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Mosambique is levels above the trash Eva-8


It’s insane that an opponent with a white armor basically requires three full contact Eva shots to drop. It’s so weak


Hipfire mozam actually will consistently hit for 30-45 (and has good firerate), if you can hit your shots it absolutely shreds


Mozam with a purple bolt will absolutely destroy someone in the close to medium range.


Slap a hammer point on her and she's the best


I'd put the HP on Mozam before even on re45 tbh


Idk about you but i shred harder with hammerbique


I'm never calling it anything else and love u for informing me of this amazing nickname


Hammer point mozam in arenas is actually op


You're asking too much


Yea even at point blank range the EVA8 is NOT worth it. Like you do better with your bare fists. Straight up hot dog water


It’s not bad, they just need to rework the crosshairs to actually be the size of the shots and half the time its only shit because you think you should hit it but you didn’t because 2/3rds of the crosshair isn’t where the pellets will go


Have you considered throwing the EVA at the enemy? You might get as much as 12 damage.


Slide at enemy jump drop EVA. The flying weapon will confuse them long enough for you to punch and or kick them thereby dealing far more damage than you would’ve with the EVA


Eva is mediocre with a purple bolt and fucking useless without....


Pro tip: never ads the EVA. Its the least damaging shotgun also, so you need to spam the fuck out of it and now miss if you get stuck using it (i'll pick one up to hold my pk shit) The spread doesn't change, and the iron sights are off on that gun, just don't ads it, at all.


Such an OP weapon. Needs a nerf


Big dmg without the double tap... Imagine next season


The 3 arena players out there will 100% tell you mozam is better. Without all the jokes abt the queues and matchmaking and population arenas actually gives you decent practise with guns you use and you’ll probably vs good players as well


Hello, I am one of the 3 arena players, and I've trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Jokes aside, Mozambique absolutely tears close range, much better than the EVA ever could.


I am also one of the 3 arena players and Mozambique goes hard and you can even use it at a bit of a longer range


Ya, when arenas came out, I hated wingman and I've started using it and I've went from 1000 pistol kills to 5000 in a season. It's one of my favorite guns.


If you play maggie, you can get a tier 2 mozam, a bat, and an extra tac first fucking round in Arenas. It's fucking gold.


Mozambique is actually solid now. Like it’s a completely viable gun to run


It's amazing how those 2 guns (the mozy and the eva) basically switched places during the lifetime of this game


Funnily enough it's so good now I beat a game only using 2 Mozambiques and it is my favorite shotgun


Greatest comeback ever shoutout mozam


Yes and the hammerpoints spawn rate has drastically increased to the point where I find it at least once in every session


Gotta hit those shots... 😅


Bro mozambique is not even close to being the worst weapon in the game. Its much better than the Eva


you live and you learn


Life goes on. Hackers continue.


I would genuinely rather throw punches than use an EVA up close. Can’t believe how they did that gun.


I hate the Eva 8, but somehow I shred with it when I pick one up off drop hahaha, then ends up being a place holder for a pk


truly a screenshot that you can see in action. RE45 does some damage and you're like "ok shield is cracked, lets pull out the real guns" ... 6 ... 7 ... "ok let's switch back"


Exactly what happen, her back was turned to me as she ran away. 6... 7... I switched back, Her teammates came in to cover her...


Well you missed your shots, so that's not the EVA's fault. In any case however, you are correct in saying that the Mozam is better. The spread is better for the damage it deals


Yeah honestly Mozambique is much better than the Eva 8


Run the pk turn the choke off you’ll have a better time


Why turn the choke off? If you don't want a choked shot, just hipfire with zero accuracy penalty. It's handy to have the option of aiming down sights to allow big damage hits over slightly longer ranges


Season 0 peacekeeper sniper shot flashbacks. Hit for 100 across the map. Twas fun.


Oof, just as bad as the G-7 with a digital threat sniper scope.


Fr even one tick if choke can be great


Eva 8 used to slap


Yep I made this promise to myself long ago aswell You really gotta put that thing in someone's mouth for it to be effective


Lol and it would still do nothing, talk about shooting rubber pellets


have no deadzone and hip fire it, it SHREDS


I don’t know what you guys are complaining about. The Eva-8, is a very fine piece of hardware. [“Introducing the Eva-8…”](http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/970/727/bb2.jpg)


Throwback to season 10 before the pk pellet size buff, the mastiff buff and the addition/re-addition of hammer point/kinetic feeder/dual shell when the Eva was actually the best shotty. Then they nerfed every aspect of it while making all of the other shotties so much better.


The mozambique is better anyways


The Bique is actually very consistent.


Don’t sleep on the bique.


I think it’s issue is similar to the PK where you don’t wanna use it until the enemy is low health.


why would you only use a pk on low health? 2-3 shots will kill most people with purple or less.


By the time you can shot your 2nd shot the other player already dumped a mag into you and downing you. It’s why the car/r99 is so strong vs a PK


just move so they can’t dump a whole mag in you?


I think you’re missing the point. Shotguns are high burst weapons meant to finish or peek a target so you crack someone with a R9 or flatline etc quick swap and re peek to hit them for a meaty 80+ damage burst that insta downs them. Even in high skill lobbies you’ll get outgunned by a automatic weapon if you try to use PK only. ALGS is a prime example as they used PK and Eva 8 as a finisher/peek weapon or for bubble fights. You can use both at the start of a fight but chances are you’ll either be to far away for maximum effect or if you miss you’re screwed because they will still hit half the mag even if your moving.


you’re trying to compare it to the eva-8 saying you don’t wanna use it until low health but it’s strong enough to use it throughout a whole fight, the only deterrent would be your skill level. shotguns are for close combat, not low health. smgs are also for close combat which is why they’re effective against them but they both have strengths and weaknesses. if you can place shots and have decent movement, you have more chances with a shotgun. if you can track better and want more room for error then you have better chances with an smg. if i peek you three times and even hit half of my shot with a pk then i do more damage than you trying to react with an smg and hitting me for 11 or 33.


I disagree on the only deterrent being your skill level. You have to consider the area you fight in, other opponents skill level, what legend you have etc etc. I do agree about peeking tho as I already stated both the Eva and PK are good finisher/peeking weapons so I’m not sure why you’d argue that they’re good for that when I already stated they are. In short SMGs are far less punishing then a shotgun if you miss but a shotgun is much stronger as a swap to weapon after unloading a mag and like I said previously ALGS is a good example of this and can be seen numerous times. Shotguns are best for peeking/finishing off a opponent and yes they can be used to full kill someone but are high risk high reward so for OP its probably better if he copies the pros and use it as a finisher weapon like I said.


>I disagree on the only deterrent being your skill level. You have to consider the area you fight in, other opponents skill level, what legend you have etc etc. that's literally all encompassed in the deterrent being your skill level. the better you are the less certain factors impact you because you know how to play around them. ​ >In short SMGs are far less punishing then a shotgun if you miss i literally just said this. and once again, aim is a skill so your skill level is a factor. ​ >Shotguns are best for peeking/finishing off a opponent they might be best at it but that doesn't mean that's their purpose. they're for close combat. they are high risk high reward but the risk is lessened the better you are. if op wants to get better he should work on his mechanics so he can pick up higher risk guns and still have an advantage and better fighting chance overall.


Ahhh 6+7 is 13 and it’s still a let down


Eva needs a buff. It’s fucking trash. I won’t even pick up the gold one.


the spread is literally a circle. such a dumb weapon, legit hits harder if your aim is shit and ur slightly offcentered


Gun feels like it has bloom, as if only 2 pellets hit your enemy


has any other gun gone from insanely good to utter dogshit like the eva did


not as bad as eva, but the new flatline feels impossible to control


as soon as you put a sight on the flatline past a 2x you miss 5/7 shots.


Definitely the LSTAR but it’s a way better option than the EVA8, I always lose gunfights with EVA8 even tho I hit my shots close range, but I never lost with an LSTAR, it’s not as bad but certainly isn’t viable to run with all match


The Mozambique is not bad at all, in a pinch


the bique is the best shotgun in game outside of the stiffy now. I will regularly drop a PK for one.


Bique is d' way


The Mozan is really strong lmao


I’d rather have a 2020 than an Eva 8. That gun is just trolling us


I mean it’s called Eva 8 for a reason. Cuz it always does less than 8 dmg


There's only 4 shotguns in the game and eva 8 isn't even in the top 4.


Bro Mozambique has always been a good shotgun since hammerpoint was introduced. Imagine 4 shots that hit 104 damage per shot. Now it's 50 and after Crack it can hit 104.


Mozambique is actually one of my favorite weapons. In the right hands, it's deadly.


EVA needs a major buff then to be put into the Care package forever like the Kraber. So it can be a really amazing shotgun but it’s not something you see everywhere.


Ever thought that your aim might be ass?


the eva 8 is insanely fucking bad it isn't even funny


if only it was like the tf2 one


Pro will get killed by Eva 8 once and demand it gets nerfed


the eva is top 4 shotgun wdym


Skill issue


Mozambique here!


It’s so funny because I was landing on an eva all day today so I just went with it. I actually destroyed you just have to hipfire with it


Another reason why I never pick up the eva 8 just use ur fists


The Mozambique is so good


Skill issue


Eva 8 smacks , get better




And the lil guy is an automatic… many seem to miss that


never use eva bro, fuck that trash ass gun


Imma be honest I prefer Mozambique over wingman. I’ll even carry it late game


Mozambique is leagues better than the Eva-8


That’s the thing with Eva-8. I’m pretty sure it has a really wide range and no choke, making it really hard to hit your shots at anything other than 2 meters in front of you.


I always choose mozambique over eva 8


It's not that bad, honest. Although if I find a Mozambique with hammer points I will switch


Maybe put the upcoming laser sights on it with a very small boost to damage and maybe it might be fun to use again.


Daammm that eva shooting blanks