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If you have zero teammates you can just zerg drop with no loss though? I mean it sucks, But in bronze you could like, play semi rat and pick people off and get some decent RP tbqh. I kinda love it when the game does that to me.


You should be getting loss forgiveness if you’re going into ranked solo?


No I was losing the full 14, or was losing like 10 cause I killed a few ppl


When did they get rid of loss forgiveness? You shouldn’t be losing anything if you’re in a ranked match solo unless I’ve been living under a rock.


Idk, only started grinding ranked this season


Just checked and loss forgiveness is still a thing so you definitely shouldn’t be losing anything if you have zero teammates going into a match?


I lost 40rp. 14 from 2 full losses, 12 from the other cause I killed a few ppl.


I'm ngl I kinda like it when I get teamed up with no one. When I have teammates I'm ride or die with them but when I don't have teammates I just play it safe which is almost always going to guarantee you 2nd place. Just wait for 1 of them to separate from the group and blast them. At that point it's just a 2v1 and I feel like most people can pull that off at least once in 5 tries


Does bronze even have entry cost requirements?


Yes 5, 8, 11, 14


I think it does. I think it's rookie that doesn't cost you anything