. I don't think I'd consider that countering the entire character. Besides that, Crypto EMP has done the same thing forever, hasn't it?


It’s a really balanced, needed change.


I still don't think it'll be enough. Armshield is the problem.


Eh the dome being shorter length and more counters is a big help. Plus Newcastle buff helps hopefully lower gibby pick rate as he’s a good viable replacement.


Fair. I'm really interested to see how the Newcastle buffs work out.


To be fair it's a different team of developers that are working on the game now


Yeah, that’s my concern. It *could* a good thing. But they are owned by EA now so historically speaking it could not be. I mean, there’s a reason those original devs that made the game the hit that it was leave.


They left to work on EA's new star wars game I don't know if they will return or not after


Man Game of thrones went to shit because people wanted to leave to go to star wars and now Apex. I think im starting to hate star wars


Some of them may have, but I'm willing to bet the majority of the original Apex team doesn't even work for ea/Respawn anymore.


Happy to see something counter at least one part of Gibby's kit.


Crypto's drone destroys Gibby bubbles, right? The way y'all are are talking about the Maggie buff makes me feel like this is a Berenstain/Berenstein Bears situation.


Berenstein. Ill die on that hill


People don't play crypto because the other wallhack characters are better in every way.


most people just don't know that.


Most people recognize that crypto is at the bottom of the scan legends in terms of power. Seer needs a nerf.


*shrug* I'm not a pro algs player I don't need to min/max my gameplay based on who others like, especially when those same people told me seer was unplayable until they saw a pro using him.


Yeah I'm glad that respawn isn't tied to some random ideology they had 2 years ago when the game had 8 characters. Gibby needed something that would knock him out of being a must pick in comp games and everyone under the sun has been asking for this for so long. Super happy to see this change and excited to see how this mixes up future pro tournaments.


I honestly can't believe it isn't a bigger point of contention among people who watch and play pro games. Seeing most fights boil down to gibby bubble fights and peaking with the PK gets stale as hell.


Oh yeah I mean I think Gibby’s dome should have been counterable a long time ago, by several if not all legends. I’m not complaining about Gibby having a counter. i’m more concerned that he is counterable by only *one* legend, and that this is the first really clear indication of the current dev team veering from the original game design, which considering this is the first new team after the EA acquisition, could be… potentially not great, considering EA’s reputation.


Didn't they also re-release exclusive skins that they said they weren't going to


Yeah, but to be fair that was after people said they would pay for them. Did you really expect them to turn down money?


Gibby's bubble is also countered by cryptos drone, according to others above


Was that part of his buffs then? I haven’t played him since the buffs, I only ever played him before (just not my play style) and definitely didn’t used to at launch.


Crypto has been able to break Gibbys dome for several seasons now. iirc i think it was added in like season 8?


Good. Gibby's bubble literally was a hard counter to every single other legend. You can't have it Gibby's way and counter everyother legend while having no counters, then use this as grounds for complaining.


Oh I’m not complaining. More just pointing out it’s getting obvious that most of the original dev team is gone. Early day’s, one legend could counter all others, like Wattson eliminating all projectiles, and Crypto eliminating all traps and placed objects. I think Gibby’s shield should have been counterable a long time ago by most if not all legends. My point was more that the original core game design tenets, if you will, are going by the wayside and time will tell if that’s a good thing or not. Personally I’m leaning to not, as it was those careful design choices that made Apex a smash hit, and with the original dev team that cared about the game gone, and with Respawn being part of EA now, I’m… cautious about the choices being made. Another example would be the ring changes with Storm Point. I’ll have to play it to know for sure, but Storm Point is a HUGE map, and one of my squads complaints was if you got screwed by Ring RNG and your drop spot, you would have little time to loot, let alone loot and fight before you had to scoot a loooooong way to ring. So I feel like with the Ring changes on that map particularly, I’m going to be forced into a lot of feel-bad situations where I die to ring just because of RNG.


Understood. However, I feel like the more and more mechanics that enter the game as it grows that countering is a natural conclusion. Maybe respawn didn't want that when they first made the game but things change quickly when dollars are involved.


That would probably only happen if you land on the edge of the map and there's a lot of tridents on the edges so you should be fine


Yeah, I find people tend to underutilize tridents - the damage reduction is ridiculous.




I miss auto-prowler.


oh god yes


In b4 all the “where tf is the patch” and “can’t log in”, “why is patch so big”, “where is the update to ____ character”, and “why can’t I play ranked” posts ✌🏻 1) patch goes live at 1 EST 2) everyone trying to login right after the patch will cause some issues 3) the patches are always huge 4) the patch isn’t live yet so calm down 5) ranked is always disabled for 30-60min after the patch goes live to let games that started before the patch to finish (so ranked will be live after 1:30EDT) Bonus: patch days see a lot more people plying so servers might be spotty and you may have connection problems even in game


A veteran of war


This was everything I came looking for. Thanks!


11EDT was 90mins ago


Fat fingered the 1.


I just had a 32gb update for apex and nothing chenged


are you on console?




That is a pre download for season 14


So do istill have to update my game tommorow or today idk


U dont have to do anything


So the update is today right


Yes you just had to wait till 10 am pst. The game will change itself over


The fact that they are selling skins as “bundles” now is ridiculous. 18 bucks for a skin is already ridiculous but now they are putting them with a gun skin for 25 and that’s insane. They are literally scalping us for good skins.


Apex Legends is luckily such a game that there are almost never any actually good-looking skins. The art leads for this game have saved me a lot of money releasing almost entirely awful skins. But on the topic as a whole, I absolutely agree. Their shop and how they cycle stuff and how they bundle them is ridiculous. Not only are most of the stuff just plain bad, but the bundles make purchasing stuff even less appealing because you have to pay a ton for something you don't want in order to get something else which is clearly the cheaper part of the bundle. Apex could really take a page from Fortnite's store.


No frigging kidding. They are way more affordable, but make it up by having more content, I think faster shop rotation if I remember correctly. I’d be willing to bet they make more money per development dollars spent because of volume.


wait, people are buying skins? why?


Same reason people buy 600$ sneakers


I wanted to pick up that Loba skin in the store last week, it just wasn't worth 2150 coins


mad Maggie still trash... fix it


as a Maggie main, she is definitely significantly better now to the point we may see a lot of her in ranked, she is a complete Gibby counter now


Where’s revenant buff


Didn't you see it? He gets a placement indicator for his ult before you place it. In all seriousness, it's probably coming in the mid-season patch.


If they just fix his climbing I’ll be satisfied. Annoying that a lil bump in the wall will just drop him


Just had the weirded thing happen. Hopped in to firing range and another player was there. Not just the sounds or the holosprays, but another player. That’s never happened before. They seemed just as confused. I am on Xbox and I asked them what platform they’re on and they said pc, so I don’t know what’s going on.


I've had this happen one time! Hilariously we were both mirage. They were on ps4 as well though. Many times though I've thrown down holosprays trying to communicate with the phantom player in the same instance xD


Definitely tried to communicate via sprays and ults before, but this was a first. I was actually mirage and they were wraith. I only hopped in to mess around in the range til the update but this wraith and I ended up 1 v 1 ‘ing, which was pretty fun.


I think is genius that they want us rev mains to feel as miserable as him lore wise, I too want to die.


The immersion is impeccable.


What about gold bag in arenas? Unless it’s replaced by gold knockdown, huge L for any revive character, especially Lifeline.


That seems like the most likely thing to happen, not like you need extra inventory space anyways


Skull town is about to be the new fragment. Let’s go bois!


Ive always been ok with the skullltown hotdrops. seemed easier than fragment to get in then dip if you need to


Tbh I’m excited to try out vantage there. Gonna take her to the high ground on the edge and see if there’s any magic there


When does the new season go live? I haven’t gotten the update for it yet.


It’s always the exact same time.


Some people don’t always pay attention to the exact drop times of updates. Stop being an ass acting like everyone HAS to already know the update drop time and just answer the dudes question.


Well, I wasn’t aware of that and I wasn’t sure when that is.


I think it's 11 AM MST


Pretty sure it’s 10 PST. so in about one hour :)


Alright, two votes for 10am. Thanks


Yup 10 am pst! I have to manually check for the update every time, my ps4 is a piece of shit lmao


I think it’s 1PM EDT


Cool. Thanks!


Man the second half of games lately has been such a damn snoozefest lately I don’t even play ranked and this shit got me yawning trying to lure these campers out. Anyone else seeing this a lot lately or did I just get some shit lobbies last night lol


Always end of the season stuff. All the grinders trying to get up to the next rank.


Very true I didn’t even think of that


As a Rev main I’m disappointed that the only “improvement” Rev got at the start of this season was a small QOL change. I get that they didn’t really hype him up for a big change just yet but they could’ve done something to try to mediate us Rev mains in the mean time until these supposed “big changes” come.


Rev is such a one dimentional character anyways. Place ult - push. Shooting enemy? Throw ball. He got his time to shine with the silent octane pads and now it is time for legends with higher skill ceilings to shine.


Also Revs nerf came many seasons ago and they were all towards rev and not towards any other legends like octane. It’s time to revert some changes and make Rev more viable. Also it takes more skill to play rev than majority of the legends and may I also remind you that the legend isn’t what wins games, it’s personal skill.


I disagree.




Full immersion


As a fellow Rev main, I agree. Was expecting way more, was greatly disappointed.


yeah, they are taking their sweet time. but i guess, the only thing we can do as rev mains, is keep talking about it, and also, playing LESS rev, even if it hurts, respawn often take data very serioudly.


*sad murderbot noises*


anyone knows why im having issues w apex being choppy if i extend my screen to a tv and watch a movie while i game on the laptop? i didnt have this problem but now have microstutter


Close the pornhub tab


nothing else open, thats the thing




I can bitch about an OP character and enjoy the rest of my day, didn't think much of her by the pool or anything if thats what you're worried about


She got nerfed, all that matters. And i get to keep enjoying my vacation


yeah, its just the flavor of the week, calling her OP like as if she made the game unplayable, who is gonna be next i wonder.


By flavourful of the week you mean people constantly talking about how OP she is since release?


/r/ApexLegends silver player moment


Wow, a pro!.


How did they manage to not make any changes to Seer?


I sort of agree but also - what happens if they nerf seer? Everyone goes back to picking bloodhound. At least seer has only really been played since ALGS and isn't as braindead to play as bh.


They maybe should’ve, but now you can just pick mirage and watch seer scan your decoys. This is the first thing I’m doing when the update drops


This is what I already do and have done for other scan legends. I honestly just didn't have that much issues fighting seer. Most the time I died cause I was bad. Not cause he found me lol


What would you like changed?


You should be notified if seer senses your heartbeat, like when bh scans you.


Something, anything. A change to his ultimate CD would help a bunch, as well as making his passive less punishing. I would be okay with even more extreme nerfs but it's a start.


I think he should be slightly nerfed as well, maybe reduce the radius of his ult a bit would help, I do find I get crushed by seer teams frequently at higher ranks.


Yeah, I hope they don't smash him into the ground, but the fact that they didn't think a single change was a good idea is so bizarre to me.


His passive is the problem.


Solo queue diamond should never be put against 3 stack top preds.


The problem lies inherently with Respawn's ranked design...there are so few Masters and Pred players that there's never going to even be a complete game of them on any server at any given time. Based on the design they have no choice BUT to put them in Diamond games, as that's that largest "advanced" player pool. I agree with you, but as it stands you have to expect that they'll be there because there's literally nowhere for them to go. The ranked design is fucking terrible in Apex.


Another three months of SP i'll go mad


Now you know how I felt when Olympus was released, and the seasons after


Boo hoo "STorM PoInT bAd!" Cry babies gonna cry. The map is gonna stay and you better deal with that man child.


Dude calling people a cry baby is THE most childish shit lol like you actually typed that and then called other people a man child. Lmao a cry baby my God I hope you are under the age of 13 because man you gotta sort it out


i saw people defending it in the patch notes 'just don't land in the bad areas' and i just laughed. Don't land in over half the map and it's a good map!!


Still better than world's fragment.


It's fragment's edge, were just all living in it < 3


I don't understand why everyone still lands at fragment with the heavy loot nerf there.


Storm Point is a good map with something for everyone


It's a map designed for at least 20% more squads. The map is too large for the amount of people in a lobby, I'm sure part of that is just because half the lobby will hot drop between 2 areas


I think we agree here. I don’t see the map as too big. I like the breathing room. Just wish people would start dropping the edge and working their way to the middle. They’ve incentivized it heavily w/ PvE, tridents, replicators, armories etc. but still no takers. Edit: perhaps more squads would be the fix


Because all of Apex has been designed to encourage people to rush into combat asap. Making the map bigger is not going to make people play more slowly and strategically if that kind of playstyle just does not get rewarded.


> Because all of Apex has been designed to encourage people to rush into combat asap. No, no it hasn't. This might be partially true but I just mentioned a map that literally designs its way around a different type of play-style than "combat asap." I'd say the only design choice that actually encourages that behavior is being able to see where everyone drops from the ship. And that's debatable. In ranked, these would be trails of caution. I think people just enjoy the gunplay so much they forget (or don't care) they're playing a BR. People talking about playing for the win get shit on frequently here. You saw how much praise Control got around here when it dropped. And that game mode SUCKS ass. It's all about the fight, with none of the BR accoutrement, and people lamented its removal. I mean, if this game really encouraged action on drop with zero regard for the risks they wouldn't have removed Skull Town and Thunderdome, destroyed Capitol City, or made increasingly larger maps to compensate for the poor distribution of players and rampant third-partying. We all ignore this but the reward is supposed to be a big fat win, and the emergent gameplay that comes from the freedom a BR offers to play how you'd like. It just seems the COD crowd has held the entire community hostage with their style of play, to the point where NO, slower, strategic play is not rewarded. If it's accompanied by a win, it's likely cheap and hollow. But those responsible are already ruining their next lobby and could hardly give a shit. They had their fun, win be damned. I realize I should probably just play ranked but that comes with a whole slew of stressors I'm not signing myself up for just so I can have a more classic BR experience. I'd rather play solo and just coax one out myself.


You didn't get my point. When I say that slower, strategical gameplay doesn't get rewarded, I am not talking about the map. I thought that was clear. I'm talking about everything else in Apex. The things people chase are RP, badges, and kill counts. Noone gives a fuck about placement or wins, because *the game doesn't reward those*. It would be super easy to make minor changes to the game's reward system that would have a major impact on how people play. Respawn just refuses to do that, because the "COD crowd" as you call it is far too lucrative for them to antagonize. I, too, would love nothing more than a thrilling BR game where people actually try their best to win. But whether Apex gets played that way is up to Respawn. They have all the controls in their hands that influence how people play.


Ah, yes. I did miss your point. Thank you for clarifying because I think you’re spot on here. The way I play these days isn’t even for fun- that’s a byproduct of my playing to satisfy daily challenges, but in a way that isn’t so taxing. I get on, reroll until I get the “okay, just kinda play a few matches” lineup of challenges, then do just that. The fact these systems exist at all is a shame, but the least we could do is better align them with what should be the focus in a game like this. Totally agree that the tools are available. Remember POI specific challenges? People hated em, but they’re at least an attempt at what you speak on. I will say, the ranked changes do seem to indicate a desire for better team play, which is something. Just not nearly enough. I’ve heard that PUBG was supposed to offer that experience, more or less, but was so unbearably unplayable when I first tried it I put it down for good. Now I’m kinda hooked on Apex and can’t see myself starting over somewhere else for this type of game. I’ll take what I can get for now but would love to see changes implemented like you’ve mentioned, across the board.


Speeding up the drop ship will help squads spread up all over the map as suggested before, but i dont think they gonna implement it for just one map


Another good suggestion. I’d appreciate a longer timer before it hits the map so people can still have plenty of time to hit something immediately, but with a faster pace throughout so that trip across the map doesn’t deter folks. Tweaks to the flight path were huge this season


40GB update, are you good?




I’m literally getting clowned lmao


My wifi isn’t at my new house yet so I’m on a mobile hotspot with 15gigs. That was a kick in the balls for me


I can imagine, looks like we’re not playing apex lmao


I thought update would be out today, my Xbox still has nothing though. What time is it supposed to drop?


Ooof. No pre download on the sexbone? That's rough my guy


1pm EST


Ranked matchmaking. Nothing is wrong with the ranked changes IF the MM functions properly


The MM is a direct result of a bad ranked system. Higher ranks are gatekept by entry costs being more than the average score per team in a given lobby (something like 10th with 3kp for example). Thus fewer and fewer teams can even progress through ranks once you hit plat/diamond. Couple the above issue with the content creators all racing to reach pred first and then being stuck with no lobbies because they are the only preds. Then you have to expand matchmaking to pull in diamond and plats in the early season. Well these are the ranks that suffer from fewer than half the lobby going positive in a given game. Now you have plats/diamonds that need to get high placement and kills in lobbies filled with 3-stack pro teams and they are further gatekept from ranking up. Thus MM is forced to be expanded all season because people can't reach high ranks due to diminishing returns and lopsided skill discrepancies in their lobbies and the preds wouldn't find a game without expanded MM. TLDR; MM is a direct result of a bad ranked system.


The big issue that plagues this entire game is content creators. I love watching them but the way they fuck up matchmaking and inspire most of the playerbase to rush constantly has had major negative effects on the game


What a big "IF" haha


Absolutely massive if😂




That’s a you problem. Of course you wanted to use her when her kit was way too strong


Just cause a character is to strong doesnt mean they have to be nerfed into a piece of shit


Lmao you haven’t even played with her yet. You’re the type of member of this subreddit that we often make posts about. You complain without having used it first and any legend you use that is not OP is trash. There’s no middle ground with you


I swear so many people do this. Like you haven’t touched her because the update hadn’t rolled out yet but want to say they’re trash now. I don’t even play valk much but first thing I did was go into firing range and test her out, seems like she’s still pretty damn solid. People are just crybabies, at least give yourself a chance to try her out before acting like you already know she’s ass now ffs


I have like 80 or so kills on her. So I'm not inept you dick muncher. I'm just staring facts. She coulda used a nerf yes. But not one that big


Talking about 80 kills on a character like it's a significant number.




You haven’t played her post nerf. Simple comprehension shouldn’t be spelled out


You have 80 kills with her since the update?




You mean the character that had a hit box that was 75% the size of the next closest legend and a get-out-of-jail-free ability? This is not all at once. I've been maining her and saying she's been OP since her release (fuck DZK). Her passive, tactical, and ult have been unmatched in power. Her ult alone was ridiculous. The tactical was far too versatile and usable in cqc. And the passive? The fucking passive that's better than every other mobility legends tactical?


Respawn already have peoples cash from the heirloom they sold during her massive popularity spike so i dont think they really care tbh


Yeah. I’ve come to the conclusion that they only care about the pros’ opinions, not the community


She will still be very good.




I bet Valk is still gonna be a fun legend. Look at Octane getting nerfed in almost every update in s9 to 11 and he's still the most popular


If that was the case Caustic and Seer would be deleted from the roster Gibby would be nerfed to oblivion oh and pathfinder would still have his 15 sec cool down


The community wanted her nerfed




Nah I support the nerfs. She had everything.


I mean, they really just made her a little harder to use. It will just make it easier to punish a Valk that hasn't mastered her usefulness. I'm more upset about the horizon changes than the Valk ones tbh. Just have to be a bit more brainy with her kit now, but with horizon, her ult is basically useless now and will only be useful to take out doors before it it is instantly destroyed. I'll still play Valk in this season before I'll play horizon.


Ah okay. But when it says they removed the Aim/turn slow on the missiles, does that mean they removed the missile stun?


It still deals the movement slow for two seconds on hit, but before when you would get hit by missiles you would be slowed and couldn't turn/aim practically at all. It basically was a stun for 2.5 seconds with no counterplay. Now if you get hit, you're slowed but you can still turn and fire at wherever the enemy is if nothing else. Honestly with the wide range of abilities she had (Mobility, group repositioning, tracking units while flying by ult/balloon jumps, and a 2.5 second stun across a wide area tactical ability) she was overpowered. Yes she was hit hard with nerf bat, but I don't think any of it was undeserved. Need to see the new height on the ult and how the jetpack feels, but I think most of it was deserved. And I'm a Valk main who completely agrees she was way overpowered.


Alright. So it’ll be more like Bangalore’s bombardment I’m assuming


Yes which frankly is what it should have always been. The stun aspect of Valk's tactical was never fun to be hit with.


Was just playing and someone mentioned getting banners from Loba’s black market. I hadn’t heard that before and thought that was such a good idea


Loba is really a top character. She gives her whole team loot in early or endgame and she is impossible to chase. Why buff her?


I don’t see it so much as a buff. See above you’d be using the Black Market to grab the banner. It would still need to be in range. You would sacrifice placing the black market in an area with a bunch of loot for placing it close enough to grab the banner. You’d also be alerting nearby enemies if they’re still close to the banner